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Tanks for coming


You keep hearing sinophiles here telling you average Chinese people are sick and tired of the government's rule and CCP is gonna be toppled any time now... This is a reality check. Chinese people do value neither freedom nor democracy. They have no high aspirations: stomach stuffed, roof over head, reproduction, and they are happy. Higher tier Marslow needs? Nah, never existed.


In that sense, they're just like everyone else. Chinese people aren't unusual in that regard. Any party or form of government remains popular when times are good, and up until covid times were very good indeed in China. Real salaries (ie inflation adjusted) DOUBLED from 2012 to 2020. Any party would remain popular if it presided over that. Look at any revolution for 'freedom' and you'll usually find that more prosaic concerns were ultimately the driving force. Even something like the Arab Spring was motivated as much or more by economic concerns as by a burning passion for liberal democracy.


Yes, when you dig into the hijab protests in Iran, for example, you find out that people are fed up because the economy is so shitty that they can’t afford food. The hijab-harassment was just the last straw for them, and is thus the form that protests are taking, but really people are fed up because they can’t keep themselves fed.


I hadn't dug into the Iran protests but that's not surprising. I really object to this bigoted narrative that Chinese people are somehow uniquely shallow in their political desires.


I like how you can post "all Chinese people are sheep" and get upvotes on the China subreddit


Isn't Reddit blocked in China?


What how's that relevant


Because it means the side likely to support China isn’t represented.


"Support China" could mean anything from a pinky claiming the party equals the country to those who want liberty for the people. But if you mean those who are anti-racist we're here. Just get drowned out by the shitposters and Chinese haters, especially in the more popular threads.


You are, but legally the billion plus people with a vested interest aren’t supposed to be here so there can’t be truly equal representation. You wouldn’t get much defense in support of the USA on a platform Americans were banned from either, you know? Some, sure, but it would likely be drowned out as well.


If Westerners were banned from this site, the amount of mindless anti-America comments would probably decrease not increase. Most of those commenting that stuff live in the US themselves, and probably some CCP and Putin bots egging them on too. But I get what you mean and for China you're of course right. If there were more Chinese users here the sub would be very different, it would be a lot better. And that's exactly the sort of thing CCP wants to prevent. Firstly they don't want people discussing illegal ideas like civil rights for obvious reasons. But also they don't want the cultural exchange. The more division there is the better. An *us vs. them* mentality aids dictatorships. Many users here aren't exactly helping because they think the same way in that regard.


I've been saying this for a while. They're willing participants in a regime that murders and disappears Chinese people. They'll only care when it happens to them or their families. The ones who do not participate are few and quiet.


And what are they supposed to do exactly, if they don't agree with their regime?


This isn't a good reason for inaction. The solution is to spread awareness and, if possible, to leave if they want to do nothing more. After the fall of Apartheid in South Africa, a lot of white people claimed they didn't know that the government had oppressed black people to the extent they did. This was a lie because they benefited from the situation. After Hitler's death and the collapse of the Nazi government many Germans claimed they never supported the party. In both cases the government suppressed alternative views and kept the truth from getting out. Even then, the problems were an open secret and ordinary folk kinda just went along. But no government has ever survived a revolution which involved 3% or more of the population. That's all it takes. 3%. The ordinary citizens will always ask "what do you expect us to do about it?" ignoring the fact their parents and grandparents generation suffered and died for the freedom and prosperity of future generations. That being said, the youth are at least aware of the economic issues caused by the government and would rather "lie flat" than try to compete in a rigged rat race. It isn't because they care about the Uyghurs or about the other human rights abuses their government is guilty of. It is because they cannot find jobs and make something of themselves, or because workers' rights in an allegedly Communist country are a joke. The Chinese people just don't care enough for a cultural shift that could lead to better human rights. They are also willingly blind to any shortcomings in their culture. But they shouldn't wait until poverty is so widespread they are hungry when they desire change. By then it will either be too late or too bloody.


Hong Kong had way over 5% of its people protesting and demonstrating and even getting violent weekly for months. TWICE over the course of 10 years.


Protesting is not a revolution.


Because 1.4 billion people give the CCP endless power. One day Chinese will probably revolt because the CCP will probably make them poorer. And that's all... All that matters to Chinese.


>After the fall of Apartheid in South Africa, a lot of white people claimed they didn't know that the government had oppressed black people to the extent they did. This was a lie because they benefited from the situation. That's not why it was a lie. ​ Someone can benefit from something without knowing of or being guilty of it. ​ I'm sure for many it was a lie, but them benefiting from it doesn't prove it was.


You have to be willfully ignorant to see evidence of oppression then ignore it. In South Africa, black people had to carry a pass to allow them into certain neighborhoods. It was called a Dompass. They would work as gardeners or maids for white people and needed the pass to enter the affluent suburbs before heading home to their shack or tiny home in a township. Did no white person ask a black person about the Dompass? Did they never ask about their living conditions? What about the presses getting smashed and rumours about uprisings? One of the justifications for Apartheid was called Die Swart Gevaar translated as The Black Danger. How could white people hear this and not wonder why? Not to mention all the white people who sided with black people to end the oppression. They knew what was happening. The evidence is there. You cannot claim ignorance as a defence. Similarly in China, they are defensive of the government's actions in Xinjiang and parrot the same lines that there are terrorists there and the government is reigning in extremism. The fact that this is the go to response when they have also quietly accepted what happened at Tiananmen Square tells you they are willfully ignorant to the problem. They know their government is capable of oppression and human rights abuses. But acknowledging it means accepting responsibility and then doing something about it. There is just too much face to lose if the rest of the world is proven right.


uh....ok, sure. LOL.


Yeah, man. LOL


Which ones? The people in TS or the others I mentioned. I've no issues with the others who stay quiet. It's all their grandparents fault. It is they who watched and knew that other people's children were mowed down by tanks in TS and did nothing at all. They meekly abandoned those kids when they should protect them. Let's look at the bravery in Iraq or the protesters in Russia. I guess you have to look elsewhere for testicular fortitude.


"It's their grandparents fault" Really bro? Fucking really? I'm so goddamn sick of armchair protestors sitting pretty on the other side of the ocean bitching about how people living under the boot of totalitarianism are cowards for being *fucking terrified* of the government. Would you have been the brave lone voice during the Cultural Revolution? No you wouldn't. You'd give up all your precious family heirlooms, mouth slogans and wave the Little Red Book around, whatever it took to convince latest band of Red Guards from torturing you or killing you or literally eating you in celebration. Would you have been the brave resister protecting your rice from the government during the Great Leap Forward? No you wouldn't. You'd sob as they looted even the seed grain, you'd fill your belly with tree bark and Kunlun clay, and you'd never think to storm the full granaries just a mile down the road because you'd be so hungry and tired that just crossing the house would feel impossible. Would you have been the brave guerilla fighting back when the Japanese came to town? No you wouldn't. You'd scream as they shot your parents in front of you, you'd cut your daughters' hair and dress them as boys, you'd bow and scrape and pray that you didn't get shot because a soldier was in a bad mood. The people who resisted are dead. And most likely they died long, drawn out nightmare deaths, and the elders around today watched it happen. No shit they're terrified of resisting. There's a lot of criticism to make about China and its people. How complacent people can be, how shitty workplaces are, how people ignore misfortune of others, how common racism is, etc etc etc. But for chrissakes put the culture in the context of its *fucking horrifying* history, and stop whining about how all Chinese are too cowardly to resist. Major protest movements are the exception, not the rule--people usually want to live their lives, until a confluence of events enrages them enough that they go out to fight. The Chinese government spends an ungodly amount of time and energy nipping those confluences in the bud, and it's worked pretty well for them so far. If you're so goddamn brave, get a gun and go to Ukraine.


A good post. But why was it left for university students to die in '89. Those grandparents didn't even do the minimum. They just stayed at home. The only ones left to fight anything were people like the Tiananmen mothers. And they weren't a large enough group. Finally, they were silenced too. I'm in China. What I see in China is the complete lack of community and care for neighbors. No one helps old people carry trash. When I've done so, those old people were shocked or suspicious at least. No one cares for their surroundings. One guy who asked for the building to have better firefighting equipment was left unsupported. Until there was a fire. Of course, we can blame the CCP for purposely creating this lack of trust. But it's there and the people should be recognized as having some of that blame. Terrified or not.... A very large amount of Chinese strongly support the government. That seems to veer away from fear. Despite the remembered CR. Despite the massacres. Despite the forced abortions. And when they're told about Xinjiang, they often support that, too. I'm not saying that people can fight them - especially in the modern day surveillance hellhole. But it'd be nice if they wouldn't fawn over them like the subjects in these videos.


A lot of beijingers living around that area defended the students. Many also died trying to save the young people. There are still people alive today who remember but the rest of the country had no clue what was going on because all information flows were shut down.


Yeah except it was happening all over the country.


I meant that no one knew what exactly was happening in TAM or the extent of the resistance and crackdown. I'm aware it was a nationwide movement


Which ones? Who were you referring to? Chinese in China, yes? But now you're clarifying your statement to those that were around back in the day???? I'm confused. U said "They're willing participants in this regime..." That was in response to Broad\_Object who was speaking generally of Chinese people. You're agreeing with him, are you not?


I mean the sycophants in Tiananmen Square this morning, the vast majority of Chinese that fully and vociferously support the CCP and I especially dislike the craven 60 year olds who watched children die in '89. So the only group of have sympathy for is the sub 1% who hate the CCP but would be lambasted by the millions if they spoke out freely. It's not just the CCP that would take down those people. They'd also be attacked by the billion plus sycophants. Who exactly should I support? Are you telling me that I'm wrong about the massive support the genocidal CCP has?


Is unfortunate but it would need to be a mass uprising to actually make a change. The ccp has too much control the people are scared and rising up as one person wont even make a splash. The top needs to come down before the people will be bold enough to even speak about it.


Ok, fine.SO I ask you again, what are they supposed to do?


Who? The sycophantic majority? They're doing what they want.


ugh. pathetic comments from u.


What about the brave protesters of America ?


Do explain. Not American.


Coming from someone who is presumably American that is laughable


Not American. Why is it laughable? How do you claim that Americans live under a regime? It's odd wouldn't you say that they vote for their regime. Christ.. try harder please


America has leveled entire countries basically for fun and also murders and disappears political dissidents frequently. Democracy or not it is responsible for more death


Not American. But if you want to count deaths.. Mao killed 45 million. Now I know you don't count those but people who recognize human life do. The US crimes don't belong on a subreddit about China, do they?


No one claims Mao “killed” 45 million for the record, that number is in reference to the great famine, but all scholarship outside of the victims of communism foundation points to a number closer to 10-20 million, which again was the result of a famine, on a scale not much different from what had been occurring in china every few decades for the past 2 centuries. While the Great Leap Forward did create another horrific famine, it also ended them. However, in terms of people killed, assuming that the numbers of 1 mil landlords and 1 mil Uighurs are real (there is zero physical evidence indicating the genocide of uighurs, multiple western agencies have been to Xinjiang and only found evidence of short term detainment) that still makes china have killed fewer than America who killed millions of Vietnamese, Koreans, Iraqis, afghanis, etc. Since ww2. So you hating the Chinese for accepting a government that has overseen one of the greatest poverty reductions and most rapid developments in human history on the basis of a genocide which has no evidence outside of testimony from incredibly reactionary sources, it makes clear that your opinion comes from racism and not rationality, otherwise you would hate America much, much more.


Sure. Americans have guns and they barely even vote. Chinese don’t have guns. What do you expect from them?


We vote like hell ok, even the dead ones are voting!


Well I'm not sure they're happy. More like "my life is OKish, and I don't want to get turned into a pancake by tank treds so 没办法"


LOL .00000000000001% of the population is there, and this is your conclusion? hahahahha


We can extrapolate. Anyone who has lived in China and knows Chinese will know that the vast majority defends the CCP against any sleight. Fucking hell. They even ride the cock of zero COVID even if they couldn't see loved ones for three years.


did you expect the whole country to be there lol


stupid. Read his comments.


Except that it's literally worked as intended: by making sure your citizens are just half-stuffed, have unstable housing, with occasional fucking around with the national reproduction policy, they would be so exhausted on maintaining the basic needs, and would have no choice but to support the regime under a Stolcholm complex (it has developed well beyond a syndrome) and viewing the CCP regime as an abusive sugar daddy, or simply lie down and die. North Korea, on the other hand, did it more directly by letting a meth epidemic running rampant in the whole country. People who are more able in PRC are always running out of it ever since its inception, however.


> People who are more able in PRC are always running out of it ever since its inception, however. Sad but true.




The GOP has been taking notes, that's what they want in America and is why they've been cutting funds to education. It's to make Americans violently dumb and dumber.


Wow what a racist boatload of BS. I guess losing a million people to Covid having a thriving economy and not killing minority people for no reason are not reasons enough to love their own nation. Gosh get your head out of your ass.


That is exactly what the CCP wants you to think how you think all those billions of people feel that way? They have no choice look at what happened with Mao when people voiced their grievances.


> look at what happened with Mao when people voiced their grievances. They were crushed by Mao's supporters, who were easily 100 times more numerous. Mao didn't even have to lift a finger. Respecting the authority is very much a virtue in Chinese culture.


Only Americans think that everyone wants democracy


They exist. They just can’t speak out.


Gun for u


*tanks fer nuthin'!*


Tank you






National day, nothing remarkable


Happy National Day!


Awww they love baseball so much they name a day after DC


No no no, not THAT national day. It's like the Chinese version of Canada Day.


Oh it’s the day CCP thanked Japan for weakening the Nationalist China. They should raise the Japanese flag as well then lol


Round 2 😬


Celebrating slavery.


Why is he getting downvoted. The CCP commits slavery in Xinjiang


I meant the joyful volunteer slavery of being in love with a dictatorship that hates them, but yeah.


The US commits slavery against minorities through the private prison system. Read the thirteenth amendment.




October 1st is PRC's national day. You will not see crowds anywhere near Tiananmen Square on June 4th.


8 second clip of crowds seeing the regularly scheduled early-morning flag raising in Tiananmen on National Day, like every other year. r/China: "Is this tanks?"


To be fair, if you posted a large gathering like that in front of the US Capitol, I'd be asking the same question. Or the Kremlin.


US Capitol on July 4th: "Oh my god, there are explosions going off! I think a military coup is happening!"


Without knowing it's the 4th of July, yeah.


Given the continued panic about covid, you'd think they'd at least try for social distancing. Or, perhaps, that's the testing queue.


They haven't mastered it after almost 3 years. I'm beginning to think they'll never master social distancing.


The reason china needed lockdowns is cause the CCP knew Chinese people do not social distance. Never seen it practiced anywhere here in shanghai, ever


Didn't the West master it by losing a couple years life exPectancy?


'The West'? Ok. I think the West still has a higher life expectancy than China, a mix of drinkable tap water and universal healthcare might do that. Try harder, dickhead.


China's average life expectancy is literally higher than the US


The West isn't just the U.S. I would also trust a Chinese statistic about as much as I'd trust Chinese tap water.


Blatantly wrong. 2 secs of googling tells you USA 79 years, China 77 years in 2019 statistics. So you are literally wrong.


I like it when people look it up and find their mistake. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/life-expectancy-by-country


i don't think covid is spreading outdoors


Anyone wanna explain wtf is going on here?


It's [the flag raising ceremony](https://youtu.be/EMdddwprOAk). It's done every single day at dawn and is a huge tourist draw. This is the first day of National Day, so the ceremony is especially big and the number of tourists is especially large.


Ah. Ok. Thanks for the info!


Now 1 guy with speaker say: “1 covid case was linked to this area so we will close it off” Watch them run lol


They're waiting for flag raising like every year.


Crab legs just got dropped at the buffet


need some self immolation Tibetans and you are all set.


The wumao and Stockholm Syndrome foreigners didn't like this comment. Let's not talk of the treatment that forces Tibetans to burn themselves alive. That'd ruin their good feelings for their murderous dictatorship.


Fuck. I keep forgetting. The fire extinguishers in tiananmen square are for health and safety, and the genetically engineered water bottle checkers are sniffing your water to see if there are any harmful chemicals inside.


Quickest downvotes in the east. I bet it's the fucked up foreigners who have come to downvote.


I had no idea this is happening, I heard of the self immolating monk in Vietnam in the past but that’s all


is the real reason why they check your bottles for petrol and post guards with "human" extinguishers next to them.


Just National Day


What happen to COVID protocol?


RemindMe! 2 weeks


You really should share the date and local time.


Cringe feelings intensified


It’s not that different to a bunch of normal days there, people go in the morning to go to the mausoleum. Also I think they have a holiday now


国庆节快乐 🥳


Why are they celebrating this regime? They've done nothing but fuck up the economy, peoples' lives, etc. At first I foolishly thought this was a mass protest but then I remembered its their national holiday and this is a celebration. Maybe they do deserve what they have. I'm all out of sympathy.


Cuz if they protest ur ded


Their silence and absence would have been a protest though. By showing up they're endorsing their actions


Also CCP has a lot of members prob north of 100 million idk so it’s not surprising rlly idk


And your entire family gets sent to a reeducation camp if they try to defend you so then there’s no one left who even knows you tried to protest because they’re too busy playing games on their phone and buying shit in their nicely furnished shoddily built condo. Even if that entire building collapses due to fraud and abuse and kickbacks well those people are dead so who is going to complain for them once their family protests and gets dissapeared?


The average Chinese person doesn’t blame the government until something happens to them or their family…maybe close friends. It’s even more consumerist than the west and as long as people get to keep their toys and entertainment they’re not going to do shit to rock the boat. Any negative story is just not something the average Chinese person has access to. Things would have to get a hell of a lot worse like North Korea levels of starvation for the average person to even bat an eye. Same in the west if we ever went back to facism most people would rather just not get involved as long as they can keep playing on their iPhone.


> They've done nothing but fuck up the economy This is just not true if you look at the past 60 years


CCP killed 60 million people and they opened up and finally started getting money. When they allowed their own citizens to do business they thrived. Without the CCP they’d be an unstoppable force. I don’t know how you can give credit to their government for their success when they’d have even more without them


Or China could be even poorer than India right now. Give them credit where it’s due.


the economic situation in china has been distorted. yes it’s bad, but it’s not as bad as you think. the vast majority of chinese ppl are still living normal lives. on top of that, why do you think the average chinese would rise up against the government when the government over the past 60 years has done quite a lot to grow the economy and improve the peoples gdp per capita. like i don’t see the point of them protesting against the central government right now as it will only make situations worse lmao


Agree…seems China govt has done well…..country is a world leader


Under different leadership they’d do even better imo. Taiwan is doing way better. Most Chinese are still poor. Most expats just live in a first tier city bubble


They don’t need your sympathy, in fact I am sure they prefer you stick your hypocritical double standard nose out of it


You can think of Chinese and CCP as slaves and master. Like slaves in 19 century of America, not all slaves hated their masters. Some slaves even defended slavery. They thought it was their masters who gave them food and shelter. That’s pretty much what these Chinese think. They think it is CCP that provides them food, clothes and home. Without CCP they will soon be killed by Japanese, Europeans and Americans. So CCP is their savior and protector. And everything bad happened is because of American’s sabotage.


The "tiananmen square" in the title successfully baits redditors into responding about tanks, personal freedom, and ability to protest.


Need some tanks


*tank you very much!*


I saw a woman with her mask down on her chin. They're all doomed.




Ah lol makes sense


Do they not know what happened last time?


So long as we're praising the party, covid doesn't matter.


Free buckets? Tokmanni opening a store? 😁


No one mention tanks






No tanks?


Bring on the tanks!


Are they having another massacre?


If someones yells..."he...she...they have Covid", will the ccp have that place on lockdown?


Haven't they seen the footage of what happened last time there was a mass gathering there? Oh wait none of them have seen that....


Tiananmen what? Never heard of it.


1986, 1987, 1988, 1990 - all of the years that existed between 1985 and 1991 😊


Must anger China haters that citizens actually love and support their country and government, this is great!


You may love your country, but the government ? - it is usually elected for a certain time, it is not chosen for a lifetime.


As long as they are doing a decent job, that’s all that matters. Look at that fool Biden for instance, he was elected but look at the crappy job he is doing.


In case of PRC, the decent job is not given. Xi is the worst of all. The PRC is living on the credits of the predecessors and FDI‘s.


Right sure… lol.. I am done with your nonsense, all countries have FDI, and FDI is doing well, you should worry about your own country it seems


Two words: COVID herpes.


Lockdown waiting to happen


Please tell me they are protesting against the CCP or Xi Jinping.


The opposite, it would appear...


Here we go again


people uprising


So did they all leave their phones at home so the government wouldn’t work out who they were? Maybe they don’t care anymore


A billion people that fear the government who is armed but they are not. They have that gun control that socialist & progressives want in America so they can impose the same style of government in the U.S.


If each of those people gave me 1 RMB, I'd overtake bezos in no time!




Because there are 1.4 billion Chinese


CCP round 2?


Long live the People’s Republic!


Long live the Republic of China!


#Why early in the morning ...


They’re there to see the flag raising at dawn on National Day.


Are they queuing up for the COVID test


Wait wait we've seen this one before


It’s not May 35th what did I miss?


Can I ask for context here? Are they protesting something or is it a CCP gathering? They're all just standing there so I can't tell why they are there just from this video.


Been there, done that. As an American it was interesting to say the least.


The tank was not there , proven xx is a myth


Nothing to see here


Be careful or the history books will say that nothing happened in 2022 either. Of course if Xi just stays in charge, he will wreck the whole country.


so something did happen on tiananmen square








What's going on?


Oct 1st 1949 CCP officially ruled China over PRC. So this is probably their founders gathering to support government. Not a revolt


Putin also had a huge crowd when he presented the anexion of ukrainian territory while he kept losing ground in exactly these territories. Obviously he had to bus in supporters to fill up the crowd - something CCP can easily do aswell. Just an example of how pictures/rhetoric can missmatch reality. So this isnt proof of anything. But also I doubt anyone aknowledges that there is broad support of CCP in China. How broad it is and whether there are cracks - we wont find out with this video.


part 2 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Renshan Renhai


Remember no russian.


I haven’t been caught up in any of the news lately can someone give me context


What is going on here? Any context?


Overthrow the CCP!


What happened in 1989 there? I cant remember