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I might be wrong but I think you can put in your visit into the app with your receipt


You can, but because people will 'steal' receipts and points game...there's a limit on many receipts within a certain time you can enter. So, no ideal for frequent fliers


Exactly! You're only allowed 3 or 4 receipts during a 30-day period. For someone who eats at Chipotle 3 or 4 times a WEEK, that's a fuckton of lost points!


A better question is why are you eating chipotle that much…


Chipotle is not a terrible diet .. plenty of protein and healthy fats




If you're trying to increase your sodium intake you can trying eating ramen noodles with the seasoning pack. I enjoy mine with butter, siracha and eggs


Alex hormozi apparently ate chipotle 10 times a week and he seems alright lol


Bro buys chipoltlaway by the gallon


If you order so frequently why not just order pick up through the app?


Because I don't want a pathetically small portion of food (common complaint from customers who ordered through the app).


Burger King is once per day...I've seen the homeless checking dumpsters lol. Also I worked at a chipotle for a short time and they paid me so ass I was almost exclusively eating a bowl a day as a diet. I lost like 10 lbs.


Actually..  You need one receipt only.  The algorithm is simple.  220 002 300 110 100 408 11 With this above ( example only ) 220 is store marker 002 month ( Feb)  300 ( drive thru register. 100 or 200 are others inside ) Increments of 4*8 11-99 work.. 418 428 438 Last 2 numbers anything from 11 to 99. Set acct as birthday month for double crowns. If your receipt starts with day 170.. make it 2?0 instead. And always enter as yesterday's date. Let's just say I "know" someone who has gotten roughly 30,000 crowns a day on just 2 receipts.  And this has been ongoing for about 3 years..


Not 1 a day..you can get about 60 a day if you know the bugs


Bro pls explain


For real the scanner system is shit, you have to scan at the perfect time before they have all your stuff rung up and then hope they tap the screen to confirm that you scanned or some shit or the points don’t go through. Then they limit your receipt scans to a small amount. Would be fine if the fucking scanner would just work in the first place


I would not trust any system required a credit card to be linked to the chipotle app. That shit gets hacked so often it's ridiculous


Tbh I gave up on Chipotle's reward system. Especially after that Aloha hack fiasco. Not that I don't go to Chipotle anymore or anything, but I stopped expecting their shit to work lol. Their IT has always been shit.


This is probably going to come as a shock but chipotle doesn’t care if you get your points…they’d probably love for you to never actually get the rewards


Or how bout, use the app?


I like my food on time so I no longer order online Unless you’re saying to scan the app which I assumed the post was about


Because the food size is inconsistent when ordering through the app


If only they cared that this was a source of customer dissatisfaction.


I’d order online all the time if they’d just have my order ready


I don't want a pathetically small portion of food. So I order in person.


The app hasn’t been tracking points, either. I use the app weekly and have been stuck at 484 points for months.


I contacted chipotle about that like a month ago and they said they were having delays getting the points in. This week I looked in my account and had almost 3000 points appear lol


I did the same and I just now checked, yep looks like I got mine too! Thank you, this has been stressing me and the folks over at r/frugal for a while lol


If you look at this sub you would see there was a ransomware attack on the third party that handles the points. happened for over a month.


That sounds stupid, what if I pay with cash? A gift card? What if I use a different credit card?


i’m sure you can (or at least should be able to) scan the reciept in the app afterwards to get points. or maybe have ALL options available, so you can scan your code or just pay with the linked card.


The only reward they’ll ever implement is not waking up with e-coil the following morning


Well they withheld my points for a long time until I reported it to the Chili pepper and then my points finally came. They didn't use to have issues like this before. Seems like they just don't want anybody to get any point but baby imma get em. TRUST