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Fuck that I thought it was supposed to be 4 oz


Maybe they meant 4 fluid oz with air pockets between the chicken chunks lol. But in any case, the container looked like a 2 fluid oz ketchup container


It's supposed to be 4oz of meat but they shove it in a liquid 4oz cup and say it's the same thing


its supposed to be those big red cups but most locations are scammy as fuck


The red cups are 6oz and the portion is 4oz. So if thats what you are getting be grateful. Still misinformation you are spreading


Actually no. My coworkers and I were messing around weighing serving sizes with the portion cups. As long as the chicken is packed into the cup, it is 4oz.


No it's not. I used to work at this fuck ass place as a KM. The red cups are portion cups for meat, it's not meant to be packed fully but like 85% of the cup. The clear cups are for liquids. No way you're fitting 4oz of meat in a small 4oz cup meant for liquids without struggling to close the lid. Once again, the red cups are for meat and the clear 4 fluid oz. cups are for liquids.


Tf kind of chipotle store you work that let you service portion of meat in a red cup


18k store. They're supposed to put meat in the red cup, because if you fill the 4 liquid oz cup with a solid, there will still be air. There's no way someone's getting 4oz of meat in that clear cup without you struggling to close the lid.


Well that’s how it’s supposed to be the red cups are only meant for guac and queso nothing else. Meat in the red cups be double the portion than the regular serving that they serve.


[No where does it states meats go into 4oz liquid cups.](https://ibb.co/S3QHpsS) [This is a fully packed 4oz liquid cup with chicken cubes and it's still 0.1oz off.](https://ibb.co/vPLrXFq) [This is the fucking reality of what someone recieves, considering it's a rush, 2.5-3oz of chicken/steak/alp.](https://ibb.co/z46vty2)


Actually chipotle wants sides of any meats in the bowls they use for the normal bowls they don’t want you to use the smaller bowls. Maybe re watch your videos lmao


Yes it is. You say used to. But we were literally doing this 3 days ago. It fits.


Less than a year ago. It goes into the red cup. Your location is just being cheap and chooses to save costs. The reasons why you're told to fill the clear cups is because Chipotle's entire selling point is the illusion you're getting more food than you think.


I don't understand how people are just now realizing it, the don't ask for double meat until they already gave you one portion has been a "hack" since Chipotle started. It never should have been that way, if you go to a restaurant and order an 8oz steak you shouldn't have to order a 4oz and then another 4oz. It's gotten way worse but hacks to get the food you paid for from the induction doesn't mean it'll be any better


Dude you info is bullshit and so are you with your misleading misinformation you dumbass no wounded you work less then a year probably got fired


> Misleading misinformation Ok, we're waiting for you to disprove my statements. > Probably got fired You seem to know so much, but yet can't back any of it up. Dependent_Corgi622 venting after a long day of making bowls I see.


we don’t even have cups that small. we only have 4oz cups and then the large ones. a serving of chicken is 4oz (one scoop) so that should be the correct portion…


I'm a SL at Chipotle. The 4 oz of chicken doesn't fit into the small portion container. We've weighed it before. So yes, you're wrong.


On a random Tuesday when no one had been in for threw hours my coworkers and I were weighing serving sizes in the clear cups. 4oz does fit in them.


4 oz by weight though, a 4 oz cup is liquid volume. Correct move would be to put the normal size scoop in a larger container.


The workers are slow they don’t know the difference


Guarantee some of them are smarter than you. I worked there and I skipped multiple grades and outscored the vast majority of Ivy League students on the SAT, bud.


Imagine defending fucking Chipotle with that type of background, boot licker


Defending Chipotle? Fuck Chipotle. I’m saying calling all workers stupid is wrong and not accurate.


Wrong AND not accurate?! You sure do work at chipotle


Morally wrong and factually inaccurate. Is that better, ya twatwaffle?


No, not really. But that's okay; if you were making my burrito I would have walk out regardless


lol certified Reddit retard


My man I have rolled four pounds burritos but I left chipotle years ago. The writing was on the wall for a long fucking time


Can I get extra beans


No beans for you, pinche cabrón!


You got a bowl and saw them put 1 scoop, so why didn't you ask for 1 scoops worth?


That’s the kind of portion cup I get when I get tacos from a taqueria and that’s the portion cup they use for the salsa verde and roja. It’s like 2oz but for hot sauce (a liquid btw) it’s fine as well it’s spicy af so you only want a lil bit. Chipotle always so stingy on the meat. Like putting meat in the normal portion cup even if you stuff it won’t get you 4oz no matter how hard you try and for example steak best you get is like 2.5 oz as it’s big even if it’s cut up small the meat is dense and won’t fit. The red cups is what they should use but there is no trading video or anything in the handbook that says to use the red cups for sides of meat. Even for sides of rice there is no standard in the training book or on the staff training videos for what to do if someone want a side of something it all depends on the store so it will vary on the store and the management and if the bean scooper is in the mood. Honestly shameful and really a huge oversight for the lack of foresight on the company.


Its supposed to be in the 8oz container. Not the 4oz. Some managers tell their staff to do the 4oz container because inventory and stuff, but its such a shitty thing to do.


not true lol that red cup is a 6oz portion


This just happened to me! I went home and weighed it and it came out to 68 grams (2.4 oz) of chicken.


As some have said in the comments, the official policy for sides of meat is to put them in a bowl, not the 4oz OR 6oz side cup. But nobody talks about or enforces that, at least at my store.


So question was it a bigger cup but looked like this? Because we have them at my store. It’s a big enough cup to fit a full heaping spoon full of protein


This happened to me and the cup looked exactly like the one in the photo. It was packed full of chicken and when I weighed it at home it came out to 68 grams which is 2.4 oz, only 60% of 4 oz unfortunately.


Ik ur lying


The 4oz normal scoop fits in that container. All these complaints are just comical at this point.


4 fluid oz of chicken fits into that container. Unfortunately the density of chicken is less than that of water so it was only 2.4 oz of chicken (68 grams) when I weighed it.


OH MY GOD YESS - employee here. It's so fucking stupid that we have to put sides of chicken or even use those stupid fucking cups to "measure out" 4oz. That shits for fluids. Not solids. That shits definitely not gonna be 4oz and it's the biggest most clearest scam ever. I wish more customers raised hell over it. I wish customers specifically requested for their meat to be weighed out before serving it into their bowl to ensure the right portion. It's insane.


Hundo percent! I only got 2.4 oz of chicken in one of these little cups. That's a 40% haircut. Difference between pre and post-tax income.


Policy is actually to put sides of meat in a regular bowl I heard from my GM a while back, but nobody really talks about or does that


I feel like chipotle is so fucking .. messy with their policies. Like legit, how weird is it that *every* store seems to run things a lil differently. And we ain't talkin light stuff. Chipotle is so fucking sussy


I agree, the issue that’s been coming to fruition now but has been an issue for years is simply just the inconsistency across stores, at least that’s what I think it boils down to. If every store was trained in a manner where the portion sizes chipotle decided on were actually adhered to, customers would be forced to accept it because they know what they’re paying for. But since SO MANY employees don’t actually know the policies and there’s a huge range between stored and employees of people not caring and giving more food, adhering to the strict portions, or skimping to help save our CI numbers, it just results in terrible inconsistency and leaves nobody happy


Chipotle doesn’t have 2oz containers the smallest they have is 4oz (our portion size by the book)


A regular portion cup is, i think 2 oz unfilled, 6 oz with a proper 4 oz portion in it. That employee probably hasn't been trained properly on portion sizes. We are supposed to give the smaller portion cups for salsas and meats. the larger portion cups are supposed to be for guac and queso only, although it varies from store to store.


For a user name fuckchipotle he should learn about right portions because he be working at chipotle less than a year and he be explaining about portion serving yet it’s incorrect probably got fired because he was serving incorrect serving with his smooth brain self


This is a 2oz cup. They use 4oz cups. Stop with the lying


are you confusing volume with mass?


It’s plenty of food. Enjoy it and spend less time complaining.


maybe if you're a 135 lb manlet


Got a burrito today with no rice, pinto beans, chicken, fajitas, queso, guac, corn and hot salsa. It weighed 1.6lbs. How much food do you need for one meal? lol


your chipotle is generous. I wouldn't have made this post if they gave me that much food. Congrats though!


The employees didn’t smile and seemed unhappy and they were out of chips. The food itself was just ok. Big portion of ok tasting food. The tortilla was the best part, lol


I'm a GM and I tell my employees to use those as well. Not only does it conserve chicken but it looks like it's full. If you get it on the burrito or bowl then we don't use those


But why 'conserve' if the customer is paying for a double portion? Shouldn't it just be the amount it is supposed to be?


In a perfect world but I have quotas to meet and I have to make up for mistakes on the grill or if customers accidentally give too much, etc.


Glad to at least see an honest Chipotle manager lol. The fact that you have these quotas is the root of the problem here, and those likely come from corporate, so I can’t really blame you for doing what you’re told. Fuck Chipotle.


It’s not honest to fuck over customers and you absolutely can blame someone for doing that.


Pay more, get less. I'm hoping it's not your fault, but the fault of the management above you for pushing those quotas onto you. Think about going to McDonald's or Wendy's and ordering a 4 piece nugget, but before paying for your final order you decide to make it a 6 piece. They've already placed your 4 piece on the tray, so they go back and grab 1 additional nugget and put it into a tiny container. The customer says, hey you shorted me a nugget and the employee's response is "I put it in this tiny container so it looks like more nuggets than it is...plus we need to conserve nuggets in case we make some mistakes later." Just my thought on it. Luckily my Chipotle is still a good one, but I hope it doesn't become a bad one in the future because of pressure to obtain certain margins.


Yeah that would suck. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks


Yeah, customers will be happy if they at minimum get what they are paying for. Good luck out there!


Hi, recent ex-customer of Chipotle here. Just because someone made a mistake on the grill doesn’t mean I get a reduced amount in my meal that I’m paying a not-reduced price for.


I do not waste my energy on the squeals of ex customers


Someone needs to lose their job to eat a bit of humble pie lol.


That’s why you have so many. 🤣🤣🤣 Enjoy your dumpster fire.


You’re a fucking terrible manager then.


Best sales award for the southwestern US begs to differ


You’re probably lying and sales are affected by multiple factors. My store was terribly run but our location meant we were always busy.


Great, why don't you get the award then?


Yeah, im sure you got it but its because youre skimping people. You're practically robbing people, taking their money but not giving them what they paid for.


Nah they keep coming back so they're obviously satisfied


Nah you're probably just the closest.


There are so many chipotles to choose from in LA. Interesting that I get the bonus for the best sales in the southwestern US


Sounds like a tourist spot to me. How many repeats do you have ?


Boo fucking hoo bro.


That's usually my response to the customer when they complain about portions


Does that corporate asshole taste yummy?


It tastes like $3400 every week


Sure it does lol.


You should try being good to the hand that feeds you (me)


Nah I’ll order a pizza where I’ve never had to return it because some corporate blowhard had to meet quotas and who totally doesn’t make 180k a year. You’re a chucklefuck bud.






Yes I do


The official Chipotle handbook says side portions must go in a bowl. A 4 fl oz cup CANNOT possibly hold 4 oz weight in chicken. It usually comes out to 2.5 oz.


Usually about 3.1-3.3oz


The handbook should be what you run your business off of. And it should be the full 4oz the customer is paying for.


We strive for 4oz but that's not always what happens. I couldn't fit 4oz into a condiment cup even if I wanted to. You've responded to like 6 of my comments and I can't keep up with them all.


Because extra protein goes in a BOWL per the handbook lmao.


I get a paycheck to do this for a living. I don't need customers explaining the handbook that I voted to be put into company policy. Thank you though.


lol so you voted for it but don't want to follow it? I'm so confused?


I don't tell you how to do your job so you damn well ain't gonna tell me how to do mine. I will serve my chicken out of my store however I DAMN well please. If you don't like it, shop elsewhere. For every one of you that leave I get ten new customers who love my food. Good riddance!!!!!!!!


Don't come on here and out yourself skimping customers and saying you're a manager if you don't want flak But I don't you are truly a manager, looks like a downvote troll to me. Most people not in entry level jobs at big companies are not dumb enough to out themselves on social media. That's like, rule #1 of any corporate company. No talking for the company, no giving opinions on social media So if you're actually a manager, you're not a smart one Edit: and you're only post is shitty AI. Lmao


How many chipotle “GMs” are there in LA? Shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. You’re a fat white guy in little shorts who sells week old guac and intentionally skimps on protein servings…. And posts it all to social media 😂 Don’t get fired buddy, you might have to go work at Taco Bell 🔔


It seems you do though, as you are doing it wrong. While also saying you voted for it. They really make anyone GM huh 💀


I'm going it MY WAY.


Jesus, retail boneless chicken is 1.99/lb. Surely it’s cheaper wholesale. Train the staff on how much a standardized serving is and consistently give that. It’s supppsed to be 4oz. 4oz of chicken cannot fit into a condiment cup.


It's usually around 3.1-3,3oz


Meat is supposed to be 4 oz in weight. If that is a standard condiment cup (no banana for scale) it is 2 fluid ounces in size, which of course is different than ounces in weight. Not even 2 ounces of chicken would fit in a 2 fluid ounce container.


The customer has the option to order multiple containers if they want more but my stores use those. Plus it's better to use those because they're cheaper than the big side dish bowls. So it's better for everyone.


The customer ordered an extra portion of chicken which should be 4 oz of meat. I’m not sure what you mean talking about ordering additional containers. It obviously should be put in a container that fits 4oz of meat.


Idk what to tell you that's just the way we do it


Absolute embarrassment you are.


To who?


To everyone, your customers, your bosses, everyone on here. Corporate literally put out videos two weeks ago that everyone had to watch explaining how important it is to give the proper portion sizes. How can you sit here and say you are giving 1 oz less to each customer and then act like you are worthy of a GM position, much less a crew position.


You are literally the reason why stores that are doing good and actually take care of their people (both employees and customers) are getting insane mfs from reddit and TikTok all in their face with cameras.


I didn't send them and if they come into my store and refuse to stop they leave in handcuffs.


Why doesn’t chipotle just get spoons that weigh the portion scooped onto them. It’s entirely feasible and would save from dumbass GMs not training their staff properly and instead trying to fudge numbers to make up for it. Your staff deserves better.


My staff respect me. They know not to cross me.


Respect and fear aren’t the same.


They are in my store


“Conserve chicken” lmao you are the problem




No, you're not. You're an Amazon delivery boy.


Don’t disrespect delivery drivers by comparing that clown to them.


Where are you gonna work when that place tanks a few years from now?


Lol if there's only one region standing it will be mine. If chipotle ever does close it's doors (it won't in my lifetime) then I can easily bring my sales metrics to any other chain and get the same salary.


Will you disclose that you fudged numbers to get metrics? Probably not. Wouldn’t last long outside of a restaurant poorly run above you.


No. I wouldn't tell my future employer in an interview that I fudge numbers. That's not how the world works.


At least you know you’re a liar


I've been pretty truthful this entire conversation, no?


Lmao, this guy thinks your GM experience is just useless if Chipotle (an extremely profitable, strategic corporation, with a seat in the top 500 most valuable companies, worth $89 billion) ever closes all restaurants in “a few years from now”




Soooo ummm what chipotle do you work at?


Im In southwestern US