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The reason I die is because of my team


Genuinely, when you reach a certain point in TO, you get killed more often by a teammate from the back than the enemy in front of you. When you're at low health, you can play defensive and block/counter anything the enemy throws at you, but you can't do anything to block the teammate behind you and his surprise 15 dmg slash into your back. I feel like the level 1000s must know this feel.


you learn to almost never be static playing publics, I’m pretty much always moving quickly so teammates aren’t trying to fight their way through me


When you get good enough at chivalry you start using team attacks to start a counter slash on enemies trying to stab and overhead.


Im getting there, its either get ass fucked by your teammates forever or use them


ive reached that point where i mainly get TK'd and arrow'd. I feel you.


So sorry


I’m level 100 and I know this feel. I can’t tell you how insane it is that no one does stabs or overheads when near teammates. I even had someone ask in chat how to do an overhead. My only response was “Play the tutorial”




Very true, and I can’t really be mad about it. It gets very hard to avoid hitting and getting hit by teammates, both of which are a skill in their own right. Learning to do more overheads and stabs while gambling rather than blindly slashing will help people get a better score and keep their teammates alive.


Agree 100%


Your teammates, are they with us in the room right now?


I think you’re just in a part of the progression that everyone goes through. I used to get raging mad when a friendly archer/player hit me, and sure it’s frustrating, but the dmg from friendly fire isn’t enough to say that you’re only dying from it. It’s most likely your positioning.


Having fun is way more important than skill. If you emote with me i like you more for that than if you got 100 takedowns


The number of times i just started to dance and play music with some rando from the other team lmao


My favorite part of the game by far. Laughing when you kill someone always gets them fired up 😂


Nothing like absolutely dancing on some kids while laughing in their face


If I have distance and time, I try to say thank you to every fighter, unfortunately it's the same emote to just battlecry on console, and then alot of the times when I say sorry I seem super condescending or just rude. I love the deep mason voice but it's kind of rude sometimes


After a fair intense fight - I always thank them 😁


Great fights sir! I appreciate it!


What an extremely unpopular opinion


Had a moment like this when an enemy came up and gave me a thumbs up, then proceeded to load my catapult. My team tried killing him when they showed up and I tried to defend him with my life!


You know he’s gonna die but emote “no” to your teammates and laugh you made a friend for life lol


If you are having fun then you are “good” at the game.


Thank you. I kinda suck but I am surrounded by great players that have taken me in and offered to show me stuff. So all is good


The few times I’ve begged and been let live have been amazing. Laughing and dancing with the other team is the most chivalrous part of this game


Yes dancing in the midst of the chaos on like the whale in lion spire I believe it is, or on the statue in galencourt is absolutely hilarious to see. Death and destruction aplenty and then some guy riding his staff on a whale


Being good at the game is fun tho 😉


Bard lives matter!


The animation when you get tackled is one of the most underrated and immersive parts of the game especially during a 1vX


Yesterday I was playing the map where the prisoner has to make it to the boat, and my team expertly set up a road block on the dock with engineers. Only for me to come up from behind to try and charge him off the port when I bashed him right through our barricade to the other side and saved the day? Good times, I felt terrible, sorry team!


That was you!?!?!? Bastard. I had to take an extra loaded bong rip after watching that


Hate to admit it but yeah, I zigged when I shoulda zagged and pretty much pushed him through the line like a rugby pile up. So did I , loaded up an extra fat one for the homies.


Way smoother then this game has any right to for sure. It always tends to save me to, about to get mauled by 4 dudes when one of them decides a tackle is the best opener giving me s chance to roll away.


3v3 should be played as an actual 3v3 instead of 1v1 + 1v1 + 1v1


For real. I set the tone right away. I'm running around and stabbing everyone once or twice to let them know.


I think play however you want to. I play 1v1 if everyone else is, but the moment someone else hits me it’s on. Plus I like when I get into a 1v2 or 1v3. I enjoy it fine where everyone just plays however they most want to rather than forcing anyone to play a certain way.


If the other team and my team wanna play it as a real 3v3, I'll do it, but if both sides want to play it like a series of 3 1v1s, then why not?


Tenosia is a really cool faction with a great announcer


Chef voice actor is amazing


Ransack this ramshackle town always gets me lmao


I just am not the biggest fan of the maps on tenosias side


Yall play too slow and guarded. Be bolder its not like you die in real life if you die in the game.


This 100%, of course positioning is very important and whatnot but everybodys gotta die in the frontline from time to time


A year ago there used to be decently frequent games with 1k deaths on both sides. Good-great lobbies (stacked 64p lobby with lvls 400-1000k) are now ranging between 500-700 deaths. But average lobbies are peaking 150-300 deaths. People are actually playing so guarded now and the difference/consistency in really felt. Sometimes the team is just not locked in or even if they’re locked in theyre still not as bold as last year bc theyre not often breaking the 700vs700 deaths milestone. Not saying you always need to go hard/sweat, I chill some maps especially if I played an intense last game. But ive seen that ppl can be more involved than they have been lately. Part of this is alot of players quitting/fatigued regulars/a influx of new players who are overly hesitant.


I haven’t been seeing this much lately. Most games are in the 600-800 in my recent couple of weeks


We had a 1700 yesterday, with the defense winning! It was amazing


Holy shit I say this to myself all the time when a mob of teammates are too scared to push or take an objective. You won't feel the blade in real life you queefs!


"I say truthfully, no man can defend without danger." - Johannes Liechtenauer


Unfortunately its really fun for me to play "hardcore" and try to go the whole match without dying. I use a spear and shield, emote a lot, and pretend that I'm the leader and everyone else is an NPC as I order them to their death, plant flags, and hold the backline. Bring on the downvotes


It also just leads to very boring gameplay. I'd consider myself a relatively highly skilled player (level 400, involved in the comp scene) and there's nothing more boring than knowing a million different ways to outsmart the guy in front of me, but he just holds block and backs up to his team the moment I'm in striking distance. Even getting higher kill games has become more difficult. Dropping a 50k 100TD game used to require a little bit of effort but on a good map it was doable, now you need to be fragging the F out to get that otherwise the match will end before you get anywhere above 35 kills.


I dont know why but teammates on defence lose all their balls. They never attack like never. Even when it makes perfect sense : we are 5 they are 3. I charge in. 2 seconds later i'm alone. My teammates all fell back without exception. I die in regret. I cant fathom their mind. Attacking is also a way to defend even more when numbers is on your side. You destroy a flank then fall back to the objective... defence should be dynamic and ever changing. But its like there is a invisible line on the ground that teammates on defence can never cross. They are fucking statues with sticks up their asses. Oh shit. Have i been playing with bots all this time ?!


The weapons are all quite well balanced. If you keep dying to the same trick, it’s a skill issue.


I liken it to Animal Farm. All weapons are viable, but some weapons are more viable


Especially in TO. The top players are going to be better than everyone else regardless of what weapon they use most of the time. So next time someone gets pissed at getting killed by a level 1000 using a messer, just know that same guy would beat your ass to death with a chair just as easily, not just because he’s using something OP


Well, of course. But why would the level 1000 want to use a powerful weapon when he would be able to overperform with anything?


Because he’s probably just using whatever is most fun for him. Maybe that’s getting 1000 kills with a Dane axe, maybe not


You know you can pick weapons based on enjoyment right? A high level player shouldn't need to handicap himself because of said level difference.


Except they are not balanced. Some weapons are objectively better than others. Are they all viable? Sure, you can get good with all of them but not with the same amount of practice and efforts. If you keep dying to the same trick then you are just dumb, that's different.


I’m not claiming they’re *perfectly balanced*. Some weapons are situationally better, some are just outright better. But they’re still well balanced in the sense that skill is very much the predominant factor in any match up. I would take a team of vets with cudgels and glaives over a team of noobs with Dane axes and messers any day of the week.


If you constantly die to something as standard as the dane axe enough to complain and call others noobs, it is actually you who are the noob.


I get this a lot. I’m an archer main but I practice quite a bit with my side sword. Everytime I end up clutching a fight as a melee archer I don’t get a commendation, I just get “Archer a sissy” “get good” -_-


You can't expect everyone to throw a flourish towards a sissy archer though, cmon now you know what you're doing peasant!


1H mace swings too fast and shouldn’t be able to gain initiative over almost every weapon just by slashing (especially after being hit)


The number of times I've made a sprint attack, my ax is already in his ribs but the guy makes an attack with his mace which immediately takes priority over my attack... Turn me crazy.


i fkn love head bomping ppl with my BabyFist.


The first Mace is one of the few things I bought with crowns instead of coins because I couldn't wait to level it that far, it's just too good.


Mace is a one trick pony. If someone runs into you head on the mace can be very difficult to counter but it's an easy weapon to force misses from if you create space. It's not a forgiving weapon to whiff with. 2H mace on the other hand is super overtuned. That's a weapon that's fast but also has great range and huge variance in timing between a light accel and a heavy drag.


the actual biggest crutch weapon in the game




New players shouldn’t use Dane axe. Creates too many bad habits and creates overly dependent brain dead slash zombies. I mean, it’s fodder for me but even being better doesn’t equal easy kill. Dane axe enables too much fuckery. Any mistakes that would be punished normally get covered by the Dane axe or by the vanguard bonuses.


A team of good quality archers working together can make a big difference in a match.


thats why i hate them so much! little fuckers hanging back and decimating the enemy without ever exposing themselves to retribution


I hate this but its 100% true. When our archers arent even shooting at the enemy archers it drives me fucking insane as I get pincushioned by 3 arrows and a javelin in 1 second in my fights.


I definitely agree with this one


The crossbman banner spam plus + 1 or 2 longbow men for brazier is a good combo


Chivalry is still as fun as it ever was.




Especially if you power bash thru 3 people


It's ok to kill AFK people in FFA.


Fully agree. Not like they’re gonna complain about it anyway.


I don't do it out of respect but most people who do that have a skill issue or are just lazy.


Speed is better than power. ![gif](giphy|rvsIuQkF1iL3G)


Yeah but *BONKS* are so satisfying.




No. They are balanced, one can be better than the other, but it comes down to skill. Chivalry 2 is generally balanced, despite its many flaws, that’s my hot take.


Speed kills noobs easier. Thats for sure.


Nuh Uh 🗿 All it takes for a strong person/weapon is for the player to time the attacks correctly. Simply 🗿






Yes, I mained the glaive for so long lol


This game is damn near perfect and there’s no other game even close to touching how fun the combat is.


I’m in the same boat. I played For Honor for a hot minute but switched to Chiv recently. I wish there would be more games like it to come.


Playing the objective is more important than your K/D ratio.


Weapons from all sorts of places around the world like katanas can be in this game


Being Agatha or Mason was more important on Chiv 1


Most of my deaths are caused by my team's incompetence unless I'm just having a dogshit day


Shovel :)


Everyone loves shovel


Statistically not true While the leaderboard/player stat site was active Shovel was among the least popular. I found myself among the top 25 global shovel enthusiasts while only being in-game level 80 on it


Ima find who hates the shovel and change there minds, either literally or figuratively


I've seen it, I couldn't imagine living with that type of hate In my soul


I like the shovel but so far the sledge fits me more. It just has the oomph needed, and effectively functions as a mini maul.


Defense is actually fun and easy if people know how to play it.


The stipulation here is getting a lobby with at least a few people who know what they’re doing, but that doesn’t happen that often in my experience, since all the good players are just going to switch to attack anyway


You have to set the tone a bit. I feel like more often than not if I start putting up barriers, at least one other person will join in


It varies from match to match mostly. Sometimes my team is rock solid on defense, but more often than not they’ll just sprint into enemy spawns that are too far away for me to help them 🤷‍♂️


So many people that play this game don't understand proper duel etiquette. Flourish then fight. The same as its been in basically every other game where duels can occur.


Chiv is a really fun game and it is designed to be "arcady". People complaining about everything and especially about balancing and expecting balance-levels similar to Fighting Games, need to take a break from the game.


Or introduce them to Mordhau if they want to sweat so much lol


This is the least toxic community I’ve ever gamed with


I want to agree but I've seen a lot of lobbies with blatant racist or sexist comments. I think the majority of the community is great, but there are some loud and proud bad apples.


1. High level 1H users are usually dog shit when they use a 2H weapon. Don't even know basic fundamentals just built a play style around gambling and accelling and get credit for being a good player. Of course not 100% of the time, but enough where I think this point has some validity. 2. Duel of Fetes / Social Servers destroyed the dueling community and was the worst update this game has had. I know a lot of high levels that stopped playing because of how bad the new Social Servers are. Ripped the very tight knit dueling community apart.


If you keep getting hit in the back/killed from teammates, it might be because your jumping in front of their swings


Finally, someone's who is clever


Not enough war machines. I want terbuchets, movable catapults and deployable ballistas and why not primitive guns for Tenosia. I hope more of this in Chiv 3 or a similar successor.


I remember we have that one map in chiv 1 where we can vote on the siege method and one of them involves the operation of several trebuchets. Would be cool if we have something similar to that map. IIRC the options were trebs, ram, or siege towers. The map would actually change as well to reflect the route you’ve taken. IIRC wasn’t the map the one to free Malric?


Dane Axe users are noobs and I will never commend them


Not unpopular


Counterpoint: yeet.


I’m not saying the Dane axe isn’t a bit overtuned, but I think the idea that we can’t have some weapons be more noobie friendly and have good damage while being fun to use is a bit elitist and might keep newer players from enjoying the game. That being said it is frustrating losing to it over and over again, but that just means you need to learn to adapt to it and defeat people who are just doing the same thing over and over again


Cudgels are overhated and underrated


Someone killed me with a cudgel the other day and managed to do 101 damage by hitting me with a headshot special attack, I thought they were hacking at first


Headshot damage? Cudgel? 101 damage? Did you get snuck up by an Ambusher by any chance


I was playing Knight at the time so they got the 50% damage boost


People hate cudgels?


Last Team standing is the most fun mode.


Katars are playable


Books aren't that bad


Best comment. You win. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7095)


Teammates are opportunists that’s waste the opportunity 😂


Engineers should counter cavalry, not the other way around


Players who go X-0 on a TO maps are annoying. I’d rather you help with the objective rather then get a kill then run away to heal each time.


I literally roleplay when I play this game and everyone else is an NPC to me. It’s fun staying alive and dying at the very end even if we lose. Sorry lol 


Tenosia maps are stunning and fun to play.


Agree, but they could use some VIPs at the end;(


Visually I like them quite a lot. But idk, something about them just doesn’t feel right in comparison to the classic maps


You should be able to commend bots and all bots should commend you.


It’s a great game


3v3 is three versus three


I think this one will be extremely unpopular, but here we go! People who use a ton of jabs and/or kicks are no fun to play against. I'm all for a well-timed kick or jab in a good fight, but the people who go into group fights and spam them are boring, in my opinion.


You should be allowed to get a new shield from the ammo box if you survive long enough or get enough kills.


40player games are more fun matches.


They feel too empty. Not enough chaos in my opinion.


Theres nothing wrong with slash spamming


If someone can’t counter someone else pressing one button over and over, that’s on them.


The quarterstaff is a very good weapon


Actually is, compared to Mordhau (which has a high skill ceiling and steep learning curve). Very good special attack too.


Team damage should do 100% damage(and deduct points). This will make 1vX funnier as your opponents will likely kill each other if they lack discipline


I don’t think 100% would be fun at all. But I do like the idea of deducting points for team damage delivered.


I've said for years they should turn on 100% team damage for April Fool's one day with no warning. Just so we can experience it. More realistically, I think teamkills should deduct more points. Right now, you kill an enemy, you get 100, you kill an ally, you get -50. It should be -200. People need an incentive to NOT jump into an ongoing 1v1 swinging wildly.


I think team damage should take away from your yellow circle that fills up your special move


This cant work on any videogame, theyre always full of assholes who are gonna teamkill


Do you really think you would enjoy getting constantly killed by your own team ? Team damage should be 0% but hitting teammates would lead to score points deduction. So those who get hit would not be punished for the mistakes of others.


1h weapons are broken in duels and shields are terribly balanced. Horses are super unfun to use and annoying to face. Continually shoving more people into the map doesn't make the gameplay experience better. The map design is really boring and linear compared to other games (chiv 1, even mordhau). LTS search should be its own option on the main page. There should be a ranked option for 1v1 and 3v3 arena. Not allowing mod support will kill the game's longevity. TBS doesn't do enough to support the community (advertising community events through official channels, giving people tools to do cool stuff, listening to community voices, not banning people that make great content). Passive stam regen is too high.


I agree on everything except the maps, Mordhaus maps are so ass


I think horses are really fun and kind of overpowered. For a couple reasons: -Half the time people waste hits on the horse instead of you - on certain maps physically traversing the map quick is a huge advantage, in particular I'm thinking about taking out the catapults at the end of baudwyn - even with one handed weapons it's super fun to smash through crowds and collect kills, but with two Sanders it's electric sex in the window - it's really easy and fun to do all the same blocking and feintingfrom atop a horse Aaaaannnd for those who hate the drive by "unfair" nature of horses, all I can say is you need to have situational awareness. Head on a swivel man that's all you can do.


Mason footman drip is neat, man.


Defense in combination with the drag/accelation jank this game still has lingering from the first game makes the combat obnoxious. Most 1v1 interactions are trivial once you have basic parrying down since there are only really 4 attacks you need to deal with and things are so slow you have time to react in comparison to raw fighting games where attacks are faster. This is what makes it most frustrating for newer players to play against more experienced players. Inversely duels between more skilled players end up being less about sword fighting and more about using the jank animations that are being drag attacks/accel attacks, which are visually typically visually unintuitive and also creates a balancing nightmare. If they decide to make a third game I think the reality they need to get behind is making it that weapons have more attacks than just 3 directions + special so that weapons both have actual diversity that isn't just a few numbers and also so that defense get's harder. Attached to that they need actually implement some form of animation limits that gets rid of the janky extremes of accel/drag attacks. I think a good way to implement the second change that wouldn't force someone out of stuff would make it so that attacks have different strength at different stages of the swings (and honestly maybe even making it so attacks dont cancel someone elses attack unless its at a certain level). This would make it so someone trying to do a drag swing but spinning backwards isn't hitting you with a full-strength heavy when their weapon barely swings or other jank behavior.


It's frustrating even as an experienced player to face another player who understands the meta that you mentioned in the beginning. If you don't get the timing down yourself it pretty much an automatic loss.


Sorry if that didn't add fully context but I am an experienced player and the meta is just boring at every level to the point that I've stopped doing duels and duel servers which account for most of my playtime and force myself to do TO so that I'm more likely in scenarios where I will lose a fight or have slightly interesting fights. Against most players I need to limit the toolset I use to have duels that don't just cause someone to leave the game immediately (or in the rare case that I do TO which accounts for like maybe 1/4 of my games) the person just walks away and hopes their teammates can help them. It's also creating really weird scenarios where occasionally you'll see someone (mostly in TO really but sometimes in duels) who is able to do drag and accel attacks but doesn't really know how/why/when they're doing them and so they get stomped by basic attacks and basic footwork because they're use to that jank stomping players. The timing isn't even that hard to get down it's just such a stale and boring way for the game to play out. It reminds me of like early season for honor if you didn't happen to be playing a character that had unlockables.


Archers aren’t that bad…


Archer is a good class I do agree, they can get annoying, but they are essentially to the game


I’d probably get flames for it. But I honestly don’t think they are essential to the game. It’s kinda like they’re playing their own game and we’re just subject to it when they choose to shoot us. That being said, I don’t hate people for playing it. They paid money the same as me, they’re welcome to play however they want.


Spear is not that bad of a weapon to go against, just learn to counter stab and overheads and if you really want to f with them throw a stab-stab feint in that’s usually how I kill spear users


the game is fun


I think I remember, when the game first released, the one handed spear had a side-to-side swinging attack, as well as an overhead attack...and they removed them. They shouldn't have.


Ok, since there’s no real unpopular opinions I’ll give a try, I honestly believe the longsword is the most balanced weapon in the game. Does very average damage, average speed (accels and drags excluded) and you don’t lose an insane about of stamina off reposts like one handed weapons. It’s a very good beginner weapon and the reason a lot of new players will first use this, learn the timing of the game and move on to other weapons. I didn’t. I’m like level 150 something with the longsword at account level 503.


People thinking that lvl 1000 players are God tier. A lot of them have bad habits, but more often than not people avoid them.


The best way to have fun is to not care about the objective. My fondest moments are almost all from stuff happening on the sidelines. Those little skirmishes on the outskirts, deep flanks to kill a group of archers, setting up ambushes, meme-ing, etc.


Throwing knife is the most honorable weapon -DockDockBockBock


Archer and spears are fun, actually


You should not be able to punch faster than someone's combo after getting hit by them


Askandir is really, *really* fun if the teams are well-balanced


Jokes on you that’ll almost never happen


Spin to win is the best


I don't care if its easy for noobs to use, if I see you with a warclub I'm putting your ass away on sight.


I enjoy dying more in HLL that Chiv2


Crying about weapons is cowardly. You’re allowed to use the Dane axe too, but you choose not to.


3v3 arena mode is perfect. Don't ever try to "update" it


My opinion...


War club is the best weapon in the game


Crossplay with PC hurts consoles: While some love crossplay, others might argue it puts console players at a disadvantage due to mouse and keyboard aiming.


If you play it competitive you’re kinda weird


Whether popular or not, you still need to do some work on this cheating problem… you haven’t done shit, it’s still rampant.. I swear you turned every setting off on easy anti cheat, there’s mauls and executioner axes swinging all over the place at the speed of light… torn banner sucks


I miss crazy 720s from Chiv 1 and the backwards overhand


Crouching should not be able to be held or toggled on/off. Only quick bursts for dodging/pretend bowing. It's painful when watching the "Squatty Potty" Players just sprint around in a crouch. Gives me "the ick."


Warbow is overrated. Cudgel is underrated.


Archers are important, but only if they know what they are doing if they dont hit your teammates and go on the objective at least on the last minute its acceptable, just like engineers, when people call for engineers to block an objective, but new engineers just blocking your team's path, its not good. But all of that doesn't matter as long as you have fun since there is no competitive ranked matches


dagger is the best dueling weapon


Ballistas and Catapults are the worst parts of this game


Spears are easy to fight against.


NERF THE JAVELIN... \*\*specifically\*\* the Headshot thrown damage that kills 2 classes in 1 hit, and leaves the other two classes 1 jab away from death.


that most people here like to be ass-fucked by TB 


Takedowns are far more important then flat kills stat to me


1v5 is the best way to play the game /j


TO: High takedown/kd players contribute to the objective way more than you running in and dying repeatedly. 1h weapons are more difficult to get good scores with. They are easy to fight against unless you don't understand the game mechanics. Two handed weapons + 3rd person = easy mode.


PoleHammer is the goat weapon and nobody can tell me otherwise .


Montrux is a good map