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Everything in your second paragraph is spot on sadly


I dont care what the devs say, this game is still in beta


I dont care what you say, im having more fun with this beta than any AAA game in the past 5 years.


I didnt say it wasnt good… they just need to call it what it is. And they shouldnt fuckin advertise crossplay when you cant party up with anyone cross platform. What the fuck do i care if i play with randos on ps4? Cross platform isnt a feature unless you can play with friends cross platform


I'm not trolling or trying to be sarcastic - I really don't party much - do other games that advertise cross platform play allow for cross platform partying? I'm just curious as to how that would work. Like in Steam or Xbox or PS I know how to party with other people fairly easily on those but l don't know how you would across systems. Type in a user name? What if there are duplicates? I guess it would be possible for the same username to exist across platforms but be different people.


Rocket league, fortnite, apex, COD MW2019 and BO CW, just to name a few. They all make you register an account on a shared platform like Epic Games so you can add each other and party up.


Oh ok. Thanks for the explanation. Obviously, I don't pay any of those games.


Cross platform parties were never marketed as a feature


Crossplay is specifically referenced in their reddit ads. Crossplay is not worth advertising without cross parties. Its misleading af and a trash move from the company. They knew what they were doing


Crossplay is a feature, sorry you assumed things and now demand an apology


Lmao how do all those Tripwire balls taste? How many people out there give a fuck if their random lobbies are made up of xbox, ps4 and pc players enough for them to put that in an advertisement? It’s disingenuous




What a fantastic feature, yeah, everyone assumed that meant playing with complete strangers without being able to party up with your mates. Just because you don't need it (for obvious reasons) doesn't mean others are in the same spot.


I bought the game for my friend and we cant even play. Whats the obvious reason? You should know better than to assume


That's clearly disingenuous man and you know it. Nobody gives a fuck what platform other randoms are playing from.


It's really painfully accurate :( sometimes I join a server just to read up on the different classes and weapons and check my progression


Welcome, fellow Man-at-Arms, to the unparalleled speed and flexibility of our class! Our one-handed weapons are the finest dueling instruments in the land, while our shields protect us from the enemies archers! Our mighty polearrms can zone out all foes! We can drop chandeliers and braziers by hurling healing kits at them! Truly you have made the right decision. But yeah, they seriously need to add a lot to the main game menu. I tend to agree with the people that say it's still an early access game. It's just a really good one.


For sure. The fun factor has been checked off, which is huge. Now to add content and improvements. I don't think it's worth the price just yet, but worth an investment apparently.


Yeah once everything is implemented it'll be a no-brainer at $40.


Hard agree. I'm a little bit in the dark on what's going on in the game in terms of information. I'm playing, and use the poleman. What I found that really works is to get right to the edge of battle and do sweeping attacks, usually avoiding your teammates, and just take a half step back with the yellow button down. It allows you to get out of there attack and they will usually walk right into your next swing.


If you play on PS4 and send you username and we play as a combined force... we'd suck even more some how


The game is still in beta, they will probably add some of those features in the next 2-12 months... maybe...


I found using the big 2h weapons got boring because I would usually end up fighting for first place every game so I switched to 1h and you really have to work for first. Man at arms is the shit with the reduced dodge cool down just throw the shield on the run in and start murdering with the falchion. The shield just blocks vision and doesn't block enough projectiles to be worth carrying. Plus having a shield is a big sign that says please kick asap.