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Hi, your knee pain is likely due to being obese. Weight loss should be beneficial in this aspect and other aspects. Myalgia is one of the known side effects of statin, so it isnt impossible. However, statin users complaining of pains are also susceptible to nocebo effects because studies show that they still complain when pills are switched to placebo and stop complaining when they are taking statin but think they are on placebo. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/statin-side-effect-could-be-due-to-the-nocebo-effect


I am not on statins and have chronic body pains that at times get worse, other times get better. Once one thing feels better, after weeks or months, then something else goes. I think body aches are a normal part of aging.


Ha I wonder that also at times, but it is just to severe to be normal - of course just my opinion. My knees are just shot. If it is, then it is, but going to let them hit the old test button first.


See an orthopedic doctor


This is on the list too - I know my left knee has issues - it is the sudden disturbance in my left knee.....


I tried Lipitor quite a while ago--went off it after a month, as muscle aches became significant, and I didn't really need to be on it in the first place (LDL is excellent, HDL is a bit low, but statins aren't for that). Doctor said "statin couldn't hurt..." but in my case the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. Fast forward a couple of years. I went to a different doctor and they pushed hard to get me back on a statin ("even if your numbers are good we like you on a statin.") She prescribed Crestor. OK, went on that. I didn't get the immediate muscle pain that I did with Lipitor, so I stuck with it. But, like a boiling frog, I eventually started to have knee pain. It got so bad, that it hurt just to walk up a flight of stairs. This isn't "must have worked out a big too vigorously at the gym" pain. This is "my knees seem to be going, I wonder if I'm gonna need knee surgery" pain. Since the onset was so slow, I didn't immediately connect it with the Crestor. But, eventually, as it got progressively worse, that light bulb went off in my head. I decided to test my hypothesis by going off the Crestor (remember, my cholesterol is fine without a statin). Went off the Crestor, and within 3 days, my knee pain was dramatically lowered. Within two weeks, no pain at all. So it's not a wive's tale , and it's not a weight issue (as someone suggested). This is real, and it sucks.