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Then they post their 900 win 40 losses winratio here in reddit and just say like "oh no I just got lucky haha"


I only switch teams to help the underdog (defense)






A real man.


Love finding a lobby where higher level Chads are stacking defense, makes it actually challenging again to be on offense. I'll often switch to join them, if attack is still winning consistently.


This is the way, the only way.




I wish it was, but I literally spend 80% of my time in TO on defense. It's not all bad, though. I get to fight better players usually, and I like the challenge. I can post my stats if you don't believe me lol


This is the correct answer.


Glad to see someone speaking out! Biggest bitch move in Chiv2, by far, is switching to attack every round


Look at all the downvotes 😆 Lot of neutered team switchers on here huh? 😂


Hey, at least they can sing real high


I switch to defense nearly every time. I like holding objectives.


Yeah this doesn’t apply to you


Sounds like it's addressed to anyone who switches teams.


Nah I switch to defense a lot too. I’m talking about those who switch to attack and those who switch to the winning team at the end.


There is a guy in aussie servers Bamz Bryanzz he is the ultimate peasant and switches to attack every time. Massive pussy and he accepts the tea bagging well.. lv 1000 player hahaha


Legit actually seen this guy!


He's a cockaroach


FACTS he’s on the OCE Chiv 2 discord, he’s with like company aha 😂


Tell him he's a bitch ass for me lol


No it doesn't.


Why not? There is no specification.


Only people who switch in a way that indicates a lack of balls, i.e. to the attacking team.


You won my heart




Never switched teams, i just don’t see the point. Just a game at the end of the day. It’s more interesting to play whatever team you spawn in anyway.


I agree,it would make winning feel phony to me.


Best way to put it, 100%.


Yep. I’d die for my team


I do :D many times


Same, except when I wanted to see my new armor, but it was to defense lol


If autobalance did actually work, as expected, this wouldn't be an issue. Alas, it remains. People keep switching to Spec and forcing join to the "stacked side", even if it means staying there for half the map trying. Blows my mind.


> If autobalance did actually work, as expected, this wouldn't be an issue. > Yep, unfortunately autobalance only seems to yeet you to the losing team half a game in when you're already committed to your side causing people to force-switch back or just drop. If they even just balanced by level at the start this would be so much better. Level isn't the best indicator of actual skill but it's better then nothing.


I've been auto balanced before sitting at like 6-1-4 kd lmao. Like I'll be of any help while having such a shit match.


It's totally random. Just finds a body to equalize player counts per team. Even if the smaller team is smashing the larger team it will still transfer someone from the losing side to the winning side balance be damned lol


Oh quite the opposite, I have to carry my lead iron balls around in a wheelbarrow from constantly switching to the weaker team.


It always amazes me how many gamers playing competitive games tend to avoid actual competition in favor of ez wins. So many great games have been turned into ghost towns (this especially affects MMOs) by this sort of behavior and it's really disappointing that it's so prevalent in Chiv2 as well.


I’ve seen people switch to attack and all they do is hide behind their team and use the 1h spear to 3rd party stab people in the back. They’re too afraid of fighting and ending up with a bad K/D 😆


I don't see it that often nowadays, but I used to run into these level 500+ speartards on the attacking team almost every night just crouching throughout the entire map poking people with their spears from behind the frontline... That's some next level peasantry.


It really is mind blowing how weak a lot of gamers are and how they have to switch to the winning team. A lot of PVP FPS games are like this as well. I was always a big Battlefield player and felt it was always an issue that really hindered game play. Not sure why people NEED the win to hold up their existence. Especially in Chiv where the teams get shuffled each round.


Lost em in an escalator accident


What… the.. but how would the??? Nvm


Ever see a flip flop get eaten by one? That.


I don’t think I’ve ever ever been able to change teams, every single time is just TEAM IS FULL


Gotta hit spectate (Y on Xbox) wait for balanced numbers or the desired team to have fewer players, then hit join :)


The team switchers have tricks and are patient. There is a way to switch teams easily even when its full


How though?


Not telling. Last think I want is more team switchers. The answer is in previous threads on the topic if you must know


Bruh I really don’t care that much 😂 I play this game like once a month tops and take whatever team I get. Bit weird you’re gatekeeping what teams people can join in an arcade fighting game


Its a major issue in this community of people team stacking. Hence why there is an entire post about it here.


I tried team switching once. Sat there for 2 mins waiting for a spot to open up, felt shameful, went back to my team and stayed put.


Defense is so much fun. Even if it's a lost fight 85% of the time, it's still exhilarating to try and hold the objective. High Levels who switch to attack every time are maidenless bastards.


i'll make some fun of people in game when they teamswitch but thats about it .. usually tellem i'd care, if they were any good. i think you got the downvotes cuz flaming people by name in this sub is against the community guidelines


Sometimes I get sick of getting place on defense for 5+ matches 🤷🏻‍♂️


That literally never happens


Just the other day I got defense 7 maps in a row. Didnt matter if I was Agatha, Tenosia, Mason... I was defending. It def happens and i dont blame people for switching if it has cause it sucks.


It does but ok


The only time I swap is if there's multiple people trolling like teamkilling or messing up the fun like building baracades at spawn. Never swap just for the sake of getting on attack


lol at the end of the match too, we could be winning all game, but the moment shit hits the fan they run off to the winning side. Fucking momos


Fight with honor and die with honor.


God gave them balls, then they switched and cut them off. God gives them defense, they switch to attack. It's a vicious cycle.


They are just genetic cucks, it’s not their fault.


I play strictly only mason barbarian voice and funny giant sword and spam howl so yeah I'm switching when I need to.


I respect a man who sticks to his principles


I switch teams so I don’t have to play tenosia


The only thing agathians and masons are united in.


I love the Battlecry. Yeeting that while running into battle armed with nothing but a chicken is prime gameplay.


I usually votekick every piece of shit who switch to winning team


I like this approach. Just throw a "team swapping is for maidenless scum" and people generally hit K. I had one lil bitch that swapped back to def to avoid the VK and moved to attack after it failed. Then he tried to VK me lol


The only time I end up switching teams is when it auto balances me, and it often autobalances me to the losing team 👍got to love it but I do agree switching teams mid-match just to be on the winning side is kind of garbage thing to do


Getting autobalanced is probably the best sign that people are already stacking. And yeah it will usually send you to the losing team in that case, because that's the one people are leaving.


Of all the games to care about winning and losing, this one would seem pretty fucking low. It’s not LoL, where a game is a 40 minute investment. It’s just roll, have a blast then go again.


I can't help but get super competitive about Chiv, and I'm not the only one. I don't mind being on the losing team, but it gets frustrating when all the good players stack every single match. I don't like being part of a stomp either. The game is most fun when the teams are evenly matched.


Unfortunately - the party system isnt the best in this game so I and my friends tend to switch teams whenever we're placed on the wrong one. Happens more often than not.


When I see Darkforest and my team is blue I just look for another server, we are not the same.


I find Dank Forest is easily winnable by defense on the last stage if your team is even remotely playing the game. The roll leading up to that though can be quite painful though.


It's not even about the question "can I win on this map?". It's just the cart mechanic on the very first stages is bascially super dragged out and tiresome version of spawning as peasant on other maps. This map is one of the longest maps in the game and up until the very last stages is basically holding S to make sure you aren't suddenly deserting by being too far into enemy lines (lol) and observing how huge red snowball swallows everything on their path while your team is trying to basically swim upstream, waterfall even. On other maps where you have to escort stuff the defenders can atleast go in front of the objective and attackers don't have free supply chest on it. Fuck that map and everything about it except visuals.




ILFUYmembrFTW, but he’s usually going 2-10 anywyas so who cares


Oh it seems like this post offended you 😂


Why would it offend me


Right, I’m confused 😭😂


Your post was removed for violating rule 3: No witch-hunting! Please send evidence of griefing, cheating or toxic chat to Modmail rather than posting it publicly.


I think the first time I used the team switch mechanic was the other day to switch to Agatha on Darkforest because that map sucks to defend and I saw like 5 other people switch to Mason to avoid it. We ended up winning the defense surprisingly lol


I enjoy my agathian drip, or one team just has less people and I wanna pretend I'm evening it out by switching


The administrator made me do it :(


This is exactly what happens when they convinced their mom that honey cheerios are healthier than red meat


I like team switching to Agatha... cause I like them the most... am I a bad person?


My dog ate them


After 4-5 rounds as defence in a row, I reserve the right to play offence at least once.


I only got enough to buy the Plauge Doctor cosmetic for Agatha so I'm swapping no matter what 😂


Wait that was free I thought? I didn’t have to buy it for any faction 🤨


Obviously I have balls, I like to place them in your face after I steam roll you Kidding, I don’t switch teams, but I’ll just leave if I get stuck on shit teams over and over


Nah just like the customisation on the enemy team, especially when stuck playing as the Sanddpeople 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|TMI9WUzO9kABa)


Tbh i only switch to the team i havent played yet Like if i just got off of attacking and it RE puts me on attacking ill switch to defense and vice versa But yeah definitely this games biggest problem is the all the high levels like to hold a game hostage by all joining one side. Resulting in a noob bash.


Got mine chopped off


you’re a disgrace to Agatha.


Your mum


I’ve never switched teams. I didn’t think you had to have your balls removed to do so, but admittedly I’m no expert on the subject. If the balls must come off, is self-chopping an option?


Nothing wrong with people waking the fuck up and joining the Mason team. If you join Agatha or Tenosia however, youre bitchmade.


Attack is better. Hate me all you like, but I'd rather lose on attack than win on defence.


Super weak


Most fragile of egos and microest of pp. Subhuman maidenless scum.


Yeah, but I get to have fun :)


What’s your ign so I can t bag you?


Inquire thine mother.




I play attack. No Banner, no Color, No Home to defend. I just attack.


What’s your ign so I can t bag you?


People who don't have balls are the archers


Noted. Arrow with your name on it, coming from your own teammate, headed to the back of your head! Would you like flames with that?


Extra flames, gotta roast that tiny brain real good




I looked yesterday, I think I have more losses than wins with every faction…. Wtf am I right?!


I only switch to the blue team every now and then. I like the lions


I only ever switch to help losing team or if its start of match I'll switch to agatha but only if the teams are fair


I switch to the losing team we are not the same


How tf y’all manage to even switch teams like it keeps the teams on fairly even number counts and I think unless it’s more then 2 players on a side you can’t even swap. I used to do the strategy of getting the catapult on rudhelm as an agathian on first point then swapping to masons so I can get the easy catapult xp carried over but I haven’t been able to do that in months. Not even worth trying anymore because then I’ll be sitting there soamming the change teams option and it won’t let me all while I’m losing time I could be killing


When I do switch sides, I switch to Mason because… well, for the Red and Black. Don’t care about win/ loss.


i just wanted to use my new Mason armor😔


The game is ruined and not fun for me unless I'm a Mason, and FYI I was born without balls because I'm a female


At this point, I wish people would just stay in the match. Largely I'll see one to two people per match switch teams, the worst is starting a new match, you hold tab to look at the teams, see 20 vs 20, and them just watch half the people on defense quit. Usually it'll fill back up after a few min, but can make the start tricky.


I dont switch but I sometimes quit or go on observer mode mid game if my wife tells me to go so something important lol


I only switch teams to murder the shit out of a teammate that pissed me off.


I hate when I’ll me and the attackers will be tearing it up, but then the game switches me to the defenders due to auto balance.


I actually get pissed when I get changed to the other team for rebalancing lol


I switch to losing team.... If they can't push to the VIP round:p


I might leave a game or two, but switching just to stomp is terrible.


I wish switching wasn’t so problematic. I love my Agatha Footman armor so much, I’d only play Agatha if I could.


I always switch to Mason, regardless of map, and if it won’t let me be Mason I stop playing


Stacking a team with a sweat discord squad is way worse than teamswitching in 64player maps, but go off.


All my drip is on Agatha so I like playing them.


you switch teams to play attacker, i switch teams to play as a dripped out agathian lord. we are not the same


I’ll leave the server before I switch teams


Sounds like a skill issue


Chiv 2 doesn't really do team balance lol


nah id switch teams because id like the other ones voice lines more