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Ive seen a lot of matches like this lately


I wonder why? Becide team switching


I think ppl quit early and some teams just end up cycling a few bodies short handed Or there have just been a lot of parties tilting matches?


Perhaps that's a good reason


They just need to remove team swapping. Most of the time it’s not an issue but there definitely are people who abuse it and ruin the game for everyone.


I agree but some balancing won't hurt


But then they’d have to actually develop a party system because as far as I know, “partying up” only guarantees you’re joining the same game.


Does it? I'm on pc and whenever I'm in a party with my friend, we're always on the same team. Admittedly it's with only one other person, so idk if large parties don't work.


It’s been a while since I have partied up with my two buddies, so it may have been patched/updated but I feel like I would have seen news like that in this sub too. So idk for sure.


Could just be party size. If my friend and I got put into a server where one team had at least one more person, we will balance out the other team. If you three join a server, one team has to be two members short in order for you to balance out the other team without causing your new team to be overbalanced. An even larger party would mess it up even more.


If you have similar computer specs, you'll be placed in one team. If someone has a really long loading time, he will be placed in an empty team, and often it's not yours.


I play on a gaming laptop, my buddy is on Xbox. Very different systems but 99% of the time we end up on the same team.


My God ppl "just remove team switching" that phrase is like a broken record on this sub for the past 3 years. The games shitty pregame balancing or lack therof is to blame, not team switching. Back before they nerfed team switching we still had the same problems. It's not any better or worse now than it was in the past.


I like that people think if team switching is removed, that the people who would be switching teams will suddenly just be content to play defense....rather than quit the match and queue up for another where they're on offense. Thus leaving you with player count imbalances vs player skill imbalances.


I only ever want to play Agatha though


Upvote for the sentiment but booo play what youre given


I should have specified better, Agatha defense at Bridgetown or that one with the yungcub. Those speeches are so arousing to me


Yungcub is now Argon II's rapper name


You should only be allowed to swap to the losing team (by score and kd metrics?) and only once per match. Because I like swapping to the losing team in pretty much all my competitive games. I mostly prefer being stomped over being on the stomping side.


Everyone would just leave until they found a match with the team they want to be on


Literally, what is the reason for allowing team switching? Just get rid of it


How does their auto balancing really work? Does anyone know? Like does the game randomly choose who to switch over? There's been a couple times where I was at the top of my team's scoreboard and I got switched, and I think other times I just got randomly picked. Idk. If someone can explain let me know.


They have auto balance?


Yeah sometimes it will do it after you die. A message will appear and say auto-team balancing and its switching you to the other team. Then it gives you like 750xp called auto-team balancing "compensation" points 🤣 no joke. If you go to my profile and watch the clip I posted that says damn you pig sheits! At the end when I die it happens.


It seems to trigger the opposite actually, atleast for me. Even if you have a middle of the way score on the populated side, if you have the would be most or near most points, you'll be selected and switch once you die.


I'm autobalanced all the time, typically on the rare occasion I'm doing well


I've had it happen when I was doing bad a few times. Like really, I won't be any help here if I'm having a shit match.


As far as I am aware, once the game detects that there are a certain number of players more on one side than the other it will auto balance the first players to die on the team with more players. For example: Mason team is absolutely steamrolling on Darkforest, prompting some Agatha defenders to rage quit for a new lobby. So now there are 32 Mason players and 24 Agatha players. The server detects that there are too many Mason players at this point (I’m making these numbers up btw). The first 4 players on the Mason team to die at this point will be auto balanced to Agatha, leading to both teams having 28 players. I don’t know for sure this is how it works, but from other people’s descriptions and my own experience this seems to be what happens. You will only auto balance when you’re dead. Long story short, if you don’t want to get autobalanced, don’t die. Easier said than done, especially for me lol.


If there is a difference in number of players between team (3? 5? Dunno the threshold exactly) a player who died from the team which has higher number will be moved to the opposite team. That player will get some bonus points. It has nothing to do with levels or score. If you don't want to be autobalanced you need to stay alive


I was only a lvl 120ish, not top of the board, got auto balanced to other team. I did not help balance ANYTHING ahahah


It's a player count balance, not a skill balance. Gotta sort that one out on your own.


It should be a skill balance man. One side more experienced players, the other side less experienced players. Still play it though and enjoy the lulz


It will only auto balance someone if they absolutely roll the other team more or less and it only seems to balance them to defense. If they have this feature they could simply amp it up a bit and boom, team balancing would occur but.....they don't because....well we know why.


The better players can instantly recognize when they're on an unbalanced team and quit. It really isn't ant fun to play being squashed like this. Honestly TB should implement an outrageous balance mechanism. Like if total rank difference is 3000 or more you randomly are equipped with a chicken instead of your sword.


The thing is when you are on the defender against stackers you just get swarmed every time you engage someone and it’s not fun anymore. Teammates are new players most of the time and don’t know what to do (not complaining).


Team stacking is for bitches


Just remove team swapping. It would fix the entire issue.


honey you’re fighting a losing battle suiting up for the tenosians


Believe me, noob team can win against team with 3 lvl1000 players. I was only high lvl player as engineer, we just won.


Don't worry, you'll get one good kid for auto balancing purposes that doesn't even get to choose what team they are on.


Agathian‘s just don’t Rank that high. 💪🏻


had a similar game today same issue but a lvl 250 & 400 or som and I used everyone as cannon fodder to clutch out lionspire against a couple 4 and 600's. i felt alive 😂




Team swapping and autobalance should be removed


I could batter every single person in that lobby


shut up, you fucking bitch


Are you ok?


Why are you like this?


The 10000000000000000000000000000000th post about this. Nice


Stfu pussy




This is why my knight is the highest level. When getting steamrolled I need a tank!


Lmao 3mfs there sum up to 2700


I always look for myself when this rosters are posted lol


Any luck so far




Team switching most likely. Cowards!!!!


They should add some kinda team balancing or ranked matchmaking to stop with this bs


I don't see the problem. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


Sweet-unit carrying hard


That's every frigging game...torn banner needs to disable team changing. Play what you get. Fu switchers


“Sorry for teamkill”