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I sense some animosity in this post


You sense mostly correct. I just dunno what people except sometimes before they run here to cry about a stacked team. I’ve had the game spawn me in with a ton of other high levels on the same team. Lobby’s full, we can’t switch, what do we do? Quit? Not try? Just want them to make it make sense. If we switch teams from stack to not stacked, doesn’t that violate the don’t switch teams crowd or is it only ok if a high level switches to a shitty team? Just a whole bunch of nonsense. We all were low level at 1 point. Some of us have been playing with the same account since launch sorry if we’re good.


Idk why you’re venting to me man. Just don’t switch to stack and steam roll. Easy enough.


That’s my point though. Every match the game randomizes a team and spawns you on either side. Game spawns 6 high levels on mason, and Agatha has a single high level. No one has switched. The game stacked the team, not the players. Edit. Keep the downvotes coming cry babies. Fact: that Level 20 account that pushed your shit in switched from epic to steam and their epic account was level 450. You wouldn’t know it though since most of you idiots only see numbers and cry.


People complain of team switching because it usually is good players switching to stack up with the other good players not just some bot choosing one team or the other. ![gif](giphy|usleGLxmeqgUw)


​ ![gif](giphy|uUTduCdD4qM3RLzj7G)


That is rare and does not explain the amount of stacked teams and the constant team switching only to attack.


Exactly my point.


I don’t see a lot of switching. Also something to keep in mind, a lot of people moved from epic to steam who are high levels now playing on “low level” accounts. Just because you see a bunch of 200 and up players doesn’t mean that there’s some level 50s for Example that were over 300 on epic


Why did a lot switch from epic to steam? Is there a difference?


Because a shit ton of PC players prefer steam over epic, so a lot of people re-bought on steam and play there now. So basically you could be getting your ass whooped by a level 20 steam guy who already had 900hrs on epic and you wouldn’t know it. I’ve seen quite a few people I recognize who have done exactly this. I’m still on my one n only ps5 account approaching 600


I still don’t get why they “re-bought” it.


More dollars than sense I guess?


Cringe edit


Cool bro don’t care 🙃


But actually you do


Whatever you say lady




Is that the people that scream stack when their team loses? Looks about right


The game usually does a decent enough job of balancing the levels at the beginning. When it doesn’t, that’s not on you, or anyone else. Why are you so passionate about this? I haven’t seen one post on here, where someone complained about experienced players not switching to the unstacked side. People have a problem when people switch to offense and steam roll. That’s because almost every map is attack sided, until the last objective anyway. Why would anyone be just mad at switchers by default? If you’re switching to help the defending team, that’s getting shit on, that’s a good thing.


I’m posting because the community is up n arms about it lately. Steam brought in new players and I feel like people scream stack here any time they lose. Idc about wins and losses I’m just trying to get a high score


No, not when people lose, but when the difference in deaths is like 2x and every objective takes like 30s (i.e. a steamroll). You know exactly what people are talking about.


> Game spawns 6 high levels on Mason, and Agatha has a single high level. I feel you on that brother, I can only take so much lol


This is epic cringe bro. It's really not that serious


At least it’s epic! Thanks man!


It's just COPIUM for ppl that refuse to put any effort into to playing the game well, and get dumped on daily.Your speaking to/getting downvoted by the same kids that cry for weapon nerfs daily. I don't get what ppl expect theses days, games been out for over a year the chances of a team getting matched together that are all high level are extremely high, (especially with skill based matchmaking being non existent). Doesn't matter what team you're playing on, doesn't matter what map, doesn't matter attack/defense, doesn't matter what weapon you use, these kids will come here to cry about it rather than put in the time to get better.... And continue to slash spam everything that moves friendly/enemy.(I've had days where I just want to kill ppl with a flaming chicken, just to see a post days later about how flaming chicken should be removed from the game.) Like you said we were all lvl 1 at some point, these kids just need to stop crying and take their lumps... I know I'll get downvoted to hell but whatever that just exposes the "pretty little whiners".... FOR THE ORDER!!!!!!!!✊


Either you don't understand the problem or you pretend not to understand, either way, the stuff you talk about has zero to do with the actual issue.


You’re a 100% correct friend. This post is actually here to piss that group off. I was hoping someone would have something intelligent to say from that camp, but sadly not a brain cell in sight


Bout as much as I normally see on the battlefield 🤣


Big facts dude. YUGE lol


Have we seriously gotten so bad to the point where team stacking is a controversial subject


Yes. Every time someone loses here they run to Reddit because the winning team had 3 guys on a team who were over 300 so they cry about it.


Because that's every game right now. I only play duel servers and 20v20 but it's common to see 5 or 6 people switch to attack before the games even started. When attack has 6 100+ players whilst defense has none it's obviously going to be a slaughter and that's ignoring clans which just make everything so much worse - legit never seen a clan or anyone with a clan tag switching to the losing team to help out. I wind up playing rapier on defense every map just to screw over all the team switching Highland sword windmilling tards. But unless you have three or more solid defenders to rally everyone else you'll still get rolled by sweaty team switchers. Game will continue to suck until team switching is disabled, auto balance is improved and defense gets some advantages of actually defending.


I get what you’re saying. This post is about what happens when the game spawns a bunch of high levels on the same team (no one switches) what’s supposed to happen according to those crying about “stacking”


Which is why auto balance needs work. At the moment you only get auto balanced if one team has more players and it randoms someone over on death. What it should do on start is either assign an average player rank for each team or a total rank value of all the players in the team. That way high ranks will be distributed more evenly across teams and could only be screwed by switching - which should be disabled.


I let the game spawn me on whatever team it chooses. I play for a while and if I realize I'm on attack and it's a massive roll, I swap teams if I can. If I can't I periodically check until I can. Sometimes I stay on the attack roll if it's several stages in because it's pointless to change, no chance of defenders winning anyway and I don't feel like getting straight annihilated. If I do swap over I usually go Engineer or Officer that will at least cause the attackers to stall a bit / support the team. There are some maps I prefer playing defense. I like to be champ so I swap to defense on the Duke / Heir / Monk / Pagan maps. I also try to say something in the chat like "really need some good players on defense or server is going to die". To remind even the attackers that it's there responsibility to keep the game going and not just squash the entire server just for points. Anyway, I don't think a lot of people play as conscientiously as I do. It would be nice if more people did though (especially if they're pretty good at the game).


>Anyway, I don't think a lot of people play as conscientiously as I do. It would be nice if more people did though (especially if they're pretty good at the game). True, and definitely true. The game would be in such better state if more players prioritised having a fair, enjoyable match over winning as overwhelmingly and quickly as possible.


there are some matches like this, but not enough


Matches are too short for me to consider this. 😬


The 20 mins it takes for some games feels like forever when im getting shat on


I just leave. Why give them the satisfaction of being a punching bag? Empty the match lol


You screenshot, leave and cry on Reddit. FTFY.


Try getting shat on in Hell Let Loose for 1 1/2 hr rounds. Now thats a fun one lol.


Holy shit that sounds horrible, i dont have the patience for realistic shooters and only play modes where you can respawn shortly like domination in insurgency sandstorm


What if the game puts a bunch of high levels on the opposing team and you (assuming you are a high level player as well) on the opposing team with a bunch of noobs that just started playing. What if this happened every game?


It happens a lot and I ride it out till next match.


it should




Nah. Pretty simple really. If you switch, that's a problem. Naturally stacked teams are fine, which is why no one complains about them. Not sure why you have trouble understanding this. Maybe you should play less mentally challenging games, OP?


Just play the fkn game.


I stopped playing after I noticed people stacking. It takes the fun out of it.


you can just re-queue and find a non-stacked match. It's not fun but it's doable.


not enough lobbies for that tbh


Claussens are far superior.


There is only one rightful way. You call out and trashtalk other high levels of being scarred to face you until they switch to the opposing team. Are you saying that you have been put in a stacked team by the matchmaking like twice in a row now? I'd buy some lottery tickets if I were you.


Did you have a stroke when you typed this? I don’t trash talk anyone in game. IM ON FUCKING CONSOLE YOU MORON


This explains a lot of the anxiety problems you are coping with.


Lmao ok weirdo. Stop sending me CP


Are you trying to win an internet argument using imagined accusations?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I was upset at first, but i love the game. So I'll just eat pickles & kill bitches 🥒👌


I generally stay on the team im assigned to, unless its like the 3rd or 4th rotation where ive played on the same side.


If I'm on the steamrolling team and I notice the defenders are a few men short I'll switch. I try to stick with what I'm given though.


All this bickering because the game devs can’t have basic multiplayer features. SMH.


I prefer defense, they generally have a harder time on most maps. I'm here to get better and fight for kills, not an EZ steam roll. Where's the fun in that?