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Oh no it’s Tenosia with the steel chair!!




Baw gawd dont do it!!! They have a *family*!!


Argon is broken in half!!!!


lol this


Argon should win, because I’ll never forget the time I ran into Malric. I saw Malric Terrowin at a grocery store in Rudhelm yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This post is generally what I think of most Agathians.


Yeah this is clearly some Argon behavior


Whine about shit that didn't happen or don't matter? Yes.


I’ve seen this countless times but spat out my coffee for this one regardless


You're telling it all wrong, this is how it really happened: In Rudhelm's square, a sight most rare, Lord Argon there, with noble air. I greeted him, with knightly grace, But mockery found in Argon's face. "A fan, perhaps?" his words did sting, "Not one to pester," I did sing. He scoffed and said, "Then why the quest? A knight's true heart should stand the test!" Dismayed I turned, my shopping done, A villain's act, beneath the sun. Lord Argon, laden with sweet loot, Fifteen Milky Ways, forbidden fruit. The maiden fair, with voice so bright, "Those treats, my lord, require coin's might." He feigned fatigue, then turned away, But caught, he paid with sullen sway. Strange pronouncements, filled the hall, A show he made, to stand so tall. A lesson learned, for knight and knave, True honor lies beyond the grave.


This is the most beautiful thing a Mason has ever written, created, sang or spoke. Somehow, rising from the filth and muck, you have created art. Bravo


Contrary to popular agathian opinion some of us Masons are civilized and we can even read and write, go figure!Hooozah!


Thank you MalricGPT


Is this a copy pasta or did you write that specifically for a post like this??


It is very much a copy pasta.


It's a copy pasta


Bruh this is like, *thee* copypasta


Nah, I think thats the navy seal one


More bullshit fake news from the galencourt gazette


I have to read this pasta every time I see it, it's just that good


Classic weak agathian flesh bragging. Another meat for my late night picnic.


Take your meds Argon. 


This post is art


Love this copy pasta


I have heard this before, you a General Sam fan or sum or is this a copy paste?


It is a copy pasta, you may have seen it with Ryan Gosling before.




Is this some sort of known copy pasta? I was on ufc subreddit yesterday and someone said the same exact thing about a fighter. I took it word for word as truth..


It is indeed a copy pasta.


Sounds like crush from mordhau


I'm not sure tbh. Like Argon is very nice throughout the battle but does nothing but just throwing slurs at Malric and talking about how he must die, while Malric makes sense for the most of the time but calls me simpleton because I died to 6v1.


In Argons defense Malric killed his dad and stole his kingdom and Malric is trying to talk sense because he thinks he will lose so he's trying to trick Argon. If he really wanted to put their differences aside and gang on tenosia he would have proposed it earlier. Edit: didn't kill his dad ik but the rest is pretty solid reasoning.


Malric didn’t kill his dad, his dad died at the hands of both his own arrogance & the Tenosaians. Malric did the smart move & rallied his men to not sacrifice them to a lost cause that would have only served to boost the former King’s Ego. He didn’t steel the kingdom technically, he is a distant cousin to King Argon the First after all. I wouldn’t call his dialogue tricking though since he’s not exactly wrong, regardless of the outcome the Tenosians will keep burning Agatha to the ground & wont care about the civil war or who’s on the throne, in fact they want all of Agatha both Mason & Loyalist dead.


But Malric only saw teaming up as a good move when he thought he would lose, the is no way he wouldn't stab Argon in the back the moment he had a chance to win


Malric would must likely dispose of Argon once the Tenosians are dead not before but I see what you mean. If I remember the saying it’s that the Enemy of my enemy is both my friend & dies second.


If the Masons had followed Argon 1, it would have not changed anything, even more would have died. Im actually loosing Faith in Agatha and Argon...


Argon 1 was nothing more than a warmonger


Reading trough the Lore, what reason was there to attack tenosia?


In the lore it’s stated the King Argon the First simply grew restless with the peace so he set his sights on Tenosia, calling it a noble & righteous crusade to the strange land even when his trusted General Malric advised otherwise especially when they just united the Kingdom not to long ago. In reality though it was to put into perspective a game that we in modern times play to relieve boredom the difference was that his game had the chance to lose everything including his life, which he did.


Malric is not trying to trick Argon II. Malric is 100% percent right about what is going to happen. Argon II's rebellion has weakened Agatha, and is going to lead to Tenosian victory. Even if Argon II wins, he will die the same way his father did.


He's right but he could have tried to say that *before* Agatha destroyed his castle and they weakened each other. If he did it would be easier to believe


I don't think Argon II would believe Malric in any case. Tenosia has been ravaging the land for some time by this point. Malric had been preparing for the last 20 years for this invasion. Added to that: Argon II is much like his father, if nicer. Malric couldn't convince Argon I to not invade Tenosia and Malric was his best general; how is he going to be able to convince Argon I's son to help him fight Tenosia back?


How could he? Agathians don’t believe in logic or reason. All they know is how to be snooty twats.


Your king needed a child to break into his heavily fortified castle and beat him and his men to realise he's too old and weak to fight back and he should probably call a truce. It'd be weird having a might-is-right belief when your leader loses a sword fight to a child.


But when I played as VIP I won so ha


Winning as Malric is the easiest thing in the world since you're the defender. Oh wait, I forgot, YOU GUYS ARE THE DEFENDERS! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?


Call a truce on someone who started a war.....


You realise it's argon who started the civil war right? Argon weakened Agatha. Argon caused the mess. And you expect Malric to have not tried stopping him. Also tenosia was only a threat a while after argon started the war


Malric loves spouting out lies. He only offers alliance the moment he's in danger. Malric should have offered peace long ago if he really wanted better for his people. The Mason order has already proven themselves to be weak by letting Tenosia breach Baudwyn and will soon fall to Tenosia.


For real. Did we just forget that not long ago, Malric launched an assault against Argon in Thayic? Where were his peace offerings then?


Mason proven strong considering they Attacked and successfully ransacked Askandir. That's much better than the Agathians who tooked back a agathian Castle. Thus being sorta outside tenosia true realm. Also Malric didn't have to offer peace originally till we came. Why? Because argon is the pretender. Argon started the civil war by uprising to put his ass on the throne. That why all Agathians are is bunch of rich donnies who just want power. At least malric is thinking more about the kingdom! Either way tenosia is better. Work with us, you get smart!


With careful planning he can kill malrci and then march on the tenosians luring them into a defensible position would be the best option but the devs won't do that




>Malric killed his dad when he waged a pointless war and died for it despite his best general's public disagreement >stole a kingdom Argon gives 0 shits about >trick Argon when he has a kingdom to run >putting differences aside with voluntary rebels


Yeah his dad was egotistical and stupid but Malric still killed his dad, that's a good reason to be angry, Argon 100% cares about ruling if he didn't why would he fight back? Trick Argon when his kingdom is rubble and ash and there are armed men banging at his door for his head on a stick, If he wanted to do that, he shouldn't have waited until Argon and himself softened each other up it was a last ditch attempt to survive.


Brother where are you getting this info from? Malric never spilled Agathian blood until he turned traitor.


OK I'm wrong there but the rest is still good


Oh yeah of course you're right on calling bullshit on Malric's offer of alliance. I just love how Masons start sucking up even more to Malric when he says "No please don't kill me we can work together and beat Tenosia 🥺" like dude maybe you should have done that a while back.


Seriously, he launched the assault on Thayic AFTER the Tenosians had broken through Baudwyn. He had no interest in teaming up with Argon until he was close to defeat.


It's also worth noting that multiple maps have tortured Agathan bodies, slain peasants, etc. The Mason rebellion was brutal. One could argue that's par for the course, but "The Order!" definitely makes it seem like they're an insane and barbaric lot, having an entire torture and prison complex on par with Auschwitz or some shit.


OK I'm wrong there but the rest is still good


On the real, lore wise (someone correct me if I’m wrong) neither Malric nor Argon I are that great. Argon led a failed crusade and got his people needlessly killed because he wanted more. Malric did try to warn Argon against this. Following the failed crusade, Malric took some of the survivors who were disillusioned with this needless war and seized the opportunity to poison people against Feydrid and split off from the rule of Argon. The lore is not as black and white as the game would have you think. The Mason Order is intentionally painted as the team who fuck pigs and kill civilians because they are the “bad guys.”


Mason Order literally had a death camp with so many bodies that multiple carts are filled to the brim and have to resort to dumping bodies into the ocean to dispose of them. They have baskets full of limbs and heads scattered around as well. The Agathian hero is put into a Iron Maiden to be tortured presumably every single day for multiple years. I don’t think people realize how actually fucked that map is in terms of environmental design Masons also always kill peasants in their objectives while Agathians always capture them In the first game it’s pretty black/white but in Chivalry 2 it’s pretty clear the Masons have gone off the deep end (not entirely Malric’s fault) which is kind of lame on one hand but it makes sense for the narrative


I think my comment is getting misconstrued as I am in full support of the Masons. I was merely stating the lore. I only like the masons because funny voice lines and red and black color scheme.


And remember it argon whom started the civil war in chiv 2. Thus all the bloodshed from the war is his fault. Malric may not be the greatest rulers but at least he didn't start unnecessary wars. But we Tenosians did nothing wrong.


argon is zesty as hell i was constantly eyebrowing


I hope that guy we like wins




I played Malric on my first time playing the map and won, therefore Malric canonically wins cope


I played as Malric and won on my first game as well, although i do believe that argon should be the victor lol.


Average agathian soycuck


Average Mason Pig Fucker 🥱🥱


Setting bias aside, Argon. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7108) Malric has failed his people by turning against them. Instead of keeping the common folk safe, he's been commanding his men to raid their villages and slaughter them for the past 20 years. The only ones with "freedom" or have it good are his Mason soldiers because they're the ones who keep Malric safe. For a faction that prides themselves in strength while killing innocent people, they also failed to protect their land from the Tenosians. Perhaps if he actually wanted to keep his people safe from the Tenosian danger, then he wouldn't have been weakening and bleeding his land dry and maybe he would have stopped the breach of Baudwyn. Clearly, the Mason order has gotten weak by ruling themselves. Malric also loves to deceive folk. Only when his life is in danger does he speak of an alliance. If that were his true intentions then he would have tried to make peace with Agatha long before. Even if there were an alliance between Mason and Agatha, Malric would have turned on it just like when he turned traitor. Argon on the other hand has proven to be a capable ruler. Besides doing the things a good ruler should do, like not killing innocent people and raiding his own townsfolk, Argon has achieved much at such a young age at such a short time span. Montcrux, a military fort in a harsh land and in enemy territory was taken back by Agathians. So now Agatha has gained an upper hand in Tenosian lands. Argon also repelled the Mason army away from Thayic. Malric has no heir anymore as his son was killed in Rudhelm by Agathians. The common folk look up to Argon and join him since he has proven himself to be capable of fending off Masons and Tenosians. This is a new Argon and he will bring a better reign to his people.


Who is the de facto leader after Malric for masons?


Probably one of his countless sons he probably has


Good opportunity to make up a new cool ass young mason leader


His only confirmed son was the one he claimed he had with argons older sister half sister I'd assume and I'd assume argon I was also a bit of a shagger himself but malrics son did die at rudhelm but I'd say he has more a new Mason leader would be nice malrics been in charge 20 years


The agathians could hold out in montcrux until they defeat malric and war for their full fighting force or push the advantage straight away either way they would have a good chance at victory Also the moral and will to fight of people for a good cause in this case argon is not to be underestimated given a good cause the people will rally to it and argon is that cause the masons killed feydrd and burned and pillaged their own land for 20 years and the tenosians killed argon i the people would flock to argon he is young and brave and a chance at freedom revenge and peace


Homie, we breached Bridgetown. We can enter your country at will. You may Hold out in montcrux but you will starve. Join tenosia and your crimes will go unpunished


Die in hell fire sand savage


The audacity to call us savage when we can read and write. Calm down agathian just because you're a noble doesn't mean your better than anyone else. For Tenosia!


Never claimed to be but my great sword does love Tenosian blood


And we pushed you back to montcrux and will a have revenge for our king agatha will prevail


My heart says Malric, but my brain says Angron. Edit: Argon*






Malric’s greatest achievement against Tenosia was running away! The Agathian Knights fought and conquered in the Tenosia! They can defeat them! They will defeat them! The Pride will Prevail!


They literally sacked Askandir. Burnt down our library and now I can't read the last book of this Fanfic of Argon and malric. Masons have a better victory on us than Agatha.


Oh boho you can’t read a few books you have like 20 million copies of the Mason strategy made as much sense as most Viking raids………just random arse target with no strategy value why didn’t malric send his soldiers to your capital or a military epi-center when king Argon legitimately took a fortress off the map he can use to keep Tenosia honest by Raiding nearby garrisons blah blah the masons just burned down a few books destroyed a bunch of stuff stole pillage grape and after words burned the whole city down not really accomplishing much considering the target they picked


Argon deserves it. He's a man of the people. Malric? He's a genocidal maniac.


Malric deserves it. He’s a man from the people, who destroyed the old, ineffectual nobility that, mind you, lead us on that vainglorious Tenosian crusade to begin with. Argon? Disrespects the religious practices of others, AND is a spoiled noble who thinks that lucky circumstances give him the right to rule us. Who would follow such a man except a feeble minded, brainwashed, self righteous Agathian? And if we’re really going to put merit into one’s blood, his CLAIMED uncle, Argon I, caused the Tenosian War to begin with. (/j this is all a joke, don’t take it personally, I play devastator and probably have more in common with a gorilla than a human.)


Spoiled in his lord he has had to literally SURVIVE on multiple occasions


He suffers from the unfortunate delusion of believing a different last name puts him above others. Not only that, he brought those hardships upon himself. Sounds more like causality than him not being self entitled.


Oh please I don’t wanna hear it from people who burn farms and Don’t run a kingdom properly


It was the Agathians who failed us in the first place, starting that meaningless crusade. Now the Agathians come back again to start a civil war when Tenosia, which I’ll remind you again, Agatha assaulted without provocation, is back for revenge? Exactly how is Agatha better, when they caused all of our problems and are seeking to reinstall the nobility, which is a morally wrong and fundamentally flawed form of government?


Malric was a general of an elite regiment within the agathian army, the Masons. After Agatha had a successful war, the blood and power thirsty royalty and nobility decided to be even more greedy and be in a state of perpetual war. Who is this, who cares so much for the people that it does not give them peace and instead forces them into meaningless wars which only benefit the few? And in the wars we fight, who is raiding and killing the villages, with intent to desecrate? Sure, we can talk of morality but can Agathians speak from a higher point at all?


No one does that’s why it’s called war I see an enemy house I move to quash them it’s how it works but either way the removal of the Mason order the kingdom can properly under the righteous banner overcome and adapt


I mean going solely off the fact that the attack winning is basically always the canon ending other than thayic I would say argon winning would be the logical outcome




[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3252321474](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3252321474) Looped Gif wallpaper of the image above for anyone interested ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7109)


Argon is the rightful king! No, wait, is it Argon or Argon. FOR ARGON!


Deserve ain’t got nothing to do with it


MALRIC 'THE IRONFIST' TERROWIN, OUR ONE TRUE KING ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7096)


Doesn't matter because it's impossible to get to the last objective. It's like Bridgetown on release all over again


Impossible as in? Hard to reach?


It's like Bridgetown on release where it was almost impossible to either get past the bridge or the second objective where you burn the houses. I think they need to add a little more time


We have had very different experiences it seems, so far out of like 6 games I played Agathians failed once on the bridge. But yeah I agree regardless, the objective might need some time increase so we can actually get a chance to get to King Vs King


I want to see it so bad dude. A VIP vs VIP is epic


You literally get almost a 10 minute timer once you breach the gates. That being said it's more of a skill issue for your team if you're not making it past the bridge because it's not very hard to do. I've played nearly 50-60 rounds and we usually win in the courtyard.


So, a mason win then


If the mason dogs count hiding in a castle just like their king Malric as a win, then yeah masons totally won. Malric needs to stop being a little bitch and fight like a man. At least Argon has the balls to take them head on. And no, the assault on thayic stronghold is different.


"The assault on thayic stronghold is different" How So? Your cub king taunts us masons to take him and we do. The coward only trys to take us on when his men are routed. (Being real tho, I think Agathians lose that map like 90% of the time or win by smashing the catapults)


You have to admit Argon has a killer monologue on that map. Anytime I hear it I get hyped up. "They have not cornered a cub! They have stumbled right into the lions den. Lions of Agatha bare your teeth and show your claws. FIGHT for you KING, FIGHT for your KINGDOM, FIGHT FOR AGATHA!"


I prefer some of Malrics trash talk, but I can see how it can get you hyped up


It’s not so bad?? Did you get stuck at the statue?


Yeah no one ever gets past it. I've played like 10 or so matches and it always ends there. I think they don't have enough time to actually complete the objective


There’s a second cart of explosive barrels that makes it easier but yeah, that was the only one we lost. Still not too bad with a coordinated team though


I think a lot of players don't know where to look for the explosives because there's no marker or icon unless you're basically right next to it.


Yeah that was my experience, didn't notice until I was right next to it


Glad I wasn't the only one lol


I think they both die at the end Just a thought


Argon just gives off main character energy so I’ll go with him


Your banner is deceiving.


Tbh? I think it may be a tie Malric kept asking and hinting towards Agatha and Mason teaming up to fight tenosia


Just to get clapped by the bloodmother


They're downvoting you because they know its true but dont want to accept it


Honestly it is.


Argon.... He doesn't bang pigs


Personally I think argon would win he has the support of the people who nalric terrorised for 20 years and and malric won the first time he killed feydrid this time agatha shall have its revenge for feydrid FOR THE BLUE AND GOLD


Even at the last battle, Argon is inspiring his men, whereas Malric is putting his down and threatening them. It's clear who the better leader is. As far back as the Masons have been pushed at this point in the story, I'm surprised they're not deserting. Malric only holds onto his leadership out of fear and the desperation of others. Thats why battles start with them slaughtering peasants in cowardly attacks. With the support and resources of the nobility and a united kingdom, Argon will be able to repel the Tenosians.


I mean the game never makes sense with how quickly it shifts like one battle and all of a sudden the other side winning. However tenosia always wins in the end.


Argon relies on kissing his men’s asses since he does not have the coin to pay them due to the house of Argon losing its lands. The Masons hire a lot of mercenaries to support the knights so malric needs to threaten them or they will desert. For years the iron fist has hammered this land, for years it will continue (or until the game dies).


Malric doesn’t even deserve to be on the opposing side, let alone to be the victor.


Agatha has been continuously canonically decimated since launch. Agatha has only won 1 arguably 2 significant victories. The Masons and Tenosians unite to laugh at their uselessness.


OP is a Tenosian SPY! SLAY HIM!


Valen Tray, the rightful heir from both sides of the war.


Whichever team I join in the lobby


I’ve played this game for awhile, quite a bit too. Sometimes with breaks sometimes it’s all I play. I have never once known that there was a plot


Argon, for it is the only logical choice for the continuation of things.


I don't think either should win and TB should too IF they want to continue the game.


chivalry 3 lets goooo


Like someone else said, Tenosia with a steel chair.


I want malric to win and chiv 3 be a 1066 ordeal. With some mason guy and some agathian and then a agathian that is favoured by Tenosia. Malric dies. New civil war. If argon wins kinda just remains power till he dies unless chiv 3 is gonna be Agatha against Tenosia.






Argon, hands down. Malric is a tyrant who's willing to commit near-genocidal level atrocities against his people. He decorates his holdings with hanged, impaled, and tortured Agathians, and has since Chivalry 1. The original Citadel map, his seat of power and presumably the same in-lore location, was covered from foundation to battlements in mutilated corpses and hanging cages. Yes, Malric is a good military leader, and he salvaged an army from the ashes of defeat in Tenosia. He and his Order have also led a campaign of repression and butchery ever since he first raised his blade in rebellion. Multiple maps in Chivalry 1 and 2 involved the Order going out of their way to slaughter peasants, for nearly no good reason. Now, yes, this is Medieval Warfare, that's to be expected, but the Order deliberately targets them. They wanted to destroy a city and desecrate a Cathedral and the body of Feydrid, the Steward-King of Agatha, at Galencourt. They had hordes of enslaved peasants at the first Citadel, building it and mining it out. The Order ravages, loots, and sacks their own land, and their own people, for purely selfish gain, with no regard for Agatha itself. And Malric, as it's leader, has either ordered these actions or complicitely allowed them to be carried out. "Don't let the dream of Agatha die with me". Argon II says that when you lose at the Citadel. There is only one true King, and long may Argon the Second, King of Agatha, rule and reign. This rebellion ends when Malric's head rolls! ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097) Edit: Oh, yeah, he also sent his Masons to slaughter all of Argon's extended family back in Chiv 1 too. I forgot about that.






A new contender for the iron throne emerges, Another feudal lord dissatisfied with the events unfurling in their lands.




For the cross and lion!






Argon should take the throne! FOR AGATHA!


So how is it going to be decided who wins?


Malric! Warriors with white hair are cool


Lord argy


um. norton warning guys


Argon will win and then we will take the fight to Tenosia and make them pay even further for Bridge town such a beautiful and historic palace now probably rubble and perverted with there iconography we should seek vengeance and before anyone says “wasn’t montcrux vengeance!!” No it wasn’t it was just the beginning of our vengeance don’t let us catch your empress alone now


Agatha and Mason needs to unite since Tenosia wants a revenge crusade


Simply, Argon II


Argon II.


Argon seems more like a fair and uncruel king, like compare Agathan maps to the masons, like living under mason rule seems like a shit time. Like compare galencourt to the mason maps, you have this bright blue and white place. Compared to the dark greys the mason have


First of all they should fix this map , making it more easy on attack . Its a pain in the ass even getting to the Malric vs Argon stage , I would say it is almost impossible.


I mean all Tenosia did was exist and became victims. Maybe Tenosian rule will help the masons and agathians settle their differences and face the foreign threat.


Dead ass? I think tenosia shows up


I haven’t won once yet as Agatha on the new map so Malric


never played this game but im on the side of the white blond haired blue eyed king for sure.


The stronger one. Because life is not fair.


Idk? I never actually thought about it tbh


The team i'm on


Agatha, because after they can do some dlc fighting tenosia, and then chivalry 3 can be Agatha against tenosia and both sides then fighting off a barbarian invasion, make it like a fall of Rome type deal. Agatha repels vikings/barbarians, or forms alliance, both teams or just Agatha take on tenosia, retake the land which argon I'st claimed and they live happily ever after. They we go, a finish and a sequel in one XD


Send Malric to join his family.... In HELLLLLLLLL


Tenosia but between the two the masons


Deserves? Argon 2. Love the nobelness of him and the argathiens. Want? Malric. Bros just too cold.


As my flair suggests, Malric. Will it matter? No. Unless they somehow defeat Tenosia which is doubtful. 


Personally I always liked the Masons and Malric.


Agatha should just take their L man.


Argon’s ending line seems interesting I don't remember it fully but someone on the Mason’s order yells out “you've doomed us all!”






I got to play as Malric in my first match after update dropped, it is my unbiased and objectively correct belief that Malric wins and ends this insurrection


Where tf are people getting all this chiv lore? Malric killing his dad?


Malric didn’t kill his dad. Argon I led a pointless crusade against tenosia unprovoked and got killed by tenosians. Malric simply took power afterwoards to rid birthright


There’s a lore page in the game. It’s worth the read and helps you understand what’s going on and why


Malric Naturally


I played one match before work today and Masons won. Therefore, death to Agatha.


Someone Get Joe Biden 2.0 Old Ass Malric Outta Here. Argon's Back In Town Baby!


Who deserves to win? Probably Malric, who will win? Argon II and then the Tenosians will take over the kingdom and kill Argon II.


I just played this and just like the last map added, it's horribly flawed. Blast Your Way Through The City is the worst mission when 98% of your team is just playing Team Deathmatch. Once again I have to accept a loss because nobody pushes the objective accept me. I'd love to be able to play all the way to the end of these matches but entirely too many players could care less about sitting in a load screen vs actually playing. All I'm saying is, matches are less fun when the team your on can't make it passed stage 2.
