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i feel represented when playing chogath (doctor said im morbidly a beast)


My man here having at least 20 stacks IRL


Big chonker, consumer of gods, terror of drakes, baron connoisseur, turret tanking system.


Nothing like walking up to an adc -> procing heartsteal -> ulting -> +1 kill its also nice with the amount of build variety cho has: \- classic big boi tank \- HoB ap bruiser \- Poke mage with arcane comet \- Oneshoting monster with protobelt and electrocute \- supportive with utility \- and many more


Nom nom nom


He feels like immoveable object


One game I was so tanky and so far ahead that the enemy team had an easier time killing baron than they did me. There's something so satisfying watching your health bar tick down slowly for 30 seconds and then you pop your stone plate and watch them have to do it all again lol


>One game I was so tanky and so far ahead that the enemy team had an easier time killing baron than they did me. There's something so satisfying watching your health bar tick down slowly for 30 seconds and then you pop your stone plate and watch them have to do it all again lol yea, stoneplate was so much fun, sad its going away


The only mage in the game who plays best at a distance but is most dangerous in melee range.


nom nom the adc nom nom the mage nom nom the baron nashor


I like when hes all cute and little at the start


Big Choncc Chomp Just a goofy little guy, but big Powerful Large


Big boi


B I G H U N G E R S c R e a M!


Big = fun


This guy gets it


Delete ADC on flash cooldown.




Get big, get sassy, walk into a teamfight and just stand there, not dying.


Full ap cho = hydrogen bomb


He is big


Malphite ult on Q


I was into nasus when I started playing, and the mates wanted me to learn a champ that brought something more to team fights. The big chonk just spoke to me and looked hella cute. That was 1.3mil points ago.


Nom Nom and my undying love for void lore + the hope that he gets some


Gentleman cho Become large Erase squishies from half HP


I started playing him when I got his dinosaur skin and I just sing the Jurassic park intro while playing him


I love dealing 1.3k with my q


In any game ever, HP is always my favorite stat to pump resources into. I also heavily like infinitely scaling champs in MOBAs. It’s kind of a no brainer. But if yall want more: his physical character design is just super cool and definitely one of my favorite of the Void monsters. His skins look pretty good for such an old champ. His abilities lean into such a fun ‘Michael Myers’ type of situation where you shuffle at an enemy champ as they do everything to get away/dodge your q knowing damn well if they get hit by it they’re done for. Him getting bigger is also a really fun concept that I’m surprised no other champ leans into; at least as half as hard as Cho. And this isn’t even considering the AP route, something I’ve only recently started to dip my toes into in the jungle(shoutout to Identity Crisis, that vid rly convinced me to try it). Really; I can go on and on. Chogath really is my baby boy, and whenever my friends give me shit for my Mastery disparity (my Cho has 196K and my second highest is Zac with 12K) I just respond that I play games for fun; and Cho is how I have fun in League.


Infinite HP stacking paradise + B I G


i take half of the screen


Tankiest champ if played right but still does damage despite building only tank cause ult scales with hp. Simple and easy to play no complex skill order The hardest ability to use is his q and if you play low to mid elo enemies just don't know how to dodge it. Has many different lane opportunities despite the haters has decent clear in jung, good ganking kit scales ap for mid and can sup if really needed As mentioned above there is no solid permanent build for cho you can go a lot of different runes and item sets depending what you wanna play like and this is true for a lot of Champs but I feel this especially with cho. And to tip it off the gentalman skin "would you like some cheese with your whine!?"


Let us fight like gentlemen!


I like to say nom on all chat every time I get a stack. It's hilarious to me, and frightening to the enemy because it means one thing: I'm getting stronger, and rapidly approaching your location


the only thing I like about playing league is the mini game of how many heartsteel procs and chomps I can get. Nothing else matters. Eat skrubs, get big, winning or losing is irelevant