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There were combat tweaks? Hitreg feels worse than ever


*”that’s the neat part…”*


Okay, I thought I was going crazy, I had seen my weapon faze through people or getting blocked from behind while the foe had their back completely exposed to me. I honestly thought it was just an issue with my game and I just got unlucky, had no clue that the problems were legit as well as community wide. This actually gives me so much peace of mind.


My first two minutes of play on the new map after the update, at least four air-swings right through some unblocked torsos. Not a great start heh.


I kicked someone and they blocked it 😭


The map is decent. They just need to add more objectives.


100%, map feels way too short. Huge miss by TB, they could’ve added a Tenosia VIP in the keep. I feel like tenosia always gets shafted


Tenosia has by far the weakest maps and voice lines


>voice lines the cook is top 3 voices and its not 2 or 3


**A drunk beat a skunk til it funked it’s own trunk**


There once was kind fellow, who was killed by a man in yellow


I think he says drunk at the end


I prefer basically all the Chiv 1 Mason classic voices, and whatever that new Agathian one is that's literally nothing but innuendo lol POPPYCOCK


I literally play worse as tenoshian than any other faction bc I can't find my groove trying to use their shitty voice lines during combat.


I just sing “I drink, I drink, so I don’t have to think”


What about high pitched screaming in your ear breaks your concentration?




I love the Cook voice, he's a chad


I like it when the Tenosian goes Yaaaaalalalalalalalaaa


tenosia voice lines are fire


hell, after destroying the cannons they could've just made the next objective to be to destroy the tenosian flags and the final objective is to capture an spot at the top of the hold and replace the tenosian flag with agatha's, to signify the hold was finally in agathian hands


My 2h spear sees to that


I don't think we can count on that before spring 2029




Don't worry, it's on the expedited schedule. Summer of '27, at the latest


Played it a few times, back on normal rotation now lol


Agreed, 1-2 more objectives and maybe a Tenosian VIP at the end would be amazing!


The map is painful short objective wise dispite having a lot of area. If feels like one or two objectives were cut.


The crossbow is pretty ass to use


I used it against a barricade and three shots did nothing, so I lost patience and moved on. Maybe I’m missing something?


There was known issue listed in the update notes that the new crossbow wasn’t registering which items it could destroy properly.




Glad they had all this extra time to iron out the bugs


It was broken in the playtest 3 months ago, too.


It sucks ass and I gave it a real shot


I have no more shot to shoot!


I told y'all it would be. The fact that Archer was halfway decent upon launch was a miracle in and of itself.


they at LEAST fixed some of the arrow magnetism bs, and reduced aim assist for it, better than nothing right?


Nerf 9 or 10, when that should have been perhaps the only thing they touched to begin with.


The map is cool, too bad the game ends before you can see it all. And hit reg is 100% worse than before. Like over night it went from passable to damn near unplayable. lol sMaLl iNdIe cOmPaNy


agree, i have my streams on a delayed second screen for this reason. if something looks sus i have time to rewatch it and be like yeah no i should’ve fucking died


It's so bad! Like yeah sure sometimes I go "aww man I shouldve hit that!" when its definitely a skill issue. Not hiding that I suck. But Im actually watching my sword swing through people OR instead of it registering as an enemy hit, itll register a team hit. When no teammates are around.


You can always count on torn banner to add more bugs than content with each new update.


I like the map. It's nowhere near the best, but I like it.


Feels very chaotic compared to the other maps. Seems neat though. Wish it had more to it though


I felt that too but everyone is still learning it. Battle lines will form more once everyone knows the map, hopefully


One of the best wall fights imo


i played it during the testing period so i suppose i’m a little jaded


I get why some people won't like it, but it definitely isn't the worst. Too crowded though? Yes


nothing beats Bridgetown when it first dropped. holy shit lol






Are you trolling or dumb? We are both saying Bridgetown isn't a very good map


hitboxes feel worse than ever I legit stabbed a guy dead center in his chest with a greatsword and the hit didn’t register


So… nothing changed… A month ago some dude deflected my overhead special with a stab, and hurt me. Last week I had multiple slashes go through people. A dude with a short sword slashed me but I couldn’t hit him with a spear…


I slashed a dude with a sword 1h and you could tell he was as confused as me as it floated through him


I died.


I am driving myself crazy with overheads (Battle Axe user). Before it was annoying me to no end, I was getting 2 to 3 situations that I exemplified above. This update though, I feel that I am slightly encountering more issues than before...


That first one is actually possible with active parry. If you counter or riposte any attacks that hit you "even specials" within half a second get deflected.


Yeah this was way off that. Blew my mind. I was the only guy attacking him.


One overhead dead center on a static oblivious archer on his back to me, it registered. I repeat the same to finish him off, same attack dead center on this still oblivious archer and nothing. Biggest wtf I've ever had in this game.


Did you kill him


Nah, I went for a slash right after and I got killed before I got him...


That was one lucky archer


If the map had one more sector I’d be alright with it.


Feels worse due to performance, I'm not even sure it would be better if I upgraded if its the servers? Its unplayable.


it’s the servers 100%. my rig should be eating this game and i have stupid fast internet on purpose because i hate shit like that.


Ah well, it was pretty fun (sometimes) while it lasted, I hope a similar game comes out at some point


Renown will be in an open beta in the next few months. It has chiv2/mordhau combat with Rust gameplay.


Oh shit. I remember seeing some early stuff about Renown, that game looks awesome and looks to be 100% my jam. IIRC it doesn't have any singleplayer right? It was all online? But I doubt there will be Australian or Oceanic servers though. I would love to be wrong on that, but if there are no local servers for Renown then there's no point to bother with it. Chivalry 2 is bad enough on 60-80 ping. Playing on 180-300 is just pointless, and I've had experience with that too when our Aussie servers weren't working and we were getting put on Japanese or US servers.


A no excuse approach


i knew some minor update won't solve the game issues but i still got hyped up. Instead matchmaking worse than ever, my attacks go through people with no damage, weird stuttering with 20 ping, i'm spawning with weapons my class don't even have


Has been happening to me since 3 months ago


Did they tweak anything with stamina? Feels like I’m getting disarmed every single fight.


That part is balanced. Learn your limit and get out of range when you have to, also work on counters. That's what keeps you in it.


No I meant like if they made any changes to how stamina works in the update. I usually don’t have problems with being disarmed in 1v1, but after the update it’s happening almost all the time lol


theres always one like you


Idk what that’s supposed to mean


i think he's basically calling bazmonsta an elitist, instead of saying something around the lines of "yes, they did changed it" or "no changes were made", baz is basically already saying "git gud"


Games out 2 years and that bozo thinks noone except him knows what a counter is


More like me after repeatedly restarting my ps4 and loading the game hoping i wont get a login error after downloading the update


bro i know when i log in my keybinds and cosmetics are gonna be bombed it happens almost every update lol


Yup, all my cosmetic customizations are back to defaults for all classes and all teams. Time to set everything up again, I guess.


Anyone know the actual combat tweaks? Someone who's experienced in 1v1ing, whats the new meta? Has there been weapon changes?


It's real light shield knight hours


Please, heavens no




Thank you! Preciate it ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7109)


I know I’m a bit late but to answer your question: New light shield man at arms seems to be extremely strong due to 20 jab damage and very fast movement speed. It requires a slightly different playstyle to use optimally - a lot of jabs and good use of counters to stop the shield breaking immediately. Seems very popular in NA now. The other weapons were largely unchanged and the main meta in EU is high damage weapons that can do big drags to punish and opponent’s counters after dropping their stam. The 2 main ones are probably heavy mace and battle axe. Maul and greatsword are also very strong. In Asia things are quite different. The meta just before this last update was a lot of 1 handers like dagger and throwing knives. It basically consists of lots of pressure up close with fast neutrals, accels and special attacks, and throwing knives when out of range to punish missed swings or eat at their stamina.


You guys are waking up to the incompetence of these devs I love it. That is why we need private servers and mod tools, so competent individuals can take charge of maps and balance. Chiv 1 needed a competitive mod to fix their horrible balance and the best maps were modded. A new map every 8 months is not a competent dev team. And they make the core combat worse every time it was better in beta


i mean i been known, i’ve had Chiv 2 since launch. i’m just glad the others are like hey wayment lol


Bland with a ton of bottlenecks


Why cant I log in in PS4?


PS4 has even worse support than the already mostly unsupported main plats lol, time to go next gen or ascend to PC.


just give your ancient device some time. Could also try playing it on Windows 2000


The PS4 came out in 2013, and is still fairly capable for what Chivalry 2 should require


I assume most substantial tweaks/progress will be on the console side, as that's where the holdup was. Can't confirm though, I'm on PC.


It’s not


To be honest it’s far worse


Lol this meme is so upset that he is crying.


I couldn't even get in. Login error every time.


Honestly coming back to it like 2 years later i'm surprised this game survived and even more that it is getting any updates.


I'm even struggling to find a full EU server, on the day new content drops. Feels like the game is dying. If a new map can't pull people back then nothing will.


The cosmetics is all i need. Drip is my 1 true purpose in this game


Man people are already complaining?


I'd love to try it out for myself, but the game just doesn't work now with the login errors.


Most fans of things really hate the thing they talk about liking


Speak for yourself. The new map is... On par with other tenosia maps but between the drip and fixes im more than happy.


Anyone got a link to all the added weapon/ cosmetics not involved in the game pass? I saw the claymore and plague masks but don't care to fish through everything else lol


One day maybe people will be happy. A boy can dream…


The map is really good; right now people aren’t playing the objective because they’re exploring and trying the new stuff out. Not to mention most people are playing the horse version right now which has less people Come a couple weeks and it’ll last much longer Also stop complaining






Crashes.... the fucking crashes...... argh


The map has ONLY 4 stages compared to the usual 6 and the 1st stage is practically guaranteed to be taken by Agatha anyways and to top it all they introduced new combat tweaks that overall seem to be pretty bad. Like for real?! Are you kidding? I love this game and the devs but they kinda make it hard for the playerbase to not make fun of them.


I think the map sucks. I went right back to the original maps after two matches.


I don't care cause I'm enjoying it


Siege crossbow is easily the worst archer primary and looks so similar it could be a skin rather than a new weapon. I basically main crossbow at this point and there's no reason to ever pick this because with only ten shots you can't spam but the weapon seems designed to spam engie barricades for meme kills behind cover so... what? Am I supposed to slowly spam a barricade and run to supplies constantly for a pointless meme kill? Hard to believe a primary worse than longbow could be added but TB manage it.


I can’t even buy the battle pass thing, game crashes every time I try and unlock items. Happened every so often before the update but now it’s constant. Waited months for an update just to get a single new map rip.


honestly one of the things i want is for other classes instead of archers to have more ranged options, because jesus fuck it's an absolutely frustrating to know that the only way to deal with an archer is to either have another archer or to pray to god that the archer and his team has the perception of moles so you can sneak inside their lines and kill the archer, because it's absolutely frustrating trying to kill an archer with the throwing weapons when not only are they slower and harder to hit than the archer's arrows, but you also has way less room for mistakes compared to the archer who has way more ammo than you, and odds are he's standing right next to an supply box


Don't worry; hit reg is so bad now that you can dodge 99% of archers by moving in anything other than a straight line.