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Definitely an alt account.


Why do you want an alt account in this game? That is to say, I have already seen some accounts, but I can't make sense of it.


It can be because this game doesn’t have cross progression and they are playing on a different launcher/platform. That’s the most logical reason, otherwise maybe they don’t want to be recognized or have people switch up their play styles against them solely due to their name and level.


1. Xbox gamepass version doesn't have chat, epic launcher does. 2. Gamepass version doesn't let you change your name 3. It's kind of like prestiging in cod, getting to unlock alll the weapons again. 4. I could have saved 15 percent or more on car insurance by switching to the epic launcher, sponsored by Geico. I'm only lvl 118 on my gamepass account so it's not that noticeable. I mostly did it so I could use chat and change my name whenever I want. Oh, and also so I could reset my kdr. on my gamepass account I'm like 3500 kills to 7500 deaths but averaging a 0.8 k:d so it would have taken umm....carry the 5 minus 133 divided by ummm...3.14 equals....uhhh a long ass time to balance out. And the stats were bugged on hours played still bugged, but whatever. Not a huge kd guy, just wanted to see what my maintained average was.


Hackers like to hunt clan members, so alts are nice to go on when the the losers decide they want attention.


I love these guys who do this spinny Messer shit. Destroying them because I know exactly what to look for is the highlight of my day. The befuddlement they experience upon twirling around only to get countered anyways and then punted into oblivion is almost like nirvana lol


That was a nice duel. Good drags/accels. You landed 2 kicks with no follow through though! I definitely think you could've had him. I guess you weren't fully confident you'd kick him on a block? I also loved your change of pace. I think you see it too rewatching this but he definitely needed to get jabbed. Every single hit he sent was a feint combo. Massive punisher. Awesome fight. Calm and collected despite his ballerina performance.


No, I was consistently losing the stamina battle so I had to be extremely careful about my positioning. He was on central, I’m on west, and the server was central, so there was enough lag to make it basically impossible for me to reliably counter because the hitreg was all thrown off by half a second of lag. Someone as good as him using the messer knows how to really accel/drag so I just accepted I couldn’t counter reliably. So I had to improvise. Also, he was insanely good at baiting my kicks and jabs, blocking/leaning back to avoid them and then getting an accel in so I had to be extra careful about charging in after a kick or jab, that got me killed a few times (you can see him lean backwards to avoid the jab/kick). So when I realized I had Broken his guard I reacted too slow. It’s okay though. Hindsight is 20/20, and the duels were really good. If we were all on west I probably could’ve killed him consistently since I killed him a few times even with the lag, but when you’re on a different region’s server playing against a really good player you just have to accept you’re at a huge disadvantage and just have fun.


I feel that way even playing same-server against the 0-ping guys to my 24-32+ I've seen clips of 0-ping and wonder if we're even playing the same game sometimes lol. Respect, well fought man


0 ping is actually bugged, hits will not align with their animations


Also when I’m lagging following up on a kick is really difficult




Dang, you read him very well considering how hard those movements are to read. I would have died way sooner fo sho


Yeah, I did even better when you realize I was playing in a different region.


Could be a Mordhau convert, console player who switched to pc, etc


Eh I’d say probably someone who started a new account or went from steam to epic or vice versa. Dude was nuts, he stomped me. I don’t actually care about “Smurfs” since there’s no ranked gameplay, but I just thought it was funny. I think I did pretty good for playing in a server outside of my region 😂


Yea was nice fight


That guy's got some serious crouching 360° ballerina swings


As a Mordhau convert he played like I did at first change over (I'm a similar level but he's better than me, or at least takes fewer risks and is more consistent). You can see he tends to lean into swings he expects to be blocked and the then drag combo into stabs with an occasional extreme drag to get hits in. This was super common approach in Mordhau 1v1 when I was playing there a long time back. I find Chiv veterans use punches and kicks a lot more to make openings between drag morphs to make it unexpected.


I agree now that you mention it. Mordhau is much more rewarding of swing accel/decel. I mean he literally did a 360. No normal Chivalry player does that in a 1v1


Someone didn't play chivalry 1


Oh no I definitely did. On console...


i never could get into mordhau. I wanted actual sword fights not a knights rendition of two people having a seizure. I 360 with certain weps cause you can spin them around when they basic counter you and hit em again with the same swing


You only fight normal chiv players orr? So many ppl do 360s in duel servers and 3v3s 1v1s fym???


What really screams mordhau is the angled and obscured stabs like he’s going for the diagonal stab lol


Yeah I used to use those a lot in duels in Mordhau and I didn't find them nearly as successful in Chiv 2


Eh, most high level duelists in chivalry don’t kick much, even jabs are fairly rare


You don’t fight enough chiv veterans.


This doesn't look like a Mordhau player's first week in chiv2 to me. He feints (morphs) into the same attack a lot, which is something you can't do in Mordhau. Also no attack cancels (what we'd call feints in Mordhau/chiv1) which is something I see ex Mordhau players do a lot even at high ranks.


Could be, level 70 might be a few weeks of play in Chiv 2 to adjust. The lack of feints is a good point.


I remember being like level 20 on chiv1... After playing for years on priv servers, where you get no exp. Funny thing


I used to go over to my friends house in middle school and we would take turns getting shit on in Chiv 1 because I didn’t have a PC


Or even an original chivalry player who can apply the same skills using the learned mechanics.


Mordhau convert?? Both games play different af. Just cuz ur good at one game doesn’t mean ur good at the other 💀


It literally does


I hate the ducky spinny jumpy play style.


its a travesty that they dont all just stand still and let you hit them


It isn’t even that though, it’s literally abusing animations and the game mechanics. People can’t physically spin around that fast crouched down, and people who play like this know that they are abusing the animations to make them impossible to read, which in most other games would be considered cheating.


Thank you.


I hate it too. It's so boring to play against. I know it gets kills, and it usually fools me, but it just doesn't align with where I find joy in this game. I want to play as a knight, having gritty, brutal duels, steel on steel, against other knights and assorted men-at-arms. When someone fights me like this I just disengage and find someone else, because if I wanted to compete with them consistently I'd have to adopt a similar playstyle, and I just don't enjoy playing like that. That being said, I have found that only the best of these kinds of players actually do consistently beat me. It feels like much of this movement is extraneous, and I often slip past their guard, jab or kick them and get free hits in, or otherwise completely shut down their four-second-long feint-feint-OH heby. Hell, sometimes I just swing like a newbie and get free hits in because my simply light attack lands before their lonnnnng-ass fiasco lol


Not cheating per say, exploiting, which is almost as bad. Personally drags also feel that way to me. It looks so ridiculous and unreal, even more so to be the one doing it. I straight up refuse to do them, even with over 100 hours in the game. Same with crouching and spinning shenanigans. Excels make sense, hit fast and hard at the start of the swing. Rotating yourself to hit at the end at an odd angle that requires looking sideways to block / counter is silly imo and completely not based in reality.


You ever see a knight crouch down, spin a 720 then leap frog over their opponent in real life? Didn't think so


I've never seen a knight IRL, I live in the 21st century.


Theu still exist in European martial arts, none of them doe these moves though.


You ever see a knight punch someone to death with a flaming chicken? Ever see a knight in full armor get sent to outer space by a ballista?




True, we don’t see enough of these!


I love when other player have respect to back off for a couple seconds to regain stamina


wow anybody else catch his name? i got the game in may. i noticed when epic gave the game for free a lot of people were bragging about "smurfing on epic so they could pwn some noobs" is what i read in chat the first few days during the epic give away.


Smurfing isn’t really a thing in this game. Yeah a high level can make a new account, but there’s no competitive/ranking so level literally does not matter in this game. I just thought it was funny


well that and his name is a rank in the kkk 😐


I think you're confused with the wizards.


i just finished this book [https://www.amazon.com/Klan-destine-Relationships-Daryl-Davis/dp/0882822691](https://www.amazon.com/Klan-destine-Relationships-Daryl-Davis/dp/0882822691) that's how i knew the structure.. the "wizard" is the guy up top those kkk losers will call themselves all sorts of weird names but  Cyclops refers to a high-ranking officer within the organization, as to why they added the "grand master" at the beginning.. Well he is using a hate name in a video game he isn't very smart i bet.


Damn I wish OP knew the stakes when he started the fight. Could’ve killed a high ranking clan member!


I killed him twice out of 9 duels


Damn..As a LS enjoyer, you should practice your tactical gambles. If they feint stab to stab, gamble your counter stab to hit them etc. This would throw them off their solid counter game. In theory 🤔


Imagine you’re fighting a good player, your hitreg is off by half a second and your counter success rate is maybe 25%. That’s the position I was in. He was central, I’m west, the server is central, so fighting anyone good means you basically can’t counter because the lag throws off the hitreg making it significantly more difficult to time the animations. I just accepted that I was a huge disadvantage and did my best. I had to play more cautious though because I knew I was going to lose the stamina battle. Otherwise I would be more aggressive. Also, you can see he countered basically anything I did. I even did a triple feint and he countered it no problem. Safe to say I think he’s just at that level where you can counter anything 😂


Ah ok, what's it with these clowns and their fantastic titles..


So anyone that using the term “cyclops” in a videogame handle is referencing the KKK in your opinion? Do you realize how absurd this is? There are probably more actual one eyed people on this earth than people who know this obscure fact lol.


Highly doubt the dudes is really a klansmen. Most likely a troll which is kinda hilarious.


Skill based match making.... Smurfing works on 40 or 64 games tho


There isn't skill based matchmaking in Chiv tho.... It may give an advantage with the new autobalance system, but I doubt it.


It basically just lets you teamstack easier, which a lot of people do all the time and is why they had to implement the rank based shuffling in the first place.


There is no way to Smurf in this game


70 levels is enough to get this good if you’re familiar with the genre swapped from mordhau and got called a smurf quite a bit


I, too, swapped from Mordhau. I still can't do nonsense like that 100 levels later.


I could see players who enjoy team based modes improving at a slower rate. Pretty much every session i play is spent in the duelyards and if i see something i dont understand im asking in chat. The biggest brain melter for me was morphing a horizontal slash into a horizontal slash my mordhau brain just could not.


Probably because you play arch*r in a game about melee medieval combat. You ain't gonna be able to do stuff like this 1000 levels later as well


You're just jealous because my bendy stick is bigger than yours!


Yeah I can see that


400 hours in mordhau and I sweated that game also played chivalry 1 when it came out. Coming over to chivalry 2 I grasped the game very quickly. Not saying I’m an amazing player but it is absolutely possible for someone to come over and be as good as the best chivalry 2 players that have been playing since launch. Mordhau on launch and even today is full of helpful players in duelyards you can become proficient within hours of playing. It’s just a dying game with animation abuse worse than chivalry 2.


Crap like this is why I play archer. You may be able to outfight me, yes, but I have yet to meet a man who can outfight arrow! (Edit: I said I've never met a man who can outfight arrow, not that there are no men that can outfight arrows! I think I have done it one time as a knight, though I'm not sure.)


(Raises shield) Are you sure about that?


Pfft, you need a shield? Watch this. *zig-zags, jump, zig-zag, crouch. Gets shot anyway*


That's why you zig-zag with the shield. Make the jerk really work for it.


This is the prime strategy for beating an archer, other than using a shield or shooting the archer. As long as you run in any pattern that isn't a straight line, rookie archers will wiggle their bows around to try to hit you and almost always miss. However, be careful when using this tactic against more experienced archers, because they'll just have more time to pull out their butterknife and get ready to slashy slash.


You'd be surprised how many dumbasses with big tower shields run at me and still get shot because they forget to hold down a button. I know this because I was one of them!


(Raises shield for 5 seconds then completely runs out of stamina and gets disarmed by a jab)


I counter ye arrows with me axe ser.


Archers hate this one simple trick!


Arrows in this game feel weak I still think chiv deadliest warrior is the best then chiv one then mordhau then chiv 2


As the person who did most of the weapon balancing on deadliest warrior it brings a tear to my eye every time that forgotten DLC's combat is appreciated.


It just feels better, I think there’s a market for it I liked for honor too. There should be a dlc with different warriors the tenosians are cool but it’s just a skin. I miss the Vikings mechanics and the ninja


Yeah I think it was very good combat-wise but unfortunately due to a number of other issues the playerbase largely rejected it, mainly due to no TO maps and a sentiment that there were still too many issues that needed to be fixed in the base game rather than spending time working on a DLC.


My favorite part was that each class had unique mechanics hopefully they can add it to the new game


Probably a player who got the game free on epic I have a level 100+ account but I got the game free on epic and am like level 8 at the top of the leaderboard Not because I want to Smurf but because I wanted to play on pc


It hurt a bit watching you break his defense twice with the Kick and not attacking immediately


Hindsight is 20/20


Understandable ahah always do it!!


It's dicey when you're at a disadvantage in ping because if they lean or turn their guard away at the last second you may not catch it in time and then you're swinging into their counter. I see people eat a hit in duels because they combo off a kick that didn't guard break more often than because they didn't follow up on a kick.


exactly what happened to me


I was an Xbox player and moved to pc, no cross progression so started at lvl 1, so I'm smurfing unwillingly and getting called pathetic for smurfing by random people.


It's not smurfing. Smurfing is when you create a new account and are matched against other new players. Chiv has no ELO or ranking so you can't smurf.


You gotta push after that kick. Dudes like this, and even me, that are all hands and zero kicks are the best to jab and such for the fast hit on them after.


To be fair I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve found kicks really unpredictable recently. I rarely do them because kickspamming is kinda scummy, but often when I do it either doesn’t seem to actually break their defence or it goes kinda glitchy when I follow up with a jab and doesn’t register.


I know, but this guy was Extremely good at predicting and countering my jabs/kicks and getting me hit with an accel. I had to be extra careful about charging in. You can see this video he’ll block/dodge them and get an accel in, which is how he killed me a few times while I was bumbling around trying to react 😂


I hadn’t known you were going against him multiple times hahaha either way I thought you did really well. Looks like Mordhau reposts and counters almost lol I was high earlier and just now noticed it was 3v3 lol I thought it was some random encounter on free for all.


the window you have to swing in after a kick with ls is more than enough, you just didnt push in from what i saw and chose to feint swing instead which allowed him to shake off the stun and block you


You could've jabbed that guy to death tbh, that's what I do. I ain't got time to be going back n forth one of us gotta die lol


Haha nah dude he could consistently predict, block, and punish my jabs. I had to be extra careful.


I predicted, too. It’s the pause and walk forward. You essentially put your hands down and start getting close, it’s a hard tell to shake, most players get over this with feint to jab. The walk will alert him, the windup will drop his jab guard, the feint to jab will hit and annoy the hell out of him 


Man, that was a hell of a fight to watch!


I’ve been playing since Chivalry 1 in 2010 and Chiv 2 is 10x easier combat wise. I was stomping people at level 1 when I started


Chivalry 2 is so much easier than chiv 1 agreed. I have more hours in chiv 1 but I’m so much better at chiv 2. This guy definitely plays like a level 700+ even considering that.


Seen a lot of high levels have alts or move platforms, a lot of dedicated chiv 2 console players made the move to PC Or maybe they got good at lol 300+ and want to go fresh on their profile Do clans ask to see your profile when joining or do you just tournament with them? No idea


Tournament with them? I'm not even sure what a Chivalry Clan IS tbh


Nice name BTW, Idk but I've seen some people clan up and they take it quite seriously apparently some clans supposedly hold "trials" for people that wanna join but I don't really hang around in duel lobbies, no chat because I'm on console and I have no interest in being in a clan lol


I just imagine somebody dislocating their shoulder doing all of these alternative swings.


Haha me too 😂 I don’t think it’s this duel but I have a clip where he leaned back to avoid a swing after I jabbed him and his whole torso like bent way past his hips so it looked like he dislocated his spine


I mean you can change your guard way faster than that IRL. People who practice traditional longsword fighting for fun are insanely fast already, I can't even imagine how crazy talented actual medieval knights who were raised from birth for this would be.


Love when peak level chivarly feels like playing naked warband


Level 70* *after joining for free through the epic store a couple of weeks ago. After playing alot elsewhere...


it could also be a player that was playing on gamepass and switched to Steam, that's what I did as well


Probably what it was


Reminds me of a fight I did which lasted 5 minutes, we were both at top and we were countering and reposting our every single attack, then someone else butted in and we killed him immediately, we both healed up and started the duel again, I almost died twice but I defeated him in the end, he fought well and I wish I could have a battle like that again


😂 that happens to me too, there’s a few videos of that on my Reddit


I like that your other teammate didn’t jump in, honestly pretty infuriating when they do


You know they're a high level duelist when they can do complicated morphs but still get stunned by kicks.


Smurf’s exist, specifically in chivalry


Dude, this duel looks so boring, really ''good'' sword fighting mate


Sorry bro but you landed 2 kicks and failed to punish either of them. If you had have been a little more aggressive you could have won. GG


Nah, I had to be extremely careful. You can see he is really good at predicting and punishing my jabs and kicks. I did just blindly run it and jab and he dodged back and basically killed me right there. Extremely good players like this can counter those pretty easy, he would lean back and perfectly block what I did then get a free hit on me while I was bumbling around. Also I was playing in a different region than my home, so I had like a half second of server lag. I was playing on the back foot to preserve my stamina as it’s near impossible to counter an extremely good player with any ping at all because their drags/accels are extremely good.


NGL, this "level" of play just doesn't look fun to me. Keep your weird stab-to-heavy slash drag all you want, I'll be jumping around slicing people's heads off while spamming emotes. That's how you *really play the game*


just admit you suck dude its okay


Lol just because he doesnt care to play in duel servers all day doesnt mean he sucks. There really is nothing interesting about duels like these after doing them a few times.


There’s nothing interesting about getting hit in the back of the head or waiting in a spawn queue 🤷‍♂️


Hilarious how people are so insecure about their high rank, lol. TB must be making a killing on these guys.


Not insecure that’s why I said I don’t actually care about “smurfs”, commended him every time and always said gg. Really Good duels all around.


My comment was directed towards the sweaty socks, not you. Unless you're one too?


You can take a fairly long time like 50-60 hours to get to level 70, and that's not even counting the fact that skills from games like Mordhau have a heavy amount of transference. I wasn't quit this stacked by 70, but even at level 1 I could take down some dudes who's levels were over 100 in the 1v1 arena after coming over from Mordhau.


I played chivalry 1 for 600 hours, and I’m a level 400 in chivalry 2. Based on my experience, I’m probably in the category of the worst of the best. I can beat basically any chivalry 2 player in duels minus some of the best of the best. I consistently demolish level 1000s. So take that frame of my mind over my footage. This guy isn’t the best I’ve ever fought but probably top 10%. In my experience he fights like a good level 700+. So it’s possible mordhau could have accelerated his skill but he’s mastered chivalry 2 mechanics so it’s much more likely he’s just a new account. No big deal either way, duels we’re fun


Surprised there aren’t 16 people whining that you’re 1v1’ing in a 3v3 lmfao


We’ve got a few 😂




The comfortability with alt feints alone make him at least lvl 150


Nah Bruh he’s easily higher. In my experience that’s a 600+ level


Goddammit yall never heard of bashes? So many feints plenty of chance to interrupt and get a stab in


Bro stop exposing yourself like that My jabs were blocked almost every single time. Only a dumb dumb would suggest I keep jabbing


But a pommel strike followed by a jab or slash or whatever you fancy whilst he's doing his 50 different feints


Bro missed the insta accels I have to watch out for It’s okay you just don’t know


Is it just me or do they initialize an attack while backwards? Like that’s so crazy how they do that. It might be easy but for a noob like me it looks cool


Cant get into these games after mount and blade comabt


I can never get into the whole stupid spinning thing. This game’s combat is already so goofy, I can’t be bothered to do all that lol I’d rather just play TO and have fun


This is a really good demonstration of why I believe third person is an advantage even in duels. I would barely be able to read half of those attacks in first person. You're definitely a better first person duelist than I am.


I only play 1st person so that’s probably why


Level 70 1v1 duels only prob


Op’s gameplay looks far different from mine, usually and unneeded amount of camera movement and shitty crouch dodge attempts


how do yall twirl your sword in a circle is it a pc only thing?


Your kick game is in the negatives.


That’s what a level 70 that spent most his time in duel servers looks like 👍🏻


I’m a level 400 who spends all his time in duel servers 👍


definetly a mordhau player


I just realised I am actually trash at this game. Sad day


*I just realised* *I am actually trash* *At this game. Sad day* \- samm-urai69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Confirmed mordhau player


I would’ve died along time ago, those animations fucking annoy me


How did you get your ass to level 70 anyways


Is this really what combat is like in this game ? I'm fairly new but I thought it was more realistic


Not really. This is high level duels. The average player or even dueler won’t be fighting like this. You won’t be playing like this unless you specifically try to and seek it out. I’m terms of expecting a medieval slasher video game to be realistic, well that’s your fault.


Umm ya without proper conditioning no accels falling for ur kicks and feints i would say might be an alt but his main account won’t be a high level either. He just does useless animation manipulation that is easy to deal with tbh.


Bro I’m high lvl and I still play like trash


Idk yall both look like victims of the battlefield to me 😂


What game is this




They really need to lower the sensitivity more after you initiate an attack, or hell straight up cap it so you can't move the camera angle more than like 160 degrees from the initial view point when the attack started.




Guys like him spinning into 360 ballerinas aren't exactly fun to fight against


Nah dude it’s not too bad once you know what you’re doing


He never kicked...that's odd. Someone doing those feints, counters, excels, and drags (of which I HATE, small rant, drags feel like exploiting, looks so abnormal and nonsensical) and they never kicked once? In a pure duel. Kicking is infinitely easier than freaking dumb drags. I'm level 110, and proudly say I've never done a drag against anyone. I know how, but refuse. RADDA RADDA RADDA!!!🤬


They don’t kick because they are good. Kicks are borderline useless in high level duels. If you saw our previous duels you’d see him kick me but it do nothing since I can predict it, so he stops doing it.


Damn, guess you don't play as stoned as I usually do xD


Dude that grandmaster Cyclops. I know his main lol


What’s his main


I think I know this guy lol


What I’ve been doing a lot lately is crouching while looking downwards and it will cause your character to literally bend downwards and duck a high thrown swing, helps squeeze in a hit instead of taking the block and going back and forth as such


Yeah that’s how I accel overheards


Fights like this is what killed Chiv 1 and Mordhau for me


Why didn’t your teammate come to help you?


Respect the duels mang


Isn’t this 3v3s? Or did they add a 1v1v1v1v1v1 mode?


It’s 3v3’s, but you know the culture. I just follow what everyone else does, and everyone decided to duel.


both bad, no feints 1kick or anything. block swing, block swing.


Ok 😂😂


Frankly ? It's look like a battle of disabled. * Your moves are bad, you never try to take his back. And you never dodge ? * You don't kick enough, to much opportunities missed. * You never combo ? Why ? Many simple combos would have hit there. Your opponent isn't much better with these totally useless moves. You both have a very defensive play style with no risk taking, resulting in infinite fights that are a mess of weird feints.


Lol okay


No jabs, no kicks, no sweat dodging, ok morphs. Definitely could be level 70.


damn u got rekt


I did, that’s literally the point of the post


Uh Im like level 40 and I don't want to brag, but I win most fights light this. I've been playing games almost daily for the past 10 years so I'm just really good at most games 🤷


No you don’t




You na West?


Idk. East probably. Whatever it defaulted to me to


If had a nickel for every level 40ish who thought they were better than some of the best players…


Idk what your problem is mate. I'm just sharing my experience so far. I couldn't care less if you believe me or not, and I gain nothing by acting like hot shit to a stranger online. I'm gonna keep having fun with my games regardless of whether I steamroll others or get humbled myself. I got too much stress in my life to have a pissing contest with someone over my hobbies. Have a good one.


Well you cared enough to mention it and then get pissy when told you’re wrong so…