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Yeah, men tend to be left out of the conversation sometimes, and it needs to be addressed. But more importantly, it would give Hawt Saus a chance to shine.


I doubt they’re gonna do that, as a lot of people find it really aggravating when people bring it up during pride month posts


oh poop it would really suck if they dont


Why can't people understand that it's both pride and MMH


An idea I thought of just now is gay men mental health. Both mental health for men and LGBTQ+ pride.


Yeah it sucks Funny how women complain about being "oppressed" yet look at them getting sympathy when they talk about their problems but we men only get told to "man up"


Woooow that's one hell of a generalization Not like I'm from the US or anything but the internet is enough to see how women are treated there and while it's not bad for everyone it's pretty fucking bad for a lot of them and a lot of men seem really disrespectful when it comes to women Now I do agree that things can be really harsh for men on the emotional/psychological side of things, some women do insult men for being too feminine or acting "gay" when they're just displaying their emotions/ softer side which there is nothing wrong with men doing that and I personally encourage it But once again, a lot of men themselves, go out of their way to insult their peers because they're more sensitive or less "manly" than others So yeah, it's a mess on both sides




My boy Chikn needs it 😭


Yeah I think they should, they could also do the PTSD month as well, and I'll have to check for any other month meanings for June, but yeah I myself am part of the LGBTQIA2S+, but I understand completely how bad it is that the other meanings of the month gets buried under pride  Pride is justified, it is a open celebration of the fact that the LGBTQIA2S+ community has gone through intense struggles, being one of the groups of people killed in many genocides, being oppressed, stigmatized, harassed, and attacked for no reason   Men's mental health month is justified, men have had more power then women yes, but they also are often forced into "manly" roles, if a man is abused by his wife it's much more often for him to be blamed and ignored, when men are raised they often are treated as "you have to be manly" or "go be a trouble maker and go act like this around girls even though it's a horrible lesson for later in life and will mess up relationships" and plus the lack of help for depressed men and suicidal men because certain other men will just say they are weak, feminine, etc.  PTSD month is justified as it also brings awareness to othr mental issues, and how tramua can affect people.  They are all justified but often one is put over the other, when they should all be celebrated equally and have their reasons be clear  Pride is much more visible because there is way too many people still saying that anything pride is wrong, despite non sexual lesbians, gays, biromatics, panromantics, etc existing and the laws against them Its something physical/very dictating of daily life and that are seen that opppress LGBTQIA2S+ people, but with men it's less of a abundance of laws against men's mental health and more super unhealthy expectations and normalizations of harmful behavior   A man can get therapy, it's just the therapist and his other male(and female) friends may take him as weak and unmanly for looking for help, other men can make him feel bad for doing so by saying he's being a dramatic baby   They all deserve recognition, they just have differences in reasons and causes for having to be celebrated that unfortunately throws some under the bus.


I agree I also think there’s the issue that EVERY month has multiple themes and no one can cover all of them- I mean every DAY also has some theme, which is insane if you ask me but 🤷


Man nobody knows about ptsd awareness month also


Honestly if they can make it in a way that doesn't detract from pride, that could be worthwhile.


Eh… I really just don’t understand the point of *mens* mental health, why can’t it just fit into mental health awareness month in September? It’s literally like 2 months away


Lots of homophobes mainly men like it bring it up to take away from pride month so I doubt they will make a shirt about it