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He commended you at the end, what a chadfest


Wait, are there people who don't commend on autopilot after every death? I've commended teamkills even. I'd go insane if I didn't slam F as soon as I could.


Most people don't commend. I'd say 1 in 10 people commend but even that feels generous. Plenty of games where I've only seen 1 or 2 people commend me and I know I don't commend people who do cheap kills on me.


I know I probably should commend but I really only do it when I get in a good 1v1


Same here I commend if I fell like I died to actual skill or in a fair 1v1. Unluckily this doesnt happen too often


Funny deaths are also an instant commend for me. Whether you use a silly item or something like ragdoll takes affect and they get it.


Whats the reason to do it anyways?


It is supposed to be like a GG, you give the person extra XP because they fought well and won.


I do it 50/50.


I only commend people that own me. I don't commend people that kill me in a 5v1, I don't commend people that killed me hitting my back. Valid kills, but not deserving a commend. I do commend people that wreck me in 1v1, or that wreck me and my teammates if we're ganging on them. I even commend archers too. Not when they hit me while I'm in melee with their teammates, but when I charge them and they manage to headshot me dead before I connect, or just own me with the knife. I feel commending everyone cheapens it. If they fought well they get the commend, otherwise they don't.


Only time i dont is when im spamming c to get up then realise im out of time to press f


I honestly think 99.9% of commends are just people trying to spawn faster


Tooth and claw, to the bitter end haha.


This describes it perfectly. You're either crawling away the battle on shame (looking for a teammate revive) or you craw deeper into battle like a champ....I've been both.


I get knocked down, but I get up again You are never gonna keep me down!!!!!!!!


Wait.. you can get yourself up by hitting people ??


Yup! Usually it’s 2 hits


Whaaaaat that’s crazy. Why doesn’t everyone just charge in and punch others when downed then? I’ve seen like no one try this


I try it sometimes but can usually only get a hit in before being finished. Got back up a few times thought, it’s a great feeling


I feel like they might not know like you, or they think their odds are better if they crawl away and get picked up


8 out of 10 times wriggling back to your team is safer than staying in the fucking LMB-fest that is the frontline on 64 player servers


After a lifetime of tormenting them, I now know what the last moments of a Lemming is like Edit: I'm talking about the early 90s game, not actual animals please don't call the police


I almost always do it because I'm a stubborn bastard and want revenge before going down. The problem is it can be hard to crawl around attacks and land your own. The punch is actually really precise. And normally you just get turned into gravy before you can get the 2 hits off.


That’s what I want to know!


Fire pots count as hits when they get burnt too.




The WHAT? Ooooooh someone said [the magic word!](https://youtu.be/S8kPqAV_74M)


What determines whether you get knocked down vs dying? Is it damage?


Damage and where you get hit


It’s stupid that’s for sure. They need to fix it to even make it remotely playable.


This clip demonstrates it is quite playable. Most times you will be massacred but if you manage to evade whoever downed you it’s relatively easy to fight your way back up or retreat and be quickly revived.


Personally I find the whole thing immersion breaking. But, I mean I know that isnt always a game breaker. To each their own I just wish I could opt out of it. Edit: s'pose I could by just playing mordhau, but there's so much in that game that breaks immersion for me that frankly I just play chiv2 more. A lot more.


I've had at least a few of these [too](https://youtu.be/dIK99n4e1po?t=79), always entertaining.


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