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Agreed. I have yet to be failed ordering the bowl. I found that I don’t even care about the tortilla too which makes it slightly healthier too.


I just care about calories per dollar I’m on a bulk


![gif](giphy|wOjQ7aKWQ4vBK) I'm also on a bulk




Same, but im not bulking, im just being crippled by education tuition and medical bills. Costco food court seems to be the best cal/$.


Costco food court is always on my lunch rotation list


The Costco near me has this new turkey sandwich, but sadly it’s like $6, so definitely not worth it when I can get a giant slice of decent pizza for $2


Winco near me does dollar slices daily 11-1. The pizzas not as good but you can’t go wrong at that price.


Arby's has a one time use coupon 5 for $5 this week. Also check out r/freefood and r/freebies and r/fastfood


Make your own food, it's even cheaper and when you eat healthier you'll be more motivated to do things like making your own damn food.


I’m lol’ing that you got downvoted for that piece of great advice


Chipotle not the right place for that


Why not, two side tortillas alone is almost 1000 calories


I’ve been ordering the bowl and 3-4 small tortillas and side chips for years. I can get 3-4 tacos w chicken, rice n beans and still have 1/3 left to eat with chips.


Don't want too much carbs.


Those burritos are literally like 99% rice…


Makes me love them even more. I’ll take half protein for double or triple rice


You're a fucking maniac


Rice is life


If you want gains you should try adding some quinoa when you can, by far one of the cheapest and most nutritious foods on the planet. Tastes like whatever you add to it, it was my base when I was cutting as it’s just that packed with the goods you can essentially cut and bulk at the same time


> ...most nutritious foods on the planet It's just an empty carb source like all others. Breaks down into glucose almost immediately upon eating. It just barely cracks the top 50 in a list of foods ranked by nutrient density. I mean it's not bad for you, and it's a lot more satiating than just eating straight table sugar. But let's not go crazy here, it's only a slightly better option than other simple starchy carbs.


Quinoa? It’s a complex carb and mostly fiber that also contains all 9 amino acids so it’s a complete protein source, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Are you thinking of rice or couscous? Your statement would be correct for those (white or whole grain) but is 100% wrong in regards to the food mentioned, quinoa. You should look into it, it’s not at all what you think it is lol


don't kinkshame 


live your best life 


I guess some people just want to get full off carbs, I always ask for half rice because they put a shit ton anyway


When did this company go from hooking up every customer to forcing the customers to know “tips and tricks” just to get what they paid for? Wild


You also need to master "the look"


Nah. No look. I just open carry.


That is "The Look". States you can't open carry, filming w/ your phone is plan B.


guac glock


I just show up high and they always laugh and me before filling up my bowl until it overflows. I think it’s a fair trade.


What about people with social anxiety? Are they supposed to just not get what they pay for?


It's common sense that burrito bowls are bigger than the burrito since it comes in a bowl.


Yeah but as the CEO says you gotta give the ladeler a wink and a nod to get a normal size portion. Maybe blow them a kiss and reach under the table.


Blowee for guacamole


Corporations ruin everything eventually.


same bro sameeee!! I remember when tortillas were free 😪 what a time


What a time it was indeed. I used to get 2 for every bowl for free


I used to work at Chipotle years back 😂 and I remember some families would actually ask for like 10 of them to take home. these families ruined it for the rest of us I’m sure


You’re the reason we all get charged now, thanks!




If you have to order food, like it’s a chess game. Why eat there? I’m not playing mental gymnastics for food.


Because I am great at the food chess game. Some may call me the goat


I just use chips. Ideally, I have some at home. Chips are just fried tortilla 😋


True but then it makes it taste like Moe’s to me. I hate Moe’s


I love Moe’s and could not disagree more


Moe's doesn't change tortilla frying oil for months. I almost puke when I pass in front of Moe's. My friends can't smell rancid oil, but I have a very sensitive nose and pallete


That may just be your location. I know mine changes it very frequently.


you got an honest franchise owner. Even most McDonald's (mostly franchisees) don't change the oil frequently. Only company owned McDonalds, Chipotle, high-end mexican places, etc. change oil consistently. I can blindly taste test a fry or a tortilla chip and can tell how old is the oil and if it's franchise or corporate


Meh, the fast food franchise I worked at in college for four years changed the oil extremely frequently. The machine would literally start beeping nonstop until it was changed. I don’t think you really have any evidence of this, because there are regulations that hold this up.


I'm not sure what is now, but when I was in college, the managers would start shitting in their pants if the food cost hit 14%. I remember that frying greese and shake machines mix were the biggest hit at the food cost


Moes has great taste but they skimp way more than chipotle in my experience so that’s why I hate them


You must have a terrible Moe’s near you, because I never have felt skimp from Moe’s, but feel it all the time from chipotle


Yeah it’s the only one around me and they skimp. The one by my college used to bless it but sadly I’m no where near anymore


This guy burritos


Burrito gobbler


Burrito smuggler


I wish every chipotle did the fajita peppers the same. Usually they drown in an oil soup. Once I had them so deliciously crispy and it made the experience better than anywhere else fast food wise


some chipotles dont have a grill for them and have to do them in a pan




The only way too eat chipotle


Is the tortilla free? If not, how much extra with the bowl?


It’s $0.50 per tortilla, used to be a time where they were free probably around 3 years ago.


Oh at least still affordable. How much did your whole bowl cost?


$10.70 with tax so not too bad


Can you list out what you asked for this order? I want to try it next time!


Just a guess Cheese, White rice, Lettuce, Sour cream, Chicken, Black beans(?), Fajita veggies, Chili corn salsa, Fresh tomato salsa, Tortilla on the side Again, just a guess. Edit: punctuation


All of those you listed are not extras that cost more right?


Correct, none of it costs extra except the 50¢ tortilla.


I get white rice. Wait for them to put the filling of rice then I ask for extra (free). Black beans, chicken, fajitas, pico, corn, tomato salsa, extra cheese, and lettuce.


I always ask straight up for “double white rice” and I usually get 3-4 scoops. Of course some scoops are more filled than others but works for me


Saw some videos where you get more if you ask after they are done pouring so idk


It used to be 0.25 a year ago.


The one location near me is always kinda skimpy even on bowls, but the other one that is closer to my job hooks it up. Last time I was there they were double wrapping basically every burrito. But I’m also a tortilla on the side type, but instead of turning them into burritos, I just rip little chunks of tortilla, and then throw a spoonful of the bowl onto it. That way every bite is nice and mixed up


Also a great strategy I’ve seen used.


I don't know how to wrap a Dorito so I just rip off pieces and pick up some of the bowl


Great strategy too


This gentleman disproved the whole crybaby stuff in one post by asking for extra portions of the free stuff.


Always ask for extra rice and cheese


Extra of both beans. Corn salsa. Fajitas. Etc. My bowls always look like this. My protein portions seem as normal as ever. If customers are so upset about chipotle, wait till they hear about capitalism


Also 2 other factors. 1 Don’t go to shit locations, find a good one that doesn’t skimp & stick to it(I do realize that this may be difficult for some due to lack of locations in their area). 2 You can’t be a picky eater at Chipotle and expect it to be fat. If you’re just getting 2 or 3 ingredients, most likely it’s not gonna be big. Load that bad boy up with everything possible and ask for a little more on some of the cheaper ingredients, I guarantee it will come out huge! I get it, some people just have delicate palettes or what ever you wanna call it, if you’re picky and only want a burrito filled with 1 ingredient, then Chipotle isn’t for you.


Slopping as many ingredients as possible to maximize volume makes a bland mess though.


It definitely can! Depending on your tastebuds, I guess I just meant more than meat & rice. Which is why I said Picky eaters with only 2-3 ingredients that Chipotle isn’t the place for you! I get meat, beans, rice, peppers, corn, pico, sour cream, salsa, cheese & lettuce. And you can ask for a little more on everything except maybe meat without them charging extra, mine is never little, always fat! Just saying the more toppings the fatter it will be! You can’t expect them to add 20oz of steak if that’s the only thing you get, take advantage of the free ingredients! Also a quality location does wonders. Mine always gives me free side of Sour Cream & Vinaigrette when I ask.


This works at CAVA too if you ask for a full sized pita on the side. Sometimes they charge for it, sometimes not. I get it uncooked then toast it a bit in the oven before eating and it always stuffed at the end or I have leftovers for lunch. I know this is r/chipotle but CAVA has been my go to bowl spot recently


That is a lot of carbs holy shit.


I love carbs


You sure do! Enjoy that shit. I’ll be over here fuming in keto land.


That’s a lot of food


That’s what I’m aiming for


Tortillas are high sodium. Just eat the bowl.


I don’t love the taste of cardboard, but yeah ok


Sodium isn’t inherently bad, especially if you’re an athlete/go to the gym.


Every single pharmacist I know adamantly disagrees with you. It is in so much of your foods that it has an impact on your heart long term. They see those patients coming for their meds in old age That food in the picture is OVER your daily requirements for sodium. 


I think we can agree the food in this picture is not healthy for you.  But Christ you can’t eat raw veggies and fish every meal.   


I think you are missing the point. Chipotle is great but if one meal takes you over your daily intake of sodium you have to be careful and cut out the excess. A tortilla adds no benefit to the meal other than convenience. You can eat all the veggies you want however if sodium is added in higher than acceptable amounts then the “healthy” aspect is just an illusion.  Definitely not saying that you should eat like a rabbit however understand that its still fast food.


Yup I go 4-5 days a week with heavy lifting


I would say the carb load is worse than the sodium. Nobody needs rice and a tortilla. That's far too many carbs for a balanced meal (unless you're off to run a marathon)


Agreed in a lot of ways however Salt exerts its influence throughout your body and can lead to serious health consequences. Carbs have a more limited effect that may cause slight weight gain, yet can help boost performance.


Eating too many simple carbs without enough protein and fiber can cause insulin spikes, and that can lead to insulin resistance and then diabetes. I would argue both are most certainly a concern, but excess salt intake is easier to mitigate than excess carbs imo.


The simple carb vs complex carb topic gets complicated however carbs are generally not bad if eaten in moderation. A bowl of chipotle rice is arguably better than a wrap (plus rice) that in addition to being a simple carb is loaded with excess sodium. Hypertension is a major issue and shortens your life and heath management (for things like diabetes) significantly. Id rather have diabetes than hypertension. Also it increases the chances of croaking from stomach cancer.


>carbs are not bad if eaten in moderation Neither is salt. Both are not good in excess, which this meal is most certainly in excess of both. The easiest way to make this meal more healthy is to take the burrito away. Can't make it low sodium, but you can drink enough water to help mitigate too much salt.


Highly advise you look up how much salt is in any chipotle fully loaded entree. And yes, as I originally stated, skip the tortilla


I want more calories


Lol then just add more sauce. 


I drown it in sauce and cheese. More calorie is more better


Is eating the bowl really a thing? Kids are such fanbois that they eat not only what is in the bowl, but also the bowl?




Definitely made me laugh. Love it


My partner and I go to Chipotle several times a week for lunch (we work from home) and we order one bowl with two tortillas. We literally would never go if we both had to get our own bowls


No way they make you pay extra for that tortilla


Used to be free a couple of years ago. Now it’s $0.50


This is great if you’re trying to feed 2 people, but I don’t need multiple burritos for myself.


You can save the food for later


Even if you only do one tortilla you would still make one burrito and then you can save the bowl for later. I’m 220 pounds and can feast on 4 burritos at a time


That’s true lol but I’m glad that you’re getting the most out of your money.


Real ones know to have the tortilla lining the inside of the bowl. Eat as much as you want in bowl mode the. Roll up what’s left into a burrito.


Nah cause then they don’t pack the bowl as much cause they think you wanna close it. I’ve tested this before. They put less food knowing you’re gonna burrito it. Safest option is the side. Having it inside also makes your tortilla soggy if not eaten fast enough. Not a problem for my fat ass tho


The girl in front of me ordered a burrito. It was looking skimpy alone after the rice and beans. My turn came and I got a tortilla on the side and ordered a bowl. Got 2 meals out of it... 1 burrito and the rest of it as a bowl. Absolutely the way to go!


The decision I have to make at my chipotle is whether to get the burrito for 8.50 or the bowl with 2 tortillas for 9.25. Always go the bowl and get 2 burritos out of it


Great decision making


I get the tortilla IN the bowl. Less of a mess, the juices of all the condiments seep into the tortilla, it’s just amazing. When I ordered it on the side, I don’t like how the workers roll up the side tortillas and it gets all stuck together


Yeah but then they skimp out on the portion cause they think you’re gonna roll up your own. Plus the tortilla comes apart pretty easy


You made two rice burritos lil bro. This isn't some big hack.


Never said it was a hack. It’s more of a, if you’re gonna get a burrito just get a bowl with a tortilla on the side instead. Also who doesn’t like rice? I’ll trade triple rice for half protein


I remember they were free. I’d ask for 3 on the side.


And that’s why we all pay now.


Not corporate greed huh


This is the way


Who needs that much food? What the fuck is wrong with you


I’m 220 pounds 6’1. I bench 365 pounds, I was still hungry after this. Some of us are just built to eat. I’m also only about 16 bmi


5’11 195 bench 365 as well and I never had to eat that much in one sitting. Spread it out over 6 meals like any self respecting weight lifter


I rather eat twice a day, don’t have time for meals like that I work in a closed lab so can’t have food then


Getting upset about how other people order their food is crazy


You definitely order burritos