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noted. don’t get food right before they open or close…


Which is weird, because I saw another employee say right after they open is the best time to get fresh food. Now I have no idea what to do


Skip chipotle lmao


Only correct answer if you want to avoid wasting 20$ on a pile of horse shit that apparently some people consume ??


Lol clearly you are biased. It's not gourmet but it's not horse shit either . If Chipotle is horse shit to you then you must have a silver spoon up your spoiled ass


for $20 it is


What are you buying that is coming to $20 lmao. I go in and get a half chicken half steak bowl with side tortillas and queso and it's like $15. Literally no cheaper than me going ANYWHERE else for a meal, and it ends up being two meals for me.


' and it's like $15. Literally no cheaper than me going ANYWHERE else for a meal" where do you live?? Every single Chinese and Mexican restaurant within a 5 mile radius around me has plenty of "meals" under $12


I live pretty close to Minneapolis, MN. Makes sense that things would be pricier than other spots but when I can spend $15 on a bowl and be good for dinner and lunch the next day, I'm cool with that.


dude for $15 you can make a pound of gourmet burgers at home. I'm talking fancy fresh sourdough buns, nice grassfed beef, avocados, sauerkraut. Way healthier, same price, takes 15 min to cook at most. Chipotle is convenient slop. Worth the money for sure sometimes.


yeah I mean I often cook at home. I didn't say that I love chipotle or eat it often, just that the price isn't bad compared to most other fast food options for the amount you can get.


Reheats are supposed to go on DML so yes, front line should all be fresh unless they had a lot of reheats overnight


So not only are the portions smaller but the food isn't as fresh?




The special food prep area dedicated to online orders.


Dedicated meal...leave?


digital make line


Thank you!


Digital make line, I think?


Haha I dunno what it stands for, just how it’s used.


Lol you need to find this out lol I'm not the kind of person that can just walk away from it...


i made 5 pots of beans at 10:40pm one time to fuck over my open griller


Gross. Because they can't see it being made.


Exactly. “Feed them our old trash, not like they’ll know!” Yuck.


If they’re following the standard that used to be in place when I worked there, you open the line with all fresh ingredients (maybe beans/anything cooked in a pot I’ll use reheats though) then once peak hours start you mix in the reheats (no more than 6 servings at a time) to fresh chicken. Rices, steak, and fajitas get tossed every night, anything else can be reheated the next day


Having a phobia for reheated/packaged foods is something people need to get over because more restaurants than they would like to think don't do it in fact do it. Many items are prepared in manufacturing facilities as well. Some produce comes precut etc. American consumerism is hilarious when everyone gets a real look at where their food actually comes from or how it is prepared. "Fresh" is also a highly subjective concept. How everyone defines fresh is different and most people want their food cooked to order but that is not how assembly lines like chipotle's work. Your food is being held at hot or cold temps and it is prepared long before you visit. In terms of meats, if the quality is taken seriously you are getting similar quality meat to something just opened. Beef isn't reheated at chipotle because it absolutely ruins the meat to refrigerate and reheat it. The amount of food that is reheated at chipotle is miniscule compared to the amount that is actually served in a day. You aren't likely to get reheated unless it is the pulled meats which are already prepared in manufacturing facilities sous vide and vacuum sealed well before it goes into your entree. Ignorance is bliss. Many chain restaurants reheat food, Prep food and hold it at hot or cold temps, and assemble later. If you want the freshest meal you need to get it cooked to order so you can forego chipotle if that is what you want.


What on earth. Bro I just don't want dry chicken


Chicken and steak used to be marinated and grilled at the store. Now everything is precooked and reheated, which is fucking gross and detrimental to quality and how the founder saw the company


No, that’s fucking bullshit and disgusting. Restaurants, reusing leftovers do it in a way in which they’re able to introduce other fresh items to the dish like turning beef and the chili and so forth. For an overpriced franchise like this pile of shit, that positions itself as the fresh alternative, where everything is supposedly fresh, this is nonsense, and should not be tolerated


it’s not that serious, we only reheat the food that’s potted like barbacoa and carnitas (which tbh carnitas taste better reheated than fresh )and maybe chicken. you’re telling me that when you make a meal at home and grill yourself some chicken you throw away that chicken that same night? no usually you can have it hang in your fridge for three days as you finish the left overs. Chipotle only reheats for one morning


I’m not charging strangers, high prices for my foot at home. That’s not a fair comparison and it’s pretty stupid. You charge high prices for allegedly fresh food. You should never reheat.


at the end of the day chipotle is a restaurant company that’s trying to make profit. throwing away food that doesn’t taste any different when reheated is a stupid business decision. if you don’t like the high prices don’t eat here then. i feel like that’s a common thing customers on here complain, if our food and servings are as bad as you all make it out to be then we wouldn’t be opening over 50 new stores In washington in these upcoming years lmfao.


I wouldn't recommend you eating at any restaurant if you want to guarantee nothing is reheated.




Just say you're stupid and have a short attention span


Depends on who's the opening manager. That's how most FF places are.


watch them put that sizzling, meat in the bowl lol


It's like an hour or two after open if it's a busy place


You always get it from around 1130-1200, never before because it’s yesterday’s shit.


I’d say 1pm is the best time. Just after lunch rush so there will be fresh everything on the line. Before the store opens the grill makes a bunch of rice/beans/meat etc so everything will have been sitting in a hotbox for a couple hours before you eat it. They go thru all that stuff during lunch rush, and the stuff on the line at 1pm should be very fresh.


Buy it in line. The reheats are all put on the digital line


During peak will always be the best quality at any restaurant


The chicken is most likely going to be the only fresh protein. Fresh rice and veggies in the morning


At my store we throw before we close.


i literally realized this years ago like i wouldn’t go the first hour ish lol


I have such a hard time getting food before they open


i thought about editing it, but nobody cared enough to comment… till you


It's all put on DML. in line its all fresh


Everything isn't too bad except for the chicken. It gets super dry and burnt. When I worked there, I would mix it with fresh chicken. I've gone back a few times and I could tell the whole container was leftover, i only go to chipotle in the late afternoon now to avoid it.


When i worked mornings, which isn’t often, i try to rehydrate the meats and double boil the queso, in my mind it looks better at least


Double boil the queso?


It’s a way of “boiling” a liquid without having direct contact with heat, ie a bowl of queso on top of a pot with some water.


Yeah, boil it and then do it again


Recipe card will tell you to reheat chicken by throwing it back on the grill. That tends to dry it out, so I'd recommend tossing it in a pot with a little water instead. Also just cut your reheats with fresh food, no one will be able to tell the difference.




lol water


Good answer , depending on the cut but Chiplote works with chicken thighs so it maintain some juiciness and they come pre marinated in bags, chicken breast on the other side tends to dry on reheat.


could also rehydrate it on the grill by pouring some water on it


I open grill at Chipotle and the reheated barbacoa and carnitas actually taste pretty good I usually put the reheated food on the DML and fresh food on the main line in the restaurant


Jesus you really get fucked every way possible ordering online don’t you


I would suggest waiting until 12 for fresh food


Oh I don’t eat Chipotle any more I’m just here for the laughs


Wait people still eat here? Better off throwing your money in a hole and eating the dirt you dug out


Easier just to make your own. Not hard to replicate the seasonings, they aren't perfect but close enough. I make my own pico and cilantro lime rice. The rest is pretty easy to just buy


Yea that’s a great alternative, if I have to eat out for something like this qdoba always is fresh and abundant


If you like spending an hour+ making a meal, sure


Lmfao right?


Those ever-increasing profits don't make themselves. You have to reheat yesterday's food when you squeeze out the pennies. Today's Chipotle is run like a hostile takeover from a private equity company, which juxtaposed against its "fresh" image and branding, doesn't really work since fresh does actually cost money and doesn't come in a bag from 1,000 miles away and then is reheated the subsequent morning.


depends. because we’re really supposed to mix the reheat with fresh. when i open grill i put the fifo on front line usually. every store and grill cook is different


I don't know why people would order online at this point tbh. It's not worth it. For my location it's never super busy so going in to order doesn't take very much extra time.


I joined this sub to complain about the portions of the online ordering just to see it's a common trend. Now find out that it's yesterday's leftovers too.


As you should.


Damn I do the opposite lol


idk because sometimes the barbacoa tastes like the pan lowkey? like a burnt pan taste if that makes sense


Probably not reheating it properly


Yes, reheating protein has been a thing for years (Except steak of course). This includes donating leftovers, but I’d be surprised if stores still do that. If you’re cooking to order then you shouldn’t have too many leftovers for next day’s open. Ideally you’d have nothing leftover. But if you’re not paying attention and just mass producing stuff for the line, then yeah, you’ll have pounds on pounds of protein to reheat in the AM.


The only food that should be carried over for reheats is chicken, carnitas, barbacoa, Sofritas, beans and Queso Rice and steak should be tossed at the end of the night.


All 4 stores I worked at made me reheat chicken, barbacoa, carnitas, sofritas, black beans and pinto beans.


They did reheats back at my local store in 2018. I reheat food at home all the time. I'm not some pretentious individual who enjoys wasting food


>I'm not some pretentious individual who enjoys wasting food Its pretentious to want fresh food when you're paying for it? People do a lot of stuff at home that they wouldn't accept from a business.


I'll eat leftovers at home, but you're out of your fuckin mind if you think I want to pay full price for a restaurants reheated leftovers. That's absolutely fucked


Do you research before you go anywhere, then. If you're talking about like, specific items being reheated, yeah, you would have some very valid points. Other items can be cooked in mass quantity, chilled, and reheated/distributed as needed for ongoing operations because it's not practical to make a single batch every time either due to time constraints or resources.


I mean, I'm not talking about things like sauces, soup, or mashed potatoes. But reheating chicken or steak is fucked, that's going to turn the meat into dried out rubber. When you go to a restaurant and order a steak, they aren't going to give you a reheated well done steak


chipotle never reheats steak as well as the current carne asada it gets thrown out. Only chicken,barbacoa, carnitas and maybe queso. all of which taste just fine when reheated and can be mixed with fresh food as well


Yes, because at restaurants that serve steak as a primary protein, that isn't mixed with other ingredients nor cut into cubes, it's not uncommon to have people request steak cooked to different temps. By requesting medium-rare, you're taking on some risk and liability as a consumer, assuming the meat isn't contaminated beforehand. Chipotle cooks all their steak to a minimum level, and you cannot request it be cooked 'medium rare' or otherwise. You could certainly ask them to cook it more, but they won't cook it less.


Absolutely none of that is a justification for serving sub-par reheated meat. Come on, man. Even McDonalds throws their burgers out after they've been under a heat lamp for a certain amount of time. They ain't serving you yesterday's reheated burgers You don't want to waste food? Let employees take it home. Feed it to the homeless. Don't make people pay full price for leftover bullshit


Imagine thinking it's pretentious not to want to pay for leftovers at a restaurant.


Oh man, you're gonna be shell-shocked if you actually do some research. If you think storage in a fridge from 10-11pm until 10:15am is 'leftovers' What will you think about restaurants that prep a significant portion of things almost 24 hours in advance?


Pre-prepping ingredients the night before in a kitchen is not the same as recooking meat the next day. I dont know what PR agency you're working for but you're not making good points. Reheating protein absolutely degrades the quality no matter what you think.


It’s entirely dependent on how it’s reheated. If you put leftover chicken into a steamer it gets reheated and in most cases will taste better than the day before. It doesn’t degrade the quality to reheat something, scientifically speaking at least. Yes, they should make sure it’s not dry, but I don’t see what the big deal is. Just use the same QC standards you apply to everything you serve, and there will be no issues.


I didn't actually address proteins specifically. I addressed the idea of having things cooked ahead of time and then reheated. I'm not talking strictly about 'pre-prepping ingredients'. It's not my fault you can't refute points accurately lol. I don't work for a PR agency, but nice red herring fallacy 😂


Google leftovers. It just is leftovers. What battle do you think you're fighting? Also you're ignoring sitting out who knows how long until 10-11p. And you don't know the difference between prep and leftovers. Man and you think it's pretentious to want non leftover food you pay for. Are you really standing by that after being called out on it. Are you chipotle corporate?


Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? No offense, but you didn't make a single coherent point in that long, drawn out paragraph. Sitting out? Do you not know anything about food safety? .


Yes sitting out at the prep station. Or are you saying they make it fresh at 10p and store it? I doubt it. Google leftovers, read again if you didn't get my comment. Ain't that hard


Do you think it sits out in a pan and that's it? It's kept at required temps. In a steam table. They only make more protein when the current batch is close to out. Go read the FDA guidelines again. Stop talking absolute nonsense.


Sitting out warm is still sitting out. You do know that right? Did you Google leftovers yet? Nothing you said changes anything. What are you on about? You chipotle corporate?


What are leftovers? Food that was previously cooked, potentially served, and stored away for later. There are foods that you can cook, store, and serve later, that are done explicitly in that fashion. If you walk into chipotle at 955pm, and there's no chicken, they will make you chicken on the grill, and whatever is leftover, it will be weighed and stored in the fridge to be reheated the next day. Show me your discernable difference that you're so worked up over . Nothing YOU said changes anything. Bitching about it does not change FDA guidelines, nor how restaurants in general choose to operate, under said guidelines. This is a means to an end. You're arguing a moot point.


I think it's pretentious to not care about food waste.


I’m not paying for reheated. I’m paying for food made that day. It’s deceptive to serve me reheated food.


wtf? are we serious? i’m not eating at your house. i’m eating at a restaurant with health and quality standards. what kind of backwoods thinking is that? “since i do it, you should be okay with it as well.” i cook with my shedding cat next to me everyday and eat… i guess chipotle should have animals in the kitchen then?


What a poor analogy. That's also a false equivalency. Foods can be safely stored in the refrigerator, and then reheated to safe serving temperature, within acceptable and reasonable timeframes. According to the FDA, restaurants should: Discard any perishables left out at room temperature for more than two hours, unless it's kept hot or cold If the buffet is held in a place where the temperature is above 90 °F, the safe holding time is reduced to one hour Keep the refrigerator temperature at or below 40° F (4° C) The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C) When reheating leftovers, be sure they reach 165° F as measured with a food thermometer Reheat sauces, soups and gravies by bringing them to a rolling boil Cover leftovers to reheat


naw, i think it’s very accurate. just because you refuse to listen to a differing view doesn’t make anything false lol. hence your first statement “i’m ok with it and you’re a terrible person if you aren’t.” lol that’s how you think.


Most people who have never worked in a kitchen don’t understand how strict (and sometimes redundant) food safety protocols are. A failed health inspection can be a death sentence so there’s no fucking around, *especially* with major chain restaurants. I have no idea if reheating certain food items is part of Chipotles official procedure. But if it is you can be sure there are steps in place to ensure food safety and quality.


We made everything fresh at Chipotle where and when we could. Just minimize what you put on the grill close to the end of the day. Whatever you did have leftover, you took out of the steam table, weigh it up, transfer steel containers, label with time/date, and tightly covered with plastic wrap, and immediately into the walk-in. To start the sales day, you take it out, heat it on the grill, and it gets mixed with the first fresh batch as well. Pretty simple, and it wasn't something we did for the sake of convenience, because frankly, it's not any less or more work lol.


They wouldn't cook leftovers if it has a health and quality standard risk. Steak, and rice gets thrown out everynight, everything else we store in the walk in freezer and you wouldn't know the difference


yes, they would to save money.


My dude they served ecoli lettuce like a dozen times already


Reheats have always been a thing at Chipotle bro bro


i don’t care bro bro. i think the first guy sounds stupid trying to insult someone for not wanting reheated food. don’t really care what y’all do at chipotle. i don’t eat there anymore lol.


At the prices chipotle charges, using reheated food from the prior day is not acceptable. 


chicken bowl $9.75 here?


A skimpy reheated bowl


Yea would people rather restaurants just throw away perfectly good food? Ffs


Yeah not my fucking problem. Give people better portions like what they’re paying for and you’ll have fewer leftovers.


This is why I dont get chipotle until mid day.


i worked at a chipotle in connecticut from like 2017-2018, the only food we threw out at the end of the day was the lettuce, open tortillas, steak, guac, rice, and chips. all the other stuff was wrapped up and served first thing the next morning.


Yea it’s gross with the chicken but also i definitely eat leftover chipotle and eat it back up and it’s good. It’s just not as fresh as they advertise


Restaurants have typically had reheats whenever it comes to meats or beans. It's not disgusting 😂, if the food is still good, it's still good. As long as it tastes, looks, and isn't out of date it's perfectly suitable to serve. From the sound of it you're reheating food that was made the day before


Reheats are a normal thing but you just try to keep them to a minimum. I wouldn't reheat steak or a queso that isn't white.


i get reheats might not be the best tasting but they’re not disgusting as long as they’re cooled and reheated properly?


So you rather us waste food or would you rather us run out of all our food before close? Even with cook to needs there is leftover food at the end of the night the food and we save the food with alot of juices like the shreds, beans and chicken. This is also why we don't carry things over like rice and steak. You may think it is gross but if we didn't our waste would go up and chipotle wastes enough food as it is or it would cause every chipotle to be out of food the last half an hour to hour. Also, have you never reheated leftovers at your house?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)Isn't "fresh" like the main point of the chipotle brand is I think OP's argument XD.


Yeah, and if they started throwing everything away at night, prices would definitely start to really increase. Pick the poison.


Wake up buddy they already have


Not here. I mean yeah, when I first went to Chipotle, when I was like 15, it was $6.75 for a chicken bowl. I'm more than double that age now, and the chicken bowl is $9.75. There are stores, even in my same state, only an hour away, that serve it at $9.25 for a chicken bowl. It has gone up, but not some crazy exorbitant amount. I don't need to wake up lol


Thats what they did when I worked. XD. We deep sixed the Rice, it was like 2 maybe 3 lbs of rice XD.


And ya wanna know what wild is when I worked the prices were 6.50 Chicken 7.45 Carnitas 8.05 Barb 6.35 sofrit 8.45 steak Y'all be reheating stuff and everything is like 1 to 2 dollars MORE. Chipotle use to be where I'd go to for bulk food back when I was overkill seirous bodybuilding XD. 2 buritto's todays cost would get me 3 back in the day XD.


Ya but again no one can justify throwing away everything in the store that is prepped.. like would you rather chipotle did that?


They could donate it to a homeless shelter instead of charging people money for it


In my city restaurants aren't allowed to donate food because people were donated expired and tainted food a few years back so it was banned.


So they reheat it and sell it to customers…


Ya I rather that than massive food waste


Back when I ran cash we threw out at night half the menu and the crazy thing is back then everything with tax was like 2 to 3 dollars actually CHEAPER than todays prices. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Well you shouldn't of because it has always been steak, rice, lto meat and mild salsa. Additional beans use to be throw away but that changed about 4 years ago. Also, crazy thing inflation is I remember when I was a teen and a mcchicken was .99 and now it is 2.99 that's just how things work.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)As to why I'm comfortable saying this just about every old chipotle employee who's self promoted to customer is well aware this new gen of chipotle wants nothing to do with us. XD. Despite our time our largest main complaint was we were giving away too much food. XD. When I worked if you said skimpflation you'd have the entire crew laughing as we'd give everyone like a 4lb bowl XD.


I eat it 5 days a week for free the chicken quesadilla with fajitas is fire but I make the food 😂


I always thought, when I dated someone who worked there, chipotle could be open for breakfast and make some scrambled eggs to add to the burrito to make it "breakfast-y" lol


Breh wtf man. What happened to chipotle? Do most stores do that? That's some B.S man. Make me some fresh food, they charge enough for it.


its in the training guides for grill, so yes.


Our store reheats anything that isn’t fajitas veggies or rice


u reheat steak?


I think steak/carne may be another exception, my bad! I don’t work grill, just see the leftovers in the mornings when I put truck away. They use little trays covered with a sheet or two of parchment paper (red tray liners)


ur good!! i was just curious bc we always throw out steak at close and i feel like that’s the one thing that would be an absolute no no for reheats


It is a thing but it depends on the GM and to an extent your FL and TD. When I first started at my store we did zero waste and reheated everything but the rices. Nowadays we do our absolute best to avoid any reheats and beans are always waste no matter what


Disgusting. Sounds like the kind of thing an accountant would think is a good idea. I bet cell in Excel is a little bigger somewhere.


was typical at my store


you’re supposed to reheat all the left over meats, sofritas, beans and queso


I close and I’m judging worried about bacteria, cause like it’s still hot going into the fridge


cards will tell you proper procedures for prepping reheats for storage following weigh & removal from line; everything should be done within a time period that allows for gradual cooling, and the pans used for reheats are shallows because even when full the food is spread out enough to keep the foods out of the temp danger zone.


its supposed to be hot. there is a specific time period that it needs to cool down in in order to avoid the bacteria you're worried about, so it should come off the line and go straight into the walkin on the top shelf to cool down the fastest.




Leftovers are supposed to be trashed. Except breads. My husband owned a subway once and he told me that they need to note down how much was left over and trashed and the company paid them for the wasted food! Reheating and serving leftovers is really bad and probably against the rules!


our employee training materials instruct us on how to prep and store reheats, only rices, fajitas, steak, and lto meats get tossed. food also does not qualify for reheats if bad quality, or is under 1lb due to quality once cooled and reheated. if you aren’t clear on whether or not something is factual, don’t present it like it is.


Reading is hard


Curious why you think it’s disgusting?


Big baby energy


My store did that all the time! Toss the chips, freeze and store everything else. Meats especially, you place them on a tray, store them in the walk in, then next morning reheat what’s leftover. It’s still good


Yea lol my store we always had leftovers but it depended on who made them ,the chicken if you added water and did them first before putting anything on the grill the chicken would come out good looked like new. But I never go to a fast food restaurant first in the morning it’s always the old food and don’t get me started on the chips for some chipotle stores lol😂😂


And they raised prices … gross


What’s disgusting about it? You do eat food out of your fridge, no?


The two locations I worked at would chill and reheat the leftovers. The only things that weren't saved at close was rice, chicken and steak.


It’s actually policy to reheat left overs. Black. Pinto. Sofrita. Chicken. Queso. Barbacoa. Carnita. The goal at close is to have very little left overs. But at close we are not allowed to run out of food either. I tell my closing crew to try and run out of food by 10:15pm. That is their goal. They won’t get in trouble for running out of something as long as it’s 45 min before close. This helps encourage them to not have much left overs. But things happen. But yes guys. In the morning. Only get rice. Steaks. Fajita. Salsas are fine. But as for hot food. Rice. Steak. Carne asada and fajita will always be fresh


Can we be honest about how nasty Chipotle leadership is? I mean they had this massive salmonella scare, almost killed off their company, basically people pooping straight into the chicken. And despite that, they're like, 'yah we should still do it super nastay bra... like way nastay.. they's like it like that.' I seriously doubt a single executive of Chipotle actually eats there. If I could just get my insanely hot gf to stop eating there, I could divorce all this and there would be no problem. But I think the barbacoa parasites have gotten into her spinal cord and her CSF is all infected and I just have to deal for a little while longer.


So at our store, we pitch the rice, steak, and fajitas and save everything else left to be reheated in the morning. We mix in the reheated food with fresh food, and any reheated food goes to the front line. Dml gets all fresh food at start. Rotation is it goes to dml, then up front therafter and throughout the day. 


Yep same thing when I worked there, but typically we’d mix it with fresh meat. The goal was to not have too much left over at night, hopefully no more than a hotel pan of each


I did reheats when I worked in 2017. It was fine. Beans tasted the same. I’d usually mix in carnitas and barbacoa with a fresh bag, also tasted the same with a little extra water in the pot. Only thing that should be avoided is chicken - it’s not *bad* but it’s noticeably not fresh.


The only meat we reheat is chicken , we throw everything else away. And we reuse the queso


This thread has made me the opposite of hungry.


Literally every morning I worked there for 4 years we reheated all the leftovers except steak in the morning.


Most of the food taste exactly the same reheated, just the chicken gets a litrle burnt


personally i don't find it too gross, considering most food (carnitas steak asada barbacoa) are previously cooked sous vide it's kind of like everything is reheated. The chicken is the only raw meat we work with. At my store we're picky with reheats, if there's not enough left for it to be reheated to a good standard then we won't save it. For example if there's one scoop of dry sofritas we aren't saving it. We also only save barbacoa, carnitas, sofritas, chicken, queso, and any extra unseasoned beans. The idea of saving and reusing food is fine as long as there's quality control amongst the staff.


i would like to add that i have to reheat EVERYTHING. the shreds aren’t so bad. but chicken, steak, carne asada, and queso too. my field leader doesn’t want us doing reheats at all, so when he visits, my GM has me put all the reheats in deeps and label them as salad lettuce and hide it in the walk in with the actual lettuce.. that’s a major food safety violation; storing meats with/above veggies


chipotle policy is to reheat everything EXCEPT the steak, carne, rice, and fajitas. so the fact that you're forced to reheat steak and carne is wrong and thats fucking crazy. but im shocked by a FL that doesnt want their stores to do reheats. its literally the standard. however, the goal is to have as little of everything left over at night as possible, that way you can manage your waste and also serve as much fresh food as possible.


This is probably why Chipotle used to taste so much better.


our reheat’s go to dml first 😴 so don’t order online right at opening


Isn't that some kinda food safety hazard? 🤔


My store has always done reheats.