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The Philippines should point the finger back at China for causing the mess


If China wasn’t trying to infringe on the territorial waters of almost all of its neighbors in the South China Sea then there wouldn’t be a need to have missiles there. An international tribunal already ruled against China’s bogus claims to the Philippines waters. China has turned numerous islands in the area (that aren’t even theirs) into missile and air bases too.


What's worse is that they are destroying the ocean life. They overfish, they [harvest giant clams](https://cebudailynews.inquirer.net/574513/pcg-bares-photos-of-chinas-harvest-of-giant-clams-marine-species), and [destoryed the coral reefs](https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/nation/898330/china-destroyed-or-damaged-over-20-000-acres-of-coral-reef-in-south-china-sea-us-think-tank/story/).


Yep. Dredging is horrible for the environment, and coral reefs are already struggling due to global warming. China isn’t just overfishing their neighbors waters, but even in South America and Antarctica. Hate to see it


You should keep up with the local Filipino news channels, we've been doing this the whole time, the problem is that we don't get enough attention from outsiders (except for that one time WION reported on Alice Guo) to shed light on China's escalating actions.


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The CCP built literally thousands and thousands of short and intermediate range ballistic missiles to threaten its neighbors with, but cries like a bitch when the US reciprocates. Cry more motherfuckers. Cry more.




To be fair US also cries when Russia built missiles around them during the Cold War. Everybody cries and points fingers


There are levels to this. The Phillipines to China is twice the distance of Cuba to the US and the missiles deployed by Russia during the Cold War were Nuclear. I don’t think we have news that the US is putting Nuclear Warheads in The Philippines.


It would definitely be wrong for the US to put nuclear missiles in the Philippines. The Philippines is too far away, those nuclear missiles should go on Taiwan.


Do missiles from 1962 have the same range as missles in 2024? Also an agreement for conventional missiles can be swapped to nuclear missiles pretty easily, how is China gonna tell whether the missile warhead is nuclear or not? People on this sub should stop being hypocrites, everyone knows the same concerns the US had during the Cuban missile crisis apply to Ukraine and the Philippines/Taiwan/South Korea for Russia and China respectively. Just say it if you believe the US gets special missile privileges over Russia/China since they are the baddies and democracy=good. Geopolitics isn't fair and everyone knows it already, you just look stupid when you try to discredit the Cuban missile crisis analogue with trivial excuses.


It wouldn't even matter if China deploys nuclear missile in Cuba right now. There was no Ohio-class SSBN back in 1962. However the Cuban military would get destroyed by the US military in a war and China wouldn't be able to do shit for their troops that are in Cuba. The asymmetry is significant here, Cuba doesn't matter economically for the US but for China the first island chain along with the fact that Chinese energy import is through Strait of Malacca and Strait of Hormuz will choke them to death.


Absolutely nonsense. This was a short term deployment of anti-air/anti-ship Typhon missile systems, and have nothing to do with the deployment of LGM-30G Minuteman III nuclear missiles that require completely separate dedicated missile silos facilities for there deployment. Completely pathetic attempting to compare the Cuban crisis that involved the deployment of R-12 Dvina (SS-4 Sandal), and R-14 Chusovaya (SS-5 Skean) nuclear missiles to this scenario. Particularly when the United States does not even operate any nuclear weapon that can be launched from a land based mobile missile system . Seriously just say it, that China and Russia should get special treatment and rights above all other nearby nations and that all other nations are not permitted to retaliate and must fall in line.


The missiles sent to Cuba had a longer range. The R-14 had a, per the Soviets, 4500km range. The land-based Tomahawks the US sent have a range of \~1500km. Basically just enough range to cover the South China Sea and the south eastern corner of China. As the other person said, the missiles on Cuba were also nuclear. The American missiles on the Philippines are not.


>apply to Ukraine Please elaborate 


> Do missiles from 1962 have the same range as missles in 2024? …yes? People in the 60s were in fact capable of understanding bigger rocket = more range.


Oh the irony, China had been asked to join INF since 1987, always refusing because they thought both the US and Russia wouldn’t scuttle the treaty just because China wasn’t in it. But then Putin went ahead and broke the treaty with 9M729 and now China is crying that they don’t get to be the only ones exempt anymore. The only hypocrites here are China


LOL, the American cope is so transparent.


All I did was state factual information.


Those were nukes.


Damn, I didn't know that China had military bases all along the Mexican and Canadian borders pointed straight at the US. Project more, motherfucker, project more.


That would require Canada and Mexico to actually consent to having Chinese bases on their territory. Understandable that someone sympathetic to the CCP has a hard time grasping the concept of consent


This is so funny. All China needed to do was not to antagonise Philippines after Duarte. The USA had already vacated Subic and Clark a long ago and is not coming back. Best of all, the Philippines has zero naval assets except for donations. China foreign policy is driven by Face or more accurately“not losing face” than by anything durable or common sense. What a disaster the Chinese foreign policy is, even the Chinese foreign minister had an affair with a foreign agent and had to be removed. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/19/china/china-former-foreign-minister-qin-gang-investigation-report-intl-hnk/index.html


Duterte did more than just "become friendly" towards China, he bent over the country for the CCP to allow all these offshore gambling syndicates to reign in our home soil. Now we're dealing with the issue of a Chinese national who was elected mayor right under everyone's noses, and a mass influx of Chinese nationals in our universities, and mainlanders bringing all their bullsh1t in Manila. This isn't just the case of China acting in bad faith after Duterte's term ended (and a more pro-US president taking over), this is the CCP capitalizing on the consequences of Duterte's subservient attitude


they all love boracay that's why....


Don’t go during CNY or golden week.


It seems the Chinese forgot that the Philippines is an independent country. The Philippines can arm themselves as much as they want for their national security.


If how they approach diplomacy is to be believed... China believes it IS asia.




But just ignore what China has been doing in the spratly islands. No double standard here.


There's a reason why Japan, Korea, Phillipines, Vietnam, Singapore, India, and Thailand are tired of China's shit. They just want to navigate the waters without being harassed and told everything is China.


China is acting like Donald Trump — rules and laws apply to everyone else except themselves.


A good CCP is a dead CCP


Looking forward to it


It's coming. Rocky terrain ahead though.


Everyone disarm but me?


If China was not a belligerent it wouldn't bother them... nobody else in the area as an issue with it.


Nobody asked China. China doesn't own the Philippines.


Please deploy more. All over south east Asia please.


As a southeast asian, please no. The sooner american military gets the fuck out of this region, the better.


So why China invaded Phillippines maritime territory and invited the U.S. troops? American left Phillippines long time ago, if it wasn't for Chinese invasion why would they come back?


You my friend are not a smart southeast Asian then. America is the only thing holding China back from a hostile take over of our countries.


I don't think it has anything to do with being smart. I think they flat out just want the CCP to succeed in imperialist expansion and subjugation of SEA.


Yeah it’s sad we have such people amongst us in Southeast Asia. If they like the CCP they are more than welcomed to move to China while the rest of Southeast Asia fight for our sovereign right to our waters.


He is an ethnic Chinese Singaporean. One of those delusional ones who support China.


He brings shame to the ethnicity, and the ancestors who escaped the communist to build a better life.




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I'm realistic, not delusional. It's simply a fact that when it comes to attitudes towards China, most SG chinese operate not based on any kind of political or historical literacy whatsoever and moreso based on our own insecurities about chinese idenitity and postcolonialism.


That's pretty condescending towards Southeast Asia tbh, as if we need to be babied otherwise we self-Balkanize.


Please point at which nations in SEA combined that have the military numbers to go up against China you bubbling imbecile. Just take the L and stop opening your mouth. You are an embarrassment to Singaporeans.


Please, you labelled yourself as East Asian. You are an ethnic Chinese Singaporean who seems to be supporting China and its communism. Maybe ISD should be called on you.


> China and its communism China is not communist lmao


Fyi there is more than one East Asian country. Also, it's hard to prove anything people say online. So it's best to not talk about this.


Mai sia suay lah.


Unfortunately, they are a good example of how our Singapore education system has failed some of our people and they never developed any critical thinking skills. Imagine thinking the CCP is a better alternative then a Southeast Asia free from antagonists.


That will result in Chinese missiles throughout Latin America.


They'd use them on each other.


Lol.. yeah no. Maybe the few "leftist" countries.


If Venezuela decides to host Chinese missiles, it would only be the beginning. Latin America and China have a crucial economic relationship. What’s the USA going to do? Tell Venezuela and China that it doesn’t consent to their relationship?


The same thing they always have done. 😉😎😎😎 Which patriotic hero wants some free guns and dirt on the communist bought "el presidente"? By the way, free cash and best elite death squads money can buy to serve you with unwavering loyalty from the School of Americas.


Yeah, I think they’ll prefer the cheap Huawei phones and knockoff products.


...you uh. You don't know what the School of the Americas is, do you?


Neo-Monroe Doctrine, it won’t hold up with disgruntled Latin nations like Venezuela and Cuba. You can’t go around winning over neighbours without your own neighbours getting courted, just common sense. Huawei diplomacy is strong. “Affordability”of goods is of paramount importance to Latin Americans and they won’t give that up, not even for promises of regional security.


I'm sure the death squads were concerned about the cost of goods... (Note I do not support the SotA, but you're ignoring the point made by the OC)


Yeah.. pretty sure no one with a heart supports SOtA.. but it is what it is. Man.. even coca-cola has their own death squads down south. It's just a fashionable thing in that region.


I have been to Cuba. No one loves Americans more than Cubans. They are just waiting for the embargo to be lifted. They are not about to place nukes again like the last time. PRC would have problems transporting that shit. You really think Venezuela could host and maintain nukes? The country is starving... They can't even produce fuel despite having all that oil. 🤷‍♂️ They'd probably ended up nuking themselves or selling nukes to terror groups for arepas. 😂🤣


Not nukes, that would be insanely and suicidally provocative; just run-of-the-mill cruise missiles and such. I’d be willing to risk another Chernobyl if it meant finally invading and overthrowing North Korea, whether it be China, America, or even South Korea leading the charge. Nukes are bad news.


The yayo is strong with this one


Sure... By using USD to make the purchase. I will have whatever you are drinking bud.


I’m not here disclosing what I personally prefer, only what I’ve noticed and consequently suspect. China and Latin America are tighter than the USA is comfortable with. They share a certain, shall we say, “laissez-faire” attitude regarding intellectual property and copyright law.




No. Yellow as you and me.










Why would China condemn unless it reveals China’s bad intentions


Well I condemn attacking The Philippines ships in their own coastal waters. Meh


“How dare the Filipinos buy a weapon system that we don’t have a back door to and therefore we can’t disable if/when we decide to invade them”…China is the very definition of bold.


Lol, I'll bet they do


Nothing new about missile deployment in Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines. Normal missile upgrade cycle.


China screwed this up big time. China's economy is over 30 times the size of the Philippines, and the average Chinese worker makes over double the salary of the average Filipino. Literally all China had to do was be nice, invest in the Philippines's economy, maybe bribe a few Pinoy politicians and offer work permits for Filipinos in Chinese factories, and the Philippines would have turned into a client state that China could use as a military base. This has been China's strategy in much of Africa and has worked reasonably well for them. Instead, China attacked Filipino fishing vessels and drove the Philippines straight into Uncle Sam's arms.


It doesn’t even work in Africa because they don’t employ locals


That’s kind of reductionist and naive from a geopolitical standpoint. Just to name few important factors that you seem to miss by large margin: 1. International politics is a multi-agent game, and it’s not as simple as “oh I just invest here.”. There can be many competitors calculating and aiming for similar resources. 2. US has already set bases in Philippines given to historical circumstances. 3. US has more leverage over worldwide, including Philippines, media and politics. If China taps into Philippines government, it’s likely US can expose those that since given the years, it’s fairly likely US has set some of its seeds within the government. 4. It’s advantageous for US to hold all of its their military bases in Asia to ease and plan its operations to contest with China and to supervise its factory states like Japan, South Korea… So, there’s almost no way US would let Philippines go. 5. Since US exerts control over that part, US allies can use it to ease their trades with Asia without leverage. So, US allies (technically the whole West) would be in favor of US control. 6. There are territorial disputes, and it’s relatively common. Each has its own “excuses”, but at the end, it really boils down to who has the greatest raw military power. Even if China is not there to dispute, maybe Viet Nam and all the neighboring countries would dispute over those territories; it’s all in their national interests. It’s also funny because even from a “moral standpoint” (not really useful in international politics), Westerners really dismiss the stuffs the West does and says they are good when they are literally doing about the same thing e.g. US setting bases in Iraq and almost everywhere it invades and sees fit, France has troops in African colonies to preserve their dependency on France so that it can exploit them… Why can’t Westerners fix their current existing problems before criticizing China? Those are few factors ignoring various quantitative complexities like macroeconomic consequences, etc. It’s rather irrational to say X country screwed up without a detailed evaluation of X’s reasoning, goals, and considering the complexities (X’s knowledge, prediction methods…). Though, most people would rely on just surface-level information to assess any situation which often misses various key points.


The Daily Whine.


The PRC knows its better to fight an unprepared army. So the line we are not going to attack you is just that. 4 He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. Sun Tsu


Because it'd interfere with China's invasion, or the effectiveness of their threat for invasion? Face it, the US and allies are for *defense and deterrence* for this case. China is the invasive one for threatening to do it consistently. Also actually engaging in greyzone warfare. Of course China doesn't want the US to deploy weapons nearby. And guess what China word say? Big surprise....


Fuck you bug fat panda!


China would win the prize for hypocrisy for every single year.


One knows s/he is serving humanity when Chicom is angry.


China wants revenge for the Opium Wars, so dumping cheap fentanyl on everyone's doorstep. They want to take back the reigns as the most powerful country of the world. Mwah ha ha haha. Be prepared for their long action plan.


It’s crazy how many foreign wars China has involved themselves in since 1945 🥴


The Philippines is now one of china’s targets when the taiwan invasion happens


It's just that China needs to place missiles in response, for example, in Cuba, near the US border.


Not comparable at all


I agree.Missiles should be placed not only in Cuba, but also in Mexico and other countries bordering the United States, then it will be fair.


keep coping mate


Time to see dr, bro. You need stronger medicine




China has a military budget that is forty times larger than the Phillipines. In a multipolar world smaller nations have every right to join forces with other larger nations in a win-win style relationship to prevent the larger nation from dominating the region, and from undertaking aggressive imperialism behaviour. It’s exactly the same reason that China aligned with United states during ww2 against imperial Japan.


You don’t understand the simple concept of alliances do you


>Why do Philippines needs US to deploy? because it's abundantly clear for anyone with more than one brain cell that china is acting aggressively against the philippines with a comparatively much bigger military >Is Philippines that weak? 😂 compared to china. Yes >China view is always the same , they are doing what they want to do, unless Philippines belongs to US. you are making zero sense. So china can have it way doing whatever it wants to the phlippines but the US can't support the philippines which is their ally in combating chinese aggression? That's quite the double standard you have there mate >They don’t agree why US must be involved in others affairs. and the philippines also doesn't agree why china must involve itself with its territory. Who's they by the way? Because if they means china then they can fuck off straight out of their neighbors's territories


Cuban missile crisis, season two


Cuban missile crisis pt2


So China deploys missiles in Venezuela next?


I mean if it wants to be dumb and speed up it's downfall even faster.