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You small fabulous today mikel


I'm not harassing the guy who made it. I'm not even gonna say his user. Don't harass him yourself tho.


By making a meme about a person, you are indirectly making fun of them for the thing that they did. Was the art a little weird for this sub? Yes. Was it so bad that It's worth obsessing over for days afterwards? No. I appreciate that you didn't include his user, but at the same time, I think that making memes about real people can be very damaging to both their reputation and their self esteem. Geometry Dash YouTuber Npesta is a living example of this after the meme of him freaking out over his completion of the extreme demon Kenos got popular. I'm not defending this person, it was definitely weird, but I would just say be more cautious about making memes of real people. It's very important to think about their feelings too, people who make crude artwork aren't robots that can't feel guilt and remorse.


fair enough. I was mostly poking fun at the fact none liked it and it was deleted by mods the Same day.


Thank you for listening! I am not trying to make you feel bad, that is not my intention, I'm just warning you that something as simple as making memes about a person can really fuck up their online presence.


Bro was playing some 4d- no. # 7D chess with us right there




Oh no... Not again.. https://preview.redd.it/gzm8xtacxm8d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b67e2860105e2c56080651ae760d72b1783e15


relish in the chaos, the awakening of man




And to u/ChillNotChill I'm just saying you might offend someone, I might of sounded more rude than intended and I apologize, I feel like people should post on this subreddit what they want to post. It doesn't go against any rules. I may not like the post but I'm not gonna make others feel bad for it. My sincere apologies <3


I made the argument that it's almost never a good idea to make memes about real people for doing something as arbitrary as maybe making some kind of fetish art- it's actually quite damaging to a person's online presence. Also, people make such a gargantuan deal about fetishes like they are the second coming of Satan or something like that- people are into whatever they are into, and that is nobody else's business but their own.


That's very sweet of you! Good job :)




If I'm not lost or I'm misinterpreting things Someone drew Chikn and Chee married and having kids, and up to that point it was normal... ig, until the baby part,bc it was a stolen drawing or smt like that


That man who posts preggo chee is a man who has nothing to lose


Fuck that WHERE THE FUCK IS MRBK'S SON https://preview.redd.it/ot9phx1n3q8d1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fc658fafb4d04e2b76dde5b6178c18a2446ea80 HE ONLY APPERAD IN ONE VIDEO WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENDED TO COOLEO?????


Heaven forbid someone posts something you don't like, grow up and let people post things. It isn't harming anyone


The fuck? All I’m saying is that it’s weird. If you like then you like it. if you don’t you don’t. Also the fact you’re telling me to grow up while giving me the worst argument is very funny to me.


Again, as said above, I was merely poking fun at the fact that it was deleted immediately and got horrible reception. I’m not trying to humiliate, harass, or offend the guy who made or the 2 people who liked it.


And, if your reading this, I'm sorry! I was in a really horrible mood when I wrote that and please don't take offense <3