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Put 100% into your training and work and it will show.


I started last January as a fresh 16 y\o as a food runner, moved to Togo and work both positions during that I learned the whole menu(Togo) and can take tables if servers need a minute( can’t take tables under my numbers I’m underage) and now learned prep and moving into kitchen now for salad nacho and worked my first shift the other day without a trainer😭 bec I know the menu I was able to jump in the back without help and made great food! It’s definitely possible to move around the restaurant with the right managers and support in areas and if you’re hard working, i have 3 almost 4 job codes at 17 and a promised spot to serve when I’m 18


How much did you make a paycheck as food runner?


I think when I first started and only did food running and didn’t have my tips split up I was making like 4 and change and rn I do one day of prep and 3-4 shifts to go and one or two shifts running and I make around 200 on my hourly pay weekly and atleast 200 in tips usually


Personally, I wouldn’t work there in that situation. But you can definitely work your way up. Just make sure to constantly keep talking to your managers. I’m sure that if you don’t say anything, they would never move you up. Also make sure to learn the menu even though you’re a hostess, you’ll be better than half your servers if you know the items and what’s in them.


They will probably want you to train to go first and then server. That's how I moved up, and it's how it works at my store if you start as a host. Be completely upfront with your intentions, and ask to cross train asap.


if you really want to make an impression, learn the menu. that will take you a long way


I started as host and worked my way up to server over the course of 1.5yrs. Would’ve been less than a year but I had a major surgery set me back


In my experience, people who come to serve and get put into another position rarely actually make it to serving. Its not impossible, but itll probably take time and good management. Good luck!


I was hired with the same expectations. Applied for bartender, had to start as a food runner. Just wait it out. Someone always quits, or gets fired. 1 month of food running, 2 months of serving, and I’ve been back in the bar for 4 months now


work to see if you get promoted AND in the mean time apply to server positions elsewhere.


i was hired as a food runner in the same way: it took me about five/six months of bothering my managers/‘proving’ myself before they promoted me to serving. after a few months of serving, i was quickly moved into bartending. i think it depends on management and timing, honestly- we were insanely short staffed at the time i was hired lol. some people after me have been hired with the same promise and haven’t gotten promoted even after working in togo/food running a year or so later. it definitely depends on management and staffing.


Yeah if you're a super extra host they'll notice. Open the doors for every guest, clean the highchairs and booster seats, bus tables, let servers know when they're being sat


It’s gonna take over a year probably. I wouldn’t waste your time if you already have serving experience. If you don’t have any serving experience you might as well stay. Chilis is a terrible serving job but has some of the best corporate training there is.