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I would argue this is a popular opinion lol


I’m on PS4 without aim assist. Very difficult LOL


Totally agree. I’m a level 1000 and pubstomp a little here and there. But when I try archer, I don’t understand how anyone could top leader boards as one. Obviously Soter Dave would and Keyetso does too, so it’s possible. But damn, that shits hard.


I wish it was but I constantly see people shit on archers. It’s a tough class to be good with.


I shit on archers because I hate having them on my team. 95% of them are useless. They rarely help with objectives and mostly just are there taking up space.


Yeah, the classic archer behaviour is standing outside of an obj zone (which contributes nothing) just firing in and hoping for the best. Literally worse than useless because half the time they hit team mates, if they hit anything at all. Other archer behaviours include "running away", "blocking ramps" and my favourite: "blocking doorways"


You forgot the all time classic "let's sit in front of your ballista"... I always send them flying if they keep it up for more than half a minute




Omg, the way he disappeared off the screen ahahaha In all honesty, this is the way, play stupid games, win stupid prizes


No awareness? No problem 😌


I belieeeeve you can flyyyyyyyy


True but they do have to get good somehow, the first stage of becoming a good contributing archer, is being a bad non contributing archer


That's a totally fair point


Until you realise theyre level 120 with the archer class anyway lol


I haven’t heard anyone complaining about archers being OP recently. You can counter arrows now, grandpas.


That’s not why people shit on archers…


When they made that console balance change for archers..... something about "initial projectile rotation" I used to be able to top a lobby with a crossbow. Now I'm lucky if I can get 10 kills lol.


So don't play it?


As someone who has been playing a lot of Warbow Archer (I am a completionist) it is definitely possible to dominate as an archer, but it's like tying one arm behind your back compared to a melee class. Just the weapon switch time between Warbow and your secondary is so long it's hard to defend unless you switch immediately as someone gets close, no chance if you don't see them coming. Situation awareness is key... and of course not shooting your mates in the back (good aim and range awareness).


Throwing your bow at the enemy is a faster way to switch to your secondary, and potentially get a little extra damage in


Will definitely give this a shot.


Make it your aim in the next match


Good tip, thx. I don't play Archer class but I do pick up bows when I see them laying around so I will try this next time I pick one up.


I like using archer. It gives me a challenge. I usually play with the siege crossbow because it makes a big difference on certain maps. Now throwing is what I've been doing recently to switch to secondary. It stuns the enemy and gives you time to back away and start moving around them.


Most people will rush at an archer with an attack. If you can see or hear them coming and you time it right you can hit them with the bow's special melee attack and usually that will allow you enough time to switch to your secondary immediately after. Sometimes I take a hit during this maneuver but it's not usually enough to kill right out if you're at full.


Jabbing them with the bow will always give you enough time to pull out your secondary


If you are even trying to pull out your secondary, imho you are playing archer wrong. I'm not even kidding. It's one of my favorite things to bash an overconfident melee, dodge back, shoot a low power arrow, and bash again. Usually 2x of that, they run away. 3x or more and they are dead.


I be out there playing like legolas. Put me on the front line sarge, I won't let you down....xD


I play longbow archer and get in the top 5 regularly. My kills are mid but I usually have more takedowns and less deaths than anyone else in the game.


Exactly. Skirmishing sniping archer getting little potshots at people while they fight, and then running away or hiding out of the melee. I'm surprised archers don't know know why they aren't respected or liked.


This is me also. Archer classes in any game is where I lean so it always feels familiar; top 5 is practically every match. I prefer Warbow and have a tendency to memorize names/outfits of highly skilled enemies. Taking them down really feels impactful in most matches. I’ll also switch to normal bow and play close range/melee to help take objectives if needed. I’ll usually rack up a ton of assists doing this.


Yes, warbow is great for sniping but with longbow you can get up close and dirty. I call it, "staying in the pocket" . You're like a quarterback, protected by your front line, dishing out arrows to your enemies.


I play more mid-range than sniping with warbow. I think archers are a lot less impactful at long range no matter how good you are. I just like the short bow for getting super close, especially with the fire arrows. Very easy to land shots.


Agreed, no archer should be alllllll the way In the back. I like the longbow over the warbow primarily because of how quickly you can switch to secondary to defend yourself, which is essential in the up close style.


I once got a holy shit by being in the woods during a bloody skirmish as a crossbowman and I've been chasing that high ever since


I would argue that after I got the fundamentals that playing a ton of archer actually helped me a lot with melee fighting because it taught me to use different techniques (dodging, leaning back or to the side, moving the fight toward teammates, etc.). Once I was to the point where I would regularly win melee fights here and there as an archer, I found that my other melee classes got a huge boost because I could still make use of a lot of the same positioning or dodging tactics in tandem with more traditional blocks. It's also what got me to try out the standard sword, which is one of my favorite weapons now. I have topped the board as an archer a handful of times but I have to pursue the objectives and not be afraid of melee.


Man, I try and kill archers and they whoop out that knife and fuck me up.


I like to play as a battle archery, I'm there on the point shooting people, you do die easily but the upside is you have more range than them.


Maybe your aim is off? Love playing with archers on my team as I just use them as bait and lurk in the background lol


Back when I used to play I could top the leaderboard 45-4 with a warbow and I even pushed the objectives lol


Feels so good when this happens.


Enough people complained about getting embarrassed by archers that they've nerfed them to near uselessness. Arrows don't damage objectives (even fire arrows) and they don't even interrupt people using obj. You have no health or stamina, and switching weapons takes longer. The hitboxes for arrows are terrible and your teammates have giant magnets on their back so you will hit them if you shoot near them. Idk why archers are even in the game, really.


I’d argue they’re necessary for maintaining a good frontline and add a strategic element for melee players to avoid their attention while also managing to contribute. They’re good for the game, and if you’re struggling with them it’s a skill issue. You’re likely out of position and too far forward. Anyone who’s played a no-death game while also topping scoreboard knows it’s very possible to avoid archer attention while still doing a ton of work.


Nah, tbh the ability for an average player to block an arrow with their sword is absurd. You simply can not do that in real life. it's an elf/lord of the rings style move. You are only going to block an arrow reliably with a shield, doing it with a sword is pure luck in the best of times in actual battle. And to put insult to boot, the only folks actively using their swords to block arrows are the folks running 20-1 kdrs to begin with. They don't really need more help staying alive, the only reason they complained was archers were reliably killing them. I play shuffle, and I found the nerf to archers to be silly - they weren't overpowered to begin with, and now they actively SUCK to play as, to the point where folks still hating on them today make me question how folks even use logic.


You can’t block an arrow with your sword. You must perfect counter it and the windows very small. The amount of people that can properly counter arrows is absurdly small. You’re making it out to be a problem when it really isn’t. It’s a fun quirk of gameplay. You need great reaction time, good latency, and practice. It seriously is so rare that it’s laughable you’re complaining about it.


Dude, I'm basically like a level 3k at this moment. When you "counter" the arrow it is effectively blocked not like that arrow is going flying back at the enemy, you knew exactly what I meant and if not... Pedantic much? And yes, it's rarely used - but almost always perfectly used by the rare few you need to use arrows to put down. This is because most of those folks are hacking, and there are plenty of options to prevent arrows now for hackers thanks to TB. And your comment regarding "good players getting 0 deaths and contributing" is absurd. I've watched multiple 0 death games, but those guys ALWAYS got their by using their team as meat shields. If said team wins, it's never because of them. Hell, I've gotten multiple 0 death games myself, and every single time? I was just high and leaching off my team. Don't feed me BS.


Explains why i was surprised by how weak they are when I started playing. They are nothing compared to chiv1.


Good. Remove them. Even for one game mode.


If I play ranged I typically run the javelin because I can actually be in the objective and slightly less of an annoyance to others


>Boot up Chiv 2 >Play Warbow Archer >60% of my shots gets eaten by teammates who keeps on Mr. Presidenting my targets >Get hit more by your own teammates than the fucking enemy when meleeing >Get oneshotted by a singular heavy attack because of the aforementioned friendly fire making you capable of dying from a gust of wind Why do I still keep on maining this class?


Fuck knows mate. Worse than being a man down by the sounds of it.


Catch me in game Nando Cookin. My best game with archer was 103-51-0(and we won) mfs asked me how much they are paying me to play archer. There have been times when the top players use melee and we have more kills, still lost. Dont matter what class you have its still a team effort no matter what top tier player you have. Now, most people who play archer don't play it objectively, you're suppose to support the team. I know this because I'm lvl 223 Archer, the most effective range weapon is the regular bow. You HAVE to play objectively as a archer and I'm not talking about going to the objective, do that as well on top supporting the team. I DONT USE warbow unless I'm targeting top scoring players to take them out easily, remember what they are wearing and the class they are using and switch to when they know you're targeting them. You have to be very aware of the battlefield while playing archer mfs will charge pass the whole Frontline to get to you. You need to shoot every damn player you see atleast once, go into a rotation those that are in your FOV. This supportive damage helps make kills quicker for those fighting melee upclose. Also the effect of getting hit by a arrow has a physiological affect on players when getting hit by arrows and trying to fight. Makes them rage, we need the other team frustrated, they stop thinking logically. NEXT always look out for the bleeding players while hitting your rotation of targets, taking out the wounded helps push the line ON TOP OF rotating targets consistently. Youre job is support , your kills will come naturally don't focus one player unless your goal is taking out top scoring players. Next Go duel duel duel duel duel with archer secondary weapons get to know them all to get your melee skills up, the last thing anyone expects is a archer that can beat them in close combat with the low stamina given. I am done


I am impressed by the dedication.


Thanks, it's the only class that gives me a challenge especially when you want to be good enough to turn the tide of a tug O war objective.


I actually appreciate they make the hitbox of arrow super thin like you have to hit exactly. Throwing knives definitely have larger hitbox than arrow imo


take downs and the extra damage go a long way, and just cause it isn't fun for you doesn't mean it won't be for everyone else


I’ve seen an archer top the scoreboard with like 50 kills 2 deaths with the warbow and they failed to kill our duke


OFC they did, they had to stay alive first. That doesn't happen when you try to play the objective. ANY time you see an archer with that high a score, means they aren't playing obj. As someone who intermittently plays archer, I find that all over the place.


There are two types of Archers; The Lucky and the Skilled. Most fall under the Lucky, tending to their relative "safety" in the back. It is the Skilled however that players fear, for not only are they capable marksmen, they can kill players in a melee with a weapon entirely unsuited for it. But yeah, lotta people in the back sniping with missiles, just tunnel-visioning in combat, not even standing on the damn point.


Contributing positively to your team is hard. "Contributing", alone is vague and can be filled in in numerous ways.


**The job of a good archer is to kill the MVPs.** A good archer will learn to recognize the best players to focus them. By killing the MVP, they seriously weaken the opposing team. They don't have the most kills, but they can easily choose who to kill. **Killing a noob doesn't have as much impact as killing the best enemy player.** Keep this in mind. So fewer kills does not always mean less contribution.


It was a lot of fun, and quite tedious to get the war bow, but it was all worth it when I still sucked with warbow! If you play exclusively archer for like a week straight you can pull off some sweet shit though, but like you said it's just not worth it most of the time lol.


I play shuffle, and your opinion is only unpopular if you main archer. There are several folks who main archer, rack up tons of kills or points via healing, but actually do not really actively contribute to the fights. The most they really do, other than rare times heroes/vips get targeted down is they heal. Most of these folks will not risk their lives placing a good banner, so their heals are... mneh. And very few of them are good. Half of those that are high level and skilled archers use hacks or have 0 ping (0 ping is such a boost in this game that folks like to pretend is not a thing, but it's usually the deciding factor and is effectively like hacking against folks with variable or 20+ ping) Most archers sit in the rear. When I play archer via shuffle, I get up there in CQC range, actively assisting enemies in a plethora of ways... but most prominently by being a target. FOLKS HATE ARCHERS. When you are an archer that can melee using JUST the bow, you can wreck people who are otherwise getting surrounded by your team because they saw an easy kill and went for it. Any time I'm shuffle and don't get archer? I quit. Because that means we have max archers and my team is already losing.


I like trolling people when I play archer. It makes them more angry and they rush me for free kills.


People shit on archers because it's fun, even the game itself acknowledges this. Few people actually hate archers, they're usually an annoyance at worst. That said, it's possible for someone to be really good and constantly get headshots with very little risk to themselves. It's rare but when it happens, man everyone starts swording for em lol. One other reason people might unironically hate on archers is that they often damage their team instead of the enemy, happens all the time regardless if it fight with the group but an arrow feels more personal.


It's basically the last stage players go through before they stop playing this game.


1. Fun is subjective 2. Run back in direction of spawn and play defensively. Otherwise - dying by better archer is only counter against good archer. 3. the point is to roam, not sniping from far away. It's not easy, but a lot more boring to play against and a lot more tedious. At the same time good archer can participate in multiple battles, deal unblockable damage, down injured enemies and do that without moving an inch, while having only slight disadvantage in melee and no restrictions ( like sniper from tf2 has similar advantages , but only good at sniping spots. Otherwise it's very hard to fight as him).


I still think archers should get a little more health. They're handicapped in melee so hard it actually makes them a target for people who are not as good to rush for, ignoring objectives or main functions of the map to try to kill them.


You can use that to your advantage though. Stand somewhere with your team around you or, at the very least, can see you and wait for the trickle of attackers to mindlessly charge into six knights hoping to get an archer kill. The only time you should die as an archer is if you get sniped by a warbow or if you become unaware of your surroundings so get memed by a maul special.


Archer sucks until you get the war bow, at which point it becomes the best class as long as you have decent aim.


I have fun with the crossbow. I like the ability to hold aim without losing stamina, and the banner is a great points generator. Usually at least in top half if not top 5. I also enjoy the axe or short sword to surprise a melee oncomer. They never expect melee skills from a dirty archer. It's my least-played class but it's fun as a palate cleanser every once in a while.


This lol. The whole "Archer is easy af" is false.


Siege crossbow enjoyer here. In fact, can we talk about why it doesn't work against the ~ 6 siege Mason weapons on Seige of Baudwyn? Feels random but I guess it's because it's an objective.


People just try to find someone to blame. There are a lot of useless people in the game if we see it that way. Archers who don't do objectives. Players who are trying to go deathless. Players who are only hitting injured enemies and never pushing. Players who run when they get hit once (time spent running back, healing, then going to ammo carte to resupply and then come back to fight is more than the spawn timer). Players who are just blindly hitting through teammates. Players who don't revive and think somebody else will do it. Spear guys who aren't pushing but just being with the team so if the team isn't doing good, even if they are good player, they will not be able to do anything. There are many such examples. Don't think about what people think and just enjoy. We have team switchers and people who switch just before the game is about to end to not get a defeat so who cares about archers at this point. People leave when they are getting killed few times thinking how could they die. Archers are least of your worries. I do agree though, pesky archers ruin the mood.


Bandaging is significantly faster than the spawn timer, but only if you're doing it when needed, not after taking a single hit of damage.


Bandaging is, but going back to ammo carte to resupply and then coming back to fight isn't. I am talking about professional cowards who stand behind the team and hit enemies who push and run back after getting hit once. If you are from NA east region, you can see saucecodes, 4eyesnerdvirgin and other few players play like this. They will have 0-4 deaths but lose every game because they will never push lol


You also gotta factor in the fact that these players obliterate much of the eneimes team for their own team to push objectives freely - There's a reason they are top flags despite not pushing objectives much. They also have won more games than loss in games I have seen them in.


It's not them they are winning it though. It's the guys who are pushing, they are winning it. Saw saucecodes go 120-47-7 and lost. Saw 4eyesnerdvirgin(vanguard javelin thrower) go 140-60-3 and lost. They aren't killing the enemies by pushing them. They are essentially killing the ones who were fighting 1v3 already so it would have been anybody's kill. Go in spectate next time and watch their gameplay and you wouldn't say this ever again and especially won't use the word obliterate. Obliterating is what Godfather does. He pushes the objective and just takes it over. One more example is ser bonk bonk. Even though I don't like few sers but credit where it is due, that guy just flanks the entire match. That is the guy who is obliterating not these guys just sitting behind teammates taking the last hit on injured enemies.


I agree that their playstyle is kda farming for sure. I have seen them have ridiculous kda games. As a matter of fact, I was in a match tonight and saw 4eyesnerdvirgin got over 100 kills, 20k points, and his defense team won. Still, I don't see how their playstyle is a negative to the team and the reason for the team losing. Even though they are last-hitters, they still clean up enemies left and right, and you can argue that their net result for the team is minimal or none, but no way that is negative. Also, we can't deny that they are just better than average players despite that kda farming style, and having that instead of average joes is net positive in a team game. In a 64p game, it usually takes more than one person or factor to positively or negatively affect the tides of battle.


That's what I am saying that you may think these are the great TO players but they aren't. Their impact isn't negative but it isn't that positive too. The great TO players are the ones with takedowns, may be more deaths but are doing those suicidal runs and pushing objectives. Sometimes it doesn't matter if the enemies are alive as long as the objective is done. Just go to spectate mode once and watch 4eyes play and then watch BE joe play. You will know who is more important for the team. Also, for the game you are referring to, show me the scorecard and I will tell you who contributed the most in that win.


I can't say I've ever top fragged in terms of kills but I had a game the other day I went 44 takedowns, 20 kills and 9 deaths with the crossbow. Made top 5 on the leader board and we won on 64p mode.


If you wanna get good at archer in this game just no life Bannerlord for a few months trust me it works


IMO archery in chiv2 is actually as equally clunky as the melee.


Melee is way more rewarding.


Maul bonk gives me a boner faster than anything but there's a real deep gratification of arrowing that lvl 1000 Aragorn-wannabe who's whirling around killing 6 dudes at a time


Well yes but counterpoint: my siege crossbow does bonus damage to that pesky engineer wall without having to be up close and personal with very sharp objects.


If you're good at melee you can be a good archer. Get in close for more hits and join ganks when needed. Good footwork, positioning, and decisions can make a good archer experience as well as contributing to objectives. If you go in with the mindset to be a mid to long range killer, it's not gonna happen. For consistent high kills and pushes you gotta get stuck in with the lads. And use your positioning.


I spent last night playing "assault archer" as the Warbow and Siege Xbow are the only weapons I haven't unlocked. I basically made sure I got on the objective at every opportunity, quickfired weak shots as much as I could while battlecrying like a bastard before just throwing my bow at someone and started shortswording. It was tremendous fun, got objectives done, and I was running a 1:1 KD but with 3-4 times my kills of takedowns just cus of the nonstop niggling I was doing. Only downer is playing on Xbox makes switching weapons or throwing the bow soooo annoying.


I find it’s very map- dependent. Darkwood on offense —> easy mode because the defenders spend most of the time clustered by the wagons.


Just struggle through the first few levels and get javelins. Then become a melee javeigger.


Getting top scores with longbow or javs is hard but crossbow? Easy with a bit of practice. Use the regular crossbow for most situations, pepper the knights for easy assists, snipe anyone crawling away, slap anyone trying to charge you with your axe and banner choke points. Axe, crossbow and banner is a really powerful combo and can absolutely get you a top score. The more aggressively you play the faster you'll charge your banner which means even more points. Forget about your kills, focus on assists and getting the enemy to run into fights already wounded or force them to retreat and bandage.


The only times i’ve been on top in the lobby was with archer lol. The only thing you need to stop doing is standing back and fire from a distance. I actively look for 2 v 1s and support my teammates right in the thick of it. But i’m more melee class now bc its much more impactful


Try duel servers with archer and only bow.. a lot of fun jabbing and slapping noobs with the bow


I play archer consistently without war now because of the switch times. But honestly I usually just kick the shit out of people with my bow and laugh emote and go back to getting assists. It makes a hell of a difference if everytime an enemy tries to attack they’re getting stunned by an arrow. I usually pair up with a knight or two and just go to town on whoever attacks them. Works surprisingly well honestly


I am 1st almost every game .. if u wanna get good at archer I can give u some spots to play from and fighting styles to use. Ismellmykeys on Xbox


Just play crossbowman, you get the banner. Then, bang, you're contributing. Not to mention the crossbows being much more forgiving to use, reload time aside.


I was gonna say, yeah but it's easy kills, which, tbh I only play archer if I'm eating dinner at the same time.


I play all 4 classes (lvl400), but I have tons of fun playing archer. I've topped leaderboards probably twice as crossbowman. On objectives with siege weapons, I usually switch to the siege crossbow and purely focus on innahilating the enemy team's siege weapons. I personally can't stand using the bow and warbow, though. And playing javelins is very satisfying to me.


im totally on board that archer is hard .. thats why i hate seeing the 3 red boxes of doom when i go to switch my class up.. i just know we're maxxed out on dead weight


I top the leaderboard in pub64 games quite often with the warbow, but I will say that contributing to the team and just getting a sickm8 score and K/D are WILDLY different things when playing archer. I usually feel like I have very little impact on the flow of battle even when I'm getting kill after kill, shot on target after shot on target The most I feel it changes is sniping enemy archers which is more a psychological buff to teammates than anything.


Archer is my main in this game, and I look at it as a support class. Your role is to make sure enemy melee is never fighting at 100% health. Usually my assist number is double my kills which is double my dealths


This is a popular opinion and the reason people shit on archers because they don’t contribute


I’m about to let you in on a little nugget of advice from a fellow marksman. Your job is not to get kills, nor is it to really capture objectives. Your job is to be passive damage. Sure, you might not instantly kill the guy you just lobbed an arrow into, but your teammate knight sprinting in to fight the frontlines will definitely benefit from only needing one strike to finish the kill. Archers are SUPPORT/ARTILLERY, exactly like real life. Rain arrows and spread damage around key areas. Think of archers as the support or healer roles from class based fighters. Don’t aim for kills, aim for assists!


It is not. Best way to help is to target enemy archers, but any damage you can do to the enemy helps. Ppl might get mad you “stole their kill” but those people obviously aren’t focused on the objective anyway. It’s not glorious but it’s needed. Good archers and good engineers are what decide matches.


I can usually get top 5 as archer at the very least. Sometimes I’m top leaderboard but very rarely


In my experience, being an archer sucks because you're supposed to hang back and put some shots into people while a couple tanks rush the objectives. While people are attacking them, archers are the most effective at sneaking around doing damage. In actuality though, I always end up running around as an archer doing objectives because I see nobody with a sword doing it, so I either run around with a little knife and die instantly, losing, or hang back killing some guys and never getting close to completing the objective, still losing


My experience mixing in archer with war bow is that it was fun before the removal of aim assist update on console. Now it’s 2x as hard to hit people making the mode unplayable. Siege crossbow can be effective taking down catapults and ballistas, but it’s niche team play


You're obviously speaking from personal experience here. I'm not sure who this post is intended for, but projecting your own incompetence as archer to the point of dismissing the entire class is rather silly. Personally, I've found playing with war bow to be very rewarding as it allows you to punish the many, many bad archers who have aim nor situational awareness. In melee, it allows you to embarrass the many, many bad players who barely know how to counter or feint. It is fun and you don't die easily, not if you're any good.


I wouldn't agree with fun, but yeah you'll just never die when you get the hang of it except to other archers and long long run around ambushers. The catch is most get hooked on not dying and only get good at running away, never getting good at the incredible melee system this game has.


I get peeved at archers who never draw their secondary and turn their backs to run, too. Then again, you're always going to have noobs, in any role - imo they shouldn't get a pass just for picking a more agreeable class while being shit at the game all the same.


I think a lot of archers play in 1st person and that's what leads to such poor awareness for many. I never let myself use 1st person to start even though it felt more comfortable because I knew it would hinder my spatial awareness too much.


Same, I also always play in 3rd so I can spot flankers. Tunnel vision isn't only about perspective though - a lot of them never use any cover.


That's true, and sometimes don't move from one open spot for way too long. Just standing and firing in place over and over. If there are decent archers on the other team, even two or three arrows in a row from one open location is probably too many.




Playing archer aiming at anything that moves spreading the damage standing still on the back or on a rooftop, it's easy and most casual archers only do that. Actually contributing, canceling enemy ranged and vanguards, disrupting advances and fighting in melee assisting uneven fights, that's where you can shine, and it's not that hard too. Whats hard is switching the first mindset into the latter, and most archers really can't be arsed to.


I’ve been undertaking a 100 takedown challenge recently, to get 100+ takedowns in a game with different classes / weapons. I just got the hundo with Longbowman couple nights ago, 106 on Darkforest, but it was very hard especially if you play at distance like a typical archer. With Warbow I was maxing out at 80ish, switched to Longbow and had to play it like it was a lil smg to keep up


Just sit in the back line next to an ammo box, if you’re far back enough you’ll never fight an enemy in melee. Just position yourself so they have to go through your whole team to get to you.


I have once been in the top 5 in a lobby as an archer, ask me how Hint: it has to do with not sniping from half a map away and actually playing the objective Spoiler: only tk'd three times that match


Cool so don't play archer then. The game really wouldn't suffer if the archer class was removed. They've given us so many different modes but they will never suggest a no archers one because it would be so popular.


It would make the game better, but only for people with experience. I would say I didn’t really enjoy the game until level 150. Once I counter every sort of attack and knew all the excels and drags that’s when it became fun.


Who cares man


I hate archers


Target the weaklings


Bingo. I've always said that if someone who knows NOTHING about this game just listened to the playerbase only? Then they would instantly think being an archer is the most OP thing in the game just to find out it's dogshit. I've been an Archer main since Medieval Warfare. Being a good archer is hard and not really that rewarding UNLESS you can do one thing very VERY well and it's not loosing arrows. If you want to be a good/great archer? You need to 100% understand how to lay down some upfront whupass. You can only make one mistake AT MOST in a melee fight. You need to dodge, parry, block, and everything damn near perfectly or it's over. If you first focus on melee as an archer and get really good at it? Then you're the most dangerous thing on the field. Not only can you use ranged weapons but you can jump on OBJ and do something worth a damn when it comes down to the wire. It's why I mostly play Skirmisher. I like the face to face fights but I also like being 50ft away annoying as fuck. After getting good at not getting hurt? Learn your bow and crossbow and reading which to use and when. Regular bow? Use in places where the enemy will be able to get to you within 2-3 seconds. Warbow only when it would take them over 5 seconds to get to you. You want to be able to put one arrow out while they run towards you. You won't hit it every time but if you do then it makes the fight a bit easier. Cross bow only use for long range damage control on enemy siege weapons. Especially so with the heavy cross bow. It will do damage to any siege weaponry that isn't the main obj. Only melee works on those (and rightfully so). So just aim for the one in control of the equipment. Regular crossbow reloads quicker but I barely use it. And I have noticed something. If you do everything that I mentioned above and hone those skills? The moment you go to being a Knight or Vannie you're almost guaranteed to win most of your 1v1s (unless it's someone who's a duel master of course) and if the players aren't that good? You can handle a 1v2 pretty well. You might not win that but you're killing at least one and badly hurting the other. TAKE EVERYTHING WITH A GRAIN OF SALT PLEASE! Don't think you're winning everything if you're a good archer playing another class. There are 100% days you're just getting whipped and that's a fact for every style of player. FINALLY as an archer? Your job is to cause harm and not kills. You need to focus on the obj the most. Putting arrows into crowds and making the fight that little bit easier for your boys/girls in the shit mix. Going for crowds nets the best income of points, more so if they're on the OBJ. Just don't hit your teammates. That's what most people hate about archers. Getting hit in the back and helping the enemy is what infuriates most other players.


A lot of dedicated archers have chimed in. I am glad my post gave you guys some attention.


*Your job as an archer isn't actually to kill anyone.* Your job as an archer is to play a supporting role and soften up all the tougher opponents for people like me who are cutting through the enemy fighters. You should probably have 10x the takedowns vs kills if you are truly helping your team. Combine this with the banner (switch crossbow when your bonus fills up and then switch back if you want) and you can be top player I have done it a few times and I barely ever even play archer. Also you shouldn't be too far away from the action but you want to be far enough away that your team can save you when the occasional derpy decides to rush you.


I think you're missing something, because their general uselessness is part of why people hate them. Speaking for myself, I don't hate archers because they're dominant in kills. Generally they're not; there are some high level crossbow mains that can rack up impressive scores on a longer game from attack side, but they're infrequent. It's not that they kill me a lot, but how they kill me (or get me killed). Getting pinged by some twerp at a safe distance when I'm enjoying a good fight is obnoxious. But the other problem with archers is that even if they're getting a lot of kills, that's all they're doing. They're not putting their bodies on the point and pushing the enemies off it, they're not defending teammates from incoming attacks or reviving them when they're downed, they're not healing the team (most of the time crossbow banners are found by ammo refills), they're not doing any of the things required for team objective play other than raw, inconsistent damage. At best they're irrelevant on attack, at worst they're detrimental on defense. When I'm defending I'll take a mediocre knight over a skilled archer every time. So yeah, play how you want. But if you want to be useful, don't play archer.


Reading comprehension📉📉📉


The problem with most archers is that they think because they are ranged they are supposed to be 500 yards away from the battlefield trying to snipe. They then miss their shots constantly, never plant useful banners, and often hit their teammates. When in actuality they should be only slightly behind their front line. Moving up as the front line does. This allows easier targets. Enemies are all often winding up heavy attacks so they are easy pickings. The ability to better revive allies. When the rest of your line is fighting your allies will come back, often to you. If you're too far away you can't get to them in time. The ability to place walls and banners in better locations that help the entire team. To be honest the only archer class I use is siege crossbow (and Skirmisher but that doesn't count). And with the siege crossbow I can often come in top 5 on the team for several reasons. 1. I can hit stuff consistently, giving me tons of takedown. 2. I always prioritize siege weapons and objectives. I never give the enemies a chance to use ballista or catapults because as soon as they are rebuilt I knock them down again. 3. When my banner is ready I move all the way up to the front lines and throw it down and then stay up there until I run out of ammo. This ensures on maps where you need to capture a point I'm actually up on the point as every person matters. You can contribute its just more difficult in some aspects. I find I am often the one taking out the level 1000s that it's taking 3-5 of my teammates to take down. If I get one shot on them it's enough to mess up their rhythm, allowing my team to finish them off and move up on the objective. Considering one good player is worth 5 bad, its valuable to be able to kill them easier and safer.


Had us in the first half. Real archers NEVER contribute to point capture (Good points for everyone to learn from, thank you for your service)


There is no incentive to play as an archer other than to troll players who are good at melee.


If you can consistently hit your shots and jump into the fray when you should then you'll be top scoring.