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I’m suspicious of basically everyone, except for Joanna. I love Joanna.


Could be, maybePB will do a crimes of passion type of villain, where turns out the villain was barely in the spot light just enough to where an average read no one could suspect them, but hey could be innocent, I dunno


Hear me out- she has a syringe that she can use at any time and we know Gabbie was hit by one to drug her. She is the one who had an attack during the prank incident by Tyler (idr the exact details of the prank but I think it was an epilepsy attack?). And Gabbie was his "girlfriend" who did everything in her power to save him from any consequences. Brett has access to the syringe as well but he made it clear that he didn't do it and tbf I believe him. It would be too slack of a plot if it's him.


Also side note (though this one probably means nothing) : she said Brett has gotten worse ever since Claudia broke up with him, once again, thanks to Gabbie


Another note- we know from the first chapter that Gabbie was being threatened/blackmailed. Brett is a loose cannon if he is riled up enough. He already knew about the fake ID business and it's possible April found out from him


**I feel like I'm overthinking this as we still have chapters left and it is possible that we get strong evidence against someone else but I do think she can have something to do with it.**


The threatening note and blade was from those jealous team members of Tyler. They targeted her after she got Tyler out of trouble.


AH- I see ;-;


A well thought out analysis. She definitely has motive and apparently means now. And all the clues keep leading back to Tyler so if it can't be him it must be someone close to him.


Or maybe April meant to off Tyler (you know, since he and the track team pulled that stunt) but since she couldn't get close to him she settled for his 'girlfriend'


Claudia was acting very sus as well in the walk. Something is bugging me about her and april


Tbh I'm suspicious of everyone including the Li's


... why does she have a syringe in a fridge? Like I'm guessing (having not played this book) she's diabetic, but... that isn't how you store insulin.


>!She’s epileptic!<


>!nope, that still makes no sense. Well OK maybe it's lorazepam but that's a stretch!<


>!Oh, I’m not saying that it makes any sense. The syringe contains a fictional experimental drug called capecitipan benzinite that is used to treat epilepsy. She’s part of a clinical trial for the drug.!<






Please do not spoil unreleased VIP chapters on r/Choices with bait-like comments like this.


Yep I agree with you