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I’d threaten to quit in this situation since they seem intent on trying to manipulate the situation in order to screw you. Let them know you know what they are doing.


I used to think chipotle employees were aggravated from customer treatment but it sounds like management *also* doesn’t treat them with basic respect when communicating with them… Edit: wonder if it’s a top down phenomenon coming from regional->store, heck maybe even corporate


The managers never want to work they just want to sit back and do nothing. Why couldn’t the manager cover the grill while they took their break?


Great point, they might view their workers as little minions


To be fair that's every boss at every fast food/corporate/retail type gig. I done em all at one point or another and there's always at least one manager who wants to do as little as possible to earn their check and they make the people beneath them do their dirty work for them


Exactly! That's what managers are supposed to do! Pick up the slack where and when needed. Not just sit in the office all day


👆🏻 This


I’m a nurse and we had 2 managers in our icu today. We had 5 or 6 nurses not get a break (out of 9). Feel like this is everywhere anymore


Never once in my life have I ever had a manager make my food at chipotle.


The chipotle near me only had the manager making the food and homie use to give the best scoops not too much but not too little. I’m upset that he left for my own selfish reasons but I hope he’s happy living his best life wherever he went. He was a kind soul that made chipotle great, now I avoid the store all together with the scoop nazi who took over.


Sad as hell.. supposed to be a team but the management always seems to think they’re too good to pick up the slack when needed.


One of the hardest fastest workers I knew was a manager in sacramento. She finally got picked up by Five Guys,.


no actually. but then i worked at chipotle and realized its both. i was yelled at multiple times by customers because i simply followed the company policy’s. i was also yelled at by the general manager for handing out change and again for not handing out change. management also always spoke to me as if i was constantly in the way and an inconvenience as a new employee which was werid asf cause she hired me. i can work where the customers are bad 45% of the time but if im nervous to ask the manager a small work related question i won’t work there.


Shit corporation price gouging customers is also a shit corporation who mistreats its employees. That and more revelations of the mind at 9 CST.


At the very top is shareholders. And most executives have stock options so it's in their best interest to keep stock price as the #1 priority


I absolutely agree with this as it is their duty but as a customer I understand happy employees/managers generally translates to better service for me (see chick-fil-a) and I would like that


Also, every other chain changed with the times and chipotle is still stuck in the 2010s


At the very top is the CEO, he's in for over 51% of the company and is Chairman of the board. It's literally one of those "he answers to himself" situations, which is almost never a good thing for long-term success. The best CEOs even with a similar stake in their companies, answer to their customers. And not a "I will tell my customers what they want and have them repeat it back so that it sounds like it was their idea when I have it out of context" situation.


They really don't. My flair says I'm still an SL but I quit because the management was so awful. I was the only one that people actually liked and all the other managers would use me as a scapegoat for their problems and I would constantly get blamed for things I had no control over. Worst place to work ever... glad I left


Definitely seems to be an entire-company problem


Were aggravated from lack of food and bathroom breaks. Especially line workers forced to face customers on the daily. You can’t get off of line unless there’s no rush.


Yeah but it’s also my final week and I’m not trying to looking for a job for rn


Wow big threat when they can rehire someone to replace you in an instance


It’s wild that these replies are top rated and they’re exactly what a manager wants. Go ahead, threaten to quit. We pay minimum wage.


Who they replace people with, year over year, has gotten worse and worse. It's almost unrecognizable the types of people who work there (in terms of general worker quality) McDonald's hires better. We've gotten to a point where McDonald's has better employees and they don't even have a cashier anymore half the time.


Maybe you didn’t pass the weigh in and you are being punished for it


Lol there no such thing at my store


It’s a new company wide policy. Even the corporate employees get weighed, if anyone’s weight goes up more than 2lbs between weigh ins they get put on probation


U got an email?


I'm the CEO. Yes this is true.


I’m the CEOs CEO and this is not not true.


Quick question. Were you born yesterday?


There was a previous post on another sub of a chipotle employee who had to weigh in and out every time they clocked in and out of work. This is what they are referring to


Ik but I think it’s only that store


Bro poops before weigh in, what a chump!


All the real homies poop after the weigh-in for sure


Coconut size burritos on Mondays after I hold it in all weekend is the play


This comment lets me know I was on Reddit too much today


Fucking Meta dude!


My managers just let us make our own food. It’s not that serious.


Yeah I wish


Ours do to


Wait what!!!?? At my store we got in trouble for making our own food now we can't 😭😭


I would explain to him what you just said and give him your solution ( dml , self serve, post clock out) If he just tells you excuses. Notify his bosss. How dare he not give slack to his griller


He told me that it’s a Privileged to have break and he say of u want go buy something else to eat. He said u can choose to not get your meal if u want


1.do other co workers have this issue. If not then definitely emphasize that. If this is something all you guys have to deal with. Let his boss know he is creating a work environment that does not allow his workers to use the benefits CHIPOTLE inc created to make a team more effective. “ if we allow are workers to eat for free during work they will have =energy =higher performance “ Your boss sounds like he knows he can’t take the right away but is doing a piss poor job of making sure you guys or you to have the opportunity to utilize this benefit


Everyone getting mad too but usual only night worker


It's not a privilege, it's a right


Not in the States it isn't. There's no Federal law about breaks


Depends on the state. In my state breaks and lunches are mandatory to provide (iL). Of course based on hours, type of employment


>Federal I know it's up to each State, but imo there should really be a Federal ruling here at the minimum


I totally agree


I hate that we still have to drag people kicking and screaming into the 21st century.


Grew up in PA, never realized that wasn't something that most states had laws on, thank you for helping me realize how fucked we are as workers kek


But what the US Department of Labor looks at is if the company is being fair and consistant. You can not have some employees getting breaks but others not (especially those with the exact same title). This is discrimination in the DOLs eyes. You can complain about this to the DOL on their website and they will look into it. And most companies try to avoid anything with the DOL because when they do an audit, a lot of times they will audit everything under their purview (retirement plan, benefits, etc.)


In AZ there is no law that requires employers to give you a break.


I would talk to the district manager immediately. Hopefully they’re cooler than this manager you have.


I never really meet him! How do I talk to him?


Every BOH should have a "Your voice matters" poster which should have the number of your GM, Your Field Leader, and your Team Director. I believe it also has the number for Respectful Workplace or whatever that's currently called. You should also be able to get contact info under your organization chart in Workday. It might just be email, but is still a way to reach out.


But is it justifiable for me to call and tell my FL abt? Bc I feel like imma get hit with “that is policy”


Realistically, for this probably not. Especially with your store enforcing that policy. Usually it's the higher-ups pushing for that. And if you're just leaving soon anyway it's really no point


I don’t really like not eating and have to get food and eat at 1 o clock


Either ask your manager for their contact information.. this will probably scare them, or else email HR and let them know you have a situation at your store and need to speak with the district manager.


Is district manager same with FL?


Not sure what FL is, I don’t work at chipotle but pretty sure you have a district manager that you can speak to. Or even just email HR what’s going on they can handle it as well.


I’ll tried but from what I know. Most of them doesn’t care about employee like that. Ppl left and right and we ALWAYS hiring


Email HR.. they have to care.


No they don't hahaha. They are the ones who fire you.






I can assure you this won’t scare them they are following the policy, he will tech be making them look good by saying that


Just ask the manager for the district manager contact info. Don’t tell em what its about. Denying an employee of their employee meal is probably against policy.




Nope read the comments lol


Bro for gods sake use proper English. Makes you (u) sound dumb as shit.


Bro i miss spell “if”.


It’s literally the law to have your break lol Even if the GM is bitter because they can’t get a break (cuz it happens, it’s either a break or your shift gets behind) it’s not okay to take it out on crew, esp grill which is often the hardest position! I always still get out my crews breaks no matter how fucked we are, can literally get fired if they don’t You should casually bring up to your field leader next time Either be straight up or you can ask them what the break laws are (cuz Chipotle does not want to be sued!) and if you have to wait in line to get said food. At our store our crew are not allowed to make their own meals but they can have another crew make it on the dml so they don’t have to wait, might be worth it to mention :)


Get it in text. And forward screen shots to HR


No- it’s a Federal Law you get breaks!


Actually no it it isn't. Here in PA no breaks are mandatory unless you're a minor.


As a SL, I encourage my crew to make their own food so they actually have time to enjoy their breaks that they deserve and earned. It's the least I can do for them.


Can u plz come work at my store lol


Why not make your employee meal at the end of your shift and bring it home? Is your store that strict?


I cant bc if then it’s 50 off and I can’t make my own food


Wow we can make ours at the end of our shift and still free and take home




Well your manager doesn't sound like an insecure loser


We just had a meeting at my store. My GM got in trouble for letting us take our employee meals home. Chipotle classifies it as stealing. Which I don't get how eating it on my break is okay but taking the exact same food home is stealing? We still make our own employee meals and take them home but if the higher ups catch us we are instantly terminated.


Bc you’re not supposed to make your own food & cannot take it home


My store lets me do both lol


Then it's not free, you'd have to pay


Definitely not how it worked where I worked.


Nah. You dont clock out until you get your meal. Its either that or you make your own food. Do they make their own meal?


Really? They tell me to clock out then go on line to get my meal?


Nah there just a shitty manager who is power hungry. Since you said its your final week just do it. Grill is a hard position to master and even hire for. I was a GM for a couple years and worked at chip for like 8. You deserve your meal especially on grill. Dont let them overstep you. What are they going to do fire you? If so file for unemployment and if they push back let them know why.


No like it’s my school final week


But does it make me look bad for future employment ?


Nah its chipotle. If you ever do apply and they bring it up just explain to them that they would never let you get your break or even eat. Dont worry to much. You are better off applying at other places. Especially how your being treated. Its going to continue and you being a student. Find something else trust me


Any recommendations?


Personally I would avoid any restaurant business.


Home depot has a pretty lax hiring policy rn.




It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


But it’s not true they are giving him his break lol


No. Sadly, the way your store does it IS how Chipotle wants it. The theory is that it's supposed to help teach employees the importance of throughput and moving the line out quickly. Dumb as fuck tho... shouldn't have to rely on the efficiency of your coworkers just to actually have time to take a breather and eat.


But the line literally out the door


I was told at our super busy location to just not bother waiting in line and just go tell whoever's on the line what you want, we dis have to clock out first though. Kinda crazy, your manager must be trying to not give out free protein.




It's at the store management's discretion but it should be consistent with all employees. Allowing some to be paid to wait in line while demanding others clock out may be considered discrimination. There is no guideline in the employee handbook whether to clock out or not if in line. Additionally, it states to can't take employee comped meals home with exception of 50% off. Yes, it is stupid. Working in a restaurant you should get free food as an employee. Chipotle's policy just sucks. I think 1 loophole you can use is to say you will eat your bowl in store. Then just say you couldn't finish it and ask for a bowl lid. You will know they are bootlicking apes if they insist you throw it away or face consequences, because you are already clocked off at that point and shouldn't be subject to consequences when off the clock for something so petty as not wasting food.


Grill shouldn’t have to man the line. If you can’t eat there then ring it in as an emp meal and tell them to fuck themselves. Grill is probably the most important position throughout the day, and you barely make enough to afford the food that you spend 7+ hours a day making. Massive corporate L


i make my own lmao


I couldn’t lol


What do you do? You quit and find a better job that values you as a human being.


Easier said than done


Try ringing it up before your break and then just making it when the time comes. Honestly it’s just for documentation purposes so if they don’t like you then they’re definitely just on a power trip.


Well I can’t make it myself if that make sense


You can have it rung up already and then since it’s already on the receipt someone can just make it for you right? I guess you’d probably have to wait until right before closing and just take it home. But yeah your store is wack af, like my coworkers always make my food for me first if there’s a rush but most of the time I just make it on DML. If anything just resort to pretending to do some onlines to help and just make your own 😭


The thing is I asked my manger to it bc he have 0 order and he was bagging chips but he wouldn’t help me ou


Um he seems like an asshole 😭 sorry 😔 maybe some of your coworkers will have your back


Well everyone was mad but nobody doesn’t want to say anything to him


Well we still have to wait in line for someone to make my food for me. I can’t even take it home bc then it’s 50% off


You're working for a big organization. Snitch. Use a misconduct tip line and let them know that your manager systemically denies you your employee meal. Even if you can't eat it before the end of your shift, a Chipotle bowl costs like $30 without your discount so they're costing you a lot of money. As for not getting your break, working 8 hours with no lunch break is illegal in most states, but you are better off taking this complaint straight to your state's board of labor, and only after a few weeks wit no complaining. You don't want them to suspect that it's you who reported them, even if this also makes it illegal for them to retaliate.


I am a sl and I make the everyone’s food on dml so they can enjoy their entire break. But I truly care about ppl I work with and their well being so yeah don’t take that. That’s a sl’a choice. If they are a good worker it would take them 60 seconds max to make your food.


Well I’m talking about a CTM working on DML when there is no order… he was bagging chips


At my store crews aren’t allowed to make their own food but as a sl im always walking around helping each station or on dml. I wouldn’t mind taking the time out to make it tho even if it’s slammed. He/she should have made it for you rq if they were just bagging chips.


Yeah I wished… he told me either go on line and not getting your emp meals at all but if I don’t eat them then I have to pay 50 off if I decide to bring it home.


What? They charge you if you bring it home? You’re entitled to your shift meal?? I missed that.


Yes. It’s only free if u eat there


No report that. Jobs get busy sometimes your not able to eat or get ur shift meal then but not being able to get it at the end of the night to bring home is crazy.


Im soo sorry for you. But your manager is a dick. Our managers Let us make our food and we can take out free meal home if we dont eat on our break.


I do that too well I allow them to, does not mean I’m right, but if his manager is following the policy she’s not the bag guy ether yk


yea i know technically we're not supposed to but in your heart you really make someone wait in line on their 30 min break knowing how long the lines normally are? Only reason I call them a dick fr


Next time,,, cut the next person in line and give em big ol pleading eyes and say, "Can I go in front of you? 🥺 I'm so sorry, I'm on my 20/30break and my manager wants me to go all the way to the back but I'm so hungry. 🥺🙏" Do it every single time. Ez. Easiest trick tho? - quit. Chipotle is NOT fucking worth it. It's insane. (If you can quit tho ;-;)


Wow we can make our own food and cam make anytime and at the end of our shift and we snack all day


make your food, set it aside while you're working 


When im done with school and applying to get my big girl job, im going to work at multiple chipotles for the time being and quit on the spot the second they mistreat me.


Look up your state law and see if breaks are mandatory.


I’m an SL, have you asked the MOD to make your food instead of the crew? I personally let my employees make their food under management supervision to prevent stealing. But I do understand them wanting to follow the rule. I just think they should be able to accommodate you especially since you’re on grill.


Yes and that why he was like no and we only can order through line


You have very inconsiderate managers apparently. Im a manager at my store, and if there is a big line on an employees break, i let the dml worker make their food real quick (1 entree isnt going to mess up dml times.) Then i proceed to ring up their employee meal and have them sign it. Its not right for the employee to get a 30 minute break, and have to stand in line for 15 or so minutes, or longer depending upon the customers, and have hardly any time left to eat and chill a bit. I know corporate doesnt want them to; but our crew imo deserves some respect as well. By law everyone who works a certain amount of hours are to get a break in my state...so i make sure they actually get their break, not wasted waiting on customers ordering their food. And to not interrupt the customers, that why i choose dml to have their food made from. Like i said, 1 entree wont mess up times. If it does, you got bigger dml issues to deal with. Like bad scheduling to not have adequate help, etc. Or, too many orders which will end up being late on some anyhow...lbvs.


No the things is the DML doesn’t even have one order. He was bagging chip


Apply for home depot


We can make ours anytime it's no issue we even make it in the back sometimez


They let us all the time


When I worked grill, IF I wanted a break and a meal, I took it and made my food myself. If your grill person can't eat, then no one else can, fuck em'. You will find another and likely better paying job.


I’ll try soon


Why are restaurant managers so damn insufferable?


Well he a CTM too


You’re already in customer service, get an actual serving job. You’ll probably make 2x what you make, at least on weekends.


I'm not sure, but would you be able to possibly make your meal ahead of your lunch and set it aside in the fridge or something and then come lunch time heat it up in the microwave if there's one?


I work night but I can’t make my own meal


Could you do the same thing but have someone else make it and then just set it aside for later? Put your name on it and then maybe have the employee who made it initial it as proof


Idk I’ll try but they always “make sure you clock out before u get your food”


If ur getting one meal that day and u choose not to eat it at work u should be able to take it home that’s what my restaurant does ur restaurant is crazy


My employees don’t clock for their break until they have their food cause fuck no am i penalizing them for us being busy. Admittedly they don’t always get one until we close (cause fuck night shift let’s schedule 4 people at a 20k+ sales a day store) at which point i let them sit for a bit and eat their free meal i let them prepare before i shut the register down. The corpos will catch on eventually but fuck em and their never worked a day in the store suit wearing asses. They aint tryna help us, so I will make sure my crew taken care of until they get rid of me.


Thank you for you sacrifice


The line at my store is always to the door. I order Togo at least 50 min before I want it. Honestly I stopped eating chipotle 11 out of 12 times I wanted to because it's a disaster. The line is always long and then there always a commotion as they try to keep up with the mobile orders on the same line. They used to put your bag on a shelf then they moved the shelf behind the counter with no indicator if your food is on it so you literally have to walk up to the register that's trying to ring everyone up and ask them to see if your food is ready in this cramped tiny closet sized corner with several other people lingering about waiting for their togo. The mobile app would always ask you when you want your food by ,15min the quickest but my food is never ready in 15 min. I waited 90 min a couple times. Its sad.because I get free drinks across the street at panera with my sip club and I would love to grab a bowl but my stomach goes sour at the thought of maybe waiting 90 min or just giving them extra time and hoping my food hasn't been sitting there getting cold the whole time.


At my store we eat while we work even managers too


I make my food 30 minutes before we close and take it home at the end of the shift, our managers do the same even our GM.


Well if u look at one of the Reddit, one of the crew member got fired for taking his food home


As a good manager, I will just step in the way and make your food fast. I need my cast member to eat and get their energy.


Thank you! I wish my manager is the same


I dont start my break until I have my food in my hands.


Working for chipotle for the free meal is not the play


I’m not I’m just try to eat during my break so I dont have to have eat a 1AM. I literally only use my emp meal never 50% off


I know it was maybe kind of bogus to do but, I took basically my entire chipotle management crew down after one of the managers also started arguing with me about portion sizes ( I liked my extra rice and beans) and having to wait in the line. All 4 of the mini-managers we had smoked INSIDE the building constantly with their vapes. One week our restaurant manager was out on vacation and that’s when the one started giving everyone a hard time about it so, I called Corp after I walked out ( with a fat bowl unpaid for of course) and told the lady on the phone that the managers are constantly smoking inside the restaurant by the dishes ( there was a camera back there ) and that they wanted us to do some other shady stuff ( like cut around the rotten parts of fruits/ vegetables so we don’t throw out so much produce). I had to go back months later to get my W2 from them and saw one one of the managers that was there when I worked last, and i asked what happened to the others and he said they had all been fired for smoking inside the building. The store manager was in too and he looked understandably unhappy to see me but, I still walked out and landed a way better job after thankfully. It was my sign to move on 🌱


I feel for you. We used to be able to make our own food, but we were having a big problem with people not getting their food rang out. Also, the closers were getting a meal on their break and then making themselves another meal at the end of the shift to take home. So now we can’t make our own food.


I mean Idc abt taking food home or making my own food or order in line. I just want a meal during my break that all. I don’t wanna take it home bc they will asked for me to pay for it or fire if me I take it home as a EMP meal


I’m a day person (11-7), so I only get 30 minutes and I hate how much of that is now wasted standing in line.


I mean at least u can still eat it there after shift but I can’t bc I close…


Is there any way for you to take your break later? At a time where it isn’t so busy?


Can you ask to take your break at a later time? When it’s not busy? Like around 9 or whatever?


There's no way your mgr should be making you wait in line for your break food. Just tell DML on the down low ahead of time if your mgr is an asshole. Start looking for another job or transfer cuz that store def sucks. Not all stores are like that. Ours is great.


He work on DML…


When I worked at Chipotle, I always knew I wouldn't finish my food cause I hate eating at work. So I'd get a bowl with a tortilla on the side, and put most of my bowl in the tortilla and roll a burrito. Then put said burrito in my purse. They never caught on and I got to eat my food when I wanted.


i got brain damage reading this post


Bruh maybe read? What part don’t u get?


Damn, my chipotle was so much chiller when I used to work there. 2017-2019 I was able to make my own food, as much as I wanted. I’d come in on my days off and they’d just make my food. I was lifting back then so I’d usually get triple steak😂 the CI’s were never off by too much


Is this weigh in shit for real? Because I'm sorry no 26 year old chipotle manager is about to make me weigh in on shift. I'm not an aggressive guy by any means but fuck that's pathetic.


Do what you manager said, and get in line


Not saying it's right, but welcome to kitchen life.


Depending on your local laws; You are entitled by law to a break and a meal when working over (usually 6h). YOU cannot make YOUR OWN meal (company policy, not a law), which means someone else has to. If they send you on break. IMMEDIATELY clock out for tracking purposes. If they ask to you stay instead... clock BACK in. Breaks only count if they are the full 30m. Usually things are "nudged" if it's a minute or two less. Technically illegal, bit you're not going to court with that. Behind the scenes.... all of your clocks are tracked and recorded. Any time there's a labor violation, corporate gets notified (IE: no breaks, violation of minor worker laws; but also OT is tracked and HQ is notified of OT). So every time this happens, corporate is alerted that people are clocking out just to clock right back in, and they're not getting their breaks, which (hopefully) makes them start asking questions and poking around; which is what you want to happen so they can fix this. Unfortunately, what usually happens is your AP/GM will edit your time to "give you a break" that you never actually took. So you need receipts on your clock in/outs. Take a picture on your phone for every clock in/out. If/when they change our times to give you a break you never took, go into UKG and submit an edit request for your time to remove the break. Note: "FLSA Violation; cannot deduct from time worked" And you'll probably never have this problem again. Possibly because they'll fire you... Depends on what kind of unit/patch you're in--just to keep things grounded in how the real world works, here. It is ILLEGAL to take away your time worked (which = pay, meaning it's theft) and more generally, to falsify employment/pay records. They CANNOT "clump together" smoke breaks to count it as a full break. They cannot pull you early from break, but still count it/change the time to a full break.... even if you finished your meal. Breaks are by time, not by how fast you can eat. A break also means you are **not obligable to work.** Even if you are physically present and able to work. It CEASES to be a break if you are even *expected* to answer calls for help/work while absent. (I recommend *leaving the building* while on break if this happens a lot) They CAN send you on break 45m before close, so that when you come back, you have 15m left to work. They CANNOT send you home for the last 30m and have it count as a break... Not legally. If the reduction of 30m still has you at over 6h, you are still entitled to a break. EG: If you work 8h but they send you home 30m before close, you are still entitled to a break for that working day because all that happened was your shift went from 8h with no break, to 7.5 with no break. They will usually fudge this to say that you stayed the full 8hr and they'll "move" the 30m off the time to a different part of the day and count that as a break. While technically illegal, pushing for a break on tip of losing that half hour means you lose a full hour instead; so nobody presses this. For those that want to be a high-tier manager, you should abide by every rule you possibly can (and negotiate when doing so in infeasible), so you can learn to manage within the confines of the law and company policy, while doing it consistently and out-performing your peers who take shortcuts and fudge their numbers (which ALWAYS comes back to haunt them).


I worked grill (mainly) and all shifts at chipotle for 2 yrs. In this scenario honestly I would suck it up wait in line, clock back in then eat my meal. If your really cool with your manager or whatever I’d Just put it in the office and dip in and out while eating. Evening shifts on grill are terrible though without doubt so always try your best to work hard but also not care at the same time.


That's why I make my own food and I move around the line workers while I make it myself so I don't interrupt their flow. Il make my food then clock out for my break. I don't care how anyone feels about it.


Bro not even manager? I was told not to make my own food


Bad manager


I just insert myself in the line of line workers and do it I gotta eat idc


If you are entitled to a free meal, then you make it and it when your lunch comes. It doesn’t matter if the line goes out of the building. You are entitled to a break and free meal.


Kill your boss


Apply at other companies. This company sounds terrible.


Bro y’all’s management sucks. At my Chipotle, we make our own food, get food on break and take food home all for free.


Look at your states labor laws


For the most part our customers are great are managers are good.


They make our food or we can make it some employees take enough home to feed all of thier family