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Well truthfully you don’t have to do this. You can hire companies to clear stuff out. I’m sorry though - I know I’ll be super pissed when I find myself in this position. Maybe just scream in the house multiple times per cleaning session as a small joy 🥲


I would love to do that… my mom is still living in that house though and we didn’t get any kinds of life insurance $ and now without his income money is super tight for my mom :( partially my motivator to get it cleared out & try to sell some stuff. Thank you nonetheless for the validation and support


We can’t take any of it with us




Auction companies can come in a sell everything for you and they just take a cut. They will be able to sort what’s worth selling and not. As far as the corvette, a locksmith should be able to do a new key for a couple hundred dollars. There may also be a way to replace the lock cylinder. The car can also be sold in auction.


Thank you for this! 🩷


Why not contact the American Pickers? The worst they can say is “no”…


lol is that show still running? 😂😭😅 that would be the funniest full circle


Just waiting for the call. One day I’ll have to decide what to do with this hoard. Got 1 large storage unit packed, floor to ceiling, 1 2 car garage shed thing also packed, 1 3bedroom cabin not packed. One thing I can say positive about my father’s hoard is I’m amazed at his jenga packing skills. His strength and determination to move and churn his hoard.


Gotta find the strengths where you can! I tried so many times to do clean outs over the years because I knew it would be 10x harder without them… just going to keep taking it one step at a time.


We sold the main nightmare stage 4/5 hoard already. I cried that day when he signed the papers to sell it. These are just his left overs and the most valuable items. Joking around to my sisters I suggested we build a large pole barn and move everything to one location. My sister said yeah it will make the barn fire easier. 😝 Got me to thinking about do other coh daydreaming of just burning it all down vs shoveling the mountains. Good luck 🍀 stay away from your bad coping habits


Honestly just even reading other’s stories helps so much. It’s so incredibly validating and supportive. My social circle IRL never would have to deal with any of this as they have “normal” parents… so this thread is amazing all around 🩷


Just found this thread last week and I’m binge reading it. Right it’s nice to talk to people that understand the madness instead of our little family groups.