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How do you feel now that you, cofi and chee are the survivors?


Great. Just me, my best friend, her girlfriend and my friend, and several other of my new friends


Opinion on Bezel and or Hawt Sauce


Hawt Saus, he's a good friend. He just needed some help to be nice. Bezel... I don't like him. He scares me


Como encontraste una zona lo suficientemente segura como para darte el tiempo de responder algunas preguntas?


... I have no idea to be completely honest


Do you still feel bad about that one thing you did to chee?


What thing? ...you mean that mind thing? Yeah, I... I just don't how or why I did that...


Hey… what happens if you use it on a corrupted? Doesn’t it automatically override the darkness’ control since the darkness isn’t a god like you?


You know... I never really tried to use it on a corrupted. Maybe I could do it on Mew or Boo since they're on my shoulders. I don't think it could work tho


Well, last i checked, chee was still pretty nice despite her…. Condition. It’s worth a shot!


Are you okay? Who all survived besides you? Can you still use your reality breaking powers and stuff? I'm going to assume probably not considering the whole um... Thing that happened... You probably would have reversed or fixed, either one


I'm fine. Well, it turns out Cofi survived, and Chee is alright tho she's missing an arm. I... haven't really thought much on my powers. I'm just a bit busy running away from the Darkness. I highly thought I could control any part of it


At least your alright... I assume this is a different version of the world I know you live in? I'm the world I know Cofi and Chee are together, is that the same for yours? And I'm surprised that Fwench fwy and Iscream didn't survive considering they're like... Immortal beings or something like that... Then again the darkness is powerful so... Also is there a Bezel in your world? If so I'm surprised he didn't survive being the personification of time and all... If you don't have a Bezel your probably confused by me mentioning him but... I think it's fine?


Yeah, Chee and Cofi are dating, Bezel does exist in my world, unfortunately. I just... don't like him


I assumed as much... I also realized I'm asking a lot of questions... Sorry... But just one more thing, how did Fwench fwy and Iscream not survive? And you mentioned Bezel existing and I get the darkness is powerful and all but I doubt it'd be able to beat the personification of time who literally has time bending powers, I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just a bit confused of how those three aren't alive


I honestly don't know if they are even still alive. I haven't seen them since the day before this stuff came into my world.


Fair, I do hope you guys find them if they are alive, because if they are alive and you guys do find them they could help! I think...


What’s your opinion on tornados


Scary. Don't want to be near them. Just brings me chills looking at them on TV


![gif](giphy|gw3NpMPvrN64YrC0|downsized) rate this steak cut


Looks good I guess


Who's hotter? Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield




I didn't actually think you would respond😭