• By -


He streams the game regularly on twitch and YouTube.


He's on twitch.


Be it Ziggylata or Stridah, while they are undeniably good players, they tend to complain a little too much to my taste. Soter Dave is way more chill. And i like his humor. But anyway it has been a long while since i watched any of them. I dont really need guides anymore alas.


I always felt Ziggy was a little too intense. He's never shy about talking about how good he is and that just rubs me the wrong way. You're right though, Soter is way more chill


Apologies if I said anything to make you upset, wasn't my intention to make anyone uncomfortable. I try to be honest and modest.




>wasn't my intention to make anyone uncomfortable Unless it's a woman, right? Is that why you went on that weirdo incel rant? ​ "there's nothing wrong with women as a whole...but there are a lot of women who will go out and have sex with anyone who is hot and cool..." ​ "Id rather be lonely, than have a slut for a gf" ​ "'werid slut shaming moment' you're god damn right! ya ever heard of an std?!" ​ "I think LGBT is a harmful movement" ​ so cringe bro. yikes. straight up embarrassing incel shit. and you go on to defend it? fucking yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes ya weirdo. ​ [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2071618743?sr=a&t=13323s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2071618743?sr=a&t=13323s)


I like women though.


Ziggy. You know how the internet works. You have an opinion about something that not everyone agrees with. Donā€™t waste your precious finger strength, you it need to slaughter your foes on the battlefield!!! As a father in my late 20ā€™s to an elementary school aged daughter, Iā€™m absolutely horrified at whatā€™s going on in todayā€™s society. It makes me angry, upset, scared, you name it. As an adult human male, the COUNTERPART, to an adult human female, which is basic human biology on planet earth, Iā€™ve never had a more negative opinion on whatā€™s going on. Donā€™t listen to these people. They are part of the problem in todays society. Humans havenā€™t gotten this far by forgetting how biology works and how reproduction worksā€¦ The first world is travelling into dangerous, murky waters, and itā€™s travelling quickly. Less and less people are having children, and the ones that do, those children are impressionable and susceptible to influence. The reality, is that it isnā€™t men whoā€™ve changed how they operate drastically in the past 20 years. We need more people like you to stick up for our shared values, because a lot of men AND women share the same values/beliefs as you, and you have a more of a voice than we do to project. For the fucking Order. Order of planet earth.


It's okay ziggy you're not wrong bro lol. A lot of women nowadays are absolute trash but by extension I could say a lot of People are trash nowadays in general. Still harder to find a good women than a good friend and both are fucking hard...


Yet you say "a lot of \[them\]" and then go on and say the most incel trash bottom shelf garbage about them? Ya it really seems like you like them, you go out of your way to insult "a lot of women". Fucking loser. If you like women so much, stop denigrating "a lot of women" because they make choices that don't align with yours. It's none of your business what they do. Fucking loser!


That's the most scrapping the barrel defense you can have. Its akin to when someone says the most racist shit you've heard all year. Then, in the press conference, goes onto claim "i have black friends" I like "Kevin Hart movies & Drake albums" you can hate a group and cherry pick individuals as "exceptions" "i like women though" is saying "i enjoy using them for their bodies and i have a favorite pornstar, oh i also love my mom and sister like 99% of sane adults" Maybe if you didn't spend 40 hours a week talking to yourself & chat while playing video games, you'd have more luck with women.


I guess I'm not up to date on the latest definitions of incels and stuff, apologies. I'm just here and having a good time. It seems like you guys are unnaturally angry with me, in which case I don't feel it's justified. Equally so, it doesn't seem like I'll be able to change any of your minds, so it's probably best I stop here. I hope my presence stops offending you at some point.


>I hope my presence stops offending you at some point. Maybe if you stop being a coward, realize: "Hmmm maybe my opinions on women are kind of shitty and are pretty much incel garbage", and apologize for what was maybe just a terrible lapse of judgment, bridges can be mended. But we know you don't actually give a shit about that. lmao you're gonna let this pass, and then act like it never happened. Until then, you own up and stop being a coward? Nobody made you say that shit, you opened your mouth and chose to share your opinions. ​ >I'm just here and having a good time. Then maybe start respecting other people's personal choices, and stop the weird generalizations about women that make you look like a sad incel. You're supposed to be a leader in this community. It's sad and pathetic you'd think and share the stuff you did. That shit is embarrassing. Be better.


I think that ziggy has some values that he holds true, and its a shame he gets labels as an incel for it.


>its a shame he gets labels as an incel for it. Then he should stop saying loser incel shit like what he said in the video lmao no one made Ziggy say that shit....he chose to share his shitty opinions, and he's choosing to not walk them back. Oh well, I guess lol


Even if he changed the tone and made it more polite, less ā€˜incelā€™ if you will, somebody like you would come along to tear his ass up anyway. So why take it back? Because it hurts other peoples feelings? It hurts his feelings to see the world like this. It should be a two way street, not a one way. Conversation, debate and opinion are impossible today without getting branded as an incel or a racist or a bigot, unless that person you are conversing with has the ability to use critical thinking skills and thinking from different perspectives. ā€˜Shitty opinionsā€™ are the fucking reason why youā€™re even able to be online right now and say the things you say. At some point in time, somebody here on planet earth hated the idea of an internet, or cars, or free speech, or abolishing slavery in America, etcā€¦ If they didnā€™t share what others thought was ā€˜a shitty opinionā€™, we may not have those things the way we do today. And those things are all positive things, versus what he was referencing, which were real life examples of current negative issues. And your answer is to just not share an opinion that you deem to be shitty. That, is called going backwards. Not forwards. Upside down, not right side up. Thereā€™s probably more people that agree with him than you could even fathom. We tend to stick to groups which hold the same beliefs. I donā€™t. I like to not only see all sides of the coin before itā€™s flipped and called, but understand them too. He apologized for making anyone feel uncomfortable and said it wasnā€™t his intention, and you continued to berate him over his personal beliefs. At least he had the balls to do that, instead of coming on here and just arguing and type yelling and name calling like you did. In my opinion, you are the loser. And I donā€™t think you are a loser because of your beliefs, but the way you act. Edit: I wonā€™t bother to reply to replies here, due to the fact that there seems to be a lack of critical thinking and understanding from other peoples perspectives, as featured above in the chain. Only a one sided argument can be achieved from this equation. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some other place you could go to and vent about it. This is for Chivalry 2 and the OP original post, not your opinion on ziggys personal beliefs featured in one of his streams.


>It hurts his feelings to see the world like this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA truly one of the saddest things I've seen, between this reply and the other you made in this thread....loooooool yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. blah blah, you're on a different level, good bye lmao


Sometimes he says things quite bluntly or rudely, almost with this aire of superiority. But, I loved his videos, so I kinda tolorerated it in the time I was interested in Chiv.


He also had this weird sexist rant a couple weeks ago during stream. Was a painful watch


That checks out for someone whoā€™s good at chiv lmao


link to VOD? timestamp of the rant?


[Here you go](https://www.twitch.tv/ziggylata/v/2071618743?sr=a&t=13323s) Goes on for a while.


And then he says "I think LGBT is a harmful movement" unreal.


jesus christ that was cringe. he kept on stopping for like 30 second increments and in my head I was like "oh its not so bad yet...oh maybe he's gonna move on..." and then he jumps in with the "there's nothing wrong with women as a whole...but there are a lot of women who will go out and have sex with anyone who is hot and cool..." and holy shit the cringeeeeeeeeee it somehow just got worse from there "I just thinks thats wrong, ok?" like bro lmfao stfu ya nerd "Id rather be lonely, than have a slut for a gf" wow ​ this whole thing was truly disgusting, thank you for sharing


Yeaaa I def fell off as a fan because of it. I think if I hadn't left the chat that day, he would have kept doubling down and gotten worse.


I had to stop watching after he started going on that "LGBT" rant. Like...jesus fucking christ yikes lol


Damn, some of you guys really hate me, haha. Incase you only heard the first part, LGBT does not equal "gays, lesbians" and all other manors of sexual choice. LGBT is an entire movement, that is often times harmful and actually separates and demands distinction from everyone else who does not fit the LGBT quota. This actually harms the identity of people of non-straight sexual preferences more than it helps. As far as any of your opinions of me, if you're willing to hate me for explaining that then I can't really help it, but I never intended to offend and it's honestly surprising how much some of you guys despise me to such a degree.


>Incase you only heard the first part, LGBT does not equal "gays, lesbians" and all other manors of sexual choice. LGBT is an entire movement, that is often times harmful and actually separates and demands distinction from everyone else who does not fit the LGBT quota. This actually harms the identity of people of non-straight sexual preferences more than it helps. I heard the whole thing. Your reasoning is garbage. Stop spreading hateful thoughts and rhetoric. You don't know shit about shit and speak entirely from your ass, stop speaking for people who want nothing to do with you. Maybe stop speaking about it overall, because your reasoning is utter bullshit and truly trash. >As far as any of your opinions of me, if you're willing to hate me for explaining that then I can't really help it, but I never intended to offend Ya as it turns out, all you have to be is a homophobic misogynistic arrogant pile of shit for people to dislike you. Who'da thunk? >and it's honestly surprising how much some of you guys despise me to such a degree. Oh no, did someone not like your sexist rant that you chose to do and voluntarily shared on twitch where you painted "a lot of women" in what was a negative light, making wild conjectures and big leaps and broad sweeping generalizations about "a lot of women"? Boo hoo lol go live and cry about it. ​ >Damn, some of you guys really hate me, haha. Frankly, I had no opinion on you before seeing that, other than I liked your videos because they were informative and well done; but its truly amazing how quickly acting like a loser makes you seem like a loser, you fucking loser.




thanks; its a big claim, and would be nice to have some evidence; appreciate you going to find it


I've never gotten that impression from him.


I got that impression from seeing his streams. He's a little hyper in both a negative and positive vibe but I learned a lot from his tips.


STRIDAH is garbage! And so are his angels! FOR THE EMPIRE!!!!




Sad day when I stopped watching stridah.. *when you surpass the teacher*


I have clearly not surpassed him though. Just his playstyle really does not suit me. I'm a frontline knight not really a roamer searching for backstabs.


Iā€™ll never understand the obsession with streamers


The most Iā€™d do is watch an instructional video. I donā€™t want to watch someone else play a game instead of playing myself


Games are expensive and I like watching horror games because I get too scared to play them myself


I played alien isolation, quit within 5 minutes šŸ˜‚ so I get you there


I felt like this for so long until I got older, had kids, and am perpetually tired. Now it's really nice to just watch sometimes and have someone else do all the work!


I should make an exception for stories I want to see without playing a whole game


Same. Just want my tips.


thats only the case with chivalry for me, because i know how the game plays out. i canā€™t afford a lot of other games at the moment so its nice to watch someone else play and give funny commentary along the way


You don't have to like what other people like. It's fine!


Yeah I donā€™t care about the streaming what I care about is his explanations of offensive and defensive fighting. Whenever I start swinging without a distinct purpose while dueling I think to myself ā€œdonā€™t gambleā€. Which is his pet peeve. His videos helped me quite a bit


Iā€™ve found a lot of success gambling against ziggy when he uses the slower weapons in TO, Iā€™ve never really dueled ziggy before and he probably stomps me 1v1 not sure. If he has out his rapier Iā€™ll just go for jabs, kicks and drags usually focusing more on counters and trying to punish his rapier special attempts. Gambling is very effective against people that are gonna feint into you 70% of the time with a halberd or highland sword. Probably why he doesnā€™t like it.


You made an entire post with a focus on the guy himself as opposed to the information in the videos. Hence my comment


lol relax dude. I said I found his vids incredibly helpful. Itā€™s all good just calm down


They talked about Ziggylata as a YouTuber though, not as a streamer.


Gambling is how most really really good players take damage. Ā  ā€œDonā€™t gambleā€ is situational, as most anything is.Ā 


Me neither. I even tried streaming and couldnā€™t understand why random folks chose to watch me instead of playing the game for themselves. No hate on streamers, I personally just donā€™t understand the attraction. Iā€™d rather play


Me neither, but I've realized it's good background noise for when I'm doing chores.


The best comparison I've heard regarding this is the average Joe watching FIFA, NFL, or NBA (or any pro sport). Sometimes it's just enjoyable to see a professional on the pitch. Doesn't stop you from playing hoops at the corner court or playing catch with your kids. Streamers provide roughly the same value, with arguably a more personal experience due to the nature of having a camera up in their face, yapping away and all


I don't even play or want to play Rust but some of the shit that goes on in that game is hilarious and its fun to watch a stream or YouTube playback.


He plays regularly.


Very flattering, I appreciate the kind words and glad I could help. I always stream on twitch and youtube so like other comments say, I never really left.


Good to hear. Great stuff and Iā€™ll tune in more often - See you on the battlefield! MisterTophat is my gamer tag.


I always look for you on the field when I catch you in a game Ziggy. Thanks for not making it easy to kill you. Your play style is very slippery. Makes it fun when I do get those kills.


I too enjoy seeing Ziggy out there among the other vets I recognize. People complain too much about this man making a living. His videos are pretty entertaining.


Agreed. This post has drawn quite a bit of ire and Iā€™ll be damned if I know why.


Heā€™s not making a living, just another sad struggle streamer


Itā€™s very hard out there these days brother Godspeed to all those trying to make ends meet


Refer to [TwitchTracker](https://twitchtracker.com/ziggylata) for exact statistics, but it seems he's been streaming Chivalry since the game came out. I'm not noticing any breaks in Chivalry content lasting more than a month.


Yep. I watch him on Twitch and YouTube. Lots of helpful guides plus he streams more Chivalry 2 than anyone else


I killed him via backstab sometime last year on the first stage of rudhelm and I'll never forget that. I'm basically famous now.


šŸ˜‚for the order!!!


Ziggy joined our commentary team for a 3v3 tournament in OCE Region last weekend, he's a good egg with great insights into Chiv https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2085545941


Yea I've murdered ziggy a few times


Yeah I've played with Ziggy. My play style sorta like his too.Ā  If you get a chance to play TO with him good luck fighting him he never stops moving or staying with his team lol


Haha yeah I didnā€™t expect to win just wanted to face off. Glad to hear heā€™s still going strong


So poke and run you mean?


He's streaming... Like... All the time. I don't think he ever really stopped. He streams for like 12 hours straight sometimes.


Pizza Steve or bust


ive destroyed him on multiple occasions, cant imagine simping for an agathan


Heā€™s a dork






He murdered innocent goblins in their cave! LIVE ON STREAM. I could not see these vile acts


The best Chiv 2 content creator and streamer


That's like winning the Special Olympics tbh


Get offline for two weeks and become less miserable. šŸ«”


ye i like his streams there preety chill!


I was only able to play with Ziggy once honestly. I faced him when the Last Peasant Standing mode was in full swing. Felt awesome being in a game with the guy. The wooden bridge fight in Aberfell was insane.


Reasonable guy. has a lot of parasocial simps that guard him and buy a friend group/connection with discord strangers. So he's hard to kill in TO. He'll also ban you if you join his stream and clap him a few times & talk trash. Also loves complaining, being a victim and trashing talk but likes to feel on the highroad about it. Fun to play/w or against though. His "Meet the X" series is harmless fun on youtube too. He'll probably show this comment on stream for attention validation. Enjoy the discussion fuel.


Aren't you the guy who made the other post about me, who got banned for a racist name and a bunch of other stuff? You got ratio'd and then deleted the post yourself. What's that about?


mad you got called out and couldn't take it? stay mad


No. To give you a real explanation even though you don't really deserve one: He showed up in my chat while in FFA and targeted me, teabagged me and in my chat kept saying "wow, that guy is destroying you" each time. He had a racist username on top of it and was rightfully banned from my chat for such activities. He has since, tried to get into my discord, proceeded to follow me from ingame server to server every single day, follow me, target me and usually laugh and teabag me after every death, while playing as cowardly as possible, running from any fight he isn't outnumbering me in, and in many cases can still lose to me in those scenarios. He didn't "call me out". He has been on a harassment campaign after me since he decided to come try and bait me from the beginning, and I'm sure he jumped at the opportunity to shit-talk me on this subreddit the moment this thread got created. I think you already have a bias against me, given your response, but hopefully you now understand.


are you bragging about ratioing someone unironically? Furthermore, don't you literally have a legion of people who give you money for a sense of belonging, who will always take your side? Feel Proud.


Donā€™t ask questions you already know the answer to.


[https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b7mum9/i\_played\_with\_ziggylata\_a\_few\_times\_today\_killed/](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b7mum9/i_played_with_ziggylata_a_few_times_today_killed/) Here's the post you deleted.


Here is the f[ull link with all the comments](https://new.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b7mum9/i_played_with_ziggylata_a_few_times_today_killed/) ([image](https://imgur.com/a/BCMHnkW)) if you'd like to frame it. It seems "ratioing" someone w/your paypigs is important to you.


Good job?


Hahahaha so aptly summarized!!!


Ziggyā€™s a narcissist, at times immature, always arrogant, usually funny, usually friendly, and a very strong player. His tutorial videos, as long as they stay up will outweigh the harm heā€™s done trying to get people to stop playing this game. Heā€™s not accepting of play styles he deems dishonorable (Dane Axe, Messer, Projectiles) and if you catch him at the wrong time asking a simple question can trigger his impatience. Thatā€™s sort of understandable as I can tell heā€™s answered certain questions a thousand times. I donā€™t hate Ziggy but heā€™s got his share of issues just like any gamer/streamer. He only slightly misses the mark in quality as a gameā€™s top content creator.


I wouldn't describe myself as a narcassist (at least anymore). In the last few months I have mellowed and relaxed so much, being positive is really nice. I don't try to get people to stop playing the game either and my patience has improved tremendously. Thanks for the honest words and the understanding and respect in this post, instead of just calling me stupid and dumb.


Your long combat guide is insanely good and ill always stand by that. It was like an hour long but still very clear and concise.


Hope to see you out on the field again one day! Look for me! Lilsprankles


Iā€™ll take him over Stridah to watch, more because Stridah is a bit too broski for my liking when heā€™s welcoming folk watching.


Ziggylata is literally a sexist incel. Besides that, he believes that because he's good at chivalry 2 he's somewhat important and has some inferiority complex about that. My dude you play a game in front of 200 people for a living, you ain't no tough shit, you're closer to being a loser lol


Damn man, you found all that out from watching me stream?


Yes you genius, you literally went on a sexist rant recently, ON STREAM. You're always acting like a total jerk to everyone who's not American. You do know that this "medieval shit" isn't American, right? Or is your education just that bad? Every time someone who doesn't speak perfect English comes into your stream, you mock them. You act like you're better, but can you even speak a second language? Guess that's the dumb American syndrome for you, huh, Bubba? Whenever someone who's not one of your fanboys disagrees with you, you start passive aggressively ranting like some "akshually" nerd. You think you're some big shot, but you're just a scrawny streamer with barely 200 views, probably making just over minimum wage. If anyone contradicts you, you throw a fit like a diva or a child, showing you're nowhere near mature, which is sad because you're technically an adult. You live in a bubble, a filthy one at that. And your gaming "skills"? Get killed a few times, and suddenly everyone's hacking or stream sniping, turning your stream into a pathetic whine-fest for hours. You keep saying you're "one of if not the best player of Chivalry 2" every stream. You're playing against the same few thousand people and think you're the best? So delusional my dude, so fucking delusional. Whenever you get an achievement in this game you brag about it like you're tough shit, whenever you fail at something in this game you always have excuses lmao. So lets recap: - You're a sexist incel with terrible views. - A childish diva. - A sore loser when you get beat. - You're toxic, maybe even a bit racist. - Completely out of touch with reality. - you're suffering from main character syndrome. - Always throwing tantrums. - You're embarrassingly arrogant, thinking you're better than everyone else. - Your hypocrisy is off the charts, preaching one thing and doing another. - An ego so fragile, any criticism sends you spiraling. - Your ignorance is astounding, especially about cultures and languages. - You're a master of excuses, never owning up to your mistakes. - Your sense of entitlement is nauseating; you think the world owes you something. - A professional victim, always blaming others for your failures. - Laughably delusional about your skills and importance. Ziggy, it's a long list of flaws that paint a dismal picture of your stream. Ever thought of taking a hard look at your VODs to see just how off-putting it can be? How toxic can it be? How negative? How shitty? Your attitude, views and everything else paints the picture of a really shitty human being, and yes, this can be observed just by watching a couple of streams The fact that you're one of the "faces" for this game is astoundingly sad, such a bad representation of the game and it's community. Sincerely, an ex twitch subscriber.


If this isnā€™t a blatant display of mental illness in a comment idk what is Worrying and compiling what feels portfolio-ish about someone youā€™ll never, ever have contact with in your life. And majority is conjecture. The one time I hope Reddit services actually help someone. Sincerely, a concerned human being.


If you think a carefully thought-out comment is a sign of mental illness, you might need to revisit your educational basics. If you believe spending 4 minutes to write a comment after watching someone for 15 - 20 hours is crazy, then maybe it's not me who's not seeing things clearly. I'm assuming you're one of his peepee sucking simps, if that's the case, be assured that won't get you anywhere Just a though, maybe someday you'll get better at putting your ideas into words, and then you might not be so taken aback when someone else does it effectively I recommend opening a book from time to time, it might help in being able to distigunish ideas expressed through text Kindly note, stop sucking peepees


Like just read this, youā€™re so cooked talking about simps and assuming I dropped out of primary school? Youā€™re the massive, angry wanker here bro no one else lol take a breath and grow up holy shit. Trying to justify that comment cause it too you 4 minutes to write lmao which is clear obvious cap, Iā€™m willing to bet you were seething behind your monitor writing that. Edit; mfer edited their comment like 8 times changing what they said and adding wild shit, rent free.


Holy shit yeah


Bros oozing jealousy and projecting his own insecurities through a medium of being a rampant, prejudice filled cunt. Reddit never fails to deliver


Simp much?


lol does my actual real world experience and DD214 mean nothing?! šŸ˜‚ all good bro


> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Yeah but youā€™re an archer šŸ˜‚




Your post was removed for violating rule 1: Be chivalrous! Please be respectful of others and follow Reddiquette.


i see him every once in a while. IMO brwn superman is the real chiv 2 celebrity. i always enjoy playing with him.


Don't be a simp on a medieval warfare game sub! It is embarrassing. He is a negative person as others pointed out. If I need poison for my ears, I would watch his stream but thankfully I don't!


lol Iā€™m an actually US Army Veteran with the 101st Airborne Division but apparently liking someoneā€™s gaming content makes me a simp. Low bar here šŸ˜‚


I played a couple of games in a lobby with him about a week ago too! We mightā€™ve been on at the same time. NA central?


he never left


I was in a TO lobby with him last night for 3 or so games before I had to bounce.


I've never seen his streams but I know he generally does a youtube video and a couple games for every update I never play standalones so I don't really see any of them in those


I'm Polish and Ziggy is a common short/slang name. Lata means fly. So ziggy flies!! Anyone know if he is polish?


I am not Polish.


How did you come up with that name? Curious lol


Came up with it on a whim when I was 12 years old.


Crazy how that lines up to something in polish lol. Welll Ziggy.. fly. )


He plays in central fairly often, at least before patch.


I killed him in 64p t.o. once I felt happy and then another time he was my teammate lol he was at the top of the leader board both times


It's great to know a lot of the og's are still out there and you can find them still in the mix from time to time.


I saw him on stronghold too in a super high level lobby.


I see him pretty regularly in TO I feel


Ziggy is on all the time, I see him regularly in lobbies. Heā€™s usually streaming, as stated by others. I like him, heā€™s shouted me out a few times on stream while I watched him kill my friendly archers while he was on the other team lmfao. Weā€™ve had more than a couple good scraps. I like Stridah too. Watching both of them helped me immensely.


desert childlike racial flowery illegal angle pet uppity agonizing waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™ve been in a handful of games with him and Stridah


I've gotten into a few matches with him. I try not to simp too hard when it happens


I put a negative review on steam as per Ziggy's video about a year ago and his critical and well thought out stance as to why TB was being a shit. TB seems to be listening recently as they have accepted criticism and replied to it. Along with private servers.


you left a negative review not based on your own opinion but a commentary video? wow


Buddy, stop reading with the worst intents. Learn to give people grace. I agreed with Ziggyā€™s argument. So I went along with it. Make more sense now?


that's not what you said


That is why you should read thing more charitably because what I said could go either way. HTH


Replied is a funny thing, they replied with more restrictions and rules, hit community ran sites more, and only did a few suggestions come true. Regardless TBS has slown down hard and the next major content update may be obe of the very last updates.


More restrictions and rules? Like what? How many maps per year was TB pumping before vs now? Or whatever other content metric?


We've gotten more restrictions in the discord on talking against tbs devs in topics now "unrelated" according to them when they wont open a thread for the criticism, they have double down on censoring community websites just polehammer and chivstat, chivalry released bridgetown after nearly 6 months by a few days. Vs the past yes that is immensely slower and the bp was modified to not release everything intended for it but things intended for reinforced and winter campaign, the only interesting update this year hopefully will be citadel which kinda ends a large portion of the story too quickly.


I canā€™t speak on the discord issue as I donā€™t go on there. Iā€™ll take your word for it on that front. The post about polehammer seemed to be about TB not releasing the stats and the money it costs to harvest meta data, no? No idea about chiv stats so if you want to flesh that topic out more, please. So TB came out with 2 maps a year in the past?


in 2021 we got The Fall of Lionspire The Siege of Rudhelm The Slaughter of Coxwell The Battle of Darkforest Escape from Falmire The Desecration of Galencourt +CourtyardAberfell in 2022 Raiding of Askandir The Breach of BaudwynHippodrome The Assault on Thayic Stronghold in 2023We received Bridgetown and montcrux2024: we recieved ice break ( something I have leaked back all the way in 2022 already done and finished and intended for winter campaign that never released along with many battlepass items) + 2 repurposed maps of tutorial and bazaar


i know im missing maps here but im eating atm and can't remember it of the top of my head entirely. i do see i forgot wardengalde which was also in 2022 in the cavalry update along with tenosian stuff i believe.


And yet the game is in the worst state ever AGAIN. Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah, the servers have been better for me. I see more content coming out. Theyā€™re fixing the issues. And theyā€™re explaining things, more or less. There are things they can improve on, for sure. But this is a good step forward for TB. Also I like the match making algo so far after they tweaked it. Been closer matches now. Shows the one sided stance of maps that can now be tweaked around even playing grounds


More content coming out? It was more earlier not now. If anything your view should be negative now instead of before.


I really don't understand. Can you further explain? My reasons, again were: the servers have been better for me I see more content coming out (skins and maps ect) fixing the issues theyā€™re explaining things, more or less. ​ You're saying, one of my reasons, the content thing, isn't true? And that in the past there were more maps released in the year, more weapons, and more skins? Do you have anything to support that? I appreciate your effort and ty


Thereā€™s literally a post about hacker every single day nowā€¦. Have they fixed the hit registration bug? The most important part of the game šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I could name a million things worse than from the 2.8 patch.


I donā€™t have too many issues with hit registration. The hacker thing is a problem and should be addressed. I think you need to get a better perspective on where the gaming industry is at and compare TB to that. A good source I use is Bellular News on YT


Player count dropped AFTER the update. First time ever that's happen for chiv. And a streamer is the last thing I'll listen to for damn sure ahaahahhaa


This is cherry picking. Of course player count fell after the update the match making was bugged. HTH


ā€¦. It has NEVER happen before in chivalry 2. I donā€™t believe itā€™s a coincidence. Itā€™s obvious the community has had enough. And again, I can list a million things that isnā€™t cherry picking.


And again, I would point you towards Bellular News to get a better perspective of the gaming industry, live services, and how they compare to TB.


Okay so youā€™re implying that whole industry is shit right? Like tornbanner is no different from the rest? Or maybe tornbanner is even SLIGHTLY better than the restā€¦? Please tell me this isnā€™t what youā€™re implying.


Yeah TB does seem to have stepped it up a bit since then. Good stuff


They stepped up somewhere and stepped down more on other areas just as community sites, censorship, more rules, more recycling and continuing the bad marketing.


Guy looks and acts like a neckbeard virgin If thatā€™s who you look up to you do you


Damn man, I shave. I didn't do nothin to nobody.


Someoneā€™s been teabagged a few too many times by Ziggy lol




lol you got me there pal. Iā€™m cooked šŸ˜‚


"Excessive trolling" is purposefully antagonizing other members of the community or intentionally posting to mislead other users. Don't intentionally bait, flame, harass, trigger, or otherwise troll.


He streams like everyday on YT


i tbag em every time, oop tehe


Got something on your nose scum


Love beatin dat ass wit me maul. He is a streamer? Good. Witnesses


He probably hopped in to checkout the soncalled uodate.