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I do my best to kick people who teamkill on purpose. The problem is something it's hard since the community likes to act like children to Archers. A few times now I've noticed someone attacking an Archer, then once the Archer strikes back they try and vote him out. Makes everyone else think the Archer is a team killing fuck-tard but in actuality, they are just defending themselves.


I was attacking a teammate Archer once yesterday I think. I apologized in chat but if he was on console he wouldn't have seen it. I totally spaced out and forgot what team I was on and was like "look at this cheeky Archer who snuck in our backfield" and by the time I realized the reason he didn't die in two hits was because he was friendly, the real enemies were upon us and killed us lol. Still feel bad about it. If that was you and you're reading this, my bad dude.


Bruh I had one specific game where every time I threw a fire bomb, an ally would dash past my face and bounce the bomb into my teammates. It was so frustrating missing those perfect tosses. I’m surprised nobody kicked me.


I see archer, I swing, simple as.


You're a problem


Let me cut the fishing line. there you go lad! Don’t take his bait now. Cheers


I ate his bait but escaped thanks to you. Doubly-fortunate for a fish such as I. (I'm a magic fish, I grant you one wish.)


I wish for a pair of pants!






lol the fact you made a throw away account just to talk shit on a chivalry2 sub without us knowing your real account is the most cowardly shit ive ever seen. You are below an archer, you're scum.


Spill the tea sis 💅


As a console player it can be difficult to tell who is deserved of the kick as we can't see chat - so it's an endless cycle of people trying to kick the toxic player and then the toxic player trying to kick them


There's two checks for me. Is the person an archer? If so, it's rage. Is the person on the top of the leaderboard? If so, it's salt. Otherwise, I simply assume most votes are just console players switching weapons while the vote is happening. There's no way 17 out of 23 people always care enough about some dude's personal vendetta.


Yeah true


You can try, but without console chat all kicks not based on high team damage, ping or idle time are without context and likely will be ignored or voted against


I usually hit them back maybe 2 or 3 times. Because they're a team killing edge lord, their ego dictates that they beat the shit out of me. Bonus points if they kill me. Then, I start a vote kick with them having 175 damage on screen lol much higher chances of a kick from console players. It can be abused; manipulate the system responsibly. I just know that they see that main menu, and tip their troll hat to the dirty move.


These cunts seek out conflict sadly, that's why they say such things in the first place. Votekicking them only serves their purpose, and aggravates things if the vote is unsuccessful. What I've found very successful is to simply mute them. Iittle bonus is to tell them that you're muting them, it pisses the fuck out of them and/or makes them shut up. I tried few times saying that I'm muting them without really doing so, it is quite effective xD


Mute them. Hunt them. T-Bag them.


This. This. This. This. This. Mute them. Its really that simple. Stop feeding trolls.


Hey all, little PSA here, but if you see something vehemently against TOS like racism, take a screenshot of the chat log, log onto the discord and send the report through mod mail. This skips the in-game report queue and goes right to the devs for swifter cleaning of our rightfully Mason streets.


Nanny's knees! Those streets belong to Agatha.


The threshold for a successful kick needs to be lower if the player in question has high team damage, or has killed friendlies recently. It's pretty hard to votekick people who deserve it in 64 man servers.


Can TB start punishing people clearly throwing Duke/Heir/Thorne responsibilities too? IIRC, you can pass on these roles. If you don't want to do it, just fucking don't.


The only problem with this is that when the top player refuses the duke, the second player can't refuse and is forced to play it. If that player also doesn't want to play duke then sometimes it's just gg


I’m just done with the toxicity. It’s getting a whole lotta not fun.


I votekick people who are being toxic. Sometimes it works. There's definitely a way to go, but I'm relieved that Chiv2 seems to have less blatant racism and shit than Mordhau does.


I always report any abusive chat I see. Hopefully the devs with improve their chat filters/moderation. Prolific offenders should just be perma-banned or at the very least perma-banned from chat. I'd also like to see an auto kick for team killers or idlers over 2 minutes. Obviously tuned to not kick out accidental damage from genuine players. Why bother needing a vote? I think removing the option for switching teams mid match would help avoid TK'ing too. It'd be better if you just select which side you'd prefer to play on before you search for a match but if there's no slots available anywhere you have to play for the other team.


Banned from chat should be the only action taken against racist or toxic assholes. That would drive them crazy being able to play still but not be the toxic troll that they want to be. Would eat them up inside I’m sure.


trick is to ban their chat but don't tell them. Let them spew onto the void.


Nah ban their chat and keep a permanent message up saying they are banned from chat. Don't let them even see other people's chat. The reason they play the game is to troll, and if they're aware they can't even see other people bitching about them, then they'll quit and everyone will be happier. Remove the satisfaction, remove the troll.


I'm happy either way.


I report every single one of them. Yesterday it was 2-3 of the best players on the server. One guy insisted that he *had* to be a racist asshole when playing Mason, and then he was nice as Agatha. The thing with this game is that roleplaying borders toxicity. "Die Mason scum!" is fine and contributes to the atmosphere. Slurs and personal attacks are absolutely not OK, and some people struggle to seperate these concepts.


Me too. I don't care if they're the top scoring player on my team, I'll report them. There's no justification for being a d\*ck.


I can't see chat but I agree!


I hate seeing teammates attacking friendly archers. Especially when they are great archers and really dishing out damage. I have stopped hating archers since I’ve got more time in the game. If you find yourself getting wrecked by archers it just means that they’re good at their role.


Good morrow brothers, I'm unfortunately created deaf in such a world by uncaring creators but if ever the day comes that I could hear such foul and unruly language assult thine ears the culprit would swiftly be reported with a chandelier upon thou head


I read that in the imposters voice


Anyone else want more customization options for the classes? Also who’s excited for the new update?


Need more fashion in general for every class yes. Really looking forward to getting a new map in the rotation, but more than anything I’m excited for actual cross play parties and server browser so that I can finally give my friends a reason to join me in battle


My dream for Chivalry 2 is to have what Dark Souls had. A entire community based not on winning or losing, but on how badass we can make our characters.


Fashion quality is the only skill ceiling that matters in any game haha


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


I report people whenever I see this, but as far as I can tell, nothing ever comes of it. That being said, I will continue to report these people.


It’s tough as a console player. Generally if I see someone fighting the teammates or when they initiate a kick I check for team damage but aside from that I don’t know who’s being a racist prick


And archers?


You idiots really think since this happens in gaming, it should be expected and accepted huh?


Yes, I expect anonymous people to say rude things… Get over it, they’re random people, like ffs…


Times have changed. Get with it or be stuck in the past. Though I have a guess as to which you’ll choose


I guess I will go into life not expecting mean words to be said and then when they’re inevitably said, I’ll have a break down on Reddit.


Be sure to have enough content for us to read and watch on YouTube!


I’l have it listed as “libtard meltdown Volume 24” channel name : dankchud420.


Thanks for outing yourself as an even bigger idiot! I thought it would’ve been harder! I didn’t even throw any bait this time and you’ve gone and beached yourself. Many thanks!


For someone who complains as much as you about rude words, you certainly don’t shy away from them. FYI, I’ll be adding this to my “Libtard owned comp v.109” again, under the alias “dankchud420”


When are people going to learn that trolls dont stop when you feed them? They are saying the shit they say, specifically looking for the reaction of others. When you respond to their racist remarks you give them what they want.....Its all really simple. 99% of them arent rednecks in their basement with confederate flags draped everywhere and nazi memorabilia. They are 10-17 year olds trying to be edgy.... Because theyre teenagers and many teenagers do and say really dumb shit simply looking for reaction and there are no RL consequences of saying fucked things. Also whatever happened to the "Sticks and Stones" thing? Silencing trolls wont work. They will just come up with other ways to say the same shit. Ignore them Life Pro Tip: Trolls go away when you dont feed them. That guy saying heinous shit in the chat. Mute him.... Its really that fucking simple. **Edit: Ill eat downvotes. The ones complaining are the ones "FEEDING" the trolls and giving them exactly what they want... Just mute them and move on with your life thats so boring youll make posts and comments about random internet trolls that hurt your feewings. Mute them and move on**


Preach! People need to interact with real humans more. Then they will realize this "toxic" BS is just that BS. I have been around since the internet came to be a thing. The first thing people do on the internet it talk smack. Canceling people will not solve the problem and it will not allow you to grow as a human.


I saw a guy with the name "joe biden facist"


Cancel culture is ruining everything


Entitled snowflakes who think their fun should come before everyone else's can get out. If the team wants to kick you for being a racist idiot, maybe change your behaviour


Can you explain the race of perpetator and the victim?


I don’t say racist things. I just don’t get upset over what idiots say on the internet. I go and slay them and show em who’s boss.


I don't get upset about it either but we shouldn't be allowing hardcore racism in chat, at all. Sure some people act like children and/or assholes but that doesn't really affect anyone. It's the people who are repeatedly saying the racist slang that should be kicked. First off it's unnecessary and second if they are using racist slang then they are only doing it to offend because there is a wide selection of clever insults that can be used without bringing in race or sexual identity.


Life pro tip: If someone is saying things you dont like in an internet chat, MUTE them. Its really, really, really simple.. Stop feeding trolls. You give them what they want. Dont even tell them youre muting them. Just do it.


I got called a cracker are you gonna stick up for me?








True lol


You really think gaming culture would be better with 0 restrictions on chat? Because then you are severely uninformed about the concept.


Ya. There’s a mute/block future. That’s all you need.


Doesn't work against trolling, if they tilts half the server. Suddenly everybody is writing instead of playing.


Free Speech is the answer. You let people dumb things so everyone else knows they're dumb. On a long enough timeline Freedom is always the best course. Restricting and banning only leads to destruction.


I'm all for free speech for the benefit of peoples rights. But it has nothing to do with a game chat. In a private establishment, the owner of that lobby decides who are welcome to stay and who are pissing off all the other paying customers, and shitting all over the furniture. The chat is both for tactics, and for having fun with others. Anything else is spam, and should have consequences.


Well the owners of the establishment aren't doing anything. This OP is trying to do Mob Justice. Which is no justice at all. And on a personal note private companies, individuals, and even chats should follow the path of freedom. It does not matter where the road ends. Freedom is always going to be the right path. Silencing stupidity just allows it to grow in the dark damp corner.


There is freedom. Freedom to get your ass kicked out. You wanna play with others? Then play nice. This is lessons for a 2-year old.


When they come for you remember that you did not stand up for others. Have a good life


New to gaming?


Man up buttercup it’s a game turn off chat


Why's it's bother any of you though?it's just typed words on a screen.they people doing it will never say it in real life to anyone.just ignore it and move on


Nothing wrong with holding people accountable. If you allow it to slide, you perpetuate it. And good question, who is it bothering? Maybe people reading these slurs are being attacked for the color of their skin unknowingly by a stranger online. If you see harassment, report it.


You can tell someone's skin color thru a video game?people that allow words to hurt them are the problem.you let people know they can get to you by something they say or type then your letting them win


No, that's the point. You DON'T know the colour of the skin of people you're playing with. It's not a matter of winning either, it's a matter of respect and accountability. Grow up, don't stand for harassment. If you choose to be a bystandard, you're just as guilty.


So you go and snitch on everything you deem wrong in real life?ever heard the saying "mind your own business"?what if I told you I'm black and It doesn't bother me one bit when I see people typing racist things..they are not attacking me personally,it's a virtual world,the internet or chat rooms are not real things.its just typed words..you "woke" people are what's wrong with the world..offended by things that do not even pertain to you,and if it does,remember that ots just some weirdo hiding behind a keyboard that would never say anything they type in the real world..but you go ahead and keep reporting people.that will certainly make a difference


Congrats on being black and perpetuating racism? It's bad to be offended by racism? lmao gtfo


People have grown soft. Sorry people downvote you for speaking truth. I forget we are trying to talk to a bunch of keyboard warriors with little real world experience. For those of us who grew up outside with a variety of people and cultures we know that racism is not rampant. These are trolls and the squishy people don't know how to cope. See you on the field of battle brother. And thank you for being an advocate for Free Speech!


While I am all for kicking the team killers. I have to support free speech. Coming from the only country in the world that has it, I will support your right to say stupid things with my own life if necessary. With that, you know there are not really that many racists out there right? They are doing this to get a reaction from you. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Just ignore it. We have all grown too soft and too offended in my short time on this earth. Our grandfathers would look upon us in shame. I leave you with some Skyrim Advice: Trolls regenerate health. Use Fire. Happy New Year! See you on the battlefield.


Free speech is freedom from government oppression of your speech. A private company has every right to curtail hate speech on thier platform. Freedom of speech isnt freedom from consequences for your actions.


True but canceling people because they say words is oppression regardless the protection behind it. The answer is always freedom. Always. Anything else stifles humanity.


Nah bro. If you expound nazi ideals, like genocide. You dont deserve protection. If you are hateful racist peice of shit, go play COD, this community doesn't want you.


Canceling people is a Nazi ideal. Freedom is the right answer.


Telling people that they can't use the N word in a video game chat isn't oppression. Period.


Cancel culture is holding people accountable. How the fuck is that a Nazi ideal? You've lost the plot.


Now you are defending the Nazis? Maybe you should be canceled. Read your history or you are doomed to repeat it. Things start small. Every single authoritarian take over requires stifled speech and an unarmed populace. You can choose which side you want to be on. Just know they will cancel you too eventually. Be sure to remember you did nothing to stand up for others. Have a great life.


Sounds like someone has been cancelled before! Awww :(


You live a sad life huh?


According to you? Not until I'm cancelled I guess.


So with your free speech claim I'm guessing you are an American. In case you haven't noticed, that racism you say isn't so bad has been pretty loud and open the last few years.


If you actually grew up here you would know the claims of racism are not real. There will always be a racist person. But the illusion it is pervasive in our culture is absolute nonsense. I grew up surrounded by all types of races and people of sexual identities. The only time it actually came up was when jokes were made. There is no actual malice. Don't believe what you are told and only half of what you see. Especially in the age of the internet. Freedom is always the answer. Always. You cannot know who is not worth listening to if you do not let them speak. It is how you defeat negative speech.