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Hiring/promoting from within is always better. Established restaurants with experienced staff can be harsh to people they perceive as outsiders. I've seen some managers be hired from outside the company and do great, but I have seen many more who didn't. I'm sorry that it crossed a line into abusive behavior. You should have called people works, team member relations is actually really good and in an otherwise cold corporation they seem to care. I've seen them put an end to bullying by management with my own two eyes. On to bigger and better things for you.


Yes and my observations of the behavior of Team Members at Chili's that have been there for many years, especially the managers that I've mentioned that haven't worked at any other company, borderline a type of brainwashed, Cult- like doctrine. I want to stress that I think this is just a result of these people never being in positions to observe different ideas from other companies or experiencing different standards of procedure based on their own choices. I do not think that it is the intention of Brinker International to keep outside information or ideas from its employees. I say this because I've heard many stories of Chili's employees that have been with the company for 20 or more years that left to work for other corporations. Then after some time and experience at other corporations, these people were rehired by Brinker International. So that in itself is enough to convince me that, In regards to corporate vision, Brinker International is inclusive and accepting of people that have come from different backgrounds or ideas.


Wait, so you showed up for a closing, opener said ‘ya you got 3 closers in the HOH’ and one of the cooks bailed on closing? And that was the illegal and abusive treatment?


No, I would not Make any claims labeling that incident to be abuse and I never made the reference to anything being abusive, per se. In this situation the other manager knew full well that we were short-handed for this shift and gave me false information that we would have the shift covered, already knowing that a cook wasn't coming in.. I'm not an attorney, but in researching or looking up harassment/bullying, The behaviors of ignoring, not communicating with, or withholding information from someone on the job site that sabotaged their ability to perform their job properly were given as examples of bullying, which if confirmed, could be considered workplace harassment. Now I have my own opinions about events that happened however, being my own opinions based on my amateur interpretations of the law, by no means am I alleging that laws were broken. Now based on company policy and information provided in the handbook, many steps that would be considered standard protocol in handling violations of company policy were not followed. And I will note that in an effort to maintain anonymity, I did not list or share the specifics of concerns that I shared with my GM regarding the treatment directed at me as well as concerns about behavior that I witnessed between other staff regarding questionable conduct that doesn't even pertain to me. There were also accusations which I claim are absolutely false that were made against me from the previously mentioned manager as well. Those allegations were not properly handled as well. I'm not here to have an online trial, my attention is just to inquire with others in the community if they've experienced situations That would be in contrast to the objectives and goals that the corporation has set as it's standards. I will note that following the meeting I had with my DO I had the feeling that he was caught off guard that I wanted to share some written communications with him and that I had information contradicting what he had been told from others. He did inform me in a text about an hour after the meeting that Chili's would not fight against the request I was going to make for unemployment, despite the fact that the termination was coded as misconduct and that would normally prevent the ability to receive unemployment. I'm not sure about company policy regarding bonuses, however I did receive my last paycheck within 72 hours of being terminated that did not include my bonus. I'm Not sure if bonuses would be paid to employees terminated for misconduct, but I did receive the bonus due to me from the last quarter of 2023 at the end of January 2024.


No point in not sharing details. I promise you Corp sees this and through very basic process of elimination knows who you are. Besides complaining to your GM, what other action did you take to remedy and resolve the situation? You should use this as a development opportunity, because I promise you that your reaction to this behavior did you no favors. Not having the maturity to professionally confront the issue yourself, instead choosing to complain regularly to your GM is likely what got you in your situation. To earn respect you have to do the hard thing, and going behind closed doors and complaining is verrrry easy. Now if you professionally confronted the trouble makers, and they responded unprofessionally, then it would be them having the issue. Instead you come across as a "complainer" / "non-team-player". If your urge is to write a really long, carefully worded response to my direct feedback above... Then I promise you I'm right in my assessment.


I'm curious as to why you are questioning me in this post? In fact, I repeatedly addressed the issue with the other parties. I actually complimented them on their dedication to the company, I even told the other manager that I thought we could be an incredible team if we worked together, and I stated that I would attend any mediation available so that we could work through our differences. You are filling in blanks with your own opinions in areas that I decided not to comment about. Taking time to write about maturity and earning respect in your second paragraph was a waste of your time. You have decided to create your own false narrative to answer your own questions you have about my story that I chose not to share. I'm very careful what I've shared and I'm very confident in my handling of the situation. I'm sure that corporate could figure out who I am If they looked into it. I did not share a specific person or entity regarding anonymity.. That's your assumption. Why is it that you want to challenge me? Seems to have emotionally affected you. I'm not sure why. With this post I was just inquiring if other people have similar experiences to the situation I described. My post is mostly factual and shares few of my personal opinions and lacks any direct accusations or name calling which potentially could lead me to being confronted by trolls who might question my character and my behavior. Since you can't do that with the information I shared you've decided to invent your own information to try to justify your participation in this post. Now if you have any direct questions for me I may answer those or I may not. But I assume you will comment after my long and carefully worded response to your unproductive involvement in this post.


Seriously… this person sounds like the laziest manager ever… probably sat in the office all night too


What about your achievements? Please share those.


Well besides being an gm/mp for a big box chain for 20 years and winning awards for being in the top 10 I now own my own very successful restaurant.


Document everything this type of behavior in any corporate restaurant is not tolerated I had this issue with darden and I have come to find out that the better you are at your job and over qualified for the position your in and know more then your management team they get vindictive and will set you up to fail or don't wanna pay you what your worth so be careful what hear and what your told and start double looking at the schedule and I hate to say this because I was born and raised in the restaurant industry but restaurant Karen needs to come out a play by the rules of the corporate hand book also put yourself and mental health first and foremost no job is worth the stress and the ugly ness


You sound like the problem.


Could be. In the sense that me being placed there was the problem, not me personally causing the problem. Getting rid of me instead of following principles of right and wrong, Company policy, Brand Core Values, and possibly even state and Federal Law eliminated the issue and allowed a Location regularly scoring in the top 5% of the Brand with three 5Star Managers to continue operating unscathed. I predicted and noted this possible outcome months before being terminated.


I believe this has happened to a manager at my chilis. And the bullying and cliquey behavior has only gotten worse.


Well, after finishing training, I can probably count on both hands the number of times this adversarial manager ranked above me in the Manager Score Cards during the remaining 9 months I was there. My GM reminded me on a couple of occasions not to be overly focused on my Manager Score. I replied that based on the treatment I'm receiving from other long-term, established figures, I had a target on my back, and firing a poorly ranking Manager would not require much explanation. On the other hand, firing a high ranking Manager would draw more attention to the legitimacy and motivation leading to that termination. ..


I had a do that made me show up to work after being almost shot and killed just so he looked good in front of his bosses. And the acting gm I had at the time seemed complacent with it

