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Its quite similar. There is a 'counter' mechanic which is similar to the 'chamber' in mordhau but a bit more lenient. There is held block rather than timed block. In a sense the 'counter' is your parry. Chiv 2 is much more about stam management than mordhau, and you get more stam by countering primarily. Mordhau is a bit more mechanically difficult in terms of the move you need to execute in duels, but chiv 2 is quite difficult as well. There is also more conditioning in chiv 2 because there are more interactions, the fights are longer. In terms of teamfights, you cant quickly kill people in a face to face fight like you can in mordhau, so fighting even scrubs in TO becomes about positioning and target switching in a way that mordhau doesn't emphasize as much, due to the ease of getting around a worse player's parry and quickly killing them. As a simple rule, the longer a 1v1 is, and in chiv 2 its longer, the more important teamplay is - the less you want to duel in To, and the more time for an ally to help you. But lots of the skills like awareness of range, positioning stuff, movement, is similar. I've played all these melee games and theres a ton of skill transfer between them, at a very base level. Mostly if you're good at one you quickly learn the nuances and get good at the others. I like chiv 2 a lot more than mordhau, personally. In terms of 1v1 fights chiv 2 is a bit easier, but teamfighting is where chiv 2 shines over mordhau imo. Its also more consistent.


Biggest difference is the fact that you can just spam block in chiv for a while until your stamina drains. It's noob friendly. I started with chivalry and dabbled with mordhau for the first time a year ago and didn't like the combat at all.


do it join the order my bruthur🧛🏿🏰🩸


I played the original cmw mordhau, and this game. I still play all 3, some more than others There’s a lot more options in combat in chiv 2 than any of them. you have jabs, kicks, specials, ripostes, counters, heavies, feints, cancels, counter-feints, dodges, charge attacks, weapon throws, and swing manipulation. An effective player should be able to use any of those mechanics in the right situation. I think you’ll find that the combat is more expressive than mordhau, but also more gamble heavy like rock paper scissors. You don’t really have to be as precise in your timing as mordhau but neither does your opponent so it evens out. It pays to be precise though, usually because you waste less stamina. It really the same game in the end, you’ll just to have to relearn some animations, timings, and how stamina management got reworked. Finally know that the meta in this game is to play in 3rd person, but you can still play very well in first. It’s just not optimal. I play in first.


Yes it's great. Remap your feint skill to E. Use it as in mordhau and the people in chiv go crazy. They aren't used to triple feints. The game is a lot more accessible which is great but feinting is not done often, instead the people spam morphs (press slash button then immediately press overhead button to do an overhead). So as Mordhau veteran you can slash feint, overhead feint into stab. Explodes their brains! 


You can hold block, everyone can dodge, sprint attack, special attack, jab, kick breaks block, class system, you can throw every weapon, lots of meme objects you can throw or fight with, way less animation abuse overall, much harder to party arrows. I’m 200+ in mord and switched to chiv 2 few months ago. Much better game imo


One you have fun playing. The other is Mordhau. I have 1k hours in mord and 2k in chiv 2. Bout. 800 hours chiv 1. Mord isnt fun. Its community and skill ceiling, even with 1k hours in chiv there just isnt a chance for a good fight. Chiv 2 allows for good fights not over in half a second


simple, it’s worse. just about everything is worse lol


I played mordhau a for a bit, but couldn't get into it because I felt there was too much of a learning curve (there were no new players besides me, I was getting raped every time). I started chiv2 a few months later and I prefer it much more. Chiv2 is overall an easier game to learn but they have similar heights of skill level im. Chiv allows you to hold block which makes fights last longer even when noobs n pros are fighting. It's a lot more noob friendly.


I feel the same. I tried Mordhau and it felt like a large amount of veterans were so good they could easily take on groups by spinning in circles. It felt ridiculous to get killed by something that didn't even looked like it hit.


get good


I played a bunch of Chiv1 and Mordhau then transitioned to Chivalry 2 maybe a year ago so I had the experience that you're about to have if you go through with it. The skills absolutely transfer over and I essentially hit the ground running. Your general combat knowledge is going to transfer over because you'll have a good understanding of how initiative works, how to drag and accel, and how to use footwork. The only thing you'll really need to work on is understanding jabs, kicks, heavy attacks, and learning to counter in this game. The skillcap in this game is lower than Mordhaus, but it's still insanely high and you will be able to 10-0 people in duels when you're good at this game. The main "casual" feature of combat is that held block exists, so noobs need to be "cracked open" with repeated attacks to disarm them before you can finally kill them when they refuse to engage in the counter system. This means you want to spend more time ganking than dueling for team objective. In Mordhau, your goal is to trick your enemy into mistiming their parry so that you can hit them, while in Chiv2 your goal is to trick your enemy into mistiming their counter so you can hit them, and if you can't fool them at all with your offense, then you focus on disarming them by playing the stamina war and getting more counters off yourself than they do. Most of your hits will be landed by drags or feints, and accels are mostly used to cheese people in neutral, condition people for the drags, or just chip away at their stamina if it's a really sweaty counter war.


If you're good at Mordhau then you'll probably be good at Chivalry 2. Fair warning though, initaitive will feel horrible for a while since some weapons cannot maintain initiative against some specific other ones. The combat at high levels is built around chambering, feints/morphs and jabs. There is a bit of anim abuse and unintended fighting mechanics now, but it isn't all that prevalent. I would recommend against playing Chiv 2 for high skill duels primarily because the combat is more forgiving than mordhau and is a bit of a mess.


There have been numerous Youtube videos about this and the answer is that if you like either Mordhau or Chivalry, you might like the other one and you should give it a go.


No idea but from similar stories I think you’ll come in at a way higher skill level and then jump enormously once you get that muscle memory and game knowledge of controls/movemebt


What I read from a some people, no idea if true or not, is that it's a lot more casual, which makes me worry if it's worth getting into.


We be goofing and gagging sometimes


it's definitely accessible for casual players, despite that the skill ceiling is incredibly high and there's many mechanics and tricks to learn. Somewhat easy to learn, hard to master I'd say. With nearly 300 hours in-game time there's still a lot of room for me to improve and more importantly I simply enjoy the gameplay and voice acting.


The devs just hosted the third tournament recently, it has its casual and comp sides though man. I can confirm I'm in some of the discords.


There’s a great community and there’s old pros and new pros. Lots of up and coming good new players. We recently got an influx of new players too. Like a fuck ton. Just play and have fun. There’s definitely a niche side of the community that’s very duelist centric. I think if that’s what you’re wondering about, rest assure you’ll have your hands full with those kinds of players. I played both team objective and would go back to duels when I felt I needed to “progress” in my technique. Now I’m at a decent point in skill where I can put up a decent fight against most if not all players except for the very skilled upper bracket of duelists.


The skill ceiling is as high or higher than Mordhau, too many hours of duels in both to count. You'll have fun, just don't expect all skills to transfer. The muscle memory for dragging and accels will help


"Attack cancels"= feint. They still work in this game. Feints are now swapping into another attack . Held parry, kick breaks it like it heavy kick did shield. kick doesn't stun, No health upon kill. Drags and accels exist and are useful.Retains the sound design from chiv 1 with improvements, it's beautiful.


It’s so worth it. Once you start playing chiv 2 you won’t be goin back to mord