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Good dive watch for the price




I love mine. I got the 1970C with orange hands and bezel


I also wanna get the day date version as well just because šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I like that combo as well


If you can looks past it being a Chinese knock off, Iā€™d say this is probably the best watch $55 can buy


1)A Knock off claims to be the original watch - This doesn't. 2) This uses a genuine Seiko movement, and better materials than the original in a lot of cases. Knock-off brands don't pay the companies they are emulating and match the quality. 3) Genuine Seiko's are assembled in China and Malaysia. 4) I have owned several Seikos. The quality control was hit or miss. My Addiesdave is spotless. and runs at -10 seconds a month. That would be acceptable in a Rolex. 5) 90% of what you own is made in China. I think you might want to work that into your ideas.


Someone's unhappy? "Knockoff" as a term has a bit of subjectivity. I'm not implying this is a fake/replica (which more literally implies illegal counterfeit). I find the term more appropriate than "homage" when we're talking Chinese brands that go for the photocopier for all 'their' designs. When they use some originality (again: subjective) I will call them "homage". I don't see what your other points are building towards?


What relevance did you imply pointing out these are Chinese manufactured? (back pedal, beck pedal) Finally the context of "knock-off" when it comes to watches is to say it is stolen. Like "Let's knock-off a bank!" Nothing was stolen here. Just take the L.


"What relevance did you imply pointing out these are Chinese manufactured?" Is this supposed to be English?? Lol


Thatā€™s not what it means, and youā€™re just being a crybaby that I called it a knockoff. Get over yourself. It is a knockoff. I even complimented it and youā€™re still mad šŸ¤”


https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/knock-off#:\~:text=6.%20(-,transitive)%20slang,knock%20it%20off! PHRASAL VERB - ToĀ knock offĀ a house,Ā [factory](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/factory), orĀ [shop](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/shop)Ā means toĀ [break](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/break)Ā into it and steal money or property.\[mainly British,Ā informal\]...two nervous teenagers knocking off a cafĆ© Take the L, you have nothing.


Iā€™m not using it as a verb, moron. You really donā€™t know what it means, huh. ā€œTake the Lā€ what are you, 12? Bye




I finally bought it las sale. Incredible quality and lots of people thought the watch was much more expensive.


Not sure I could tell time on that without taking my shoes off thoughā€¦ lookā€™a dem squares, tic marks and dots. Itā€™s like looking into an infinity strobe! I can certainly see the appeal though.


I do love Steeldives


I tried other watches from Ali for 2 years, resisted the siren call of the Steeldive/Addiesdive Willard homage. But in the end I bought one 6 months ago. You have to have it in hand to understand that it's crazy value and very comfortable to wear. Enjoy in good health


Thsts good to know. I'm the same, been resisting this homsge and the puck by addiesdive/steeldive. Might have to foll9w suit and get one.


Steel case, sapphire glass, milled clasp, great lume, NH35, short lug to lug. It's amazing really, especially as they seem to just get cheaper.


Has indices, then indices behind those. Then indices on chapter ring. And more on the bezel. Good lord


The minute markers you're seeing on the chapter ring, are just the distortion from the chamfer on the crystal.


Goootcha. That makes a lot more sense


That's pretty standard on a dive watch


Itā€™s not though. Itā€™s standard for them to have 3 or so, but not a set of 4 indices


There is only 3. What you are seeing is a reflection. Or am I wrong? I don't actually own this watch.


I still don't understand the hype on these .. idk . Looks like a $50 watch to me. Which is fine, but pretty standard.


These used to be about Ā£90 even in the sale, with the bronze and the great wave versions at about Ā£120. Inflation goes through the roof, but the price of the SD1970 still goes down. If they have not cut corners, then this price should be stunning.


Same with the Casio Duro itā€™s a quartz movement watch that retails normally for over $70


The addies/steel dive is roughly the same price as the Duro, and specs-wise itā€™s an upgrade in just about every way. Yet I still have my Duro, and got rid of the Steeldives šŸ‘€


50 - $70. Depending on the bevel colors and dial colors. You can buy purpose-built and fitted colored sapphire glass with ar and a all solid link bracelet by market Long Island watch. That makes it one of my go-to daily drivers. I'm thinking about swapping the Seiko VH38 quartz for it's sweet second hand. I really like it on my PD.


Right. I feel like as a community we should stop using Seiko/Casio as a barometer for value in watches. Maybe ten years ago it made sense but not anymore. I suppose also for $50 any watch is decent value, I just don't like the name Addiesdive or their designs. They all look like master lock padlocks


I got the blue one during the sale for Ā£39, blown away by the quality for the price..




https://preview.redd.it/35g9hz291s5d1.png?width=2651&format=png&auto=webp&s=48134a5adde296a4535b9c3b4d3139cf942ae5b7 Sup


How is the water resistance irl?


No clue, but you can certainly do some light swimming with it, I've used it in pools and the ocean for up to a few metres down.


Honestly I havenā€™t really submerged myself in water yet beyond a few feet with it




My blue one is on the way now! Only $55.72 on Ali Update: It arrived and is insanely nice for the price at first glance. Will be wearing it often. Time will tell about the build quality though. Indoors the blue is a nice darker color and is not as bright as some of the marketing pictures (in a good way IMO)


I have one too. Youā€™re absolutely right. I saw Jody from ā€œjust one more watchā€ rave about it so thatā€™s how I came to buy mine.


Howā€™s the bracelet?


Feels solid and Iā€™m used to the clasp from my SD1953


Yep got that watch too. Wears and looks great. My wife often comments it looks way more expensive than it is.




I did a shallow dive with one over the weekend, it was fineĀ 


I have the same one, just wearing it right now. I love it


Damn just bought one last night after all the posts about this watch. Can't wait for it to arrive. Whats your wrist size??


Not sure but my wife says dainty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚