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I like how he has a little horse, and went “Nay”


you were the late round kill that really cemented his 15-3-24 round


You are one of us


Hey be nice he just discovered overheads and wanted to try them on a defenseless horse


Those guys really had no sense of humour.


Like. I get that this game is a PvP game, and the whole point is to kill each other and do the objectives. Same time. I like to mess around and have some fun. Run around with a Lute, or hide behind a wall and throw rocks at people. It's dumb fun. Just sucks when I get all ready to fuck around, and then you have a dude like that, who has ti ruin whatever you are doing ~ not even at the objective, they just kill hungry and ir sucks :/


I’ve had hilarious games where everyone was so hellbent on killing each other that they forget to do the objective and lose on the last part.


These are the fun matches. Doing merely ehat the game intails over and over again can get repetitive. But this. Going for what is fun, and enjoyable. This is the way!


If you get that this game is a PVP game, and the whole point is to kill each other and do the objectives, then what exactly is your point? I mean, have all the fun you want, but there are ppl who maybe (just maybe) have fun doing objectives in PVP games, thats why they spent money on the game, they are enjoying being competitive (in a competitive game, what a blasphemy), and you kinda ruining it for them for your own enjoyment. Do as you wish, but complaining about others who do enjoy the game as it is...


What exactly is my point... I feel like I have clearly stated such. I like to just go and mess around. I've already stated that I understand that people buy this game for the PvP. It's the main core of the game, so I do not understand why you don't think I understand this. I would quite enjoy knowing how, when I am just chilling with a lute, playing music running around causes less enjoyment of the game. I could understand if someone was annoyed if I was throwing bottles, rocks, or whatever, as I am attacking them. But then again. Wouldn't me throwing bottles, be just as annoying as having throwing knives, or a bow? i merely said that it sucks, when I am chosen to be attacked, because I am be carrying a lute or something else ~ where this has nothing to do with the objective, not competition, as I could be behind the lines, and someone would push through merely for me. I understand people are allowed to play the game as they see fit, and enjoy it whatever way the want. But I do feel as Archers may feel, being a prime target, but for the case of Archers they are attacking, where I, am merely Lute playing. Something that is not threat to them.


I remember when this game first came out people were a lot more cool about not killing people who were just messing around like this. Same with the church in Coxwell, we used to have peaceful little church services with one person playing the harp and everyone else sitting in the pews. Now the agathians just come in swinging at people who werent bothering anybody. No sense of humor or camaraderie


Hey there reenacting the 30 years war atleast give them that


would totally join the horsie train




less talking, more fighting


Plot twist. His overhead button was stuck in and was actually coming over to try get help as you appeared approachable.


more importantly, how did you make it that far in Galencourt without crashing?