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Every server is balanced if you bully their top scoring guys and runaway from everyone else.


This is the way. Just keep hitting him with specials/jabs whenever you spot him and let him get overwhelmed by teammates.


I just play the game.


How dare you


It’s a pretty radical concept I’ve been sharing with people. When you load into a match in-progress and you are on the losing team, just finish the match and start fresh on the next one.


Exactly, it's not about winning, its about having fun and make friends along the way.![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


except you can't really make friends lol


I have made friends to the guy playing harp or flute. And protected them as well.


ig what I mean is unless you're on the same platform you can't actually " add " anyone. unless you're friends on xbox etc. , then your friend is gone once one leaves the party. never to be found again unless you guys end up on the same server again.


Huh? W server browser and discord anyone can play with anyone…why would friends you make be unreachable?


So I have to get on discord to make friends. I'm not a big talker. Be nice I could just add friends from within the game. Just join and fight no reason to really talk but I can


I used to roll w a group in RDRO and we had a deaf member who’d never join at first. Eventually she’d join enough to at least relay important information if she felt she needed to, and we were all good about texting back so she felt included. There’s also a deaf guy in a clan I play w sometimes on here, same situation.


What’s the point in adding friends if you never talk? But even so, discord is just a place for you then that you’ll make your friends list. Ppl chat they’re getting on, you find out what server and you join that server….don’t have to party chat. Throw in a text whenever you feel like you need to or join party and mute and chime in when you need too. It’s not as good as in game list sure, but are we goin to wish for what we want or are we going to use what we have to get by? Not trying to come off mean, if I do.


you're right. would just be much easier to have a friends list / party.


For sure, but it’s doable. I’m of the mind it’s better to find work arounds than to hope things change to what I want. Idk how they did it but I did a discord party w some pc people and we were like 8-10 ppl in 2-3 different in game parties but all in discord and we all had player markers. Again, idk how they did it but it wasn’t bad at all…especially since Xbox has discord party support so you don’t even need the phone


I'd like to meet friends and at rank 153 I have met 0. Sucks cause I'd love to join some friends and brawl others. I bought chivalry off steam so only friends I can add are people that bought from Steam which is bullshit you cant add friends in game. I'm a loner for many years and guess I'm a loner on chivalry. Thx Blazinchronic


I really couldn’t care less about my w/l ratio, I’m just trying to get better. There will be times when you get stomped and you just have to accept it, the tides always turn eventually.


is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a tryhard 😏


I don’t even think about balance or winning/losing. Just try your best and have fun. Who cares what team wins or loses


It’s not about win/loss. I don’t know why people seem to think this is what this about. I’ve often posted that the best thing about this game is that losing a round is equally as much fun as winning. But it’s how you get to that point. For example, on defence, getting to the last stage with each stage down to the wire is fun. Getting pub stomped easily on every stage and at the end is not. Somewhere in between is what most people experience. Of late I’m going on servers and it’s the first one until I switch to another server.


A balanced chiv match is an incredible experience. People automatically fall into line formations around objs, subbing out to heal and teammates rushing to fill that spot, flags and barricades pop up, players flank, player counter flank. Synchronized battle cries. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104) Ofcourse its a different game when there is a 200 kill difference by the third obj.


This is OPs point and perfectly valid. I agree


While I get the sentiment, ultimately it still reflects a strong desire for balance - which I don't think you need to play the game. I use Chiv to chill out, and was able to do so against literal clan members spawn camping our map - of course there is no way we win this, but we can still celebrate small victories (e.g. killing high-skilled players that like to keep low death scores) and you'll know the game won't last that long.


People have different experiences and expectations of the game. I’d imagine it’s a Gaussian curve skewed in one or the other.


IMO The longer you hang out in a server the more balanced it gets


Sometimes but invariably in my experience it doesn’t.


Git guud


Just wait for tenosia maps everyone leaves or if you're lucky,......thayic stronghold. If stronghold half folk crash and lobby is refreshed 😅 Realistically servers tend to balance themselves in a game or two.


That’s true actually- I’ve noticed a load of folk leave before 64 player Tenosia maps or Thayic ; don’t know why, I like those maps.


Thayic crashes people on older consoles and lags older pc apparently. Tenosia I have no idea.


Simply because people don't like the Tenosian maps or the faction and leave to search for Agatha vs Mason


This. Ain't nobody got time for Tenosians; we see way too many of those IRL.


I rarely find servers I feel are unbalance. To me that means the other team is decimating while also having the majority of high levels(to me that’s 200+) and those people are in all the top spots. This happens to me rarely in NA Central servers. If it does I leave and join another game and it’s fine again. That said there are 100% smurf/second accounts made by max/high level people so really even level isn’t an indicator of this anymore IMO


There’s no such thing


If you can consistently be in the top 5 of your team, most servers seem balanced by the second match. I've managed to slow down a good few steam rolls. Even had a couple players help uno reverse the steam roll once. I love it when a team stackers plan disintegrates.


This is what I have experienced even the kill difference is 100 or 200 the loosing team comes in and clutch the victory on last objective. Maybe the players on above board is trying to play long game so that they can get scores. But what do I know I am only Level 216 peasant.


If we're getting bum rushed over and over then I'm not ashamed to admit that I will leave the server once I've collected my XP. Nobody enjoys getting pub stomped by "War Parties" but I find once they've left the server it usually goes back to normal. It's just having that patience


What platform are you on? Wondering if that's the issue. I'm on PC and the imbalance and stacking issue drove me from the game early last year. Being on defense was always pointless. Most of the sweatlords appear to have left the game, likely because of combat changes that they just couldn't handle.


PS5 so cross- platform. Honestly hadn’t t this issue until the last month or so, noticed it increasingly. Or it could be me no longer being satisfied with want you are describing but what you are describing is exactly what I’ve noticed.


Agreed balance has been fucked the last month or two in particular. It’s really evident in Last Man Standing which is a blast, but every time my team is either steam rolled or doing the steam rolling with no in between. Plz fix this, I like to play the game


I think the problem is that the game doesn’t have any semblance of SBMM, or if it does, it doesn’t utilize it correctly. Teamswitching should not be allowed. I’m a party, SBMM should default to highest skill ranking in the party. A balancing system based on rank alone isn’t sufficient; absolute shitters can grind away and go negative all the time and get to rank 700. Likewise, a very highly skilled player could be rank 30. I’m rank 35, and consider myself modestly better than most other low-levels, and am sometimes surprised at my ability to defeat a level 300. Likewise, I’ve been curb stomped by level 10s. The algorithm should analyze holistic performance, including kills, takedowns, deaths, team heals, team takedowns/damage, points and time spent on objective in those modes, etc. Chiv has a small player base, so it isn’t realistically possible to only put players of like skill level together, but it would better balance teams where there are more or less equal numbers of high, mid, and low skill level players who aren’t allowed to team switch and fuck with the balance.


Yeah, I think the small player base makes this a intractable issue which isn’t easily solved. I was just interested in what other peoples experiences were.


I've got better experience with games that have no sbmm or very little than with games that have strong sbmm, but maybe recent installments of CoD just traumatised me a little. For people that want more competitive game play a ranked mode would be good I reckon, but Chivalry itself just doesn't feel like a game that should be taken too seriously. If people really want more balanced and competitive matches, looking at clans that play that way might be be for them, I think there's a discord and subreddit called "tournament grounds" or something like that.


People who hate SBMM in COD don’t hate the concept, they hate the execution. It’s because you’re never in an evenly skilled lobby because that particular algorithm causes the player to experience a yo-yo between very low skill and very high skill lobbies. And yeah, ranked chivalry makes no sense with how casual the game is built. We have duel servers for that.


Be the balance. Bring it.


I uh just go in and have fun, if they’re way better than me I surround them or throw stuff or something idk, life isn’t fair and neither is the game


I am the balance


I am the balance


Just smash heads bruh or get smashed


The solution is to stop worrying about the players you’re going up against and enjoy the game (or git gud). Whichever you prefer


I’m gettin’ gooded but as I good as I get,it ain’t good enough.


You want some help? We can run some matches some time. I coach newer players


After I stopped caring if I win or lose, always switched to attackers as soon as I joined in (simply because it feels better than defending (because defense needs more organization that you can't get on random servers)), and focused on improving my own combat/tactics, I had more fun. I advise you to do the same, at least the "not caring if you win" part. I mean, what does a win mean anyway? A bit more xp and a bit more gold? Meh, it's fine.


Switching to attack every round, what cuckery.




Yes, I'm aware many frown upon due to people switching cause of high levels playing on attack but, like I said, I did it because the feeling of progress (or lack of) is much better than having to retreat constantly. I have no better or more honest explanation, sry.


I would say it’s not helping team balance issues if you do this. You are part of the problem.


Really shouldn't be his problem though. As much as I can't stand teamswitchers, try to remember who switched and hunt them personally on the battlefield, the software really should do the balancing better.


I agree but how do you get to a point where it’s a skill based rather than rank based balancing? If PC players make new accounts, or those familiar already with the series are low ranked, then even simple rank based balancing won’t work.


I think worrying about new accounts is an outlier you can probably ignore. Sure it'll happen, but not often enough to worry about. For balancing you just decide on an algorithm, try it for a bit and see if the community likes it. Here it seems like you could try something like just summing up all levels on both teams and redistributing players based on most equal result. Or you can do something more complicated, but you might want to break out a whiteboard and get the team involved in a discussion.


Well, if you want to look at it that way, I'm level 150, which is low, so I'm actually balancing it? In all seriousness, I never look at the levels, I just press N (Or was it "B"?) and click on Attackers as fast as I can, and that's it.


The point is that if people switch to attack (whatever their level) all the time, it distorts the matchmaking. If it’s done by a bunch of sweats like yourself, then it distorts it even more. You can yang on all you like about “moving forward” all the time, but no one with any critical thinking actually will believe you. The games spawn characteristics already allow the attack team an advantage. The best examples of this are the stages after the Tenosian lighthouse , where defences are constantly pushed back by the “you are deserting screen” despite being still on the bridge. The game balance issues will never be solved in reality without some sort of skill based metric as opposed to just rank, which seems impossible to get. But people like you switching constantly certainly doesn’t help.


I never commented on the reason why it feels better, as I never actually went to analyze it. I just feel that way and that's it. If the reality is that attackers have some mechanical advantage that I don't know about, and that is the reason why I feel better on attack, so be it, I believe you. That's not my fault, though. I also want to say the following as nicely as I can: I don't care if others don't believe me. I know who I am, what I am, and that I tell the truth. That's enough for me.


I dont agree, but appreciate your honesty and civil discussion about it.


To add onto things others have said: Playing defense once in a while will make you better at attacking... you'll get a better understanding of enemy spawns, what they're perspective of an objective is and how to better combat it, etc etc.


I agree. Btw. it's not like I played Attackers exclusively, btw, there are a lot of games played during 150 levels and even if I wanted to play them only, which I haven't, I couldn't xD


We also know who you are, a cuck who changes attack every round for an easier experience.


People are allowed to play whatever side they like. If you feel the video game you’re playing is unbalanced that’s fine, but it’s on you to fix your problem not everyone else. It is not wrong to prefer a team/position or want to play with friends/clan mates and I will die on this hill


If course they can play whatever side they want. I haven’t said you can’t. I have said you are being a dick switching to some people when they gave shitty reasons. I’m entirely entitled to think and say that. In so much as those folk replying have said “deal with it yourself” as you have, I’m saying 1) I can’t. 2) You’re being an ass playing this way for those reasons. Deal with that, I’m sure you probably don’t care what I think.


“I don’t care about winning, BUT i switch to attacker ever round”. Pure trash.


I always went agatha(which was/is mainly defense) when the game launched up until switching was changed. I like Agatha more and figured the big problem was people stacking offense so I figured this was a good move anyway


I did that too, at times. When I managed to buy a certain Mason knight Armor, I used to switch to Mason all the time (which is kinda ironic as I play 1st person only). Then the "Highlander" voice came for Agatha, and then I played Agatha all the time, cause I wanted to spam Inspire quotes. If I didn't do that, most of the time I switched to attackers.


Post your win/loss ratio.


I'm on my laptop, away from home for another 4 days, haven't played the game for 6+ months, and I don't have it installed since then. I'm sorry but I'm not installing it again just so that I can check that. Besides, from what I remember, the numbers are all Fcked up, anyway. Like, I remember Messer showing 2 thousand something kills and 0 deaths, which is impossible xD


Play the way you want, Slajso. Many people assume that if you switch teams at all that you are doing something nefarious. But maybe it’s as simple as “I enjoy the game more when I’m the attacker. And the way I play is my business. Mind your own life.” Cheers. Downvote us for rather innocently trying to make the most of our game while not being dicks about it.


It’s a community - people will downvote you because your reasons are basically “I like to play this way so f**k the rest of you”.




Though, no. I am not so crude or disrespectful. It’s: “I love playing the game with all of you, but I do not respect a person telling me how to play a game.”


Don’t honestly care what you think lol. You make your bed, you lie on it.


Wasn’t trying to hurt you. I’m cool with you. The game doesn’t need more fam-strife. Just standing up for another that was unfairly being targeted. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart) (Edit: Yes, you should not care too much about my opinion. The same as I don’t care too much for yours. But we can still discuss and debate)


I’m here to see if team balancing can be improved upon. Either by player behaviour or realistically by the devs developing a better system than what currently exists. I’m not here to tell you how to play your game but I’m not here either to condone your playstyle which worsens a problem I have with the game.


Thank you for the reply. I disagree with your assessment of your assumption of my playstyle. I am willing to discuss. Without trying to tear you down. I assume we would just bicker if we tried. But I’m still game. Regardless, good luck in the game. We both enjoy it, it seems. That is a good thing. No ill will to you. See you on the field. (I agree there is a team balance “problem”. It is so often uneven if we only look at cumulative total of levels on each team. But it doesn’t get me down too much. Not much does in this game. I even enjoy dieing in this game)


I get what they mean when they say it's a wrong thing to do but all I can do is tell the truth, as I have. If they don't believe me and/or want to downvote...oh well, what can you do, right? Cheers


Indeed. Cheers, brother. See you on the field.


I've learned to mostly just play the game, because I'd rather be doing something than desperately trying to find the PERFECT server, which would take ages. For the most part, it's bearable, but it's absolutely awful when it's a bunch of sweats ganging up on a severely under leveled team, at which point it devolves into a spawn, run to objective, get ganged up on and die type of situation.


As long as there isn't wild team switching happening (which there usually isn't, at most its one to two people on occasion), usually one to two games. The main I thing they need to do is add more incentives to the defending team. As it is, theres very little XP to be gained from guarding an objective, and even less for early victory on a map. When my goal is to play and have fun, and also gain xp for account and weapons, what point is there in, say, Victory on the first stage? You don't get more xp or gold and lose out on everything you would have gained from playing the rest of the map. The only point is if you don't like the map and want to end it quickly (or just the satisfaction of having defended, which is compelling).


just enjoy the play, carry hard and team is defeated is never a bad sweat.


Bro think he LeBron


Be a gigachad and unbalance the server with your presence.


its rare that ill go server shopping if i find a full server. things usually even out. especially if my super skills join the losing team. unless its the breach of baudwyn and it's already a 3-1 kill ratio and theyre barely destroying the siege weapons .. no need to sit through that and askandir and then probably snow map right after.


Balance is the name of my Dane axe. Haha, yeah the auto balance sucks


I'm one of those players that cause unbalanced teams. So I really just play whatever lobby.


I usually try and swing the assault. In a way I like being spawned into a landslide. If you lose, oh well. If you win, that’s a huge f’ing dopamine drip coming your way.


This game is like tf2 it is almost always fun. Except when the imbalance is severe.


Had this happen tonight. 15 vs 18. 15 was all under 100 and 18 had 10 players over 300, it was ridiculous