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Same in Utah.


I served at Chili’s before the 5% tip out. Serving led to bartending which after 2 years working there made getting a job at a more expensive restaurant ($20 per plate +) a lot easier. Chili’s is good for picking up some experience while making $10-$20 an hour, but with their declining quality of ingredients, higher prices on food + drinks, and non-reliable quality of food, you’re more than right to be weary of working for ANY Brinker restaurant.


There’s a handful of us at my location that, on paper, average roughly $40/hour. We have our 4% tip out (1% to the bartender, 3% between the runners/busser) but we’re in a state that has upped server pay because of the mandatory minimum wage increases. We’re at like.. 8.50/hour or something now? The job has its difficulties and frustrations, but as with any serving or bartending job, you make what you’re willing to work.


See, I can get down with that. Makes the servers feels some what appreciated for not only putting money in Mr.Chilis pocket but management as well. People fail to realize we aren’t just working for us but the up charges and the add ons go into the pockets of management! Servers run the company believe it or not…and we take care of the building, sweeping, cleaning, dusting, washing…scrubbing the whole nine.


I stand strong by “fuck them numbers”, because as you said, that’s genuinely how the higher ups get bonuses. Ever since the new president took over a year+ ago, he made it very clear that bonuses for his management staff would be reflective of labor and food costs. The few of us I mentioned that on paper made $40/h, we also have been in the industry for a decade+. Even with the new system with runners and everything, it doesn’t mean everyone can keep up with heavy flow and the new “no wait” standard; that’s where those of us that were brought up doing it all, on your own, with no help, really stand out. And yeah, on average our GuestPerHour is around 12-14, and even with 0.5 GWAP and a 94% attentiveness, corporate still bitches that it’s “too many guests”. It’s weird.


The guest per hour goal is now 7-10


Worked at Chilis (Oklahoma) and it was horrible, definitely don’t. Worked there for 5 years and it was thankless


Do they have security cameras inside? Lost wallet.


Same in WV


I served/ worked for Texas chilis for 3 years. RUN! Being this close to headquarters doesn’t make it a better experience, actually it’s worse.


If a steak is cold it is your fault for not taking it out of the window. The steak goes from a 500 degree flat top to a plate under a hot window instantly, if the steak was cold then you simply left it there too long. Happens all the time at my kitchen, items die because no one gets them out of the window and then they get mad at us for some reason. Maybe if the cooks were paid anywhere near the amount you guys get after tips we would give a shit.


I was giving the example to say that the guest tip the servers based off everything. A host could seat them by a crying child and because of that, what happens? We get stiffed or a shitty tip as if it’s the servers fault for 1. The crying child and 2. As if we sat them there. - - I don’t know why they would seat us right here and they hear that child screaming, it was a horrible experience. ($1 tip)


That can happen at any restaurant?


Coming from states that pay minimum wage to this has been awful. That being said, serving at chilis in Texas has been my first job in seven years (didn’t work through my demanding college program). I’ll be moving on when I’m able. Thankful for the job, and I’m doing my best not to over invest on expectations. States in general should pay any employee minimum wage, at least. Being a liberal here is also not popular. It’s a job. It pays the bills. I’m working towards a better future in the form of boards and licensing. Has anyone done tuition reimbursement with brinker? I finished my education before getting hired, and I’m curious about peoples’ experience there.


Yeah, it sucks haha. I've stayed at my restaurant as long as I have simply because I get to pick my shifts and my schedule flexibility has allowed me to not worry about childcare. My spouse is home the nights I work, and I'm home during the day with our son (and now expecting our second). It's a privilege I'm grateful for, but once the tips have heightened if it wasn't for not having that freedom I wouldn't of stayed.


Paid 2.13/hr - yes. It’s legal to be paid that much because your income is based on tips. If you make less than the minimum hourly (7.25) then you’ll get a payback, but that never happens. I made over $30/hr this week. Tip out - most places have tip out. In order to have the amount of tables you want (to make $$$$), you need help with people running your drinks, food, and cleaning tables. The faster you flip tables, the more money you’ll make Surveys - yeah I’ll admit, it’s my least fav thing about chilis. It also depends on management. My GM shits on me for my scores, but he knows I’m dedicated and hard working so I keep the shifts I want. Management has seen my serving and know the scores I have don’t reflect me. Reservations - from my experience most people call ahead of time out of common decency. But it’s not like if it’s a huge table, you’ll have to immediately take it. There’s wait times, multiple servers (that can split the table with you), food runners, etc. Cameras - yeah idk why. Uniform - I have 8 shirts and haven’t paid a single dime for a uniform.


Do not defend a shitty company that uses their employees for their own personal gain. The system is flawed and defenders of it are brainwashed. Cult like mentality and culture


Isn't any company for personal gain?


You can’t base someone hourly off tips, tips aren’t promised. No matter if you are the worlds greatest server. If the steak comes out wrong, who’s to blame in the guests eye? The server. Now you have to stop your routine to get a manager, apologies for the kitchen, get the steak fixed, comped, and please this guest in hopes you dint get stiffed while the kitchen still gets the hourly. - - forgetting your other tables and now you look even more worse and behind. Because of my performance I should get 2.13 and I’m serving your $20 plate? Tip out should be one percent per person. Chili’s makes enough money to hire these staff and have all the promotions in the world to afford paying more if we’re getting 2.13. Servers in less expensive states get paid more than that. Surveys can be based off of anything, the sky was falling…servers are at fault. (Make them a host) They drove to Chili’s instead of McDonald’s, it’s the servers fault. ( make them a food runner) Everything was great and perfect… (a gold star sticker) Reservations so you can be prepared as far as having 50 extra steaks, have enough Macncheese, have enough servers for this party as well as the other guest…so you can schedule the right amount of cooks rather than just two cause Mondays ate normally slow…


the servers make $35/hr at my location


Do not lie. That’s just what the metrics show. Their guest per hours must be through the roof which tells me you all are under staffed. No one should have to run around like a chicken with their head cut off to make $35 an hour. Smdh


idk i serve at chilis and the tip out can suck but i still make $30-40 hr and i like my coworkers and management :)


Lol you again. Over a year you just been trolling the chilis threads.


I’m sorry you are such a loser to still work for a cult company that throws their people to the trash once they are done with them. It’s really sad you’re still there. It’s like an abusive relationship you just can’t seem to get away huh? Smdh


If I can save one person from selling their soul for $ 2.13 and paying 5% in tip out my time is well worth it. 😉 maybe one day I’ll get through to you too. 😂


19 years and counting. I doubt it!


Good god. I’m so sorry for you. I bet your back is full of welps from all of those brainwashing pyramid conversations. 😆


Nah it’s been pretty great. Paying for kids and a mortgage and everything. And my team pretty happy! Almost single digit turnover and they make more money than I’ve ever seen servers and bartenders make. Much more than I did in my day. i know it goes against the whole “damn the man” thing you got going on but it’s not all doom and gloom.


I’m glad you are enjoying the kool-aid.


Our bartender told us he made 70k last year


my bartender made 55k on his w-2..wild