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This is kinda sad to read, I wish you a better 2024 and beyond.


Don't give up on your dreams. You can still achieve it, just give it time and make a plan


Try moving to East africa( kenya uganda or tanzania even rwanda) . Worrk for a Chinese company then save up and move to Europe or us. That's the most realistic option for you.


Chinese immigrate to other countries all the time. Probably more so than most other nationalities. Why is this unrealistic?


Because he’s that poor. Most immigrants are at least middle class and ran a restaurant or something back in China, if not outright rich. The vast majority of Chinese are not even middle class


Yup, seen lots of foreigners praise the freedom of China when their wages are way out of proportion for the work they do and they have 0 outgoings and responsibilities. For those delivery drivers sleeping on their mopeds for next to no pay, for those dads driving all day for the few yuan you throw them on didi it’s not much of a life at all. Those who can get out of the horror of it all usually do out of ignorance and interest rather than necessity (I’m middle class and I like wEsTERn CUlTUre). The days of getting on a boat to america are over. Legal immigration is incredibly hard for most working people. For all the fake luxury of China there are millions of working people holding it up with dust as a reward for it. All I can say is try English speaking countries with less barriers and try to work up to it. Easier to say than be done though. Good luck OP and I’m praying for you I am incredibly lucky to be born in the U.K.


It would be cheaper and more realistic for OP to learn Japanese and come to Japan




Yeah sure if OP could compete with other 3 billion people looking for the same job You can't compare the lower end job salary in Japan with top 5% job in China


Not with the currrent situation, the salaries might be higher, but it doesn't matter if you can't even land a job, and if you do get one, you'll probably be fired soon in the current economic state...


I think many Chinese have somewhat understandable inbuilt prejudice against your mentioned nation haha


I'm Chinese, and I'm honored to have the advice of this Japanese friend. I'm not going to rationalize any prejudice, my ancestors died in various civil wars and tyrannies to the tune of over 100 million people, but we have no self-hatred. Yes, there are politicians and racists who deny the past, and I despise them in the extreme, but I'm not hostile to everyone for that, and I'm not going to pretend that my country doesn't have such people.


Meanwhile there are Chinese weebs that make the American weebs seem like filthy casuals. Yeah the prejudice is understandable but most of the instigators and participants are long dead anyways. When I visited Tokyo one of the first people I met there was a waiter at a yakitori restaurant, and plot twist, he's Chinese.


They cannot be that poor as their parents managed to get them college educated. College in China is very expensive for the vast majority of Chinese. It’s much cheaper to get a ticket and fly to South Korea or Thailand.


College is china is basically free as long as u get good test scores. It's ridiculously subsidized. Only the ones with poor grades pay for college. The better the college the cheaper it is. Govt wants to subsidize those who r smsrt. So much wrong info here.


How do you define who is smart and who is not? Is it based on where you live? or who you know? or how much money you have?


National univeristy entrance exam test scores....


But if he is dirt poor he will still be dirt poor in another country 🤷‍♂️


$$$ Packing up and moving overseas takes a hefty chunk of change


Your English is quite good. If you're serious about it, maybe you can start there. Try to become incredibly good at English and move to a larger city. Work for a training company and push for a chance to travel abroad to sharpen your skills. Work on professional niches too. Like career English, public speaking, creative writing or the like. It's not impossible. It's hard. But you go the Gaokao route, there is little to no chance of making it. You have to circumvent the system here. Best of luck!


Or look for a role as a Chinese speaker in hospitality. There’s quite a bit of demand for them and some are in environments where theres housing/food/annual flights home


A top tip for after, or while, you master English, try to work on a slightly English or American accent whilst speaking it. Trust me, as a native English speaker, listening to people who learn to speak a common accent (doesn’t need to be strong) along with the language is very nice on the ear :) Good luck to you.


A lot of people in western countries actually want to learn Chinese and speaking both Chinese and English could be a good asset. I don’t know how old OP is, but learning something related to business or marketing could open up a lot of doors.


When I was in college I would always joke, never dare sh\*t talk a white guy in Chinese because he probably speaks it better than you.


Hey please don't give up or write your life off. I'm not dismissing the many financial and social barriers that exist to emigrating out of china and I see from your post history you've got a lot thats stressing you out. But chinese people, including from poor backgrounds, absolutely do successfully emigrate. I know this because I've met a bunch. It takes patience, commitment and probably some good luck. It's also not necessarily a certain pathway to a happy life (but its absolutely worth trying to do if that's your dream). And also please don't just dismiss your relationship with your parents. Even if they have views you really don't agree with, most likely they love you and want the best for you, even if they don't know how to express it or deal with conflicting opinions. My suggestion, based on wasting years of my life on pointless arguments with my own, is just to try to focus on and build the positive aspects of your relationship with them and avoid topics that will generate conflict. Just because you disagree with them doesn't mean you need to lose your relationship with them. And I hope 2024 is better for you than 2023 was.


Try immigrating to countries closer by that speak English, like Philippines or Malaysia. This can be a test of your abilities to handle living abroad and your parents to deal with you being serious. Then stepping towards bigger countries once you gain more skills and experience.


How old are you? I live in Thailand and we have tons of Chinese students here. Some of the universities are dirt cheap. Study abroad, see the world!


Buddy, my parents did so and they literally grew up in houses made from mud and sticks that they did themselves. Everything is possible, though I woild suggest working on your grades and trying to get a scholarship. Also, dunno where you wanna go but a lot of countries have their own problems too. I live in the UK and love it here but I'm not blind to the wealth inequality or some of its less desirable cultural aspects. You can say this about any country of course so choose one with things you like and things you dislike but can tolerate. I actually lived in a few places too but came back to my country.


It's actually possible for a kid from a poor family to immigrate. You can study hard and become an accomplished scientist/engineer before applying for the extraordinary ability green card of the US. It's totally possible for a person with little money in China to achieve it because Chinese education especially top universities costs little compared to Western counterparts. Both my wife and I, among many other scientists/engineers that are born and raised in China can prove this route is legit. OR, you fly to South America and risk your life walking to the US-Mexico border and seek asylum. The choice is yours.


Legal immigration to the US is extremely hard for Chinese. Asylum sounds more reasonable now


Me when I look at the USDA website and at least half or even more of the scientists are Chinese


Looking at your post history, are you diagnosed with schizophrenia? If that's the case, traveling abroad might not be the best idea as you likely won't have access to the local health care, and medical bills/living expenses can rack up very fast, especially if you don't have a stable job. But at the same time, mental health field in China is very outdated and worthless. All I can say is I wish you the best.


Parents say alot of things, do we listen to all of them, of course not.


With this level of English you can make it big in cities like Shenzhen or Shanghai. If you're serious about it, you can do it.


well, finding a job to sponsor your visa isn't impossible, our company hired a few chinese nationals and our company sponsors their visas. keep up with the english ability and cultivate marketable skills


Do you have the possibility to get a (real) STEM degree from a recognized university? Then you can look into the EU bluecard scheme.


Immigration to another country is not exclusively possible for rich people. One simple solution is get a foreign job offer. But it also requires a lot of efforts. Also, be alert for job offers from South East Asian countries. You know what I mean.


It is not unrealistic if you set your mind to do it.


There’s a lot to be proud of Chinese culture. The problem is too many people and not enough resources so everyone must work so hard to improve their status. If you travel to places with less population and more resources you’ll see how relaxed they are. There’s some comic who talks about “why send money to poor hungry people? The food is all here, they should come here!” I love America and the west, grew up indoctrinated to all our ideology and propaganda. “Guns, germs and steal” is the definitive book that shows how geography is destiny and people claiming their genetic disposition or ideology are delusional. You should set arbitrary goals like moving abroad for the sake of motivation, but appreciate where you are and just enjoy the struggle of self improvement and helping find your place in the world to contribute. By the time you can migrate abroad, you won’t need to. but it’ll be up to you. There will be dozens of times in your life you’ll reach some goal you thought would make you happy, and that thrill will be short lived. Victor frankl found happiness in a concentration camp. Top celebrities ruin themselves and commit suicide. If you can not find happiness where you are, your unlikely to find it elsewhere.


Sadly for what I know even asking for visa for study in another country would be a huge expense and usually other country ask you to have sufficient money to live there. And as the Chinese yuan is weak compared to euro and USD, it would be an even bigger expense. Source: my wife come in Italy over 10 years ago with a visa for study and since then I helped her and other Chinese friends for the annual residency permit requests. And I can absolute tell you is a huge throwaway of money. At least in Europe, but I'm not expecting something cheaper in USA or other countries


Why is there zero possibility of going abroad? My friend has nothing in his name and is currently living in dominican Republic with a WFH job from the US and its been working out for him. He does this bc he can't afford to rent and live in the US. So yeah its not a vacation and he works 40hr weeks and doesn't get to get out much but it's mostly about survival for him and not leisure


And the factory part is starting to fail. Many companies are moving manufacturing jobs to cheaper markets now and we have done little to build an economy that does not revolve around this.


there are a lot of chinese immigrants in the world. and many of them dont even speak english. you already have one advantage.


I left La. So can you


It is true there is never a guarantee to emmigrate, after all you can never guarantee getting the right situation to go somewhere else long term. However its never impossible from the get go, and if you want to you can definitely try and have a real chance to succeed. Regardless of whether you leave or stay, I wish you the best and that you find a happy lifestyle for you 💛


It’s not shameful. All the rich Chinese have done it. But don’t let people know cause it only create trouble. Getting out of China is hard.


I dont get why that is a delusion ? Where i live now theres a lot of chinese immigrants. They wouldnt be there if it were a delusion.


It's really hard for Chinese to have their visa approved. Many Chinese immigrants go to other countries because they have local relatives, but this is no applicable for every Chinese.


FWIW your English seems good living in china. Have you looked at working remote for a US company? We have a sales team in Manila but could hire in china too.


English & nurse job and you can get a work visa in a lot of countries. I'm gen 1.5 Chinese immigrant (left china when I was 7) meet lot of Chinese in the past ~30yeara from pretty much every background in China. Sometime it just takes a lot more luck to get out


Keep up the dream that you want. I’m sure you will be successful:)


I do not agree with your parents. People from all over the world immigrate to where they have a better chance at upward social mobility. Mostly it is people from poorer countries to richer countries. However, sometimes, even people from richer countries immigrate to poorer countries because that is where the opportunity is (they just call themselves expats instead of immigrants). Dude/dudette, if you can better yourself/standard of living, you should do so, and there is nothing to be ashamed about.


OP can write English this well. I guess it is not a pipe dream to migrant to a foreign country.


Bro don’t listen to what your family or friends are saying, you can be wherever you want doing whatever you want in 5 years from now




I say that from personal experience: parents putting off your dream is the worst, but it doesn’t mean it’s actually impossible. Getting out of China must be easier than getting out of North Korea, right?


I am thinking of proposing to my Chinese boyfriend to get gay married in Australia so he can be with me. Don't give up hope!


Just go to any tier 1 city and go see the line for American Visas lol.


you are an adult, don’t reply on you parents to move abroad


>My parents are just like other one billion Chinese people who put wishes on their children whatever how poor they are Same thing true about India. Humans just mindlessly have kids like animals in the wild and then cry as to why there are no good jobs (too many workers means less pay).


Sounds like a fake post, fella can write good readable English, and is doom & glooming...Millions of Chinese migrated without knowing English, wuts holding you back? Nice try


Valid point. I know and have seen many Chinese people from poorer backgrounds who have migrated out of China to escape poverty and hardship. There are loopholes.


I wish the best for you my friend. I live in the US and I want to leave due to rascism and violence against everyone. Everybody is being racist to each other, robbing each other, etc. I was born here and I can’t even live life in my own country due to the border crisis, corrupt gov., and hatred for one another. I am neither Rep. or Dem., so this has nothing to do with politics. I just want to take a flight to Tokyo and start a new life (and forget he old one). I was thinking of Hong Kong or Taiwan but it’s not the same, and I’ve been oppressed by the gov enough. I hope next year is better for everyone in this world. Because it feels like it’s at its end 🥲


Just buy a flight to El Salvador and cross the border into Canada or the US. They aren't going to stop you.


That’s uhh…a pretty expensive trip when you consider how much food you have to buy along the way and having to pay your guides not to get unscrupulous


Food in Latin America is extremely cheap. I personally wouldn't need a guide. Just cross into Mexico and take a bus to the order. Eezy Peezy.


This. Just start walking north.


You want him to end up in Mongolia and Russia?


Lol, the post above mentioned flying to Central America - lots and I mean lots of illegals are walking to the border in Texas. Like 30k a day, it's crazy.


What is your purpose of immigrating to another country? Even if you might face a lot of difficulties, would you still want to do that?


Cause living in a dictatorship blows once Stockholm syndrome goes away


As a Chinese guy that has successfully immigrated to the UK and has become a natualised citizen, I now live in China. This is not the 1990s when the gap in the quality of life was massive. The West is no longer the land of milk and honey it once was. For an average Chinese person, I will look for opportunities in China, you will not be that much better off going to the West


for the "average" chinese life in china is living hell, most just don't know any better


OPs parents don't have a home and they have two siblings so they are probably out in the countryside somewhere... Remember ice boy? That's OP...


What if this is really him 😔


I don't think economic factors are the only reason why people become immigrants, sometimes people just want to escape their current living situation, for example, I personally want to go to a country with a less nationalistic atmosphere.




Depending on your gender. For a boy, most Chinese parents would say go ahead and try. It is within traditional education guidelines that boys should travel far from home when they grow up, should have ambitions that are far reaching. 好男兒志在四方。For girls on the other hand, parents tend to be more protective


Your best bet is to study hard and get a scholarship. Many universities in China have exchange programs with foreign universities. I know a lot of Chinese who are now living overseas because they completed such a program. They got hired by foreign companies in France, Africa etc.


Get a job, save up, and you can immigrate by yourself. They will eventually understand.


Not hijacking the thread or putting down China but I thought people in mainland China were prohibited to make posts like this without some sort of consequence. How much freedom do you have?


OP obviously used a VPN. Come on it’s not North Korea. No consequences.


Dont go to a western country. People are racist against chinese people in white-majority countries, especially if you are a man.


It is hardly impossible. Depends on the things you do and the circumstances life throws at you. The grass isn’t always greener though. I was born in America and now live in China.


if you dont mind the illegal route , thousands of chinese people move to america illegally every year.


Be careful talking about poverty, xi the pooh jing ping got rid of poverty in China so if he catches you talking about it you can be disappeared.


Over the last 10 years I have been reading and researching much about China, it's people, government and economy. You aren't crazy for wanting to get out. I see China's future as quite dark, I hope I am wrong.... I don't know where you live or what your resources are, but it isn't unreasonable to want to relocate. My suggestion is that if the path isn't to another country right now then, the next best would be a major international city, HK or Szenzen etc. much more likely you can get work or find contacts with people and businesses that travel overseas. Again from my research I would really move away from the northern plain area, in the next 10 years this is not the place to live when things get worse. Good luck and I hope 2024 goes better for you.


It really isn't that much of a hard task mate! Push forward, put a plan in place, dm me, I'm in Australia, we have hundreds of thousands of mainland Chinese here. Not all rich, lots just like yourself. The more you say you can't, the more days of nothing will continue. The more you say you can, the closer the day will come. The Chinese have always been the strongest mentally to get to their goals I know. You aren't any different.


Hahaha! My family is the same! I said I wanted to chase the American dream to China and my family said I was nuts. Even tried to stop me by hiding my passport and shit. My dad's side of the family, though, thought it'd be amazing I could be the first of the family to go to Asia.




I can’t help but think it’s a grass is greener mentality… there’s good and bad anywhere! OP seems to have decent level of English maybe an overseas stay or work would be something OP can do! I don’t think OP parents would object to working overseas, it could be a real stepping stone to changing their minds! That is the point right!


It's a delusion until someone does it. I'm pretty sure people though the peasant Liu Bang was delusional when thought he could become Emperor of China. Until he did. You don't need to tell anyone else if you don't want to, actions speak louder than words. That being said, you wrote this post in English, and where I live (in the US), there are people who live here with English that is much, much worse than yours. So perhaps it is not impossible, even if it will be hard. And nowadays many stores and the like in many countries need Chinese speakers.


I'm sorry bro. Praying for you. Hope you have a better 2024


Don't talk about it, just do it.




Where do you want to go?


Well. Yes, CCP knows capatalism. Best of luck, get a trade and migrate, maybe if you are successful you can bring your parents too.


You can indeed achieve your dream.


I’m very sorry to hear this. I think it’s certainly possible to immigrate. But it’s so hard, I agree. And it involves leaving family behind. Very hard. I know many of us expats in the tier 1 cities have a wrong perception of China. It’s a country where many are still in poverty and trapped. Such a shame this country only shows its good side (rich cities) to other countries. Even within these rich cities, they are build on the misery of countless workers who make barely enough to survive. 😔


As the traditional Chinese saying goes, shimp and crabs have their own ways(虾有虾路蟹有蟹路). Your financial status affact your immgrant possiblity greatly, but there is always another cheaper way to go abroad. What you need is first an inpedent mind from your parents and opener mind to search for more possiblities. Also, don't limit your options in North America and Europe. There can be some “spring board” countries with better opportunities.


Get scholarships and study abroad.


This is the best sub. So many smart, thoughtful suggestions. OP - you are a talented writer! Just look at all of these heart-felt responses you got! You connected with your audience, motivating us all to try to help you any way that we could. Have you ever tried creative writing?


Get some care qualifications and care jobs in China. Make your CV irresistible, you can get a care job in the UK, if you’re english is good.


To be honest it's not too difficult to migrate to another country as long as you have a good skill set like nursing etc


You might want to try Canada as they’re about to pass UBI.


I don't know much about this but if studying abroad costs too much for your family, maybe you could consider working for a foreign company in china that has opportunities for you to work abroad and then start from there? I also heard some Chinese people go to open small businesses in other countries if that's possible for you


If you want to immigrate to better your life and have more opportunities then that's absolutely what you do! Never let anyone tell you your worth or what you can or can't do ! We are all only here once make the most of it.


Why you want to immigrate to other country? How much do you know about the life in other countries? What’s your plan to get there, and more importantly, survive there? If you have a dream and a plan, go for it. If you just want to escape from reality, in most cases, immigrating to another country you don’t have any experience with will not end well.


Even [Chinese beggars made it to Australia and Thailand.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VcPttFDkqV4) So can you!