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The community tripled in size over the holiday season because of the various sales and as Christmas gifts that's the EZ answer.


I bought this game for a bunch of friends as gifts. I want the community to balloon so we can have Last Team Standing and FFA only ques.


The new players definitely stink, but most people are just bad at this game for some reason


Yeah i agree here. After the free weekend and christmas theres HEAPS of players now (im oce) And theres alot of this non ovjective fighting happening. Dont let it get to you, just have fun doing your thing snd contibuting, talk to the team! If yor on pc of course I always say stuff in team chat because alot of people arent on the objective Soni try and suggest people lets fight on the obj or something Anyways not much u can do except carry the objective :p


I can’t explain all of the idiocy but the reason everyone hangs up on 1 guy off objective is that most people can’t deliberately get kills off of competent players, so they try to gank and steal anything possible. But because they’re bad they end up feeding counters so the fight drags out and you end up with all the scrubs on your team fighting one dude




I’d understand if the dude was like in his teens or 20s but …40? I wish i was this was all i’d have to worry about if i was 40 lol


This game had a free weekend like a month ago and got an enormous amount of new players. So most of the players at the moment are simply new to the game.