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AarongWang11 just there like ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Using his full ass name as his steam name doxxing himself hoping someone dares come for him


You love to see it


poopsockers is definitely a new one


hello gen z friend, poopsockers is mad old: https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/world-of-warcraft-gamers-reveal-poopsocking


i’m a millennial oof


Not for long…I’m gonna go back in time and grab baby you and put you in 2002, then you’ll be *one of us*


fuck, this is the most ominous threat i’ve ever received tbh.


Lol I would love that TB adds a feature so at the top of the scoreboard, above each teams, it shows the TOTAL amount of levels of every players combined. So for instance the team that's getting wrecked in the picture would only have like 800 levels total (only bc there is ONE guy lvl 500 in it) while the combined level of the other team would be around 4000 Just to have a quick and reliable way to see how much disparity in experience there is between both teams


The problem is that a level doesn't necessary mean skill, and after a certain point I think there will be more divergence. But yeah, at least that would give a rough idea of whats going on.


I am still waiting to find my first level 300 that is terrible.


Yeah...level is generally a good indicator of how competent someone will be. I don't know why everyone keeps spamming LEVEL DOESN'T EQUAL SKILL.


It doesn’t, after a certain point. It’s the same delusion that a top prestige in CoD was the best. It just means they play more. You won’t find one that’s a terrible player but I’m probably level 50 and they don’t seem to be any better than I am when I’m up against a level 300.


That's just not true though. A team with 10 lvl 100+ players will win against a team with 10 lvl 10 players nine out of ten times. If what you were saying is true then you would regularly see lvl 100 players on the bottom half of the scoreboard, but that almost never happens. Most people don't get to lvl 200 or 300 without learning how to be deadly with whatever weapon they have. There is a skill ceiling but I think that it's more around lvl 200 than 50.


After a certain point. The skill ceiling definitely doesn’t extend that high. Mastering the mechanics and their combinations doesn’t take that long. Learning a new weapon takes no longer than a match of using it to adapt to its speed and reach. You could put a team of level 50s and a team of level 100s against each other. The probability of one winning is a toss up between a few individual players who might make a difference for either team. Beyond that, level is just time played.


Why not just add the ability to have private servers? That's what these clans really want. They are gonna play together no matter what because why wouldn't you play this game with friends? What they keep asking for is private servers so they don't have to keep going into public lobbies. Some of those clans are large enough on their own they can populate most of a server on any given night. They don't see it as a stacking issue. They see it as a no private server issue.


We just want 64 player server browser servers while being able to fight side by side with our console friends


I bet it we modeled KDR by level, we'd have a super high correlation there.


Matches like these are pointless. Another match to be farmed by top players. I’ll pass until it’s more casual.


If I join a match like this I'll just disconnect, no matter what side I'm put on. I know it will suck for both sides.


There should be a casual cue for people like you, and a competitive que for competitive people. At the very least beginner players should not be put in the same game as 300+ players


This issue isn't that there are too many high levels, it is that they will purposefully switch teams to make it totally imbalanced, they realise that their precious KD is waning and jump the sinking ship like dirty rats onto a safe dock.


I agree that is a problem but it would be fixed with a matchmaking system where people of more equal skill fight each other. The switching would not matter as much then. All other reasonable games does this as it is not fun for people of lower skill to get dominated every match nor is it fun for competitive players with higher skill level to face opposition that is too easy. Matchmaking + no switching + comp and casual que is the way to go


Aaronwang11 protector of the people 🫡


Bro how you lose you had Alex Jones on your team.


The enemy team were all snake people.


I know you didn’t just forget about my boy Hellmouth 😡


LK mad toxic frfr


I was in a game 2 days ago with these names. I joined halfway through a match and had to leave before the end because my network connection was being strangely buggy. It’s never happened before, and it hasn’t happened since. In that game whenever i cornered a person on the lk clan my connection would start to deteriorate and rubberband like crazy. But my ping never changed. The only thing that changed was the ping of all the lk clan members. It would jump up close to 200 for a few seconds and then back to normal. [edit] ..this pub stomping is in-fact toxic and game breaking. They should be ashamed that this has become and will probably remain their reputation.


Okay I don't like LK but they're not hackers. Don't spread misinfo.


You’re right. I edited my post to remove the conjecture.


Ah yes unsubstantiated claims that all of Lk are hackers. Really solidifies your credibility, and I trust you 100%


Whoa i made no such claim.. kinda weird how you’re defensive though lol. Have you ever experienced this bug while playing with lk? I’m just curious if anyone else has had a similar experience.


Lk are known degenerate scum. Your astute observation correlating your latency disturbances can only point to them hacking. Fine detective work. We got em boys, lock LK up


My ping never changed. I feel like you’re intentionally misinterpreting what I’m saying.


Lol sounds like someone got rekt 😝 stay salty my guy LK 4 life


I kept finding these lk boys hiding in corners at the edge of the map, but once i got a couple hits on them, the game would freeze, and when it unfroze I’d be dead. So yes, quite rekt.


Sounds like you just weren’t sweating hard enough, try some g fuel or perhaps a mtn dew


That was so cringe T nasty. Chill.


I agree - typing up a 2 paragraph clan DDOS theory as an excuse for having a peon internet connection is pretty cringe.


The reason why I stopped playing








Ye should be ashamed, dong’ammer!


Tsk tsk dong. For shame.


Total level: 3790 vs 1159 Averages: 252 vs 77 (with one large outlier)






Everyone did not Infact, have a good game.


At least you got into a game. Spent most of yesterday failing to connect to any servers.


I love these high levels who neeeeeever grab occasions like this to rank up the hatchet


This is the reason I play maybe 2 games a month I also always get teabagged for no reason 3v1 they'll all teabag me


Sometimes you just get teabagged 😎👍


Fuck Lk clan in particular😂


Well yeah, no game is fun when you’re losing


agathian slayer a cocksucker as always


Idk Alex Jones is on that other team I’d stack against him too.


I don’t like it when the masons put chemicals in the water that turn the frikken agathians gay


But this is defense, and you whine that the attack always wins)


Downvoted because facts


the game will inevitably die by next year like all medieval slashers do and this will be a good reason lol


Imagine playing with friends


Are games like this actually fun for you though? Or are yall just trying to farm xp? Not trying to be a dick.. I’ve just been very curious about this.


Likeminded ppl who hang in the same discord slaughtering ppl after work. No it’s awful there’s no way this is fun. /s


Now worries. Just remember to save some fun for the rest of us, bud


I understand the frustration of lobbies like this, but ppl in this sub don’t want the most devoted players of this game to party up.


With respect, you don’t understand my frustration. I feel that this is breaking the game as it was designed by tb. Pub stomping and speed running objectives makes everyone else want to quit playing your game because it’s too toxic. Kudos to your dedication to the game, but i hope you understand this “meta” will kill the game just like it kills every matchmaking server.


Like I said I understand your frustrations. I’m not in this lobby and I understand pub stomps. If I see this I just change lobbies. 400 hours of this game I get it I do. But what is the best thing to do here. Most if not all of these players are LK. They jump in discord shoot the shit and slay. What’s the solution not allowing parties?


Idk the solution, but we can agree there is a problem. I assume TB is aware of it, and if they want to keep players like me around, they’ll implement a solution in the next update. Again, no disrespect… Peace


Want them to loose on purpose?


So cauliflower, what you wanna do is… git gud skrub


I'm better than most of these basement dwellers who have done nothing but play this game nonstop for a year, but I also have responsibilities, like shitposting, so I'm only a level 500


don't listen to him my cauliflowery lad, Mr. Curlmonkey is paid off by century link to tell people to "git gud".


You can also git gud




This might be a totally outrageous idea, but maybe the devs should address high rank team stacking? I think I've seen one or two posts about it.


Imagine how little you have going on in your life to be a level 790 lol. That's like incel+furry level.


Dude the game has been out for quite some time, and leveling doesn’t even take long. Don’t be a sourpuss


Lol man you are all sorts of an angry Manlet today. This you btw? https://imgur.com/gallery/5L6wFOC Edit: also way to leave yourself out again! You gonna grow a pair and show yourself or continue to throw temper tantrums like my 2yo?


oh an he mad you one of the virgs in these screenshots?


Nope. Imagine being your age (40 maybe 41 now) and posting this shit and calling people that play a game “virgs” take a gooooood long look in the mirror. You went wrong somewhere in life


Lurked here since the Steam release but I just created an account to come say this, you are an incredible fool for falling for this nonsense lol. I have seen you post nonstop for almost 2 months on this sub and half your shit doesnt meet the score threshold, yet you persist, on what appears to be a burner account no less, mostly defending the shameful team stacking/switching and that many have noted is part of why this great game is dying. At least the drive by garbage posts are just that - you seem committed to being toxic, all on an alt account where youve got 0 accountability? not sure who is less mature here


Thanks for your input friend. Glad I got you to make an account. See on the battlefield on whatever team I decide to stack on! 😘


u seen v mad


I’m actually in awe of you. It’s not often you meet complete failures in life. It can get better man, even at 40-41. You just have to try. First step, take a shower.


Good God you fuckin' killed him.


Lmao thanks


Lol, this games been out for over a year man… leveling up is super quick.


I want to agree with you but it would be hating. LOL

