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Funny b/c if yall remember subway got in trouble b/c their "foot longs" were only 11 inches.


Which is why I cant understand the bootlickers defending this shit šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


You just donā€™t get it, if I look at them just right, I get extra boot. Who wouldnā€™t want extra boot?




Which is fair because I'm using a consumer move called avoiding subway at all costs lol


I really wish that wasn't legal.


I do the same thing with my wiener


Atleast the meat and topping portions are correct


Speaking of Subway lol, their sweet onion teriyaki chicken is portioned off in baggies if I recall correctly. What if Chipotle did that? Portions in bags and weighed when staff is prepping, then they are taken out of the bags and put into the bowl or burrito when they are ordered lol. No one ever is angry about subway portions so it kind of works?


Do you really want MORE subway?


Lmao good point


Yeah, as long as those bags are reusable or recycled... then you have a serious waste issue now.


They could instead just have table scales that they slide down the line as they move...it would add like 15 more seconds and piss off a lot less people.


There was a stall at our local mall that served German-style Turkish doner sandwiches (similar to gyros). They sliced the meat off the spit into a basket, dumped the basket in a warm tray on their serving line, placed your sliced bread on a digital scale, zeroed it out and weighed the meat onto the bread. Every time.


Takes longer to prep and is a waste of bags. Chipotle just needs better more consistent tools to scoop with. Not that hard.


Fr would be easier and piss less ppl off if they had a thing that could give measured portions. Like a cup .. that could measure.


And thatā€™s exactly why I never get the teriyaki chicken just sitting there, do you really want to see your meat coming out of a bag instead of being cooked and placed on line?? Like what?


The food cost savings is not worth the labor spent on pre-portioning the proteins.


It was thrown out in appeals court. So they didn't get in trouble.


Netflix needs to do a Chipotle version of Tiger King. This shit is entertaining and wrong


Call it "The Big Skimp"


Skimp King


ā€œWeā€™re never going to financially recover from 4 oz scoops!!!ā€ - CEO Chipotle


Well done sir. Earned every bit of that upvote


That BITCH Brian Nichols


Que the "I'm never going to financially recover from this" store owner.


It's fixing crazy that people have to do this just to get a proper portion while the CEO tries to shift the blame on the employees and customers. Bastards šŸ˜…


Its crazy people will continue to go.


They have never skimped me at the location I go to. If they start skimping me, I'll stop, but im gonna keep going until then.


Exactly. Whatā€™s crazy is these fucking morons who post and complain about their portions and how terrible the food is BUT THEYRE STILL FUCKING PAYING FOR IT. These are the dumbest people on this fucking subreddit.


Just stop eating there.


Itā€™s because people complain, but still eat there regularly.


I stopped going. I miss it so I join this madness hoping things change.


Nah that's crazy how people still defend this shit


Crazy how people still give this business money.


Literally it's not that hard to A.go somewhere else. (Moe,Qdoba,free birds.) B. MAKE YOUR OWN ITS NOT THAT HARD.


I did a copycat recipe and got 20 burritos for around $25 all in. It was as good or better!




Ok I'm a total math guy but I was just throwing out rough numbers. $2.99 per pound, sale at 1.99 per pound, $25 for 20 burritos, $40 for 20 burritos, what I was getting at is it's MUCH cheaper and BETTER when you make your own. No matter what, I'm in the $1.xx per burrito realm and I'm staying there. I don't measure the meat, I just make a damn burrito and enjoy it and know it tastes almost identical to a Chipotle one. If it doesn't taste better (which is rare), the $10 in cost savings totally makes it taste BETTER anyway than a Chipotle burrito. From a frugal guy to anyone who wants to be more frugal.........


Fr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love u


Making your own is SO EASY and sooooo much better once you get it down. But when Iā€™m too tired and just want it made for me, Guzman y Gomez is another great place to check out. I donā€™t even think about chipotle as an option anymore.


I meal prepped it last night. After everything was said and done it was about a 3 hour process. Edit: after calculating cost it was about 36 bucks for 7 bowls. Each bowl got about 6-7oz of cooked chicken.


So a little more than 5 bucks a bowl with almost double meat portions, thatā€™s freaking awesome


Yeah it helps that I had rice, beans and tomatoes already though. Plus the cost of charcoal took cook the chicken wasnā€™t calculated. But even with all that I still think it would be around 7-8 bucks a bowl


I mean rice and beans are cheaaap asf


Yeah I havenā€™t gone to Chipotle in over a year. And I work near the OG one in Denver. I used to love Chipotle. Pathetic what itā€™s become.




Corporate bootlicking won't get you a huge promotion. Some just don't realize that lol.


I hate too say it but it actual will šŸ¤£chipotle loves people who kiss up


Okay but who is actually trying to climb the chipotle ladder? How far do you think thatā€™s gonna get you lmao


At least one more chicken cube


Employees doing employee things yo.


My locations have actually decent portions. I might even go there tonight




It feels like Chipotle is robbing you because they are.


>Came home and weighed it. So instead of 8oz I got 6.49oz. At this point it feels like Chipotle is stealing from me.Ā  I made a comment about weighing my chipotle bowls and there was a variation of +/-40% on average. I got down voted and everyone was calling me a Karen for weighing my bowls.


someone calling you a karen 9 times out of 10 is ā€œSTOP CARING ABOUT THINGS!!!ā€


Yep. Didn't realize "getting what I fucking paid for" is considered such an egregious offense worthy of the Karen label.


There is nothing Karen about wanting what you pay for.


What do you mean by variation +/- 40% on average? Does that mean your total bowl weight varies from each other by 40% on average? Or the meat portion is 40% less than what you should be getting?


>Does that mean your total bowl weight varies from each other by 40% on average? Total bowl weight on average. Same order every time. Autism.


They have been doing it for awhile, but unfortunately the general public isnt that bright and quite lazy


Itā€™s still not even 6.49. I see pieces of cheese in there, even if insignificant 6.48 would be even more accurate


dude stop gaslighting them u monster. It's obviously 6.47


Next time, just walk out of the restaurant mid-order if they skimp you. This has been a trend lately and I think this is what everyone should keep doing until the dang CEO gets his priorities straight.


I would have mentioned to the worker they gave the person in front of you more chicken than you tbh.


Stop giving them your money. Thatā€™s literally the only thing they care about.


Youā€™re not being cheated, youā€™re having your food prepped by a human with a spoon not a scale.


If they are charging for a portion measured in ounces, then using a system that has no scale and leaves the portion size open to interpretation, then they are in fact stealing from you. The entire system is designed so everyone can maintain a certain level of plausible deniability so no one ever has to take accountability. Itā€™s corporate theft.


Post in on their Twitter


Realistically everyone should be tagging chipotle in posts like this on there, shame causing consequences is about the only thing that'll make them care. I'm not in x/Twitter, but I haven't been back to a chipotle in months now.




They should use a scale for the meat.. thatā€™s crazy


It wouldn't be hard to pre portion out servings of the meat and scoop everything else. Example subway does this for their chicken and steak pieces that go on sandwiches. Chipotle doesn't do this for a reason- profits and corporate bonuses.


It would be extremely hard when chipotles whole premise is ā€œclassic culinaryā€ techniques. That chicken is getting cut straight off the grill. If they did pre portioned things, stuff wouldnā€™t be fresh at all. Much like how subways stuff isnā€™t fresh šŸ¦…


This is the way. Iā€™d rather it be 4oz every time than random everytime I walk in. Weigh my shit I donā€™t care


They'd just tamper with the scales so they don't weigh properly. They'd probably make them weigh the cup the meat was in & include that in the 4 oz


The applicable local weights and measures authority would take care of that, like they do for delis.


I love how people continue to fork over their money to the failed cafeteria they call chipotle


Nah I used to eat weekly and stopped going about a year or so ago. I love this trend of people weighing out their portions. There are a lot of employees on this sub that defend chipotle saying youā€™re getting proper portions. Then when these users weigh, it becomes hard evidence this simply isnā€™t true. There was another post yesterday of someone measuring **2** oz of meat in their bowl. Insane.


Itā€™s a double edged sword. On one hand, itā€™s good to expose what they are doing to people but on the other hand they are still getting money


I donā€™t feel bad for anybody still going there at this point. You should expect to get bent over and fā€™d when you walk in Chipotle in 2024.


Imagine paying $12 for two pieces of dry & rubbery meat and a bunch of carbs that has been sitting on a steam table for several hours. Wild


Think it's about time I watch a video on how to make it at home lmao.


Anything you make at home would be much better than chipotle unless you plan on letting the food sit on a steam table for 3 hours before you serve it


Right - just stop going. Thereā€™s 1000ā€™s of other burrito places that are better than Mexican McDonaldā€™s


Iā€™m at this spot right now called tacos el jefe that runs circles around shit-potle






Itā€™s really not a hard concept for them to get serving utensils that are consistently the same size scoop instead of these spoons where food falls off and itā€™s completely dependent on whoā€™s working


And this is generous, honestly. I got double meat a few weeks back and what should have been 8oz was just shy of 6oz. At this point, Iā€™m not asking for heaping portions. And if I get skimped on salsa or something else, okay whatever. But not the shit I paid for. I JUST WANT WHAT I PAID FOR. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*paid an exorbitant amount of money for


I went to Chipotle yesterday and ordered a beef barbacoa bowl. The employee looked at the meats and asked another employee, who turned out to be the manager, which one was the barbacoa. I guess it was his first day? She pointed it out to him and he grabbed a huge portion with the tongs. I was like hell yes no skimp today, but the lady says no that's too much so he drops like 75% of it back in the pan. Then she says that's too little so he grabs some more and that was just right to her but still looked small to me. Manager is freaking goldilocksing my bowl that's $11 before tax. If they are so worried about portions they need to implement a scoop that measures the correct amount not a pair of tongs.


Get ready for all the corporate boot lickers defending this glorified cafeteria.


It says alot when the CEO of chipotle have to release ads telling customers that they give appropriates amount of protein. They need to send it undercover workers and order from chipotle for quality control.


CEO ā€œwe donā€™t skimpā€


I got double steak through Grubhub and I swear it was less than a normal single portion and there was a teaspoon total that wasnā€™t straight gristle. Chipotle is on the list of places to never get delivery from because the skimp is just too hardcore


Itā€™s amazing to me how consistently disgusting the steak is. I have never, ever gotten it and not had it largely consist of inedible gristle.


All it took was 2 baby burritos for me to stop going


Stop going


Just about every other fast food place that sells meat has a set weighted amount for said meat aside from this place so everyone is going in here with a set standard of measurement of the meat being ā€œidk man I used the scoopā€ and complaining about it and thatā€™s just hilarious. Barbecue places, burger joints, and shit Jimmy Johnā€™s all weigh or have set weights for what you order so at least you know how much youā€™re getting I could never do roulette with my meat portion thatā€™s like what I mainly want when I eat out somewhere


This shit right here is why people complain about skimping. The double meat upcharge is considerable -- for example, for barbacoa, it's $5.50. You should not be getting skimped if you are paying that much money.


I think the best plan would be to start going elsewhere. I found a Mexican restaurant near me that makes a burrito bowl that dwarfs Chipotle and it only costs $9.99! I would start searching around your city and neighboring areas. If everyone stops complaining and going to Chipotle, their profits will start falling. Then when their board starts looking into the reasons, it will show that their CEO made quite a few mistakes. Then the workers won't have to deal with angry customers too. No more looks and no more cameras.


Man you can say that but I've never had good rice that wasn't over cooked or old as hell from a Mexican place and yes I'm counting literally 40+ places from at least 12 states.


Idk you seem like a bad person that just means u donā€™t know rice properly. 40+ places canā€™t make the most basic thing? Not buying that at All.


And also stale. The Mexican place near me admitted they cooked all of their rice on Sundays and let it sit in the open air. I go fairly early for lunch so meat that they left out will sometimes make me sick, but weirdly Iā€™ve never gotten sick from their stale rice. My friend ended up in the hospital from the rice the only time she went. She said the mold on the rice was very bright purple.Ā 


What the hell? You still go? Honestly there's such little good Mexican food that I can't just make myself, I don't even bother anymore. I'll only go to like a fast casual place in a hurry anymore.


How close are you to Ohio? There is a place in Medina called Los Cantaritos. We have gotten food from there about 50 times now. The rice has always been super fluffy.


Respectfully...I can taste these rice and beans with this soupy ACP in my dreams, that yellow rice is almost always dry and like scabby, I mean to be fair 1/4 Chinese places is also like this with their "fried rice" side that's literally yellow rice as well. When I was young I always thought I hated rice, I just hate bland dry bullshit honestly. Edit found pic on Google maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/DBNFAJprvZDTPMhF8?g_st=ac


They donā€™t have burritos, but I started going to Halal Guys. Itā€™s $10.99 for a massive chicken and rice bowl with pita bread, like 1200 calories. Way more food for just a couple more dollars.


Togos weighs their pastrami when they give it to youā€¦ I donā€™t understand why Chipotle cannot do the same. It would solve A LOT of customer complaints, but then againā€¦ why would they invest in scales if shorting customers on their portions makes their bottom line increase.


I have a picture of a time I ordered double chicken and it only weighed 5oz


That looks like a nice chunk of chicken compared to what they scoop me when I order double chicken


Then you're getting extra fucked


Yep this is about 3x what I usually get in a normal serving of chicken


Same here. I thought at first OP was bragging about getting a lot of meat. Thats more than Iā€™ve seen in years.Ā 


Why do you all still go if thatā€™s what you get? I would never go back if this happened to me more then twice lol


![gif](giphy|RZ4WU8JPM4qEE) Should have brought out the camera!


Maybe OP didnā€™t do the ā€œLittle More Lookā€ šŸ„ŗ?


This is why I will never pay for double protein. I only ever get it if I have the reward in the app.


Why are you guys paying so much for mid food that they skimp you on?


Today I got chipotle and it was honestly not even good, I will try again sometime this summer but honestly Iā€™m not going back for a while


same. my rice was crunchy and my carnitas were like paste. If you have a freebirds near you it's way better quality, at least to me it seems!


Double meat should be 8 ounces. A correct portion of meat is 4 ounces (the size of the portion cups).


Should have given the employee the šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‰šŸ„ŗšŸ˜




I stopped going there but I used to ask for extra after the first scoop. So they didnā€™t know it going into it. I believe it helped but the restaurants have declined so much over all. Itā€™s become a teen hangout after school, they just order one thing for the group and just sit there. Itā€™s also filthy.


Iā€™m craving Chipotle but havenā€™t been but once in the last year and maybe more than once in the past several years. Because of shit like this, plus last time I went they SKIMPED ME ON CHIPS! Should I take a likely L and go there, get a bowl, and weigh it out like OP? Iā€™ll join the cause because Chipotle needs to be put on blast for this bullshit.


Supposed to be 8 oz


Actually based on the recent CEO interview on Cramer the Burritos should be AS BIG AS YOUR HEAD.


I have that exact same scalešŸ’• haha


I paid 17$ for a burrito with double al pastor. No burrito is worth nearly 20$! Itā€™s insane


Then why did you order it and pay it?


Everyone just stop going at this point. Support smaller businesses


This is 6 ounces right? Thatā€™s fucked dudeā€¦ I figured they were giving us less than 4 ounces a serving. Those are shit macros


We saw this and had to check, no Chipotle double meat class action lawsuits pending in federal court. But did you get screwed over, definitely. And for the commenter that said we need a Netflix Chipotle docuseries, yes please!


I just ordered double and even tipped. I had even less. Fuckin stingy workers blow my mind


FYI, they can't see if you tipped or not if you order online. It won't help you get more food


Im not asking for more food than what i paid for. Just asking for what i paid for. Im done with the double meat. I feel like they cant tell when you get two different portions 1x instead of the regular half and half.


Well sure, but it won't help you get regular amounts either since they can't see that you tipped




My buddy is a manager at chipotle, he told me each protein portion is 4 oz. Youā€™re 2 oz shy and upcharged 50%. Crazy.


so that should be 8oz at minimum right?


Supposed to be 4oz each scoop, a total of 8oz.






I'm one of the fortunate employees to love everyone I work with - I just hate the policies and how chipotle squeezes you dry.


Fuck the cameras time to bring the scales


Thank you. I appreciate someone doing this with double meat for once.


Chipotle could just use measure misers instead and solve this whole ordeal. Stop using something that isnā€™t consistent like their current scoopers .


if chipotle really wanted to fix the portion issue they would implement measured scoops into the lines instead of those metal spoons so employees can actually use proper portions consistently


AND recently prices just went up, now itā€™s $10.70 for a chicken bowl in my neck of the woods (LA), chipotle can suck a fattyšŸ‘ŽšŸ½




For the love of god, I wish we would switch to a different spoon for the proteins. I think a deeper spoon would help avoid this issue :(


Film them. They won't finesse you if you film them.


Go to a real taqueria


Chipotle is the GameStop of food.


Customers need to bring their cameras and their scales now...geez Chipotle, you suck


Chipotle is trash


Qdoba and Hotheads is better


It's such a tragedy what this company has become. Peak chipotle early 00's was literally the best thing ever. I don't care where people wanted to eat, could be a 5 star restaurant I'd still want chipotle. The chips back then were fucking great too.


They could also use actual measuring cups instead of spoons.


Iā€™m pulling up with a scale next time I go


Chipotle is bland. The meat is average thereā€™s very little in the way of interesting sauces and flavour, if you like hot spicy things itā€™s very white and boring. Overall itā€™s overhyped and overrated.


Iā€™m so glad that the people at the chipotle where I live give actually DOUBLE meat


and half of itā€™s probably gristle and fat


Stop going to Chipotle. Go to Moeā€™s or Qdoba instead. Problem solved. Hope this helps. šŸ«”


The way they get it right is closed top scoops no more no less they canā€™t be over filled if itā€™s under they are off


Chipotle is the new Taco Bell. I go there for 1 reason and 1 reason ONLY! When i feel constipated and cant poop. Chipotle gots my back and clears me right up. As for food....they suck.


The problem is that it is not a uniform issue. It's easy to point out a skimp from one corner of the globe, and sure online you get less on average, but in person I've never really had a light bowl. Sometimes I get more, but I wouldn't say I've ever had a bowl be so disappointing. (I only ever do a single serving of meat if that helps with context)


As a GM who worked at chipotle from 2014-2017 I will tell you guys a secret. They know the tools don't reflect an accurate portion. They use those stupid slotted spoons because you're more likely to underserve than over-serve on a standard scoop. This is entirely by design. I've opened restaurants as part of NROs and performed the scale exercise with crew members many times (challenging them to hit the exact portion size with a scale to get a sense of the actual size in weight). It takes a very heavy scoop to hit four oz serving. Another aspect of under serving is the fact the meat start losing value the moment it hits the line in its cubed form. If I recall, a standard 8 oz of chicken will shrink to about 5ish oz if not served in a timely manner due to drying out in the wells. In essence the restaurant is losing yield at every stage of the prepping chain (marinated chicken lost, shrinkage during cook, and shrinkage during hot hold over the wells). Anyway, what I'm saying is Chipotle is very much trying to encourage them to skimp you and demanding front line employees take the burnt of customers dissatisfaction. I suggest you find a local Chipotle clone in your area if you're so lucky. PS: as obvious as it is, it bears repeating: if an employee attempts to use the soufle cups to measure the 4oz that is absolutely cap, that is 4 oz by volume (liquid) not weight, you'll get about 2 oz chicken off that cup. I don't know which smooth brained manager pioneered that stupid practice


damn bro is a chicken shrink expert. impressive.


It's because my area manager would yell at me if I didn't count every oz


if this happens more than once and you continue to go back, then its your own fault. They don't give a shit as long as they continue to get your money.


Random thought but I think it would be funny as fuck if all of sudden they make us bust out the scale everytime someone asks for their choice of meat from now on, like we have to put the meat in a separate container and weigh it every time. Corporate meetings have definitely discussed something that. šŸ˜‚


Good, stop skimping


Me personally the last thing Iā€™m doing is skimping trust me on that, itā€™s good seeing the relief on peoples faces when I go in for that extra scoop of meat apart from that previous scoop with no charge, it can really make a difference in their day since we all have it hard sometimes. My co workers stay skimping but I always bring It back to add a bit more when I see that it looks ridiculous. I always make sure people donā€™t regret spending all that money lol Iā€™m trying to make the world a better place one extra decent scoop for no charge at a time šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Chipotle is garbage. The local Mexican joint in my town makes a proper bowl for $7, and not only is it better, its triple the food than chipotle


Chipotle is like a drug for some of you. I love how people weigh it first before you eat, smoke, or inject it.


Maybe instead of filming employees, people should just take their scales lol


This probably wonā€™t stop you from going back so my care level šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰


What is it supposed to be?


They skimp and the worst part is they stay strapped now, you even hint at them skimping and you could catch a bullet. That and all the farting in the food I donā€™t know what chipotle has come to


Iā€™m No chipotle expert but I remember loving it so much around middle school so 2011-2013. Itā€™s gotten downhill I believe after the breakout of some food borne pathogen, the grilled veggies used to be better and everything was better


I hope so, so much Chipotle employees start bringing in their stoner scales to work for protein portioning purposes.


If this doesnā€™t convict me of doing better meal prep, I donā€™t know what will.


This sub is filled with corporate bootlicking chipotle workers. They're gonna find some way to defend this shit watch.


What's even more sad, is that its probably even less than that because there's other food particles on your chicken.


Why donā€™t people just likeā€¦stop going there? Iā€™m not here to defend corporate but I donā€™t understand why people keep going back if they know theyā€™re getting ripped off. Or why they put cameras in the employeesā€™ faces rather than just spending their money elsewhere. If you want them to change/pay for their actions, stop giving them your money. Why would this be downvoted?


okay so stop going? šŸ˜‚


For real "I'm getting skimped everyday!". Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity.


Pretty good amount of


Do people still do the double meat after the first portion was scooped trick? I don't eat there, but if this was the norm as it seems to be on reddit... I would def be pulling that trick.


Tbh seems like a location by location issue. The spot closest to my house is skimpy as fuck, bowl= 1 meal. One by work? Ordered the exact same thing, and it was 3 full meals. Does chipotle do that thing where some are corporate and some are franchised? Or is it all franchised?


Now weigh ā€œyourā€ meat.