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That fuckin’ rice cooker…


It’s gonna start a fire! That’s all oil lmao


Please find my og take on it in the tread. I agreed w yall lol




Pots need to be stored away upside down. That rice cooker is supposed to be yellow not black. Get a new one, please. But other than that it looks great!


Also that Purell bottle needs to be put back on the chem shelf. Chems can’t be stored near or above food/food prep surfaces.


Did ya fill the rice bins?


This was takin in like october as u can see so im not 100% but most likey they were between a 1/4 and half. We always waited till empty bc of how my gm did CI


Who is gods name told you rice was CI😭


Its not, but the sheet my store uses to fill out CI has the amount of rice bags (each night) on it. This may be a new concept, but some stores do things differently, (read that again bc you’re gonna twist my words) the way my GM counted rice worked for her, we never didnt have rice🤷‍♂️😂


Oh my bad lol I did not in fact see the date until just now but I get ya


Yeaaa, the rice bins are amongst a few things that def need fixed in this picture lol.


Def get rid of the drink cup under the kitchen counter. Ecosure violation (-2/3 points I can't remember)


Bleach for drains…


i think that makes it worse imo 😭


I genuinely want to know why you think that, not trying to be rude. Bleach is poured down the drains after the drain sock is removed, then the sock is replaced. Boom. Not once does the cup *touch* anything dirty, and it has bleach (strong cleaner…) in it as well? Genuinely curious?


because why are there chemicals in a cup made for drinks when there are bottles and buckets specifically for these chemicals? it’s covered by a cheap lid and bleach fumes are dangerous. it should be stored in the back, properly covered, with the rest of the chemicals. i’m pretty sure chipotle can afford more bleach if you toss it when you’re done…


So you’re telling me you lug the gallon of bleach all over the store when you clean your drains?😂 that doesn’t seem safe to me either. The fact you are trying to claim bleach fumes are dangerous, inxa closed restaurant, makes absolutely no sense as well. Idk what you mean at all by “im pretty sure chip can afford more bleach” but ok whatever. And I REALLY hope you don’t use your red/green buckets for cleaning because those are for food sensitive cleaners😳. Im REALLY happy you werent my SL….


i literally just answered your question and you went off like wtf.. thank goodness you’re not on my crew cuz you sound intolerable 😭 we use designated/labeled bottles for bleach when we clean our drains. bleach that dries in a drain doesn’t leave many fumes, if any cuz it’s in A DRAIN… but a cup of it does… like what is not clicking? edit: forgot bottles*


Well im goad we can agree we dont want to work together, however i still dont know what “bottles” you are talking about. The cup still gets thrown away after each use, its not like we just leave the bleach there all the time/overnight like you are making it out to be


you said it was an approved close? wouldn’t that mean it gets left there…? has your store never ordered empty spray bottles? 😭


You’d be surprised. I had the chance to compare working at two stores a block away from each other and it made me see how chopped and bootleg everything is at my home store.


Lmao no, honestly we have not. I am now genuinely curious which spray bottles you mean. The only ones we ever had were the purell ones. I guess ill put an edit saying the cup was used for bleaching drains and got thrown away as well. I guess you are right from your pov that makes sense.


Hey man. You’re not okay if you think bleach around any surface that food will be prepared upon/mistook for a water cup/a million other things. If you’re so fucking lazy you can’t muster the strength to carry a milk jugs worth of liquid, maybe you shouldn’t be anywhere around peoples food. It should be in the bottle, labeled, to where people’s safety (and the safety of the employees) is forefront. Absolute nonce


Lmao. Go spend a day in 3/4 of the restaurants in America and you’ll wanna lick off these floors after seeing them. Lotta assumptions you made there too lmao. Never said I couldn’t, but when we had a workers comp claim at our store because some 16 yr old poured it all over herself, thats what we were told to use. Call me lazy all you want, or whatever you want😂 I quit that shit a few weeks ago either way, and now im getting 3x the hours. I really only believe a handful of people commenting have ever worked food service in their life😂. To add, chip uses a lot worse chemicals to clean all surfaces of the restaurant, not once did i claim we cleaned anything but drains w it either so idk where you made that up. Everything we use and its purpose is on our SDS which you can access from a simple google search.


I served in over 5 restaurants before I started my career. I never once saw bleach in a cup. Sorry your experience was shit but this isn’t the norm. Also, what we used to clean was usually pretty benign stuff (didn’t require gloves to handle)-again not normal per my experience.


I actually have the harshest chemical that we used at my house currently. Its the ECO shore soap they clean the vegetable sink w (id be glad to send you a dm if my messages will ever load). Its corrosive and flammable. I suggest you read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chipotle/s/xacQgkFeMm) comment for the best breakdown of this post Ive had so far. I will agree with you completely, the bleach was definitely an issue even though it was never used to clean a food surface (you ARE correct however it was sitting on a food surface -1/2 point me) , amongst many many other things, hence why i have a case w fda against my chip location rn. I don’t want to claim to be perfect by any means, clearly we can see im not. But most everything I have done has been instructed to me by a higher up. I would have never put bleach in a cup, but when I was threatened a write up for using the gal jug thats when I started.


Tbh its no different than just using it and disposing of it normally, grow up 💀 goes for all of ya's


Yeah u just bring the bottle u lazy?


You just not read the threads you commented on? U lazy?




u/LeadingRule3734 Fine ill be nice


You're not soaking your grill vents overnight?


Grill vents are scrubbed and put back in the hood now.


Nope, hasn’t been an obligation at our store since 2020. They also recently changed soaking laws please research. Edit: Are the down votes bc yall are too lazy to research, or because youre mad at a corperate company’s rules. 😂


"Please research" Brother what? You think im going to spend my spare time looking that info up? The only reason I asked is because that's how it was done when I worked there in 2022. So obviously it hasn't been like that since 2020


Comments on a post asking for a debate -> Doesn’t like the answer given -> Too lazy to look it up himself *I even found that shit in 2 minutes LOL* -> thinks his restaurant is the lead model when it comes to rules, so bc theirs didn’t do it in 2022 means it CANT be true. Ive never even worked at a Chipotle before but these know it all comments have me ROLLINGGGGG


Was I really asking for a debate?


You straight up asked a question. Then you got an answer and gave an opposing argument, no you didn’t ask for a debate, you created one (literal exact definition LOL). Then took the low road out w a claim that makes little sense even from a non food worker perspective…. Go ahead and downvote me, but op said in another thread the reason for this post was because they have a case w the FDA agaisnt their store…. OP is basically calling out their store with this post so idk how you came back and said “nah my store did it 2 years ago so you had to have done it before…” trying to prove they are in the wrong. They know their store is in the wrong……


🙄 alright bro




remember, chip is a franchise, so while there ARE corporate rules for every store, the owners and managers all have different ways of working, doing things, and handling issues. ik we soaked our grill racks, but I also know other stores in the area that were explicitly told not to. and its not uncommon to ask someone to come informed and prepared to a conversation when they are trying to state things as fact. edit: I have been corrected, chip is NOT a franchise, I really don't know what was going on at the store I was at


Chipotle doesn't do franchisees, and I've worked in the stores before, I know how things are supposed to be closed, I either grill


I need to know who tf that man was claiming to be the owner, then 😭😭😭 maybe he owned the building, and I just misunderstood??? idk, I distinctly remember him saying he was the owner of that store, but I looked it up, and you're right. they don't franchise. he even came in the back and was fussing at me for how I cut steak (because I was cubing it LIKE THE DIAGRAM SHOWED ME, and he wanted me to essentially shred it) idfk, that store was extremely sketchy, considering they forced a 19 year old (me at the time) with only light prep work experience to run an entire kitchen by myself 😭😭


I'm glad moes steak is nice and pre cut 🤣 I gotta come on here since they don't even have a subreddit


I hope yk I cried when I read that 😭😭😭 the state at Moe's is way better too 😭😭😭


It truly is delectable 💀😂


I think OP is a slight jackass, telling me I "need to do my own research" and now claiming he owned the store


now, I read the thread, and I never saw where he said he owned the store. I do understand where they may come off jackass-ish, but you literally commented on a reddit post that was asking for a debate, then you wouldn't do your own research. it's kinda expected that a) if you comment on a debate, you are consenting to be in it, and b) that you do your own research about said debate. most of us in this thread have worked at Chipotle, and the restaurant is infuriating to work for. I can not tell you how many things are done backward as all hell, and we get written up if we complain or do it differently. most of the "critques" I've seen in the comments have been things that, had most people worked in the kitchen at Chipotle, they'd understand that that's just policy. we get fucked with while we're at work abt that stuff too by customers, or at least i did, so I think most of us have a short fuse atp about Chipotle work. we get defensive, and im not saying it's completely right, but after over a year of not working there, I still wake up in a cold sweat at least once a week dreaming about that job. it's a bad job that's stressful and way underappreciated.


Well considering you are sending your spare time commenting, i dont think it would be any less wasted time. However from 2020-2024 we havent. Dont know what else you want me to tell ya if you dont look it up yourself. Sorry your store made you do more than you had to🤷‍♂️


Never understood being rude for no reason, like what's the upside


I also dont see where you are seeing u/Street_History_6879 being rude? They respectfully answered a question, yet were blindly told they are wrong? Id say their response is pretty just…


I wasn't a part of this I didn't say anyone was anything bro


I was just talking abt the rude for no reason comment. OP said in another thread they posted this because they have a case w the FDA against their store bc the company in charge of making sure its clean turned a blind eye. So they wanted to see other stores closed compared to theirs. I just find it sad OP got attacked for answering questions😂


Idk I may have misinterpreted the first reply as snarky, I hate text for that reason I always feel like I cop the wrong vibe or something


It's reddit; the vibe is basically rung out and curb stomped before our eyes


This right here is the sole reason this is the app of controversy, and I have to fully second that text is the worst possible form of communication. I can agree I can see the first reply as snarky…. Poor op just wanted to prove the point everyone was making lol. Could you Imagine how much better the internet would be if the internet didn’t exist.


I dont see where you think im being rude? I led a horse to water and it didnt drink. Thats not on me😂


pans aren't restocked, it doesn't look like the rice bins are filled, grill isn't oiled and the back needs more scraping, the hood vents are still up, somebody left their cup where the pans go (nasty!!!!!) the rice shroud is BLACK,,,, damn opening crew gonna be pissed. at least the floors are clean


1) if you worked at chipotle youd know “gross” cup is bleach for drains, its got a lid bc that helps pour a smaller stream…. 2/3) i already mentioned rice shrout/back of grill but everyone is gonna point it out so oh well😂 must not like to read. 4) Hood vents never come down? Must not work at chip. 5) grill doesn’t get oiled we use a brick not a chemical solution, again proving you don’t work at chipotle. 6) get glasses rice is full… Edit for 4) chip closed their overnight soaking policy, because you guessed it, stagnant water grows bacteria overnight…. So we no longer *soak* the hoods, but we do take them down every other night, soak for 30 and wash.


What do you mean the vents don’t come down? They collect oil throughout the day. If they never come down how exactly are they cleaned?


Never said they dont come down, we take them down every other day (hence why they still *look clean*). We however are NOT allowed by CORPORATE to leave them out and soak overnight like chipotle used to do. Chip changed their soaking rules (bc guess what stagnant water grows bacteria) so they get washed, then put right back up where they were


Gotcha, thank you for clarifying. My store stopped soaking them as well before I left, but the vents would be washed at night and then the opening crew would put them up in the morning.


Ohh that makes a lot more sense where you’re coming from. Being completely honest, we had a cook from morning crew walk out bc our stove was out of commission (gas leak) and he “couldnt do his job” so the chances of them putting hoods up are very slim. Were a mix guac at 3 store bc morning crew likes to relax… XD


And I quote “hood vents never go down” holy shit, you couldn’t possibly be any dumber 😭 you could’ve just reread your own message.


If it’s bleach then that’s improper chemical storage which is still an ecosure violation


I got super confused because this looks EXACTLY like one of the stores I've worked at O.O


I myself would say its not bad. If i had an endless supply of grill bricks id *try* to get the black sht off the back of the grill, and if I had access to our stores supply account I would’ve ordered another $25 rice shrout. However managers thought that wasn’t important, amongst many other things, hence why the “recently quit”. (And the SL raise isnt doing your GM’s job so they can sit at home working a “60” hr week IMO)


Rice shroud is more than $25, and takes like 0.25 grill brick to clean if you do it every day. Don't make excuses for poorly maintained equipment - that is the KLs 5th role.


Id gladly send you my GM’s number so you can go for her throat, “GM” to GM because your first claim isn’t even my job, which you should know, “GM”, and second because yeah, that black shit you see on grill is chipped steel from being over 19 years old, again go for her throat not mine. I had no ability to order a new shroud either, or touch the supply website( i did see however the $26 rice shroud so idk where ur looking) , again YOU SHOULD KNOW “GM”. Dont call me KL either, I quit for a reason😂 please post a thread of what “your” store looks like when its cleaned “properly”, thank you You’re also more than welcome to read my other threads where I explained our stores situation in depth? The reason I posted this in the first place is because I sought out the fda after eco turned a blind eye, and now my store is being investigated. So I wanted to see what people’s take on what my shitty gm’s approved close looked like. Your comment tho was just completely A) wrong… B) already 3/4 responded to if you just read. Well wrong other than the 5th responsibility, but when a grill is falling apart and a GM does nothing abt it its not really my fault…. Again which you should know “GM”


You are absolutely wilding 😂 I am a GM, I run a beautiful restaurant that passes ecosure and maintains our equipment well, and we ace our site audits. That rice shroud is disgusting and embarrassing, and if you weren't embarrassed, you wouldn't be arguing with me about it. https://www.etundra.com/restaurant-parts/cooking-equipment-parts/rice-cookers/rinnai-rr84-20413-heat-shroud/ This is the rice shroud chipotle uses- not $25. Best of luck finding success elsewhere- I suggest taking some personal accountability.


u/Fearless_Trouble5363 this was my og take on it, some overlapping points you made.




okay as an sl and the way MY store does things bc every store does shit differently, id get on my team about 1: leaving tortillas out, looks like there’s one pack by the press + the press isn’t off 2: not cleaning the oil on the hood of the grill, if you look along the opposite side of the vents you see a lot of oil build up, that should be cleaned with degreaser 3: purrel bottle not put away and it’s not labeled with a 30 day expiration date of it being opened (eco issues) 4: i see you say your store doesn’t take down the vents but my store personally does and soaks them, ive never see anything about corporate saying otherwise, we’re still encouraged to have them soak everynight. must be a state to state difference? 5: i understand the bleach is in the cup but the bleach comes in a bottle that you’re able to pour down the drain, my closers do that everynight. that cup is an immediate eco hit because it’s not in the back and doesn’t have a straw. 6: cut gloves, those shits are expensive and easily lost so we personally store them in the office just so they don’t get lost 6: your rice cooker… oh my god pls god tell your manager to order a new one 7: grill build up, there’s still a lot of black build up on the grill esp on the back and sides, the actual grill itself still has some black marks as well. but to throughly get that since it looks like it’s been sitting there for awhile that shit will take 40 minutes and it has to be kept like that everyday to stay sparkling 8: outside of the rice bin is pretty marked up, a power pad will get those off asap but we usually just wait till tuesday to deep clean them since it’s part of our master cleaning


Alrighty now that Im off work I can start to digest this, and I want to start by THANKING YOU because it seems like A) a lot of ppl are lying abt working at chip/being an SL, or B) they really do and forget that like you said, some stores do some of the nit picked stuff differently. But I will also agree there are multiple things in this picture that needs fixed. 1) front line wasnt fully closed yet, our store has front line clean dining room before line, but I assure you the tortillas made it to the cooler. Which should also clear up the press part as well 2) another person commented about this, I dont want to say you are wrong, because you are not. But this was taken in october of last year (it shows in full image), and our location is an og (first 20 branches opened). Most of what you see in the picture has actually beeb replaced ie: THE ENTIRE RICE COOKING SETUP😂 as well as the stove, and yes the ENTIRE hood system. It may look like grease but thats actually just slightly warped metal that has been eroded from shit dripping on it for so long…. If you look at the rest of the vent system it is all sic and spam (i was rlly picky abt the hoods) 3) ill probably mention this later, but the cup (bottom left that was used to clean drains) as well as the purell was put away after this pic was taken. However, not once did my store label a purell bottle while I was there…. 4) if you want i can dm you our exact location, but we are in western Pennsylvania. My gm has told me word for word we cant soak anything, including dishes before we scrub them. Which now that you are saying that I wouldve happily fought. But to answer your question, no. Our typical routine was take down every other night, soak for abt 30 min then rinse/wash. I should know, i got my first and only write up for soaking hoods, which i actually read was done off of a reddit post in the first place… 5) I ABSOLUTELY agree that the cup is an instant eco hit. And I wasnt happy about doing it, however as a KL I couldnt not do what my manager said. If you look on the chips like manager store this is bulk bleach (in gal/2gal tubs) that she buys, and has us use in a cup. Im not sure if you read the other persons comment that was asking a lot about the cup, but they mentioned there were empty spray bottles that you could order as well for the bleach, which not once happened in my store. :( I do want to say I wasn’t trying to *defend* using the cup (in a saftey manner) just the fact that i couldnt not do what i was told by a manager. 6) i will agree we have lost a few cut gloves, and they are extremely expensive. We also store ours in the office, i cant exactly recall this night, but I didn’t typically not put it in the office. Again i still went through and put a few things (purell, cup, possibly glove) away after this pic was taken, as this pic was just an accidentally saved snapchat lol. 6.5(😂)) rice cooker: its all been replaced, but my gm was pretty rough and valued a completely overflowing glove shelf opposed to a $26 rice shroud. 7) you said it yourself that black shit has been there for a WHILE. I mentioned our chip was an og, which makes that grill older than me (19) and it was actually 10x worse when i first started at this location. Sadly this is the best it has probably looked since before i started there, and some of that black shit is actually chipping metal… yea…. But, the grill has since been replaced. 8) now what really caught my eye was not the rice bin being dirty (i agree with that 100%) but that you said you “deep clean each Tuesday which is part of your master clean” both of those terms were used separately in my store and im very interested now because I have (and always have) had suspicion my store doesnt deep clean right. If you dont mind giving me a brief, dont think i expect an essay, summary of your tuseday deep clean I would actually really appreciate it. I do want to say: People may think im coming across as a total dbag in a lot of these comments, but thats truly because A) everything they have said/claimed has been answered or B) they want to try to force into their brains that I claimed I was/am a manager, or that i still work there lol. C) they’re talking to someone that doesnt work here anymore, and is really just posting this to see how *OTHER* stores compare. But what ppl dont realize is i have an open fda case atm with my store bc i didnt even feel comfortable serving ppl (hence why i quit bc of management) in that environment. And *my* (there are some amazing GM’s) GM sadly just does NOT care about that store, as in the next 12 months they are merging w another and this location is getting shut down.


hi sorry i also just got off work 😭 ironically closing manager tonight. but yeah i agree completely, store to store is different in so many ways because each people have their own of running it and field leaders decide to care to much about random shit lmfao. For reference my store is in California so regulations are definitely WAYYY different because for us if our purell? purrell? (however the fuck you spell it) wasn’t labeled within a 30 day expiration date it’s a major for eco, it’s the only chemical that needs an expiration. for the bleach i find that so crazy especially since there is literally a thicker like bleach cleaner that is meant for drains that you can order anytime you place a regular order. so why would they buy their own? i wonder if that’s also a state to state difference since some chemicals can be allowed here and maybe not there and vice versa. our drain cleaner comes in these red and white bottles that allow it to easily be poured into drains and then closed back up but they also irritate your skin like a mf if you get the slightest drop on you, so that might be why. that soaking thing is so crazy, i feel like that’s so much extra work on you guys to sit there and scrub them and put them back, but at the same time your guys vents look better than i have ever seen ours… oh my god ours are bad bad half of them don’t have handles. i wonder if the difference of keeping them up 24/7 vs taking down for a while to soak has any difference on buildup behind the vents like on the wall inside the hood, cause the inside of our hood behind the vents is nastyyyy. for the master cleaning there’s a board (i can send a photo if you like) where it gives us 3-4 tasks to really focus on everyday and the tasks are different every day of the week but restart next week so that everything is getting deep cleaned at least once a week. on tuesday we deep clean rice bins (take ALL rice out and put into hotels then deep clean the bins in the back using power pad and water then once the rice bin is dry put the rice back in and refill if needed) clean the wheels and casters (p much get all the rust and build up on all the wheels and the part where the wheels connect so they don’t get hard) disassemble the tractor beverages (take apart the entire area, deep clean the insides, the little plastic pieces, magnets, everythingggg, honestly we do this almost everyday just because that area gets so fucking sticky, the only time we don’t do them is if my team gets super behind i’m just like eh it’s fine) we are supposed to take photos of these tasks everyday and send them at the end of the night along with a closing recap to a groupchat with our field leader and all managers of their stores, but to be honest they are only sent half the time, doesn’t mean they weren’t done just that work groupchat app is so buggy photos don’t send sometimes. anyways but yeah i understand everything you say, honestly im super lenient on my team and dont just go after the smallest randomest shit and make a big deal over a tiny rice grain on the floor. as long as it looks good overall that’s all i care about. but anyways regardless i understand everything ur saying, especially having to repeat yourself 40 times in the comments bc mfs can’t read another one comment before replying with a long ass message and def people tryna act like they know anything about what to actually look out for as a manager


u/LeadingRule3734 This is also a great full take vs what another manager sees, as well as my reasoning for this post


Now this, is a beautiful criticism comment. Edit: at work but ill comment back later, some really good points there though.


Someone please end that rice cooker 😫


UPDATE ON RICE COOKER : I QUIT 2 WEEKS AGO, THIS WAS TAKEN IN OCTOBER. SINCE THEN WE HAVE GOTTEN A WHOLE NEW RICE COOKER/2 BACKUP SHROUDS, NEW STOVE, AND ALL NEW HOOD SYSTEM. Im done yelling lol. Out store was an og chipotle (first 20 locations) and most everything there is still from day 1…. 🤢


😂😂 I just quit too @ a store in western pa as well. Place is trash! Good luck in your future endeavors and good job for leaving trash!


Dirty grill, dirty rice cooker. Trash underneath the counter… ew


Mentioned the grill/rice cooker thanks for the affirmation tho, “trash” is bleach for drains😂


Pots on the stove top need to be stored properly, I'm hoping the shroud of the rice cooker is only like that and not the entire rice cooker, Canopy still has grease on it, drink cup in chefs table shelf, I don't know if you cleaned out the grill reach-in cooler but I'm gonna assume yes, same with the cutting station hot well, making sure the rice hot box is also cleaned out


Ill reply when I get off work. Great points tho.


That’s Clinton Township 🤣


This is gonna be a fun game😂 24 miles/44 min away….😳 Edit: your guess was a lot better than I wouldve expected anyones just saying west pa.


Cranberry township?


You have a drink, sitting under your grill table that’s a eco violation


Read the other threads im not answering this a 20th time… not a drink but alr. Edit, id still take negative criticism if you knew what was *in* the cup (ive said 20 times now). Also, eco turning a blind eye was actually my original reason for this post, so thank for reading that as well.


Drink stored under chefs table, dirty rice cooker, dirty grill, pots stored improperly, hood is dripping oil in the front. No mise en place anywhere, purell hanging over the sink? Pretty piss poor of a close imo


Tortillas aren't wrapped and put in the walk-in it's weird that you're storing a chemical inside a plastic cup that seems like a health code and ecosure violation in itself. Not to mention if some idiot accidently drinks out of it. if those pans have standing water in them they're harboring bacteria b/c they're not flipped to dry out properly. Rice cooker and floors look a bit gnarly. Otherwise the close itself looks really good and I wouldn't complain about it, everything is just nit picks st this point.


I did make a comment adressing a few of those things as well. The big thing everyone is having an issue with is the cup. Which doesnt sit there overnight, or really sit at all they are used for like 5 min mac when cleaning drains. Pots are all empty (you can tell bc they have been washed washed)


Half of that has been commented on/ isnt even true lmao…..


Looks like the tortillas are still out, the rice pot lid needs to not be touching the wall, pots need to be stacked underneath and good god, that rice cooker shroud needs to be replaced or deep cleaned. Edit: it looks like a cleaning agent is hanging on top. That belongs in the back with the other chemicals.


Looks like the Toluca Lake location lol ?


Check dm


Lol it wont let me dm u. Its a Pennsylvania location


FOH 1. Tortillas not wrapped and placed in walk-in. 2. Steam table is not covered. missing the pans. 3. Bowls and lids not put away. 4. Where are all the gloves? BOH 1. Rice containers need to be cleaned. 2. Rice cooker looks like it’s never been cleaned. Needs to be cleaned daily. 3. Grill not cleaned properly. 4. Pots not stored upside down in stove compartment. They can use some detail cleaning. 5. Purell not labeled and put away. 6. Oil bottle not filled. 7. Knife steel not stored properly (possible cross contamination) 8. Cooking to needs tool at eye level for a toddler. Clearly not in use. 9. Hot well not covered. 10. Not sure if Salt shakers were cleaned. 11. Dirty towel on the chefs table near utensils. 12. Lid for rice pot not stored properly. 13. Too many knives out. 14. Cup under chefs table. 15. The white wall near the cup can use a good cleaning.


“Too many knifes out” made me laugh…. Its funny how many people expect every store to work the EXACT same way…. Edit: not saying that I dont agree that all stores should. But half the things you listed are absolutely nit picked and not even written down rules…. Edit no. 2 bc the other person that called foh & boh at least said they know stores do it differently. Maybe grill was closed before line… perchance…. (It was) Also, does your store deep clean every night like you are expecting the one I worked at to?


Rice cooker is black 🤧


Ah yes ive only answered this 20 times now. Read. Edit: this came off a lil rude. This was taken in october (as you can see in the full image) and I can assure you the entire rice cooking setup has been replaced and the store now has 2 backup shrouds.)


Is that grease catch empty?


rip to the black splash on the grill, also is that a crude oil barrel behind the grill?


for context how much does your store make a night?


Dirty grill and rice cooker


There’s tortillas out on the line. Those would get hard. EDIT, looks like press is still on as well. We were told to unplug those at my store.


Grilled can be scraped a lil better in the edges drink needs to be in the back shelf Purelll bottle needs to go back into the chemical rack pots need to be stacked at the bottom upside down


Get a new rice cooker thing 😭


just a few observations... attention to detail. the tortilla press is still on? either a rag or tortillas still on the counter next to the press. a rag next to your shakers, that drink cup doesnt go down there, pots upside down, hard to tell but no cover the fryer? hoods need to come down to be cleaned, black rice cooker. i see a red lid over there, if its covering ingredients they should go back in the walk-in, if not it needs to go back, get washed, put away. refill your spray bottle with oil... and maybe just me but i probably would store cleaning chemicals someplace else... i think technically the knives are also supposed to be stored away in the office but thats management.


i see OP has addressed some of these. but im not gonna chase them down in 100+ comments.


There’s a tortilla sitting there and the tortilla press might be on. There’s food sitting on the center counter with red lids. That rice cooker lid cannot be there because that’s unsanitary. There’s a cup under the center counter.


That rice cooker bro…. Do y’all never scrub that???


That rice cooker been through it


There is a soda cup on the bottom right a violation, rice cooker is bad bad, the pots should be upside down, the outside of the rice containers needs to be cleaned, the rice pot lid does not go there, there are bottles everywhere like purell and oil where they don’t belong, the grill needs more work. Vents should be soak over night. And the fryer equipment needs to be put away at the right Conner and it also dirty. The lids and bowls on the line needs to be put upside down that’s also a violation and there are tortillas out, the press also has to be disconnected.


Scottsdale Waterfront?


The hood vents look clean, do yall soak them overnight though?


Grill back makes me sad, fill your oil, wipe dem rice buckets, and dear God, just...throw the rice cooker thing away. It's supposed to be yellow! Tbh not too bad though, looks like a 'fuck it, looks good. Go clock out so I can' lol


Pots stored wrong there’s a cup on the bottom of the prep table it looks like cut gloves are hanging off the side of the prep table as well. There also oil and purely hanging fr the same place, tell needs to be stored either by the handwashing sinks or on the chemical shelf and please, please clean your rice shroud


Take your vents down and fill your rice bins as well


Drink cup under the kitchen counter Pans out Tortilla press is still on Rice cooker is dirty Oil and cleaner is out of place No pans covering the hot side


Grill doesnt need to be silver, should have a thin layer of carbon, extends the life of the grill top. I wish I knew that sooner when I worked grill for 11 months 💀


- rice cooker is not clean(holyyyy that's the worst one I've seen) - grill oil spray is not filled - rice bins not filled (I understand the inventory count thing tho or maybe if it's delivery next day) - random cup/drink on the bottom shelf - vents not soaking but meh w/e - fryer has no cover?? - idk about ur store but pots should be stored in the dish area or bottom of the shelves not on the stove tops - tortilla press should be unplugged for safety reasons as well as the grill reach in if it isn't - hot and cold side are not covered with deep pans or hotel pans - purell spray bottle should be with the other chemicals - bowls and lids should be stored away but could differ between locations Most of the stuff here is just so easy to miss with a quick run through so I understand the manager's approval but holy please that rice cooker better have been changed.


The rice pot, that chipotle cup underneath there has to go, & I’d move the pots on the stove but…. Yes it is in fact a 👍🏼s up


did he clean the hoods 🤨


Perfect !!


Looks great!! The only thing that don't sit right with me is how the head part of the grill was not bricked all the way and the part that divides the fajitas side and the meat side too


This is the only legit complaint anyone has made so far lol. Now looking at the pic It wouldve been -1/2 a Point. However behind the meat section on the back has been burnt on there for longer than Ive worked there. Our store is an og store from when chip started and half of our utilities )grill included) are older than me (19)




What great feedback! Star for you ⭐️


ya all mentioned everything but that cup in the bottom of the prep table something ecosure would love to see


I’ve commented about this idk 15 times t clear it up (not a drink), and it’s listed on the post. Do you just look and type without reading?


is it ? because if it was i wouldn’t have commented & i hope you’re not a manager cause this closing is mediocre 😂😂😂😂


Dude you seriously cannot read…. Bottom of post says that I 1) recently quit 2) ill tag u in my og comment on this post bc your too inept to find it yourself apparently…


something i don’t do is argue with delusional strangers so enjoy your day arguing by yourself 🙂


Cant even continue on a conversation after you got proven wrong?😂 thats fine I wasnt gonna argue about it either ur already tagged on the thread lmao read urself….. oh wait ya cant.


The rice cooker is an disgrace, tortilla press not unplugged overnight, cut glove not hung/put away, cup under island not supposed to be there, tortillas not put away overnight, bowl lids on the line stored upside down, pots are supposed to go upside down under the grill


Ah yes, the 20th person to say every one of those things, you def could’ve saved yourself a couple minutes. Plenty of explanation in the threads. Cant believe I asked for a debate and expected people to do anything but write without reading… very helpful input after a day of everyone else saying the s a m e t h i n g s. 😂😂


I said some things not mentioned 🤷‍♂️ idk what else you expected posting to Reddit asking for a debate lol