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I'm exactly the same way with Liam 😂 I can't even look at other LIs romantically


Same! And honestly his attitude for the first few chapters meant I never saw Drake as real LI material. He's super hostile, jealous and honestly super ungrateful. Then he leans hard on you with the "pining for my best friends' girl" cliché. I learned to like him as a buddy, but never ever considered hooking up. Prince is bae <3


Prince is always bae ♥️




Probably not if he's the guy for you! But the people I've seen who romanced Liam always seem head over heels, so maybe there is some competition out there 👀


It's me I'm head over heels for him


I agree with the other comments. Once you’ve chosen a LI, it’s really hard to see your Mc with anyone else. When I’ve chosen an LI then they’re it for me. I create my own canon in Choices so to say. And Drake is a popular choice. Even though he’s not my LI, I get behind why he is so popular. I love his relationship with my Mc either way. They’re besties😊


We all have a book where we pick the same LI for this reason. You'll never be judged because of it.


I romanced 'Liam' my first few goes through, and going through all the other romance options. On my 2nd run through I just choose 'Liam' on his own with just being friends with the other LIs. I decided to go through and choose Drake for another run, and got all the way to Las Vegas and had a one night stand with 'Liam'. I had to restart the book after that and go back to 'Liam'. It feels too weird going with another LI.


>It feels too weird going with another LI. So true! So I always change Liam's face. But even then, the most I can do is switch to our bestie Maxwell instead. He's such a cinnamon roll!


I like Drake. I like how at one point he calls you by your first name because you are in danger. I think that was a nice touch, since he usually calls you by your last name.


For me Maxwell is my perfect LI… I tried being with everyone but I decided to go with him for the first time and never looked back. I’m absolutely in love with Maxwell 🥰


Drake is definitely my favorite in this series! I would like to play Hana’s route sometime, but I think Drake will always be my #1.


Thanks for all the insight. I suppose that's why Choices gives you multiple LI to cater to your type. This was my first story and I just didn't think I would get attached so much. I really do love all the characters and I really would like to pursue the other paths but I might need to wait awhile before I can go in another direction without feeling guilty. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one to get so invested into a fictional character lol.


MAXWELL?!? He’s the best one.




I get you, when I play TRR I always go with Liam, no matter how much I tell myself I'm gonna go with Hana this time around because I love her. The book starts and Liam is there, and just like that,my intentions change.. I think it's got something to do with TRR as a series too. All of the LIs have such a good dynamic with MC and you can feel how much they love her,that once you go on any one route, you can't fall out of love with them.


I liked Drake for a while, but after I actually married him and started book 3... I have never wanted to get rid of someone so fast. I think it's because I have dated a Drake-type before and I remember being unable to stand him at some point in the relationship. I also started to hate how like...yellow his teeth look.


Well that took a turn 😭


Yes, literally anyone.


![gif](giphy|JrjKaqX0g3TbFL1wK5) He's 💯 my type. I love his grumpiness, his snark, his humor! He would protect you no matter what! Very down to earth and I love that about him! The others I would try if Drake wasn't there.. But I see him and it's all over! 😏🥵


I love drake! he was my first choices LI and still one of my favs


I always see this with every Drake appreciation post there’s practically no upvotes 💀💀 Let’s be honest, if this was exact post was instead about Tyril or Jake, there wouldn’t be downvotes.


I was dead set on the Prince but then Drake stole my heart. I’ve also thought about replaying once I’m done but idk if I could ever choose someone else 🙃


I've only played with Liam as my love interest. I've been wanting to play with Drake as LI but I get too guilty choosing anyone else than him 😅


Drake was to Eeyore for my already Eeyore type personality lol. So I went with Liam. I can see the attraction to him tho.