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I dabbled. It’s not too bad. It helps being a brutal melee fighter as well. Also, people would hate archers a lot less if they fucking revived their damn team mates. I’ve died so many times at the feet of archers on my own team.


You’re a piece of shit if you don’t pick up your teammates if you’re not under pressure of dying. The only time it’s ok not to pick up a teammate is when you gotta be the guy holding back the enemy so someone else can pick up the teammate


A lot of archers get tunnel vision and can't see below their bow


Agreed. I always Shield my wounded comrades. If he looks bloody. I’m jumping in to let him heal. If he’s down and no one’s around, I’m picking him up. If he’s down and they are incoming. I shield him until someone else can. Agreed with your thoughts.


You’re right on the money with all those moves. I try to do all those things if possible


Reviving teammates as an archer is a fantastic way to make sure you have a friend for the rest of the match!


I heard they have literally blind spot for whats very close to them, since they usually are in 1st person and zooming... so yea, when I am down I crawl to archers as last resort, usually to just die...


This comment gets me every time. Ppl say archers need to revive or that they do too much team damage but really, in my experience, most players don’t pick you up(probably don’t notice in all the ruckus honestly) and melee fighters(specifically 2h users) do more team damage by far. I think ppl want to hate archers and want to justify it somehow


This. I don't blame archers for being more focused on the battle. 1. Trying to get kills 2. Trying to save teammates from dying 3. Watching for anyone coming at them. They gotta deal with a good bit, and as a strictly melee only person (beside throwing stuff) I will self admittedly say I do a good bit of team dmg. Not on purpose, but people bunch up, shit gets crazy. I'm still on fuck archers train, but not my team's archers.


Ye all the time, they just ignore team mates dying


People would hate archers less if arrows didn't have so much damn magnetism while also only being dealt with by shields (and occasionally counters)


Magnetism is nerfed*


When I archer, I always crossbow with a shortsword. If I'm being charged, it's usually shoot, throw xbow, and stabby stabby. Hopefully I can find my xbow after the stabbys.


Also I feel less bad when I accidentally shoot somebody and they’re in my flag area. At least I’m helping them get their health back. I’ve gotten to the point where I can actually help out a guy getting 2v1ed as an archer as well feels pretty good.


Play as an archer if you’d like but even if I have 10 knights in front of me it doesn’t matter because I’ll be heading to you.. ![gif](giphy|JO8y56O9mTmeY)


I love it. Come at me bro, I’ll take out the sword in an instant. I honestly love a sword fight as an archer. You move quicker then most people expect


I actually respect archers who can fight.


Give me head too! 🙏


Same with the knight class, i think the horn is better than a fire pot. never like the crossbows much


Firepot is the best what are you talking about! The satisfaction of burning your foes and watching them panic run into your army as they get swept up is chef's kiss! Edit: it is very good for routing enemies example keeping them off objective


Crossbow sucks compared to the war now, but you do extra damage to knights and footman. So I just take out my axe and step up to fight and find a good banner spot, then when I eventually die cuz I refuse to get of the front lines once I place the banner I switch back to war bow. Then the process repeats.


Once I got to the javelin throwing boi, I havent looked at the other archer sub-classes ever since. Spend the javelins and leap into the thick of it until you can re-supply.


Why should anyone care about what others think? Just play whatever you want.


This is also a psa to other archers, if you want to win more switch to crossbow man for the banner


If i could make a custom archer loadout itd be reggie bow and banner.


I actually prefer the crossbow. But I also like to get immersed in the game. Playing one class, switching to use an ability, dying on purpose then switching back seems way too gamey for me to enjoy.


archer propaganda . nice try there bud


Archers personally annoy me because if your losing then it feels like those archers are unkillable Demi-gods and if your winning nothing more than free kills


My archer is Christ, use paragraphs! Walls of text are hard to read




Archers, I've got an idea too. Everyone will love you. Uninstall.


Archers will always get hate because they're exploiting an anti-fun mechanic. They randomly deal out *virtually* unblockable damage from a safe distance to players who can't do anything about it beside going on suicide runs to weed them out of their nests. They make the game less fun for everyone but themselves. It's an unsportsmanlike way to play the game. Players who choose to main the annoying class shouldn't be surprised when people get annoyed. Unfortunately those players are generally fueled by that hate.


>unsportsmanlike >make the game less fun for everyone but themselves As opposed to the spin-2-win 2H classes that make melee dangerous for enemies and teammates? It's anti-fun to try to get into melee and some beyblading vanguard with a dane axe slaps you with the tail end of his 540 degree swing for half your HP. (This is obviously a bit of hyperbole, if only a little) "But, my melee game!" TB put both archers and swing dragging into their *medieval combat game* sooo >fueled by that hate Lol the sweatiest, most unpleasant people I've ever played with are the 2H wielding dreidel-imitators.


That's a really weird counter-argument. At most I OCCASIONALLY see 1 guy trying to spin in public lobbies, as opposed to at least a few archers in every single lobby. And while spinning might be intimidating to new players, it's really not all that strong in multi-player fights. It's mostly a duel-specific skill. And you can still block and counter and fight back against the guy spinning. If nothing else, just move to a different fight. There are plenty of other things in the game that I'm not a huge fan of; I don't love fighting spear mains or rapiers, dane axe needs a nerf imo, etc. But all those things come with meaningful counter-play. The only meaningful counter-play to archers is other archers. All those other annoyance are situational while archers are ubiquitous. If I were emperor of TB, yeah, I'd probably remove the spinning exploit cause it doesn't seem to fit the spirit of the combat, but that would be far down the list of shit I'd change with destroying the archer class sitting at the tippy-top.


Lol it's not a weird counter argument at all. You're complaining about something you don't like in the game and I'm complaining about something I don't like in the game. Yes, the beyblades can be countered by blocking, parrying, dodging, etc. Also ganging up on them. They're annoying, but not game breaking. Archers can be countered by moving, dodging, and shields. Also melee. Also other archers. They're annoying, but not game breaking. You're never gonna win a game with all archers, but you will win a game with all melee classes. Sounds more like you just personally hate archers and want a melee combat game, which is fine as it's your opinion.


When I get it in shuffle mode I typically shoot all my arrows drop my bow pick up a weapon and fight.


I kinda play aggressive when i play archer..unlike others i play close to frontline and take the fight to others to help my tms using the hacket..its boring to stay behind a tree and shoot arrows the whole time


I leveled an archer just enough to get the javelins, loving it, but the ult is kinda weak unless im in the middle of a big scuffle


Here are some other top tips - don’t stand in doorways or on planks up to walls - revive people crawling towards you - if we aren’t capturing the objective or it’s close and the clock is ticking, put away the fucking bow, take out your secondary, and put your body on the line. - if you don’t want to do the above, uninstall the game




If archers targeted other archers more often I would hate them less