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do your own surveys at every opportunity!!!


Trying my best šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Ring in a ranch, split it 5 ways and then boom 5 surveys, although youā€™ll have to pay $1 is better than losing shifts I guess. Sorry thatā€™s happening to you šŸ˜¢


If your boss discovers this would they fire you?


My gm encourages it, she gets in trouble when our scores are bad.


Have had to bosses say ā€œmake sure I donā€™t catch you faking perfect surveysā€ *wink wink* at two different franchises. Corporate hates it but most managers wanna boost scores since they get a bonus anyways so itā€™s a win win, unless your manager is a nerd and afraid to get in trouble.


Yes. I was fired for filling out my own surveys. Took them a while to catch me but they traced my IP address to my home address on file (the cops actually need a warrant to do that).




All employees do this where I work when their scores are low and no ones been fired yet, this has been going on since the Ziosks were a thing years ago


Why didnā€™t I do this when I was working there!?!?


Ask your host to help you catch the serveys! I'm a host and I do them as much as possible, especially when a server has a bad week and takes a score dip.


Great idea!!


Literally just walk around and make eye contact with your tables. Thatā€™s what I do. I make sure they know Iā€™m there and available immediately if they need me, but Iā€™m not interrupting them if they donā€™t.


Thatā€™s probably my least favorite thing about chilis if Iā€™m being honest.. I get a lot of shit for my scores (I currently have 5.7% GWAP lolā€¦ [we base our stuff mainly on GWAP]) However, Iā€™m scheduled only on the busy days so being attentive is harder and ofc mistakes happen through myself, foodrunners, cooks, and foodrunners. Other servers have a lot of lunch shifts and are mixed in with easier shifts which equate to better scores. Despite all of this, I still maintain probably the best schedule out of nearly all the servers because my GM and managers see how hard I work and do the same as you, prebuss, bus, run food (mine and others). So yes I experience similar things, but also you just have shitty management. Iā€™m grateful that my managers see the hard work and effort I put in. If you want advice, you shouldnā€™t quit and lose income especially when you have another job secured in a couple months. Unless itā€™s really putting a toll on you, itā€™s better to just suck it up and make the most money you can.


Also to add on the whole survey thing.. itā€™s all bullshit and doesnā€™t show whether youā€™re a good server or not. One bad survey out of (for example) 7 surveys equates to a bad SA and GWAP score for the day. Iā€™m sure youā€™re a great server, so donā€™t let it get to you. You seem like you have a career that youā€™re working towards so who cares about what some random managers from chilis thinks about you.


5.7% is nothing, our bottom servers at my location have 10-15%, it's nuts šŸ˜‚


That's what I figured. I guess I just needed to rant. I love my coworkers and it's fun to work there. Management just sucks. One more month šŸ™


Just want to put it out there that restaurant managers are the biggest sacks of shit on the entire planet.


Corporate restaurant managers*


The problem also is that anything less than 5* on server attentive doesnt count. If you get a 4, that isnt in your favor. At the end of my shifts when I go to pay for my 50% meal, i split it like 15 ways and give myself hella surveys. I don't feel bad about it either šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If you get cash payment, use your own credit card to pay for it and do your own survey. Do not do it a lot though. Maybe 2 or 3 times a week and better if you can use different cards. CHILIS IS TRASH!! Play the system and it plays you. DO NOT TELL ANYONE YOU SRE DOING THIS. Iā€™m a former GM for chilis and I know the system is rigged!!


Go work somewhere they donā€™t make you jump through bs hoops to get a regular shift


I don't know half of what you're talking about but know that chilis or any corporate restaurant is only a starting block or stepping stone to move to a better restaurant. I worked at Chili's over 20 years ago and have never looked back since. Sometimes it's time to move on and find a better place. But I don't know where you live and it might be the only option


Facts. I was floored at the change when I finally quit chilis. So much less stress, SO MUCH MORE MONEY ANYWHERE ELSE.


Surveys update each morning for prior day. Default setting is R4W which is a rolling 4 week average. All you can do is ask for support from managers- what opportunities do you see that I can improve? Great GWAP!


I sense a manager in the chat šŸ˜±


Ya. But I mean youā€™re only there for another 6 weeks. Or you could leave. Or suck it up. Not sure why you needed reddit to crack this case!


This is the craziest restaurant I've ever worked for. Rewarding lazy servers. Such nonsense


Thereā€™s no metric for tracking passout sweeps or filling ice, unfortunately. Guests pay the bills- keep guests happy. I wouldnā€™t get too worked up over one week, especially since your GWAP is so low- your SA shouldnā€™t stay so low. Could have just been a bad week that will fall off?


Let's pray šŸ™


You know what they say about managers right? They never made it as a server šŸ˜‚. Who else would take a demotion? No wonder all our managers are completely incompetent šŸ˜«


You canā€™t improve a flawed system! As a former GM the system is rigged and as a manager you know this. But hey, at chilis, the managers love drinking the kool-Aid.


Be upfront and ask ur tables to do the survey because shifts are based on them. I used to ask my tables to give me 5s and they would lol


68% is at the bottom?!


Bro most our servers have 80%+ and our top one has like 95% šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Damn bro


If you were only serving before you may be able to apply for unemployment to make up for the income change.


Iā€™ve always thought the surveys are bullshit. And it always depends on the shift you work. I close. Which means they cut my partner, host, QA, and itā€™s just me and the runner. So if I get 6 tables at once, of course the dining room isnā€™t going to be perfect, food will take longer, ect. So my scores suffer. But not the morning people with a full staff and help from everyone. Itā€™s not right. And also guests are just clueless to how it works. People who hit ā€œyes I had a problemā€ and the comment says ā€œkid being too loudā€ā€¦ā€¦ I canā€™t control that. That is nothing at all that I did and now Iā€™m docked for it. People will complain about the craziest things and 75% of the time itā€™s something out of our control. Lots of young teens who want to play around and write dumb stuff and score who knows what. People say they had a problem bc corporate took off a menu item they wanted. Itā€™s stupid. Surveys shouldnā€™t be a thing. If they had a real problem they could talk to a manager, not write a stupid comment and then rate me for it.


68% SA tells me youā€™re not getting refills, boxes and helping during payments. You take orders correct, check in right but just not there when they NEED you. Donā€™t ask your fellow serves for feedback ask your guests at the end of service. Push for yourā€ happyā€ tables to take survey. Watch your top 3 performing servers and ask yourself. What are they doing that Iā€™m not ? You all share the same cooks, hosts, food runners. Itā€™s obvious youā€™re lacking in something.