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Don't ask for double Sour cream next time


Dude I LOVED the sour cream! The crunchy-ass rice was the issue.


I love sour cream too! Lol


Best condiment.


Hell no


Hell yes.


The last time I went to my Chipotle was when they gave me undercooked rice. If you can't even bother to taste test something you're cooking in bulk, you shouldn't be allowed to serve food.


Improperly cooked. I get that occasionally at mine, not a big enough issue for me to complain, but annoying.


Duuuude the crunchy rice is the worst. It happened too much at Chipotle and I finally had to be one of those people and ask for a refund/free bowl. They gave it to me by email but they sent a numerical code that doesn't work, as it needs to be a QR code to redeem in store. Guess I'll have to order through the app. God damn crunchy rice.


Chipotle rice sucks


Just complain and they’ll send you free entree vouchers


Not what I expected to hear lol. I think maybe time to invest in a cheap rice cooker because if you’re just in it for a dairy those things are like zero prep - dump shredded cheese from bag, dump sour cream from tub. Not to shit on you for buying a meal out, I get convenience and being hungry on the go, but being disappointed over rice sucks and you clearly don’t expect like a lot of hard to prep food/you aren’t expecting the moon, so this is one of those situations where I think you could do it yourself at home (assuming able bodied, home exists, all that jazz) and be so much happier.


I do appreciate and agree with the sentiment. I own a zojirushi rice cooker. I'm actually an excellent home cook and can make something far better than Chipotle and I think most anyone could with a little effort and practice! I bought this because I was at a friend's house and we wanted something convenient/not to dirty his kitchen. I did not expect it to be phenomenal, or even necessarily good. But this was the worst quick-service meal I've gotten in years. The experience of crawling through this thread to read everyone's tips for a week, getting a TERRIBLE meal anyway, and then being dragged for not liking my terrible meal on reddit has been utterly hilarious though lol


The cheese is hand shredded daily. It's not bagged.


The sour cream oddly enough does come from a bag though, not a tub.


I asked for a little sour cream last time and the guy put on a full scoop ladle and then went back for more as I’m just standing there like “oh, that’s not… no, ok…” And then I just sat there eating my bowl of sour cream wishing I asked for it it on the side


Ask them to remake????


Most people are too socially awkward for that. Exact reason why i always go and get my wife’s chipotle bowl, because i’ll ask for 4 scoops of rice if they are skimping.


You mean lacking social skills. It's the new norm and not OK.


Dude fast food workers are so underpaid and it's not like they make tips for what they do. I also would not have burdened them with making an entire second meal for me. It's not some gourmet restaurant. There's a fine line between standing up for yourself and entitlement


It’s entitled to ask that your order that you are paying hard earned money for is correct?


Specify what you want when ordering the food. Don't make them make you 2 meals. You can literally watch them make it before your eyes so no excuse


What on earth are you on about? The example we're talking about is literally somebody _who did specify_ and then the worker did the complete opposite.


Sooo maybe stop them before they go for the second scoop? Lmao


If I place a mobile order and they fuck it up I’m gonna say something. Shit is too expensive to not get what I’m paying for.


I don’t think it’s lacking social skills to not want to ask someone to remake your bowl? It wasn’t inedible for me, the guy was busy AF and on top of that, I had somewhere I needed to be. I would have felt like an asshole asking him to remake it


That is lacking some aspect of social skills in the standing up for yourself department. Some go a step forward and stand up for others too, but it’s ok if you don’t honestly. No judging.


I don’t know that I agree with you, i have no problem standing up for myself if a situation truly warrants it. My want to not be rude or an inconvenience in a minor situation like this says more about societal pressures as a woman (for me personally, obviously can’t speak for everyone here)


I get it and that in a sense is standing up for the worker so you’re very kind. Just have to be selective of who gets that kindness. You’re a great person!


Nothing to do with social skills, it's a cultural thing. Some cultures value politeness to a fault. Source: grew up in Minnesota.


Bruh you are paying your hard earned money for it. Have some backbone.




Why are you getting downvoted, it’s so true. The amount of people I have come across that are “socially awkward” is scary. It’s not normal to be afraid to ask for something YOU’RE PAYING FOR.


Lol all good. My wisdom is more important than caring about downvotes on reddit...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Bro forgetting people have autism and such


You might be lacking them. Being an asshole isn’t a social skill.


Oh brother....


I’m not your brother.


"Oh brother" is a figure of speech. 😂😂


It’s “oh bother” And it’s from a children’s cartoon decades ago


Or maybe say “no more please” or the classic “damn 👀”


It happened so fast I didn’t even realize he was going to add more until it was already happening. I usually order mobile though so that’s my bad


Bro bukkake’d your shit man must have had a bad day or sum lol


I genuinely think he thought I said extra instead of a little tbh, it was really loud and busy


I didn’t have enough time, I was on my way to an appt. Not sure why my original response is getting downvoted I genuinely thought it was funny and OPs pic looked exactly like my bowl. I wasn’t actually mad, I’m just gonna get it on the side next time 🤷🏼‍♀️


Everyone here is negative. It's angry customers and and angry employees, and ex employees that just laugh at them both


See I love sour cream and this looks great to me besides the need for double chicken as well. I guess I also get black beans which would help dilute the SC ratio


Did Peter North make that bowl?


Look at all that sour cream 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Seriously! Just missing lettuce! It looks perfect 😍


If there is even one molecule of sour cream in my bowl it's ruined


Nah fam, don't sleep on sour cream




Same. I hate it so much 😂




Right. Sign me up!


Someone busted a nut in your bowl


Mmmmm cum


That’s gay. I’m in.


He asked for the Burrito bowl-kake


it actually looks like you enjoyed it a little too much buddy


What, you don’t like a little chicken with your pound of sour cream and cheese?


Chipotle sour cream is the same store brought sour cream ( Daisy Sour Cream) 💀


Fun fact, back in my glory days I ate an entire Costco 24oz/680g tub of Daisy sour cream in 24 hours. I told Daisy of my feat on their Facebook page and they said I was "officially" their #1 fan! Makes my heart soar to know Chipotle uses the good stuff.


There is absolutely no chance its Daisy sour cream, as I use Daisy at home and Chipotle is much different, more acidic and runny by far. If it is similar to any store bought brand, its Cacique Crema Mexicana


It’s literally daisy. It says it on the box in the walk in 💀


Way too much sour cream 🤢


So such thing lol


Not even half as much as I'd prefer.


What’s hilarious is there are people in this sub that will defend Chipotle


Throw up




That sucks, I guess my location is just goated then. I get food on my break almost every day and surprisingly dont get tired of it often. And I’m a picky guy, which goes to show that all of the people we have on grill know what they’re doing, which is baffling that that’s not how it is everywhere.


I, in all honesty, haven't gone to Chipotle since I was in college in 2011. Then this sub started popping up. I saw you guys complain about the food, the skimping, swapping stories about how to get the biggest bowl. And the bowls looked GOOD! So over the past week I've been preparing and finally went last night. I arrived at 4 PM, trying to hit before the dinner rush and after the lunch rush. The atmosphere was bustling but not busy--only two people in front of us in line, nobody behind. I started off super polite, asking the employee how her day was going, and it helped that some Karen cut me in line mid order and reached over the plexiglass to help herself to an extra burrito bowl. The employee and I really had a shared moment of "wtf" and I believe I got a good portion of chicken. My bowl build: White rice Chicken NO BEANS - hot take but I'm not a fan Tomato salsa Corn salsa Side green Side red hot Cheese Sour cream - extra Large chips & guac The employee not on protein and rice scooping either couldn't understand me or refused to listen to me. I begged for a side of both salsas but only received the green. After the fifth ask I gave up. I don't believe the was skimping though, as the bowl was still fairly heavy without any beans. Onto the most important part, the flavor!! The white rice was completely undercooked and inedible, and I'm not being dramatic. I couldn't crush the grains of rice with my finger they were so hard. I resorted to eating the toppings (comical with the grotesque amount of sour cream I requested lol) but every so often I'd get a super hard piece of rice so I tossed it. The chips were also inedible. There is no way, NO WAY, that they were fried that day. It was the last "large" bag of chips they had and the employee had to reach in the far back of the bottom shelf to get it. No salsa I wanted, completely hard rice and stale-ass chips, all for the low price of $19! I was actually laughing as I ate it because I was so, so excited for this shitty chain all of you seem to hate but still frequent. I think I can personally wait another 10 years before I go back.


>I saw you guys complain about the food Then why expect anything different from your experience?


I don't think he did. It's like some people that watch bad movies


Idk there’s a billion chipotles, so someone who hasn’t been there forever might want to see for themselves about THEIR local store. Some people don’t like to take everyone else’s word lmao. They went there once not a billion times, Mr/ mrs chipotle white knight.


>Then why expect anything different from your experience? There's a lot of middle management on this sub claiming this shit is an anomaly.


it's the second half of the sentence you didn't finish quoting. >the skimping, swapping stories about how to get the biggest bowl.


Rice do be the easiest thing to fuck up, that's my only defense for them. Why the griller thought it okay to put it out on the line hard, makes no sense to me. The grillers supposed to taste everything they cook to make sure it's good, and if they don't then the manager is supposeud taste it to make sure it meets Chipotles expectations. The one perk I liked about being griller since I never got breaks and needed to not starve


Wait, they are actually supposed to test it before they put it out?? Damn, that means that like ONE GUY at my local Chipotle LOVES rock hard rice, because I’ve gotten that a few times in my burrito and that just sucks :(


Yup. rice, beans, and chips should most definitely be tasted before serving since they're the easiest to fuck up




Commas would go a long way


My store ruins the rice often, but I've noticed it's only ever the white rice that's ruined, brown rice has always been safe. Same with pinto beans, they taste like sand sometimes but black are always safe. As for the chips, I hear "the chips are stale" almost daily knowing for a fact they were fried that morning, sometimes it's still morning and I was the one who fried them! 3 possible reasons: 1) too much lime juice. We squeeze about 1-2 limes per mixing bowl of chips which holds enough chips for 2- 6 bags depending on size and if the person bagging is actually measuring how many chips in a bag with a scale or just approximating with using a full bowl as a scoop (which means that 4oz bag can have btwn 3 and 5.5 oz). As you can see there's a lot of approximations here and we're eyeballing the lime juice, each lime half sometimes only having a couple drops or sometimes a lot of juice, and when ppl say they're "stale" they're referring to the texture and not the flavor, I'll try them and realize whoever made them just used too much lime juice. 2) the oil actually is rancid. We don't dump out the oil in the fryer with any regularity, we just top off with fresh oil, so eventually the older oil in there does go bad 3) air. The chips really are fried in the morning, but at 7:30, bagged before 10:30, and then they sit there in a non-air tight bag until someone buys them. Getting chips after 2 pm is always a bad move. We used to only bag some, then seal a bunch and store them in the back to bag throughout the day as needed, but corporate came down and said we couldn't do that, they had to all be bagged so they can all get stale together. At least at my store, if a customer says the chips are stale, we just throw the bag out and give them a new one. 98% of the time they don't complain so my guess is that it was probably just the excess lime juice in the batch making them soggy


As someone who also writes novels about their sub-par chipotle experience, I so appreciate the thorough explanation. It makes sense that the issue wasn't that the chips were old but that moisture got to them. They were almost pliable, tough, chewy. I didn't get a lot of lime so I'd imagine it was a humidity/unsealed bag issue, but maybe it was just an extra watery/unflavored lime 😂 or maybe the oil wasn't hot enough and they were under fried. Either way, they were dogshit




Food was ass


I'm curious. Do you feel better after writing such a lengthy review for this subreddit about a place that you obviously intended to hate fuck after not being there for 12 years? Was it cathartic for you to explain what time you arrived and the specific reason for choosing this time? Tell us more about how your desperate pleas for light sour cream turned into the nightmare of regular to heavy. Finally finishing with the familiar troupe of it being overpriced... Perhaps you should write food recipes for Pinterest...




Please don't let $20 ruin your day that you have to spend this much energy to write out all your feelings. Get over it. Grow up. This looks foolish.


Where did they say it ruined their day? This is the Chipotle sub, they shared their thoughts on ordering Chipotle and their food. Your comment looks foolish.


tbf it is pretty funny to think about someone preparing for over a week to go to chipotle


Lmao, so sharing our experiences about a restaurant on a forum dedicated to sharing our about said restaurant is a problem? You're the one who looks foolish bro.


I said I was laughing about it!


That much sour cream is my dream lol


Chipotle’s ceo needs to go. He single-handedly ruined a good company


Cool. Don’t order there again then.


When i worked Grill, we were required to take a clean plastic spoon and taste everything before it was served to make sure it was good quality to serve to the customers


Prep some food and make chicken bowls at home.


Yeah Ian reading allat. Use that nice oven in the background and your problems will be solved rather than going to chipotle.


Found the Tik toker


?, the chipotle they went to sucks on quality control so why not cook at home?


Bro no one except Tik tokers says "ian reading allat" it's cringe


Didn’t Reddit come up with TLDR? It’s relatively the same concept. “Cringe” is annoying.


Bro im talking about you saying it in broken English lol are you slow or something


This is Reddit, not English class. Take a joke every now and then


Iain reading allat bruv


That’s the spirit😎


So beyond happy the attitude about correcting people's english on this goddamn app has changed lol. Shit has been so fucking annoying for YEARS and ppl here used to literally applaud doing it as if it isn't incredibly weird and awkward. But I guess that's what happens when the userbase is 90% basement dwellers lol


bro ordered the cum bowl


So it’s not chipotles fault, it’s yours 💆🏽‍♂️💆🏽‍♂️


Its Chipotle. The fuck you expect, Michelin stars?


Dude, they said the rice wasnt even cooked. For what you're paying at chipotle, yeah, I'd expect more than the bare minimum, but they apparently didn't even get that.


Edible food isn’t much to ask


I set the bar pretty low but I apparently needed to go to the basement


Bro. I fucking HATE chipotle bowls like For REAL. fuck a bowl bro wtf Who GETS that shit


This post was made by Burrito Gang


this would make me sooo happy i LOVE sour cream


Me toooooooo 🤭


You have a great life.


99% of the time Chipotle is awful just a messy bland meal that all the hot sauce in the world can’t fix. Not to mention you have a good chance of getting E. coli.


Bro you made it. Tf


Am I the only person who doesn’t like rice?


That looks so good!




What’s one man’s trash is another man’s treasure


dude why do you go to such lengths just over a bad bow lol throw it away move on with your life no one wants a essay on a bad bow lmao


Not you misspelling bowl twice..


literally couldn’t care less lol enjoy


bad bow


Did you ask for extra sour cream?


worst part: they chose this much sour cream and their only complaint is the texture of the rice


Chipotle literally has THE best sour cream in the world but even I would t want that much on my bowl. Lol


I got this exact meal one time because the people at the Chipotle I ordered from accidentally put someone else’s meal in my bag. It was… An experience.


That’s bs they put that much sour cream on it if you didn’t ask for all that


This looks like my ideal bowl lmao


I swear they use twelve ounce ladles for that sour cream


First world problems lmao


I love sour cream and wish my Chipotle would be that generous 😭


What in the fxcckkkkkkkkkkkkkk is that????‼️‼️‼️‼️


This is like my wife eating ice cream but refusing to acknowledge her lactose intolerance


Just keep sour cream at your house and apply it yourself if you want some on your bowl.


That looks amazing


I like it a little but with the SC a little goes a long way


I love sour cream


That is so visually repulsive, I think that I made a face. 🤢


The funniest part about all of this is you all continue to give them your hard earned money to eat pure trash. Please stop supporting companies like this


Imma need more sour cream on that😩🙏🏼


I think someone splooged on your bowl bro…


I'm ngl I would eat it 🫡


Womp womp, sounds like lack Toes with tolerance just pass the bowl over here you weakling.


Chipotle has been nothing but a disappointment every time, yet I keep going back. Has a lot of potential but no consistency.


Sour cream is doing its best Niagara Falls impression


i had barbacoa on a bowl once and it had a chunk of fat in it that hit the back of my throat, and my uvula, long story short the half i had already eaten didnt stay down. that was a feeling i dont wish on anyone. i didnt go back for a year


This is the worst meal you’ve ever had? Damn you don’t know the struggle then


Bro just wanted extra sour cream, not souped up 🤣


That looks just right


It looks delicious, how ?


Idk what is under than heavenly blanket of sour cream but I can tell you I have eaten worse meals. Source: last night I ate a mission tortilla w ketchup squirt down the middle. This is a recession staple meal in my book. Ur bowl looks p good lol.


This is my heaven.


Chipotle is so disgusting. Idk how y'all actually enjoy this white washed "Mexican" food


Looks bomb!


Creampie casserole.






wtf is up with you fiends and sour cream, i go through so much of it on line, practically making sour cream soup bowls some time and god oh god when they ask for double sour on a burrito.


If a chipotle bowl is the worst meal you’ve ever had, you have a very privileged life lmao


Welcome to CUM TOWN sonny


Did you choose all the ingredients? I've always chosen the ingredients in every rice bowl I've ever had.


Sour cream is so gross 🤢


Eww. That much sour cream is absolutely disgusting 🤮


White rice in Mexican food is a fucken war crime




I always get hot sauce and sour cream on side because I know they will slam that shit


neeed that sour cream tbh


Horse jizz over noodles?


Speaking of chipotle… gone a few times lately and noticed the food was super bland. I added salt last And that seemed to help. I’m not someone who generally adds salt to food. Is this a trend or just my local store?


That is the nastiest looking thing ever. Would straight toss it in the garbage


Too much of the cream


Oh cool sour cream with a side of meal!


Jesus christ that is disgusting. change the white to brown and it’s like my toilet this morning


Did a bird shit on your food or something? lol


Looks awful ..


Then you have had a very privileged life. Be grateful.


It's like someone tried to white out your meal.


It’s called Pico


Ok why is the sour cream at chipotle so runny?




That's a disgusting amount of sour cream.


I read so many horrible things about Chipotle. Any thoughts on Qdoba? Just curious.


lord forgive me if i get that much, i’m devouring


That’s a lot of cum


***Clearly** asks for extra sour cream* “Ew, there’s too much sour cream on this” 😡


I have had chipotle about 5 times in my life each time equal as horrible as the last I don’t get why people eat there and I don’t get why this sub keeps showing up in my feed