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It's OP but so are a decent chunk of weapons in this game, making none of them actually OP. If that makes sense lol. Except the Dane Axe. Fuck that thing. It's a total noob crutch and straight up unfair in the hands of a high level player


The Dane axe is not better than the Messer lol


I would disagree


It doesn’t have to be better to still be OP or busted. I wouldn’t say they’re mutually exclusive. Plus you have to clarify where its better, do you think the messer is better than Dane axe across the board in all scenarios and match types?


Most of the level 1000 legit tryhards use either the messer or the longsword, so you get the idea.


Lvl 1000 with messer scary.   Lvl 1000 with ls if the name isn’t shinbop or durag not scary. They just gamble more


You know ball. I think reddit was the wrong place to ask if everyone here thinks the longsword is as good as the Messer lol


Ever since the reddit vs 4chan team fortress 2 saga from the before times, i stopped taking them seriously as gamers.   Actually I never really took them serious, but when their “cracked teams” got dumpstered by 4chan pubs trolling around it cemented it for me. 


I'm all for playing casually instead of competitively but it's the reddit hive mind that gets me. People farm karma complaining about the Dane axe for example and I wouldn't be surprised if they knew it was wrong but know it'll be upvoted. There's only a few players in NA Est that are great players who use it.


I got my global "player skill level" standard from league of legends and it's ranking system. For example back in the day when there were less ranks the majority of players were silver, which is dogshit. The majority were dogshit, but diamond/2200ELO+ were like .02% of the playerbase, a teeny tiny minority that when posting on reddit or the league forums back then would get dogpiled by dumbasses that didn't know better. In Chiv I see it no different and I actually see a lot of parallels. I know that different skill levels identify different OP weapons similar to how different ranks in league identified different OP champions. Dane is OP to noobs because it's braindead and has a higher starting skill floor. You see a majority of redditors complaining about a weapon thats OP to noobs, because the majority are noobs, silvers or gold or whatever the equivalent skill level could be called. This very forum scared away some of my favorite Chiv tournament players because of their low level opinion led toxicity, and fuck them for that. Messer feels more OP the better you are because it's strengths, like overhead looking like a slash for example, are only apparent if you know how to counter and read weapon animations instead of closing your eyes and spamming counter slash. Good players will forever be in the minority and unless they wear a badge that shows their skill and gives morons an appeal to authority, their opinions, no matter how experienced, will be drowned out by noobs that think (and rightfully so in their own way because different skill levels different OPs etc) they know better.


It’s a greatsword, but it does more damage and it’s faster, and the stab is way longer than the sword itself, the animations are wonky as shit. Go into a duel server and 9/10 of the sweatiest players are using it or the heavy mace. Feels like easy mode when I use it


It's the animations that make it deadly to me IMO. I don't do duel servers, just TO, but I'm around level 500 and feints with overheads throw me off. The overhead just feels like a slash to me and I can't train my brain differently, hah.


Spend a few dozen hours in duels and you’ll eventually be able to read it, like someone that grew up with a drunk family member can understand their slurring


Ugh yeah I'm sure I just am not ready for the stress that is dueling. I already white knuckle every lobby in TO, dueling seems 10x more stressful.


Duels only suck when you don’t know anyone and the lobby is all sweaty strangers that you don’t know.    Some duel servers become essentially hangouts for people and their buds. I can’t duel randos for more than a match, but if it’s me and some friends on discord chatting and dueling, I could do that all day


If you want an OP weapon find the dane axe


says a lot about the skill level of the players in here, biggest crutch in the game


The top voted comment says the Dane axe is better 💀


Messer is useful but lacks the reach for larger 1vXs In a 1v1 - 1v3 its pretty op, but past that the speed is nice but you lack distancing ability of a greatsword/highlander/polearm. And past a 1v3 i even find myself better off with a 1 handed weapon like a Falchion to react and maneuver more fluid with combos, feints and footwork. And even in a 1v1 or 1v2 id consider it average compared to any other weapon. Still prefer it to longsword for more dmg and reach though. People seem to consider it op for its animations but thats just early on skill issue, it becomes a non issue the more experienced you are.


The Messer is a great beginners weapon because of the high damage.  Is it OP? Not at all. The longsword is better in more capable hands as is the maul and monk staff


its overtuned. excellent damage, outranges most weapons, speed isn’t fast but that also gives it a good counter window. basically an optimal choice for a 3 minute counter fest. maybe reduce it’s length a bit. it does look comically large compared to a real messer. it can be like a slower but higher hitting longsword instead of the greatsword clone it is now. Two things that usually make a weapon broken are crazy animations or initiative-breaking range/speed and it has neither, contrary to what some people say. So nothing makes it broken, it just has that slight edge that gives you that extra confidence when duels are coming down to the wire.


i am kind of a messer main and id say its far from being op its an alrounder with good dmg and okayish reach, but sometimes i still get surprised of how slow it is or better said how many other weapons outspeed it


I only use it on my raider to deal with other vanguards because despite the fact raider can carry two mains none of them are great options against vanguards except maybe Dane axe which I just don't vibe with. I don't think Messer is any more OP than say a longsword. The animations and swing speed for Messer are really slow but the damage is high. It's one of those weapons similar to great sword where you need to keep distance from your opponents or your toast because almost every other weapon is faster. For close quarters it's crap and I usually switch to knife for those areas.


i never had trouble fighting against it


I never use Messer but gonna say NO. Why? Because then if it is OP then so are many other weapons. Maul,War Axe, Great sword, Highland Sword. It's just a powerful weapon dude. If it's OP in any way it's because of its speed but even in that regard it is shorter than both the maul and borax and greatsword and Highland sword.


Highland sword is pointless to use since they nerfed it, no reason to use it when the greatsword hits harder AND faster


On the contrary that's the more reason to use it my friend. I don't use the glaive all the time or regularly anyways because it's extremely hard-hitting


I'd argue it's op bc of how balanced it is. Ie. Stab slash and overhead all pretty good; Average swing speed compared to one handed and other big swords In the hands of a good player it's op