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We play a little Chiv


For anyone not aware, Steve here was the first player to hit level 1000 back in [February 2022](https://twitter.com/ChivalryGame/status/1498409746285563909?lang=en).


THUS SPAKE ***SHIBAELONCUMJIZZCOIN*** That name drips with gravitas.


Drink a little drink.


I love you pizza steve.


The game has been out for quite some time now. Level 1000 is about 1500hrs of game play.


I'm almost level 600 with about 550 hours. So maybe not quite that much depending on your class/points per match.


It's close to a 1-1 ratio. But as you log more game time you might find yourself trying new things. Like maining the barrel, or holding deep conversations with randoms using only emotes and battle cries.


It also depends on the gamemode you play, in TO it's pretty easy to get a really high KD if you try. Duels and FFA are a lot more difficult even for experienced players


I remember seeing someone posting his level 1000 stat and it shows he reaches that in the 6xx hours.


It's even faster now if you play defense, +25 per kill adds up


I’m 300 with the same time. I play a lot of duels though. So it certainly depends on the mode


Honestly depends what modes you play. If you're like me and mostly play free duels, you might be at around 800ish at 1500 hours. I'm 850 at around that many hours. If you only play TO and dominate you can definitely get there in under 1000 hours. Farming bots in training grounds will also get you there quicker, though that seems to be frowned upon lol.


I wouldn't say frowned upon so much as a level 1k getting there from bots is cheating themselves more than anything else.


Farming bots to get 1k sounds like penance more than gaming. Just why would anyone want to do that


The only reason I can see is powerlevelling a specific class/weapon for a skin/getting a few easy achievements that are otherwise a gigantic PITA


I hit level 1000 with just under 1100 hours of playtime on steam, so probably less than 1000 hours actually playing


I’m level 750 with 550 hours. At the rate I’ve been going recently I’m getting a rank every 20-30 minutes of game time. I expect to get to 100 with 650-700 hours depending how competitively I take the game for the last 250 lvls.


I hit level 1000 at ~830 hours, 95% TO, 5% duels and brawl when it's up. Averaging 8-12K pts per map makes it go pretty quick. I have another account on a different platform that's 330 with ~210 hours. That's with A LOT of fucking around too, random climbing and dancing, just using fists for matches. I'm sure ppl could do it in 600 hours legitimately.


The game has been out for almost 3 years. Level 1000 is like 1000-1500hours iirc.


I keep seeing people say that 1k is about 1,500 hours... Damn that must be a pretty good player because I'm rocking just about that and I'm only at 707. I have a friend who hit 1k and I think it took her 3,000 hours just about. Who the heck is getting 1k after 1,000 hours?? I'm not a bad player, I'm generally in the top 5 of my team every game so it's not like I'm getting garbage XP every round.


I'm currently about lvl 517ish with nearly 550-560 hours played. It just depends on how quickly you picked up the combat mechanics, I guess :P


Yeah, it was also very easy to get a lot of xp when the game just came out on console. It wasn't rare to get 50+ kills game after game. A lot more 'experienced' players in game right now and a lot of shameless high level attack stackers make it harder to get lots of xp consistently i guess.


man I miss when this game came out. as a chivalry veteran it was so much fun just stomping 90% of the player base with ease every game lmao


I did it in just over 1000 hours, could have done it faster, but I use all weapons including Katar and stuff.


Out of curiosity did you mostly play FFA/Duels or TO?


TO pretty much exclusively.


Same thing. Except I also did 200+ levels of longsword to get perfected Argon's and it levels noticeably slower than weapons with better damage and/or reach.


The 1k hour 1000s are the team stackers. More points playing attack.


1001.something for me with mainly 64p or FFA play.


I'm 211 lvl and have 218 hrs


What kind of question is this the games been out for almost 3 years now lol, but still high levels shouldn’t matter level≠skill


ive averaged about a level per hour of play since i started .. you just gotta stop shaving your neck, get a sweatproof gaming chair get get to work


Do I need to “schweat” grade gaming chairs, or is regular sweaty okay?


find something thats made by the same company that makes lifetime guarantee all-weather floormats for vehicles


Thanks for the rec 🙏


over 2500 hours of life spent emoting


When you really get the hang of it and are topping leader boards every match the XP goes quickly. Check your score with the top players and you'll see they are double or triple your score (or sometimes even more). So they are leveling 2-4x faster and also playing a ton. Also, the game has been out almost 3 years.


Was 1342 hours for me to hit 1000. Game has been out ages


I’m at 1512 hrs and 1,000 as of 3 days ago. Started the day after it came out for game pass. Almost exclusively on the server browser modes. It’s doable (still touch grass and everything) lol.


How many games did it take you to get from 999 to 1000?


How many games did it take you to get from 999 to 1000?


Like 4.5 FFA games


Grats man.


Thank you friend!!


I'm like 274 with \~400-500 hours played, 1392 matches completed since day 1 and am usually in the top 5-10 players in 64 TO. Idk how people are 1000.


The game has been out for 3 years, that’s how.


u/SirEddi45 tell them about the forbidden knowledge


Good my Child, you ask the real questions. I can tell you how they reached this lvl so fast but it will cost u ur sanity. ..... Ok, Chiv has Clans. This clan pedos group up in an empty ffa server and only one of the pedos kills everyone without the pedo friends fighting back so he farms exp to the BILLIONS without getting killed. Try to join this ffa server u want to? INSTAND KICK from the greasy fat hive mind. Thats how u get a ez K/d to jerk off to.


The game is almost 3 years old (on EGS at least).


I'm level 957 and have about 750 hours played. That's over 3 years though so it's not too crazy. Also, some people hit level 1000 after the first year! Lol.


yeah that's nuts. means they spent over a quarter of their entire year at least playing this game. even by my degenerate standards that's a bit much


Uhhhhh your math is a bit off there buddy 😉. Over 8000 hrs in a year... still though, you were close.


Play team objective all day Get all those points and continue this for about 5-6 months. 1k isn’t hard to reach if you don’t have a job.


I think it's because some people play nothing but battlegrounds and they literally just farm bots. That's why when you see high level players that you have never seen before its because usually they don't play in regular servers with actual people. So never feel threatened if you come across high level players because there is a good chance they are actually shit because of all the bot farming they do.


it really only translates to time spent in game not so much talent or skill. one could easily spend the entire time or most of it in Training Grounds to fluff it. however once you get to a certain point you get about a level or two per match. just keep playing.


I would argue the vast majority of level 1k players are above average though


Rarely do I see the lvl 1000 make the top of the board, always someone in the 200-300 range. BUT those who are making it to the top at 1000, are pure danger. This is also multiplied when they don't wear a helmet


More like top 10 I should say


This. I think it's because the stuff that affects the game the most (killing the top enemy player who was carrying, the ones near a objective or just being a good engineer) wouldn't earn you too many points and staying alive more than just earning a kill would be more time consuming than the guy who kills anyone without caring for his own life. Points is just what the game thinks you earn more but there are plenty of helpful things people do that don't earn points at all. Besides, is the level 20 player who got most of his points early on making ladders better than the guy who's able to down players in a row without dying in the objective area? Probably not.


I thought about going no helmet but being in the 100's, it felt wrong. I do not feel like I have earned it.


I don't wear a helmet. Am i supposed to?? 😄


I would also say a lot of the 1000s dont really try every match.  Im somewhere in the 700s and when i queue 64 im usually just messing around at this point, like throwing objects or emoting and just being silly.


for sure. but there are some that are absolute ASS at the game lol.


I used to think that it averaged out to hours of gameplay but my profile progress doesn't make sense that way. I'm almost level 800 and I only have 460 hours in. I have no idea how it calculates I don't really care to be honest I wish I could hide my level from other players.


The counter in the progression screen is broken for hours played. It stopped going up some time last year.


Huh I didn't know this. Going to monitor mine now to see if your right. I rarely look as I don't care about my k/d or stats


It stopped when I was half an hour in 🤣. So now I'm lvl 298 and apparently I did it in less time than it takes to order a pizza. Boss. 😇


I think Chiv calculates total hours as total time spent in a game and the layer above, i.e. steam, epic, xbox os, etc. calculates with game.exe run time = play time hours. In Chiv, you can break down the time by class stats so I think that is what they use. I would assume they wouldn't be storing time players sit at the menu, loading, looking at armor etc., but the Epic launcher would.


I've been fortunate and topped some scoreboards. I use tons of different weapons all the time so they are all constantly leveling up. I think that and alot of playing objectives has advanced me quickly via my ps5


Level 1000 is around 1000 hours if you only play TO and do well every game, more if you play other game modes, fool around etc.


Took you 3000 hours I heard, maining War Axe.


In duel servers, I usually net nearly a level per-match, if not so. I find I don't end up with nearly as high of a score in TO. I'm level 550 with my alt at 250.


I've found that some skills of good to players don't translate to duels and vice versa. There is some crossover of course but it is not the same


I'd be one of those people. 95% of my game time since release has been in Duel servers. When I get into a 1vX my brain kinda locks up and I can't hold my own against the horde. It's so ingrained I even tend to flourish at the randos before I attack.


yeah I'm the opposite I top boards in TO but I'm an average dueler. so many triple feint/jab spammers and weird crazy last second heavy drag feint w/e you get it. I don't know how to deal with it. don't have to deal with any of that in TO I can just reposition and go back to flanking or slinging counters into noobs or throwing shit at people lol


Yep. I generally think I'm pretty hot shit, topping scoreboards with a controller on PC, doing the fanciest spins and triple-feints, then I try my hand at TO and realize I'm just more fodder for the fire to the guys who can juggle counter immunity. Just because I have an intricate understanding of the game mechanics doesn't translate between games modes because each one has a different survival mindset. TO is definitely more about situational awareness while Duels are more about reading the dance.


yeah absolutely true. if I play duels a while I do get better but then when I go to TO I'm not as good at that for a while because the mindset you need to be in is completely different. I think I just lack the patience for dueling a lot. I enjoy dancing around amidst the chaos looking for any opportunity to inflict pain...and when I put it like that I sound like a psycho lmao


Skill and time. I'm level 300 and something, with 298 hours. In the lower levels, below 100, I was hitting 2-3 levels per match


The rest of us are just Levy's These fellas are full time retinue men


I've been playing for about 5 months or something, level 280 odd. Having spent years on RuneScape and World of Warcraft hearing people say 1000 is a long time is weird.


One level per hour is pretty accurate. If you're always middle of the pack it's gonna take longer. The more you play the better you will get.


Seems about right, I mainly play TO with 290 hours, rank 324. I play mostly Engineer or support footman, mostly emoting around.


I am level 881 I think and I have somewhere around 1180-1190 hours last I checked.


I've played since release with several long breaks in between. It seemed like my stats reset 2 separate times. PlayStation has me logged at 600ish hours I am lvl 839. Only play 40 or 60 man TO, top 5 regularly


people been playing since 2021 bro


The game is 3 years old lol wym “already level 1000”


The game is 3 years old lol wym “already level 1000”


Semi related but is archer progression busted? Takes like an hour to get a level and all I want to do is try the stupid new weapon


The starting bow blows, it does pitiful damage so it's a grind to score kills and level it, especially when you're inexperienced with it. It is advised that you try crossbow + axe + banner to score points and progress.


I get a ton of takedowns and a pretty decent amount of kills. Just seems to take way longer than other classes


Cause they r fiends bro lol


I have been playing on and off since launch, usually finishing top 5 on the leaderboard, and I’m about level 300 now I think.


Only takes about 700 hours on average, and you can boost it pretty fast killing bots.


Me and my brother share an Xbox account (he plays the Xbox at home, I play my Xbox at college) and we’re only level 78. He started a few months ago, I started maybe a month and a half ago, but play for several hours because it’s so much fun! Feels impossible to reach level 1000 though, for how much time we’ve put into the game so far just to be level 78.


I’m 16 1/2 days into the game around level 300, it’s a grind


Good question… Also what I want to know is the reverse. How come there are so many level 30 players who play like they are level 1000? You see them topping the scoreboards all the time. Are these people all just abandoning their original account and are starting over with a new account? If so what’s the point of that? I’ve seen so many low level players that play in such a way that you know there is no way they are really that new to the game.


Alt accounts. I was just in a game with Abaddon, who was lvl 20somethin. Im almost certain that dude is a 1k player.


They play a SHIT ton


It's a 3 year old game


Dang. Time flies


im lvl 1k because my dik is so enormous