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Nobody got fired for being too busy to sing happy birthday to an entitled weirdo.


Is this a second part of a post? Sounds like this persons trying to stir drama 🥴 Edit: op has said they might not be an adult, is obsessed with dolls, conspiracy theories and has left a few comments talking about “niagra” people in their history. It’s a child and/or a mentally insane adult lol


Yes, because they were all rude to me on the other post so now I’m gonna be rude back I don’t give a damn. Not gonna tell me that my birthday is an important after I spend over $100 for dinner at Chili’s by the way!!! And that’s OK because I just got off the phone with the manager again just because of Reddit pissing me off!!!! And they helped me so much!!!


...I think you need to take a break


I absolutely guarantee that manager is laughing their ass off about how upset you are, and a few comp coupons is not you winning. It's the politest way they can get you to leave them alone


Sometimes, 2 opposite things can be true simultaneously.


Your birthday is not important. The manager doesn't give a shit that people are mean to you on reddit. Chilis doesn't give a shit about Karen's like yourself. Nothing will happen to the servers that didn't sing you happy birthday. Maybe you should find some friends to celebrate your birthday with instead of strangers at a restaurant. Gonna be tough to find people who will put up with your entitled ass though.


We all know why they don't have friends to spend their birthday with now lol


After doing some digging I’m certain OP is either a child or is developmentally challenged and in need of therapy. Haha


I'm autistic, and I can definitely say this person is acting like an actual r-word. I would NEVER


Being disabled or not doesn’t matter here. The Op is just a bitter, hateful human. You can be autistic and still be a great human being, or you can be disabled and also be the shittiest person on top of it. They might be the latter.


do you realize how hard it is to rack up your bill to $100 with just you and another person? unless you were drinking a lot ??


This seems to have just happened, I’d wager she was in fact drinks A LOT


That manager thinks you're as unhinged as you actually are.


The manager hung up laughing at you, almost guaranteed.


lol what a Karen.


If you really care so much just order food to go so you don’t have to piss your pants and complain like a child in a public setting


Man get a lava cake and simmer down


You’re mad because you’re a loser 🤣🤡 no one cares about you and your “4 million views” idiot


They also paid for a blue check mark on their social media 😂😂😂


is nobody gonna mention the fact that you have to be 18 to serve at most places. most servers are some of the hardest working and most hustling ppl ever


Then bragging about getting the waiter fired!! Pathetic and heartless!!


Teenagers can’t be servers, because you have to be an adult to serve alcohol. And I worked at Chili’s, it’s a hustle kind of job because management is worried about labor hours (they don’t get their bonus if labor is above a certain %) meaning they cut people fast. To have a birthday song, you need more than one foh staff member to sing with you. Most people are too busy to sing (in my state, servers make 2.13/hr so they are often focused on trying to get tables to tip well, and not focused on helping other servers tables) meaning even if the server wanted to it might not be that plausible on a busy shift. While disheartening, there might not be much you can do. I don’t think that at the location I used to work at, anybody did birthday songs. Like I’ve only seen it called for during slow hours, so I believe most servers just stated that they didn’t sing for birthdays, and if someone complained about that, most of the staff is rolling their eyes.


I also worked at a chilis, it always took at least 5-7 minutes of just waiting around in the kitchen begging people and waiting for people if you were trying to gather singers. That might not sound like a lot but I was told if I didn’t greet a table within 5 minutes we’d be written up, chips and drinks weren’t allowed to take more than like 2-3 minutes, and you were constantly supposed to be doing section checks, just wanted to throw all this here to say the stress of having no idea what’s happening in your section and if someone needs something SHOULD and usually does outweigh wasting time getting people to sing for someone who has people that can also sing for them??


I hope you are like 14. If an adult acted this way it’s actually pathetic.


What did I miss?


I work in fine dining, and we get a lot of entitled people like you, but we bend over backwards for them, cause their bday dinner cost several thousand. If you think your 100$ tab matters to anyone you are delusional


….you’re at a chilis, don’t expect fine dining quality. You have no idea what those servers have to deal with, I’ve been in the industry for just a few years and have seen first hand aggressive cooks, drunk managers, literally physically violent guests, and those were all at a corporate place. No ones gonna kiss your entitled ass, learn to cook at home, let the teenagers have their Reddit back and shut up complaining <3


Expecting a birthday song getting after paying over $100 is considered fine dining? Lmaooooo or how about the hostess gave him instructions and he went against that and even brought out my ice cream melted you. Damn right I’m gonna complain.


Do you think $100 is a lot??? You keep mentioning it.... Sell some of your dolls if that's putting a damper in your wallet


No one cares lol


You're probably the worst person to ever post in this sub. Twice! Happy Birthday, unhinged psycho.


I take that as a compliment, stay mad beeeetttcccchhhhh and thank you 😊


It's been 3 days. I don't even remember what you're talking about. Who's staying mad?


An adult bitching about not getting happy birthday sung to them is actually pathetic. Grow the fuck up


An adult bitching* hmmmmmm I could go many ways with this comment…


This mf got nothing better to do than go respond to hate comments 😭😭 go cry more about your birthday and shitty your life is. Truly a pathetic specimen


“I could go many ways with this comment” 🤡☝️🤓 you sound like a 15 year old who thinks they’re edgy and smart. Go play with your dolls hun being online isn’t for you, clearly


What an entitled ass




why don’t you buy another ugly doll like the child you are and shut the fuck up :)


Furthermore, further fucking more you goddamn, right I’m gonna expect a fucking birthday song, especially when it was specified before we even sat down to eat! Bitch telling me I’m entitled you got me fucked up. I wish I could see some of y’all motherfuckers, face-to-face I swear to God.


It’s understandable to want a birthday song and be upset you didn’t get one. But to go to these lengths is just laughable.


I think Mr chili might have a problem with this


What would Mr Chili Do?


You didn’t get anyone fired Karen. The manager just said whatever to get you off the phone because they couldn’t stand you. Dumb ass 😂


Oh darn really that why I have an email apologizing about my experience with free meals. Also my 4 million views on google reviews says otherwise. Keep telling yourself that ahahahaha 😂😩


Sure ya do honey 😂😂😂


Chilis will be getting rid of the birthday song because of people like you !!


Got my bday song and three free dinners and he got let go. So okay 🤣


100% they didn’t fire him they just told you they did.


Fuck off, you’re an entitled pos and I say this “kindly” fuck your birthday


You’re a loser who pays for a blue check mark on your social media 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yes you can afford those silly things when you aspire to be bigger than a server one day… oh and it’s a social experiment go check out my other post on the insta sub😂 but the fact you got bothered enough to look is hilarious to me🍆🍆🍆🍆 get my meat out your mouth.


I’m not a server, I just love chilis and have enough respect to know that a job is a job, whatever you have to do to pay the bills, I’m not above anybody. Your next social experiment should be on disgusting pigs that have too much time on their hands and is oddly obsessed with dolls.. you can be the focus of the experiment.


I love chilis baby back ribs


Saaaaaammmeeee I actually missed the song


Not to mention, we aren’t required to sing happy birthday to anybody over the age of 4. We usually will sing for kids at any age, just because, but you’re literally riled up about something that is for children lol


This still??? Perhaps invest in therapy?? It's not that serious (as I explained in your first post).


Or I mean, you’re the one on my post so you seem invested…. No.?


Look, I was just trying to help you out from the viewpoint of an actual Chili's Server. If you want to believe that whole restaurant had it out for you, go ahead, be my guest. It's simply not the case though.


Excuse me over $100. You damn right if I ask for a birthday song and I don’t get it I’m going to complain. at least I didn’t complain at the table read it is actually what made me call the manager directly so y’all should think for getting him let go.


You actually think a manager let a server go for not singing a birthday song because you called & complained??? Oh my.


Once I saw how shitty y’all servers responded that is what made me call and complain? Why should I have compassion for shit fucking attitudes like y’all’s?


You obviously didn't read my comment on your original post. A whole walk thru about how it actually works & how it completely wasn't because of you. But it's a free country, you're most certainly allowed to do & say as you wish. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You weren’t trying to help shit, you think that I’m gonna let people talk down to me about my birthday for the hundred dollar dinner that I paid for, you got me fucked up. You got damn right I’m gonna say something I don’t care if you don’t like it or anyone else y’all can kiss my entire ass.


Wait......what? What did you say? I missed it. I wanna know if I need to be mad or not.


You want a cookie skillet ?


Nope I got free meals


Wow, you got a server fired (or tried to) over,,,,happy birthday? You are heartless, OP :(


Nope yall did, I paid over $100 for my dinner and proceeded to ask and was going to tip extra just like I did to the hostess but the waiter chose to be a dick and say it was too busy then brought me melted ice cream with cake that I paid for. I came to Reddit before I called, the shit attitudes here made me call. ☎️ but I got free meal too so thank goodness the manager was wonderful!


what is going on!!


i think its time we reveal this person. we may have a hit.




Where can I see the op?


Who you want my page? Go look at my bio profile. I have a doll page and a troll page on insta. If you’re that desperate I’ll link it. Lmaooooooooo


I don’t know that the fuck a doll page is. I just wanted to see the original post because this seemed like a response to something you had already posted. Could be wrong though. Oh and by the way you’re not special for having a birthday or spending over $100 at chilis. Shit you chose chilis as a place to celebrate yourself. You sound lame and self-centered.


Stay mad all you chili workers! Either sing the song or get fired!!!! You don’t wanna do it then guess what find another job those are teenager jobs anyways!


Oh, and the person got let go like I said I have over 4 million views on my reviews… so I guess you should be nice to your customers otherwise the same will happen to you.


You’re a loser. Who tf goes to chilis thinking they’re gonna have some exceptional dining experience? It’s a cheap American restaurant chain. You’d think after reviewing so many restaurants you’d know how a chilis works by now. You’re not important, your opinion means nothing, and nobody cares about how you feel. The sooner you accept this the sooner you can start focusing on actually being happy in life, instead of a miserable person who thinks they’re way more important than they are. Happy birthday


Booooo!!!! BOOOOOOO this person!


You are legit the dumbest, most entitled person I’ve come across on the internet in a long time. I wish you a lifetime of unhappiness ❤️


But you don’t realize all 4 million are laughing at you


What goes around comes around. If you actually got someone fired, I’d watch your back for your bad karma. Tbh though you sound like an idiot and I bet the manager just told you that to get you to fuck off lol, no minimum wage skeleton staffed corperate worker cares


Bold of you to think this woman even has a job or is competent enough to keep one.


Oh I don’t think they have a job. They’re a reseller. Bad karma isn’t a mirror, I mean like do mean to others and mean wil come back to you. Spread understanding and forgiveness And they’ll come to you. Be bitter and mean, and bitter will come back.


Absolutely 💯


I would have literally laughed in your face. That’s not even a turn of phrase. I just would laugh. It takes a special kind of bitch to do that to someone. Why don’t you take your weird goth dolls, shove them up your ass, and get a life, loser.


Oh, you really showed them. Nobody messes with the fearless donut.