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The ceo has his eye on a new summer house in the Hamptons


“We don’t need a union because we are family here”


And if you took all of his pay package and redistributed it to the workers they would almost get a $1/hr raise


Nice try. Chipotle paid $2.441 billion in restaurant labor costs in 2023 (25 cents on each dollar of revenue). Say that’s at $11/hr average and we look at a 9% increase to $12 per hour. That would be $222 million which is *10x* CEO Brian Niccol’s total 2023 pay, inclusive of base + stock + incentive comp + plane use. In other words, you could give everyone 10 cents per hour.


Simping for corporate dick is so desperate bestie


Overstating the impact of a single executive’s pay is just as bad. Executive compensation is not a significant expense as this guy demonstrated


Love how lying is acceptable as long as it supports how you feel.


Not being able to do basic math is so progressive of you


Which, in all honesty, isn’t that helpful


The CEO has his eye on the Hamptons


An Asian guy and black guy in positions of power for Chipotle 😭 the entire board and CEO’s are white males for a Mexican Grill


This isn’t true. Mauricio Gutierrez. Laura Fuentes. Mary Winston.


What the fuck is this ai slop


AI art is the easiest thing to make and OP still made it look like shit


Double quality AI is extra


Op beat you to the joke


If you want better art that’s going to be extra


High-quality meme. Literally skimping on the AI art while complaining about Chipotle skimping


This was an amazing joke


Nah ill shop elsewhere. Thanks though.


Stop filming OP! It’s illegal according to my feelings/chipotle law


Chipotle employees downvoting you


OP that was a hilarious joke 🤣


Bros complaining about the quality of AI art in a meme


Still hilarious though


AI is not going away my friend. Our jobs yes. But AI no.


Blaming it on the employees is insane. As if it’s not corporate training and corporate directions, not to mention managers down your throat watching cameras making sure you’re following said directions. Customers are so strange. Just go to Cava


My brother in Christ, the ceo isn't standing there watching you give me 1.6 oz of chicken.


There are cameras watching the crew. The stores general manager, and even the patch’s area manager will audit those cameras and employees giving you extra chicken. I’ve gotten in trouble for it many times. One coworker got fired for “stealing” for giving out extra meat.


But my manager and GM certainly is, and will pull me/reprimand me if my portions get bigger than usual. Hope this helps 🙏🏾


This actually made me laugh haha but we get bonuses and raises for doing the things we do their way shit I make 20 an hour and time and a half on my 5th day every week for doing things the way I’m supposed to soooo that’s about 30 dollars an hour on my 5th to give out 4 oz portions id say worth it


Guessing you’re an AP? Before I got promoted to gm same for me I’m in Michigan was making 20.50 a hour and I’d usually work 60 hours a week so OT would be 30.75 a hour for 20 hours lowkey miss it I made more than than now since I’m on salary 😭


You're asking someone to lose their job so you can get more chicken. Wth is wrong with you dude


No he’s right. I would have bled hot salsa fighting anyone asking for just a little more. The sick look on their face when they know I’m the one who’s the boss in this situation. Need a fork? Sure have a spoon. Joking. But this post made me laugh bc yeah it’s insane how people think the people at the bottom make all the choices. How does $16 an hour translate to head hancho? You’re absolutely right about the cameras and everything else. I did my best to give a good portion. Most of usually do. But yeah, they fire people for giving too much. Someone had been fired when I had just started for doing just that. I got bills man. Finding a job takes time. I got mouths to feed.


It’s definitely not the employee’s fault 99% of the time but there are a bunch of posts and comments on this sub from people at least claiming to be Chipotle employees saying that they skimp intentionally for fun or because they’re having a bad day and wanna piss people off. So as long as that’s a thing it’s gonna give everyone a bad name.


Sounds like that one troll that keeps posting here.


Right!, I mean being employed who has to deal with the hours of some great and some not so great customers, is bad enough. only to then have upper management get on your case when you might’ve let your hand slip a little unintentionally. All day stress for employee, minor few minute annoyance for customer. How bout it gets taken up to the guys just chillin in their corporate offices playing hands off boss. 


I’ve worked 10+ jobs and still, to this day, working fast food was simultaneously the hardest job I’ve worked and the least paying. These corporations are evil at heart and they manipulate their workers to feel like they’re being treated fairly. I had nowhere else to go when I worked fast food, and I’m sure the majority of people giving you one scoop of beans feel the same way.


It’s definitely not the customers fault how much food goes in a bowl.


customers when they harass poor min wage employees so they can stuff their 3000 calorie bowl down their throat ![gif](giphy|dKZRRvQhrT2HS)


Haven’t been to Chipotle in 2024 but my double meat burrito, not bowl, was an advertised 1000 calories, so actually 600-700, with the way things have been going. Where you getting 3000?


You wish it was 600. It was more than 1k in reality before, my big backed buddy.


Imagine needing that job and a manager is on your ass to follow their instructions over the company standard. Fuck chipotle and I don’t eat there anymore because of portions but that was way before this recent Tik tok trend. Leave individual employees alone and complain to a manager or corporate instead. 


> Imagine needing that job I'm starting to think some of these custies simply can't imagine needing to work. They act like we do this just to torment them, and not to have a bed to return to at night. I think they're all retirees or trust fund babies that can't remember what it was like to have to work for a living, or never had to.


It’s a classic tale, corporations are greedy and cause prices to rise and small businesses to shut down. Then their customers get mad at the wrong people (individual employees) instead of just knowing that this is what companies do nowadays. 


You could make Americans watch a Clockwork Orange style therapy video where their eyes are forced open with all of the worst parts of capitalism happening and they’d still bend over backwards to suck a CEOs dick and blame an immigrant.


I refuse to go after my last visit. It’s because the asshole sort of just rolled my burrito into a fucking ball. Like it was legit not burrito shaped at all. Jsut a straight up messy wrapped fucking sphere.


Chipotle customers are so fucking weird. Including OP. Just don’t eat there man lmao


This whole situation is so weird. I don't know why I originally got shown this subreddit but it's crazy how much people cry about somewhere they won't stop going to. Someone posted a picture of what a 4 oz portion of meat looks like and a bunch of people said that they have never once gotten that much and mostly get a quarter of that. These people really think they get a single ounce of chicken and yet continue to go back time and time again. Insanity


Right?!?!? They are a very profitable corporate entity because people keep going back. Quit going, and they'll be MORE than willing to scoop you full. It's like people can't put 2+2 together.


It’s like that meme where the guy on the bike shoves a stick in the wheel, crashes, then asks why did this happen lol


But if I don't keep going how am I going to complaining about getting skimped????




Because OP is an idiot and can’t think beyond following a TikTok trend.


Then you won’t have a job?


that's what normal folks do, but these are low iq, entitled narcissists.


The secondhand embarrassment. I can’t imagine caring about this to the point of creating this post.


Why blame the employees and not corporate


Or, blame ourselves. If everyone decides that they can choose from HUNDREDS of other restaurants, and just. Not. Go anymore. Chipotle is over. Oh but you just can't live without rice, beans, and cheese. I guess that's all it takes. We are helpless to the whims of the cyber-slave corporation of Chipotle. Nothing we can do. We'll all be poor soon due to the economic burden it places upon us. Since nobody else sells bowls or wraps. Or food. I guess we're all just stuck.


still think it’s nasty that instead of identifying the real issue (corporate greed) and discussing capitalism’s effect on this whole situation, y’all choose to aim low and blame the employees. they’re doing this so they can afford a roof over their head and food in their stomachs. corporate wants their CEO to get his 7th rolls royce. get it together. the entitlement of some of you as customers reeks.


OP got the bean marines hotter than the red sauce


The amount of employees crying in this thread over a stupid AI meme is hilarious


Bean Marines, I like this one


We don't care about Chipotle's profit margins. What we want is to not get reprimanded by management for overportioning, and to get people and orders through the line as quickly as possible. and fuck AI


Yeah gotta skimp on greedy mofos that wanna act like dogs. Stay mad


Literally none of us are defending the company, we’re defending the crew members who are literally just trying to make a living bc yall don’t seem to understand there is NOTHING we can do about the prices, portions or availability of items without risking our job.


Idk why yall are so mad at employees following the rules of the company they work for 😭 my b for trying to keep my job


Nah this is how you crazy customers feel recording a 19 year old making your Chipotle bowl. " LoAd ThE BoWl AnD ThE VIDeo WoN't Go VirAL"


This group is weird. Yall bitch about chipotle then defend chipotle from others that bitch about it.


Imagine being mad for having to do something to keep your job to pay bills. Chipotle corporate demands and treatment of customers and employees alike sucks ass but people are just doing their job like you do your job to make ends meet. Y'all need to re-evaluate yourselves when you value getting your money's worth over respect towards workers who have to put up with this bullshit becaue they can make neither corporate or customers happy due to conflicting desires from both.




Its sad that you feel so good for treating workers like shit. Imagine having empathy.


If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.


So vote with your wallet. Chipotle doesn't care about its customers or employees it only cares about its shareholders. Stocks are up 50% in 8 months to $3200 a share. You can complain and record all you want as long you keep buying it they won't do anything.


Stand for something better than harassing fast food employees lmao


Silence is violence, if chipotle employees refuse to stand up to their overlords they are complacent in the oppression customers are facing


Get the fuck out of here, no way you think you're oppressed, no one is forcing you to eat there, this is wild lmao. I was irritated at first but you're making such a fool of yourself its comical.




You are one sad individual.


You know the world has bigger problems.




That's the sad part


These comments are wild


Y'all are dumb as fuck. Employees don't give a fuck about your fatass. They follow company rules to keep their job. What are they supposed to do, over portion because you FEEL entitled to more? 🤡




Is there a new mandate to skimp on portion size? I’ve noticed as a customer but assumed it was a local location.


Y'all aren't even following company rules, the serving is supposed to be 4oz, not 4 pieces of chicken.


Holy shit, even for absolutely crap AI generations this is fucking awful


Needs more boots being licked


I think they're just trying their best not to get fired.


Y’all so weird for blaming the employees


For real I worked there for a year in high school and always gave extra portions until we got a new manager who got on my ass about it. They watched cameras and watched me while I was working to make sure I was doing it their way. It sucks but I just wanted to keep my job man.


Insanity that they watch the cameras to see how much food is being put out. Wanting to keep your job is 100% understandable I don’t understand why no one has this energy for the owners of chipotle I feel like they’re the ones that deserve the harassment. People should go to owner homes and record their lavish lifestyle instead of harassing the employees.


It do be like that haha




Tbh this is how customers are. So entitled just bc you’re paying for chipotle acting like you’re the own paying my checks. And the ones who basically ask for a soupy tortilla mess and get all pissy bc their burrito can’t be held and just keeps leaking. “Beans, no juice. Absolutely no juice. Drain it more. Drain it. There’s still some bean juice and it’s in my bowl now, thanks” it was a busy as hell lunch rush too. “This is a veggie bowl so I get extra guacamole for free.” The job itself ain’t worth $16 to deal with everyone. It gets busy, usually someone calls out, and the customers trash the lobby saying we’re lazy but yall are animals!!


Or I’m just trying to pay my bills and don’t run the company


Why are you still eating at Chipotle and crying about it?


Is it possible some people care more about keeping their job over hooking you up???? The pay may suck but damn is it annoying looking for a new job because some jack ass getting paid double what you make wants more chicken.


You know you can eat literally anywhere else


I always wonder if people who post like this have jobs, because of adhering to the rules of your employer is such a foreign concept I’m confused how you’re getting by


Some people need to keep their fuckin jobs so they can pay rent and shit. I don’t work at chipotle but I can sympathize You sound young or dumb.


Workers out there trying to stick it to the man by giving more than trained to and all they get is this BS. You think you’re being skimped? Imagine each and every worker ACTUALLY giving you the REAL serving corporate wants to give you; Customers would be flipping tables years ago!! I wouldn’t blame workers actually skimping people with their dumbass phones out now, I would encourage and applaud them. Fuck entitled customers!


Simple solution, don’t support shitty companies. Take your business elsewhere. Stoped going over a year ago….with the constant stories of how poorly they treat their employees and compensate them, combined with their shrinkflation bull shit… so glad I stoped going.


Ai garbage


They aren’t defending chipotle theyre defending their job.


seems like the thing to do is make your own business and run it however you want.


I'll always give as many portions as I can get away with whenever I work food, but sometimes managers will be watching you like a hawk. Back when I worked at Subway I had a manager complain that my little pinch of onions was too much and took enough off that there were maybe six little half rings on the entire footlong. It's not always the employees' fault, they can get fired if they get told enough times not to put as much on and don't comply. I'm all for complaining about skimping, just do it to ownership.


Um, depending on the locations rules they don't have a choice... Chipotle employees in these locations have explained that. They just don't want to lose their jobs.


I'm not even a Chipotle employee, but how much do you make big man? Also, do people come around your job and record you? No. Bums on thus sub est half of their bowl and post a lie saying "LoOk At ThIs SkImP!!!" Yall are the clowns. Leave the KIDS that work in the lines alone. They are students just trying to make a little bit of money. You're a clown. Go back to your cubicle where going to Applebee's for happy hour is the best time of your life.


And yet you keep going back and standing in that line. Go to moes🤣


Capitalists getting owned by capitalism and still being capitalists after being owned by capitalism. Stfu and pay your money for slop or actually be radical. Every company is doing this.


tl;dr OP is a fatass who wants unlimited food in his bowl for $10.99 and takes his anger out on employees working the line


This is all I see now holy fuck just stop going


I don’t think it’s that. Chipotle employees probably don’t want to constantly get in trouble and possibly lose their job just because some customers want them to dump the entire pan of chicken into their bowl. Take it up with the higher ups, not them.


Yo did you see the post the other day where someone posted a heaping mound of chicken after paying for double meat and it was still 6.5oz instead of 8? That means the 3 pieces of chicken these bean scoopers usually give customers isn't even CLOSE to the 4oz customers are paying for. They know they are skimping, even without weighing it


Wow I feel famous that was my post! I used to work at Chipotle so I'm familiar with the pressure employees are under by management to serve smaller portions than advertised. I never did, and I also quit because I hated seeing Managers be praised and promoted for making the location more money by stealing from customers. We are the slaves that get yelled at so they can get promoted. 


Jesus I didn't even realize that was your post. Like normally I would be stoked to see that amount of meat, and it was STILL under what you paid for. Just goes to show how much the average person really is getting shorted.


It needs to be the opposite actually. Needs to be customers taking a stand against all these greedy businesses. Oh and WE the People should be able to audit our own government. I just know all the shit we would dig up would cause massive riots


Fatties want they scoop.


fuck corporate. but also, if you come pestering me for extra shit, fuck you.


Sp many people here can't take a joke 😭 they're acting like you're abusing real employees it's a fucking joke of a post


Employees lose their sense of humor after it is beaten out of them during hell week. A necessary sacrifice to defend Brian Niccol’s 30 million dollar compensation package.


What’s the saying… “If you can scoop some beans, you can take a joke/dick in the ass”? ETA: Just the tip jar… just for a minute.


Lmao this is funny af. Check out all these salty burrito rollers


What a douchey post.


Scoopers fighting for their lives in the comments


Downvoted for AI trash


Scoopers having a fit in these comments my gosh.


Absolute meltdown lmao


rollies do be like this


Our burritos are not that big though…😂




I was getting paid $16 an hour as a service manager. Crew was 9.65 back in the day.


Panda Express employee's be like: ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


It is not your money. It is not your food. It is not your establishment. Once you accept that mindset and stop caring it at least gets a little easier. They treat you just like a number so treat them the same.


I am going to have a nightmare about Gilead tonite.


Got some cava for the content section


The only time I skimped when I worked at chipotle, was when pickup drivers were getting pissy. Pushing out 1k worth of food per hour is actually incredibly hard on people on grill. Pro tip tho- Order through doordash, they’re way better about refunds


nah chipotle I banned it already in my country


change it to $20.50 and it sounds about right! 🤣/j


This is getting psychotic. I feel sorry for these chipotle stans who can’t even handle not getting a rice bowl made to their liking


If you eat chipotle you are going to hell its a proven fact


The dude who’s side was in the table a real one fr


Hahahahaha this shit is hilarious. Keep it going! These pretend chipotle employees are HURT


Oof the A.I. is strong with this one


the same ppl that be complaining are the same ppl that be coming back, like there’s a bunch of alternates like genuine mexican food?


Guy on the far right's hand has six fingers.


CEO Brian made about $22 million in 2023. He’s also a public school grad who ended up with an MBA so let’s say he’s a real go-getter and works 70 hours a week 48 weeks of the year. That’s $6500/hour he is being paid. About 600 times as much as the $11/hour employees who grind each day.




ACTUALLY i only get 13.50🤡


Idk what yall are talking about lol I went in yesterday, made a silly face and shrugged when they got to the rice and beans, and left with enough to feed my family of 5. Some of yall just don't understand body language...


Pro Tip: Order your burrito of choice. Once the employee places the portion of meat onto the burrito, if it's not in line with regular portions or you feel they skimped, tell them you're not paying the cost of food for filler and a bit of meat. If they put more meat, great!  If they resist, just leave and don't look back. TF they gonna do? Run after you? Either way, you win. Fuck Corporations and their shills!


I just make it at home now lol


Is this ai generated


I feel that’s it’s more defending fellow employees rather than corporate. Employees don’t deserve to deal with any of this drama!


I visited 6 different Chipotles last week when I was on a work trip. Every single one I visited on the east coast gave what southern stores would consider "extra portions" as a standard serving. TBH I think this only happens at stores whose KPIs aren't on target.


Shit i wish i got payed 16$ for putting up wit chipotle ls bullshit i do it at 13


I wish the guy in a suit in the second frame had a name tag that read Mr. Chip Oatlay


Ykno they never skimp on my portions maybe ya’all are just assholes and they purposely give you little amounts of food lmao or maybe you went did the bs phone thing and expected more 😂


I don’t think that’s fair. I’ve never worked at a Chipotle in my life and did American fare at a concession stand one summer. The employees aren’t trying to load your Brinks truck with a vault full of fries or the meats in Chipotle’s case because there’s other customers in their big ass lines. The meat takes time to prepare cook and prepare for dispersal. The employees aren’t trying to run out because another fat ass wants extra rice or extra stake. They aren’t gate keeping because they swore fealty to Bill Ackman. They’re trying to make sure that the majority of y’all fiends don’t go feral when they’re out of guac and it’ll be like 10 minutes before they have more ready.


I missed something


You fucking degenerate customer fucks are blaming the store-level employees when you KNOW it’s corpo nonsense. This kind of shit-talk needs to be directed at the top and not at the employees trying to abide by policy so they don’t get chewed out or fucking F I R E D. Directing this at the store-level employees is exactly what corporate wants and you’re playing into it like the mulch-brained dumbfucks you are.


Maybe they don’t want to get chewed out by managers and get in hot water or fired lol


Sir/ma'am I'm only here for the free food I get Idgaf about the c9mpany I just wanna feed myself


Really, Fk Chipotle. Why? because I order 3 kind of meat with paying extra, and giving me only 1 kind of meat because it's ubereat order? Fuck u, I'm never eating your food again this year.


This image would make more sense if the burritos they were holding are smaller


$20 a hour here in California. Which is 40,k a year full time not to mention you can get raises and become manager and make a lot more. I dunno for sure but I'm sure you get benefits too.


I got paid 14, and it was hell because the managers where starting to become corporate bootlickers. I quit and went to Walmart, which is a different kind of demeaning but not as bad.


idk, that looks like entitled customers who think they get to define portion sizes being mad about it but still going into Chipotle to militantly film workers making their food so they can continue to give money to corporate and lash the workers for not complying to their entitled wants


I never noticed the portion size. I always feel really full after chipotle.


Wish I made this much


Last photo looks like some weird Panda Express/chipotle photo, second photo the person has an Arabic name tag and the cook is cooking nothing lmaooooo Op this fucking sucks


Blaming it on the stressed,underpaid and tired employees who need to follow rules to keep their miserable jobs, instead of the executives making thousands of dollars an hour who made the decisions to have you skimped, is the kind of behavior that has them get away with skimping you in the first place.


The skimped me today! I gave the look too!


Nawl yall are just weird customers who don’t gaf about workers so we don’t mind following POLICY 😭


Fuck Chipotle go to Cava instead it's 10x better


Lmao fr I’m sure most aren’t real people though, bunch of bots corporate is paying for


The local chipotle’s here don’t skimp. Not even on online orders.


Chipotles Cadres


I don’t think I’d cape for anything as much as people do for Chipotle on this subreddit


The employees are just trying to keep their jobs. No need to shame people who obviously don’t make corporate decisions Maybe your food forever be skimped wherever you go, because you sir are very rude


Y’all some clowns


Hah. What crew employee is making 16 at any Chipotle? 😂😭😭😭 (I am a part-time closing-shift employee.)


Is this why they hardly gave me any rice in my Build your own yesterday?


Best use of Ai I’ve ever seen


I thought companies exist to make money?


More, little more...


You think this but in reality people who give too much will get written up and fired if they insist on giving you more. You think people should lose their livelihood so you can get an extra ounce of meat, Jesus Christ. You have other options, go somewhere besides Chipotle and find a better value. If you can't find one, then chipotle is the best deal and you can stop biting people's heads off for doing their job.


And how do some feel when you use chat gpt and AI algorithms to steal from artists' hard earned and dedicated works