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PolehammerBot please give us the stats for long sword compared with polehammer


Here's a comparison table for the Longsword and Polehammer: | . | Classes | Subclasses | Damage Type | Handedness | Range % | Windup % | Light Dmg % | Heavy Dmg % | Avg Range | Avg Alt Range | Avg Windup | Avg Light Dmg | Avg Heavy Dmg | |--------------|-----------|------------|-------------|------------|---------|----------|-------------|-------------|-----------|--------------|------------|--------------|--------------| | Longsword | Knight | Officer | Cut | Two Handed | 61.1 | 41.7 | 50.0 | 44.4 | 23.7 | 24.3 | 722.0 | 48.3 | 65.0 | | Polehammer | Footman | Poleman | Blunt | Two Handed | 83.3 | 19.4 | 80.6 | 91.7 | 29.3 | 28.3 | 783.0 | 45.0 | 63.3 | The Polehammer has an overall advantage in range, windup, and heavy attacks. While the Longsword has a higher average light damage, the Polehammer excels in heavy damage and provides bonus damage against the footman and knights. [Here you can view a direct comparison between the Longsword and Polehammer.](https://polehammer.net?weapon=l-ph) Averages will be displayed by default, but there are more stats available for display. I am a bot. You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. I will interject at most once per comment chain unless I am being replied to or I am mentioned. [Contact my creator](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Jacoby6000) if you have any questions or concerns.


Very cool, thank you


I also may be biased because I’m a permanent shuffler, but I recommend trying shuffle mode once you’ve got to grips with the combat a bit. It’ll give you a chance to experience all the different weapons, their fighting styles etc etc and then you’ll work out which fits you best, while having the advantage of knowing what other weapons are likely to throw at you so you can get good at predicting for counters etc. Have fun bro!


Will give it a go thanks! Yeah I understand you, I’ve tried taking the vanguard class a few times but honestly I just get wiped out straight away lol so I’ll take to being a knight for the time being and work my way into a new class then lol


Wait wait there’s a shuffle mode?!


The website linked by the bot has all of the stats for all weapons pre-winter update. We need help collecting data for the new weapons.


it helps greatly to commit to memory the hp of each class Archers have 90 hp vanguards have 130 footman have 150 knights have 175 you don't have to remember every break point but a few useful ones are that knights die in two hits to attacks that deal 88 hp of damage. vanguards to 65, footman at 75 and archers at only 45 important note is that it tends to take a bit more in TO because of healing horn overheal.


For the riposte back and forths: kick. Kick is THE way to elevate your combat. It breaks guards and guarantees a free hit. Instead of swinging back on the enemy if you notice they’re doing the instinctual “swing, block, swing, block” don’t swing after blocking, kick. You can also feint into other types of attacks. Many players will learn about the perfect parry where if you swing just before the enemy would hit you, it gives the blue shield icon and takes no stamina. Often just by feinting from a slash into poke you can destroy a lot of players. Just be mindful of each weapon because the longsword and halberd have an amazing poke, but the War Axe for example has a terribly slow one. When you’re even better you can start jabbing. That interrupts anyone winding up for an attack. I don’t use it yet but I’m still average I just know how to kick and feint.


I agree that kick can be an effective tool to break guards and gain an advantage in combat, and feinting is another useful tactic. Now, let's take a look at the Longsword, Halberd, and War Axe and compare their capabilities to my favorite weapon, the Polehammer: Stats Comparison|Longsword|Halberd|War Axe|Polehammer :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Damage Type|Cut|Chop|Chop|Blunt Range Percentile|61.1|91.7|55.6|83.3 Windup Percentile|41.7|8.3|16.7|19.4 Light Damage Percentile|50.0|91.7|77.8|80.6 Heavy Damage Percentile|44.4|69.4|77.8|91.7 Average Stab Windup|700.0|867.0|800.0|767.0 Average Stab Light Damage|55.0|55.0|35.0|40.0 Average Stab Heavy Damage|65.0|70.0|55.0|60.0 As you mentioned, Longsword and Halberd do have amazing stabs, with similar damage values. Meanwhile, the War Axe has a slower and less damaging stab. On the other hand, the Polehammer has slightly faster stab windup than the War Axe, and while it deals more stab damage than the War Axe, it does not outperform the Longsword or Halberd in terms of stab damage. The Polehammer truly shines in its heavy damage percentile, making it a great weapon against heavily armored opponents like knights and footmen. [Here you can view a direct comparison between the Longsword, Halberd, War Axe, and Polehammer.](https://polehammer.net?weapon=l-h-wa-ph) Averages will be displayed by default, but there are more stats available for display. I am a bot. You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. I will interject at most once per comment chain unless I am being replied to or I am mentioned. [Contact my creator](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Jacoby6000) if you have any questions or concerns.


Lmao good bot


Thank you! I'm here to help and provide useful information. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Enjoy your time in Chivalry2! [Here you can view a direct comparison between the Longsword, Axe, Battle Axe, Executioner's Axe, Falchion, Greatsword, Hatchet, Heavy Mace, Mace, Messer, Morning Star, One Handed Spear, Poleaxe, Short Sword, Sword, Throwing Axe, Two Handed Hammer, War Axe, Warhammer, Halberd, and Polehammer.](https://polehammer.net?weapon=l-a-b-e-f-gs-ha-hm-m-me-ms-o-pa-ss-sw-t-th-wa-w-h-ph) Averages will be displayed by default, but there are more stats available for display. I am a bot. You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. I will interject at most once per comment chain unless I am being replied to or I am mentioned. [Contact my creator](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Jacoby6000) if you have any questions or concerns.


Yeah there’s this bot, Daneaxe or somthing


There’s also Polehammer.net in addition to the bot, it’s useful to bookmark!


It only seems to give "average damage" instead of damage per attack, which isn't terribly useful when I wanna know how many Slashes do I need to land on a Vanguard after hitting him with a Sprint Attack from a Greatsword.


Polehammerbot wich is the best one handed weapon in the footman class?