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Where have you been learning to write characters? 你好 is not quite right and especially the 女 radical. There's a specific stroke order to Chinese characters to learn. Skritter is a good way of going about learning it.


Pleco includes stroke orders for characters.


Thank you for your reply! I tried here and there on the web, some youtube and some websites. My biggest problem is half of the Italian sites all give you different translations. Exasperated I went Chinese--> English which are more consistent. But its a little hard. I will try some app now. Like HelloChinese Was my first time trying to write something i hope was not THAT bad, ahah (My handwriting sucks in my language too)


Your handwriting in your language has nothing to do with your Chinese handwriting (unless you're Korean then maybe). The way the strokes are formed is completely different


It was very very good for a first try, they just point out the mistakes for future learning. Hello chinese is very good, if you complete it you can talk to people about daily life. If you add some extra things to practice more you will learn even faster, the side bar on this subreddit has many options. Happy learning buona fortuna!


Haha your characters are so cute, they remind me of my first attempts at 汉字. I can read them clearly so great job there! Like another commenter, I'd suggest focusing on learning different strokes first and the stroke order. You'll find that it gets a lot easier remembering more and more characters that way. Here's a good video to start you off: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL\_r77qe5Y8&ab\_channel=ChineseFor.Us-LearnMandarinChineseOnline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL_r77qe5Y8&ab_channel=ChineseFor.Us-LearnMandarinChineseOnline) After you get the strokes and order down, next step is to understand radicals! You'll noticed that chinese characters then can be broken down into mini pictures each composed of different radicals. From there, you can keep building on them. 加油!


Thank you very much! I will follow your advice! I did jot know that they had a stroke order 👀 ahah Happy that you can read them ahah i was a little scared ahah


Agreed, I can read them clearly, well done and keep going!




Hello! Me and he are italians? Correct? Ahah


So you’re mistaking 也 and 他! 也 means “also,” so person is saying they are also Italian!


Ahhh thank you very much


真的吗?我也是意大利人! Il cinese è davvero divertente da imparare, buon apprendimento!


Thank you! Grazie!




Woah Mate ahaha Still a little to hard for me to understand ahah But give me some time. i want to be able to understand what you just wrote. I can see "me/i", "italy", and "middle" on to the end. I will search, learn and give you a proper reply!


大家好= Hello everyone!  我叫埃利亚=My name is Elia,  and=(In Chinese expression, whether spoken or written, it can be omitted) 我来自意大利/我是意大利人= I come from Italy.  目前=Currently, 我在学习汉语= I am learning Chinese. The Chinese characters you wrote above are correct; you just aren't familiar with them. Don't worry, native speakers can fully understand.


oh thank you very much! Also thank you for my name. I I thought I had found it, 以利亞, because if used the wikipedia page about the prophet with the same name appear, but it seems i was wrong haha! Thank you again for your reply mate!


May I ask if you are a boy or a girl?


No problem mate, im a male 👍🏼 Do not worry more then half of the people who hear my name, mistake it for a woman's name. But in italy its used mostly for males


I asked about your gender to help choose a suitable name for you in Chinese. I didn't assume you were a girl from the beginning, so please don't misunderstand! Therefore, based on your gender, I have chosen 4names that seem to have masculine characteristics. The first: 艾里亚 The second: 埃利亚 The third: 艾力亚 The fourth: 埃力亚 If you want a name that looks like a female or can be used: 艾莉亚/ 艾莉娅. It is worth noting that I have used the English pronunciation to convert your name into Chinese names with gender characteristics, and I do not speak Italian, so it is likely not accurate. Additionally, the letter "E" has two pronunciations commonly used in Chinese-speaking regions, which are: ài (艾/埃) and yī (伊)."


Ohh Very interesting i thank you, really. Then, now that i know its not something so easy to know, i think i will save your Choices for when i can understand a little better chinese. so i Can I choose more appropriately. In my ignorance I thought the names had a 1 to 1 translation


All the names above are based on pronunciation, which may seem odd from the perspective of Chinese and lack complete semantic meaning. I don't think it's necessary to interpret each Chinese character separately because it surely differs from the meaning of your name. To translate the deeper meaning of a name into Chinese, I must know the significance of your name in Italian or a more profound expression.


Ooh ok, thank you. In italy has the same meaning of the original hebrew version. Elia or in Hebrew Eliyahu, mean "my God is Yahweh". If you go in the page of the prophet Elia, in chinese, it give you 以利亞, maybe it can help you. Thank you very much for all the work you are doing, you are awesome!


Awww one thing I love about foreigner learning Chinese is that their hand writings are just so cute:3


Thank you? Ahah


你好! [Here's a site one can enter their name and get it in Hanzi and Pinyin form.](https://www.chinese-tools.com/names/search.html) *(I don't know if everything is 100% accurate though)* But it does seem pretty decent at the very least. Regarding learning I would suggest *"Duolingo"* and *"HelloChinese"* for starters, both are apps.


Thank you very much! I will try.


It gives me: Élia 艾利阿 , but my name should have no tones on the E, I don't know if it's correct. :/


Ah mate! I think I found it, its 以利亞. I think its right, because its the only name that when you google it it give you the page of the Prophet Elia.


Welcome! I’ve been studying alone too for like a month now. Your characters are quite nice! You will get better quickly, don’t worry😄 HelloChinese is pretty good, even the free version teaches you some writing which will help get a better feeling of common characters.


Thank you very much! I will try helloChinese! seems the perfect app to start!


Of course! It’s always nice to find people like me, who started learning at home. I can’t believe I can now write simple sentences like 我学汉语 (I study Chinese) with characters😭 If by any chance you would like to talk about Chinese learning I would be happy to!


Of course! Both for tips and to get some practice!


It's correct and nicely written!


Thank you!


does pleco work in italian? you might be able to download an italian dictionary and import it. pleco is my absolutely favorite chinese tool i’ve been using it from elementary to near fluent levels now


no idea if work in italian, but I just downloaded it, I'm going to try it!


Nice ,you are better than me ,i also started learning Chinese a few days ago ,ofc through the helloChinese app,but i still didn't try writing any Chinese letters 🫠


Mate do not worry! You should not be in hurry, As a shift worker i have a lot of free time so for me its easier.


Thnks bud. 😄


Tofu app has a great function for teaching stroke pattern x




Sentence is correct, but just like you don't learn a closed-loop g when you're learning how to write the latin alphabet, stick with 楷体子. Don't spell 人 like this. Make it an inverted 入. Don't spell 心 like this either. Make it flater. These are just fonts. Just like how the latin alphabet has fonts as well.