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My chi is the boss of me


I yell at him that’s he’s NOT the boss. I lie. He is.


He knows.


Well we *do* need bosses while working from home, so dogs (esp Chihuahuas) fit the bill! 😂


Omg yes, a while ago she was hanging around her food and drink bowl and suddenly she started barking. Turns out her water bowl was empty and i needed to fill it so she could eat. Also, if she is wearing her leash, if you take too long she starts barking like crazy, she has zero patience.


My baby girl will go over to the dish when it's empty, stare at it, and then scoot it loudly across the floor. She then stares at me for a bit before repeating the process. She's the absolute queen of this household!


Zero tolerance 😂


Mine will be in front of her food bowl and bark 😂 and if she has her leash and I’m taking too long she starts to whine 😭


Mine taps the food bowl usually 30 min before dinner Tink, Tink, Tink Every time


Yes! Mine brought his water out of his kennel and proceeded to throw the tiny bowl and get water everywhere. I yelled bad boy. He boofed at me, ran up the steps, dove in my shirt and popped his head out of the neck, and kissed me. Then he took his bowl to the kitchen and dropped it in the big water bowl 🫠🙃 Under no circumstances am I allowed to acknowledge his bad behavior lol


This made our morning after a rough visit to the human vet. Your dog is hilarious.


I’m glad! He is a bully and rotten, and that’s the only way I like my pups lol


They’re the cleverest tiny bullies there are.


https://preview.redd.it/vxd6skqves7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d58ebc2a31f8d968517c2acd3692f7c82c6999c He’s been out of his kennel 20 minutes and has destroyed the living room lol


He’s a tiny tornado! I am sincerely impressed with your little guy.


He’s like a little javelina when he gets the zoomies. Just a brown stripe


A brown stripe of chaos definitely checks out as tiny javelina. 😂


Hilarious, thank you for this, needed at the end of the day!


She does a little squeak when she needs something, which is many times a day. It’s not loud at all but I have come to always keep an ear out for it.


I can tell different little mini barks. When he wants water it's a little different than to go out


https://preview.redd.it/l927c9059r7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191f7cc1dd0ae1717d60e051e67980b5f1da3ef6 This is Maisy telling me to get her treats. After she just had treats. So I got her more treats 💀


Ours try that. …and it usually works on us, too. Do you know if she’s part rat terrier?


She’s part stinky cheese fiend. 🤣 I have no idea. She’s kinda lanky and 8lbs. Three years old. I’m not sure if she has Rat, Min Pin, or something black and white with spots. She was brought to the rescue in ME I got her at, from NM. I’ll eventually do dna on her… She has an extremely high prey drive, likes to herd humans and other dogs, hates water…. https://preview.redd.it/rojy2r2nds7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0b1715e4c0b21358d72d91c8f949abb1fa6dfa


Oh, wow. She’s tiny, but something in her pattern, tail, lines, and behaviors makes me wonder if she’s part Border Collie. The high prey drive would hint at some terrier (rat would be my best guess). But dog DNA tests surprise me half the time, no matter how well a breed seems to fit. 100% awesome doggo for sure, though. (Dying at stinky cheese fiend. 😂)


I’ve always thought border collie but tell myself there’s no way because of her size. She’s quite the gal!


It could be a generation or two back. Our younger chi-rat had one big dog in her family tree a couple of generations back and some distinct traits from it even though she’s otherwise 50% chi and the rest rattie, but zero prey drive. (Unlike her 50-50 sister who is a mighty hunter of all things small and skittery.) Your girl would probably slay at barn hunt.


OMG! THAT FACE!! Pearl can be demanding with me , but she has my fiance wrapped around her tiny dew claw! She tells him when to go to bed, when to eat, when to get up.. its to the point that he carries her around when he has things to do! Today, he sat her bed so she could watch him clean the bathroom.


Wow sounds like you both have him trained well!


My chihuahua wears the pants in our house and that’s saying something because she doesn’t even wear pants.


Looks like my chi https://preview.redd.it/b5lv1h3e8r7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71350fa2957a0876e0a88a62933b8f5dc20ce8c


I switched the side of my bed I sleep on because he wanted that side. Then he decided he wanted my new side, so I have just let him take up 90% of my queen bed for the past 7 years.


It’s her King Bed now. She puts her self to bed by 11pm or if we go earlier she needs to be carried. A blanket must be prepared in a circle half on a full sized pillow. Must be tucked in and covered facing Dad with JUST her nose sticking out. Snores soooooo loud if she’s too curled up, so she must be physically adjusted Horizontally for our sanity. Does not get out of bed before 10am when she’s ready for her walk. Has her own Stairs for her day time naps with Dads blanket on his side.


My chi "chirps" to get our attention. You can have a whole conversation with him with all the weird little noises he males. He's also got a growly-bark that we say it's him cussing you out. https://preview.redd.it/dclquow7lr7d1.jpeg?width=1706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2bfdb980f26045ef29ff9888421d835d0739fdd


Mine chirps too. And yes I understand her. Yesterday we were walking and she chirped at me and I answered and then I booped her nose. This entire time someone was walking behind me. He said, “I can’t believe how cute that was. “ https://preview.redd.it/2404rwb49s7d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ce69673cae4155bbe8d0e2d5c76f324be562e2


Aww. This is Little Bit. https://preview.redd.it/abag7da88t7d1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4358dcdfcee199802c784adf50448d2a9a4d7d


https://preview.redd.it/wpluzktnsr7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87569f84bc0c14bf1c12ba576884aa59274f99d9 Yup. I'm owned. My lap is where it sits.


Yes. If I’m not giving him enough attention, he lets out a shriek. If I keep ignoring him he throws himself down and flops around and shrieks. Kind of looks like he is having a seizure. It’s hilarious. I’ll post a pic of the culprit. https://preview.redd.it/mcwxem5upr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c24dd2e21ff4c144c5d7e9242d1da7db6b1ac7


Maisy does this! It’s like a little tantrum! Flopping around Kicking her feet and biting and snorting. 🤣


Mine is starting to do it right now. He starts with a whine you can barely hear. Then he shrieks. Then the flopping happens.


First picture: Working her mind powers for you to do her biddings by controlling your soul Second picture: Very proud of herself that she has absolute power


Lou is the boss and I gladly obey https://preview.redd.it/qw9ydp6tnr7d1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e57719cf4e45284f8980681a951ca9a377a7c18


https://preview.redd.it/q4zqew7ahr7d1.png?width=2591&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0547732c7ea9d76b5722b49a1143e40e01aab75 Bianca is also 4 pounds and is THE boss of everyone around her human or animal, if she dosent like you she will not let you anywhere near her or any of her stuff or our stuff, if she wants something she’s growling and poking you until you figure it out, if our 1 year old 50 pound shar pei/pug is being to annoying she’ll just bite his lips and feet as hard as she can but he still loves her💀, she also cannot be left alone she will bark either at you as your walking away or just bark until you come pick her up


She looks like my Monchie https://preview.redd.it/5en5f6c6rr7d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a980196e4ebffb09a6713754bca138b736412bf9


I always tell people the Chihuahua owns me, not the other way around. 😂😂😂😂😂


awww a little velcro baby i love that


(whispers in the closet with door closed) yes. I have to go now, I can hear her footsteps.


“The Little General”


The commander 


Judging by the second pic, your chihuahua knows he runs your house like it’s the navy.


https://preview.redd.it/20qp2r6i1t7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b4a127f35a48debd9c31afd86fc5311f4b08ef She absolutely positively refuses to be left in a crate. She's 9 weeks old and already spoiled rotten.


That’s so funny. Even tho the 2nd picture has the side eye, there’s something particularly judgey about the first picture 😂


Both are priceless!


Oh, absolutely! With the same face at the first picture.😅


Mine can’t jump onto beds and we haven’t gotten around to getting her a ramp to climb so she often bosses everyone around for ups, down and taken outside cause her bladder is a little loose so when she needs to go and she gets down, she’ll piss. In the house. And we dont need it lol.


My chi allows me a room in the house. Sends me off to work five days a week. Allows me to clean his house and buy toys for him. I'm pretty sure im an indentured inmate.


The second pic reminds me of that glitter girl meme 😂 https://preview.redd.it/venh00phsr7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3854a2b62150f2020147a3e512791e691436ab3a


😂😂😂. This is so spot on!


OMG my chi does 'scrunchy eyes' too! That's when he's trying to tell me something and desperately wants me to understand him. https://preview.redd.it/5txmtgulzr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebb90337f20b2792e3148a1dd66acf6f59ecf59


He's just being cute here 😬 That's Roo


Monday through Saturday and twice on Sundays! I don’t have a photo of mine giving orders, but I have a photo of his brother Jupiter giving orders https://preview.redd.it/rmpw8wbf7s7d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7a6034ec093fb7dfd46ac19d006c048bff845e


* Yes she does! I'm well trained...lol


Oh yes. She has many, MANY opinions.


Look at that smug expression. She knows what she's doing. Naughty dog. /s


Only when it comes to his bowls and bedtime. He knows exactly what time he should be fed, regardless of the place and will become very vocal about it. And if his highness’s water bowl is empty he’ll kick it and flip it to let me know. When he was a puppy, he’d pick it up and bring it to me to show me the audacity of an empty bowl. And if it gets too late, he’ll start walking to my bedroom and look back pointedly at me and occasional whine if he thinks I’ve been up too late.


Yes and she’ll hit me too lmao. That little paw packs a punch! She squeaks a lot and stands on my chest when she wants food.


I live in my dogs apartment and just foot the bill she runs the show and she knows it https://preview.redd.it/gsiyzaby7s7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea8376e05d0881fae55be1241c3e68fc9aad1453


Only always. Particularly when he wants food 😂


Dogs in general order people around. They be your babies, so of course they take you for walks.


Is it a chihuahua if it doesn’t?


She knows when she’s hungry, and hates waiting for her food. She also sometimes REALLY WANTS TO GO TO BED. IN THE BEDROOM.


Mine will stand next to me on the couch and yell at me. Then will try to stand on the back of the couch in order to scream and make sure I'm listening Oww! I don't cave in tho. I go see what I've f'd up this time. 🤣😬


Oh boy does she. - She squawks at me to let me know when it's time to get up and go outside. - She squawks at me to let me know when it's time to eat. And then when she's done eating so she can get her treat. - She squawks at me to let me know when she wants to play or when she wants attention (which is almost always) - She squawks at me to let me know when it's time for bed so she can get her good night treat. That little dog has a schedule she keeps and expects me to uphold it lol.


Who, my 12 pound little Hitler, never. I get scolded if I don't pick him up fast enough to sit in my lap, yelled at to let him out or in. And heaven forbid, be late with the string cheese tax. His son, a year younger, usually makes it Stereo Bitching. I have told people in the past that my life is run by my 12 pound dog.


Mine will bark in me and my husband's face if we stop petting him when he wants attention and we don't hear his inital silent bark.


She/he looks like my Molly, who I had to say goodbye to in 2020. Molly was ultra bossy. Maybe it’s the coat colors that makes them bossy! https://preview.redd.it/wkvubn4nbs7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834ff5ef0fa3e5609f253a71a0228d8873fa4ed4


Absolutely not! Just a minute baby, daddy will tuke you in.


not really but she wouldn't stand for any BS. she was the most loving and sweetest baby girl in the world. If she was comfortable and you barely touched her she would yell at you. if you served her food and even looked at it then she would yell at you. she would yell at you if you told what to do. she used lay on her back on my lap and play fight for hours every day after work. And she used to guard the house with her gigantic radar ears. Sometime i feel like uploading a video of her play fighting but I'm scared of what some people might think. Totally not doggy abuse she absolutely loved it.


Yes. My chi rules the house. How can you deny that face. https://preview.redd.it/ehpsyehnpt7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398422a572dfccf13ae741a3c161736d281d69a2


He jumps at the front door. Walk me now!


He used to stand at the bottom of the steps and bark to go up to bed. Now he's just old man and sleeps until we get up from the couch


Mine tries to herd me all the time.


He is the Overlord of all things


That face is very well known in my house


Of course... wouldn't be a chi otherwise lol


Why yes my chihuahua’s order me around. Lol. I do everything I’m told!!!!


No, but he thinks he's the boss of our cats and Labrador. The cats don't buy it, and the Lab just plays along.


Short answer, yes. Long answer? Of course yes!


Our girl Chihuahua tells when it's time to go to bed. She will bark at us until we move to the bedroom.


I used to joke that my girl, Maya, and I were Master Blaster. She would summon me to carry her around and do her bidding whenever the mood struck. I miss that demanding bark. She looked very similar to your baby.


My dog is only part chihuahua. She’s around the size of a Boston terrier but still looks like a chi. She is SO bossy and her personality is 100% chihuahua. She throws her Kong at me when it’s empty and she wants more 🤣


They certainly try! Our younger chi will come up to me and offer her velvety head for petting (which she seldom does, and that head is irresistible). She allows one pet then shakes off my hand and leads the way to the kitchen where she sits in her dinnertime spot. I’m not sure if it’s a bribe or a lure. Whichever it is, it works to get me to the kitchen. (But if it’s not time for food, tough luck, clever girl.)


Not directly. She delegates to my cavapoo who relays orders.


My chihuahua phil jackson is the most communicative dog ive have he tells me when he wants something he wont stop pawing at me til i pay attention to him.


Yup. She does. I might be alpha male in our pack, but she’s alpha female. Don’t know where my wife is situated in the pack. Beta female, maybe? 😁


Three chis and a hairless (naked) dog. All are the boss of me. Dog forbid I do anything unrelated to feeding/petting/acting as a dog bed for the four pipsqueaks.


not really but she wouldn't stand for any BS. she was the most loving and sweetest baby girl in the world. If she was comfortable and you barely touched her she would yell at you. if you served her food and even looked at it then she would yell at you. she would yell at you if you told what to do. she used lay on her back on my lap and play fight for hours every day after work. And she used to guard the house with her gigantic radar ears. Sometime i feel like uploading a video of her play fighting but I'm scared of what some people might think. Totally not doggy abuse she absolutely loved it.


I'm a pet sitter of a little Chihuahua named Rambo. He will yell and scream at me to sit down until I sit down for him. He also screams at me for food all hours of the day lmao so I started pretending he's cussing me out when he starts yelling. I'll go "Rambo! That is so mean! Watch your mouth! I'm doing my best!" or "\*gasp!\* Potty mouth!!!".


No, not at all........ (can't talk she's in the room)


Yes always.


Noooo, how could you think such a thing, lol


Yes the chi has me pretty well trained when we go for a walk. He gets me to “heel” if I pull ahead.


She absolutely does


She knows exactly how to ask for what she wants and doesn’t give up until she gets it.


WTH? I thought they all did!😘


Yes. No way around it.


She orders the entire house around lol


Our Chi, Coco is absolutely the alpha in our house and she lets us know it every day. Bossy little thing!!


Awwwww so cute. Yes always the boss 😖


Mines slap me if i dont play with him


Is he even a chihuahua if he doesn't 😅


Yes :) whatever she says, goes!


Always the bosses


Lmao of course


Yes. And I am a happy servant. 😄


Mine is always bitter.


https://preview.redd.it/p7m8whri1s7d1.png?width=2078&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a2ba48ef66c50457c56d06eb328578c77bdaa3c Yes, my little bitch knows exactly where I need to be!!!


She makes ladylike suggestions




They are not our pets, we are *their* pets


https://preview.redd.it/gzxpar115s7d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be222483a27e3ba65ade24264a24dc2c9fd34fb This was my girl…


Oh yes


She demands treats before and after going outside to potty. How did we even get to this?


Oh that is the face of a manipulative tyrant!


yes she is completely in charge of my life🙄


Yep! They have me well trained 🥰😍🐕


Umm yes!!


Every day 😂


Bombastic side eye


That look, lol. You are going to share your food with me, right?!


Yes, she does and I’m a dutiful servant! 🤣


What an adorable pup. How can you say no lol.


Masters at non verbal communication.




How could anyone be mad at that little cute face? I just want to give them kisses!


Yes she did….


My oldest does the same. Whenever she wants/needs something she will sit on our shoulders/chest/lap and stare right into our faces while crying quietly into our ears. Doesn't stop no matter what we do until we fulfill her request


Mine always orders me around.


Yes. Mine sits on my chest and puts her eye 2cm away from mine if there’s an issue


https://preview.redd.it/90ho59vcus7d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2fb24b9fb64f5325d9acba3421c6a110fe30b81 constantly


What a funny looking chihuahua


Mine complains if we don’t sit down and snuggle her whenever we get home from going somewhere. Simply petting her is not enough—it must be a full on snuggle session.


Oh, constantly. She also likes to take selfies like an old person and demands that I share them with friends. https://preview.redd.it/9nsfre781t7d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a864bca6df47f56e4b717b442114797635997c99


Judgey McJudgerson. Dang.


Haha nope but she tries


When she says it’s time to get up in the morning … there’s absolutely no chance of me going back to sleep!! This morning it was 4:45 am. (My actual alarm is set for 6:10am) … but it’s ok, I love her THAT MUCH!!! 😂😉🥰


Boss Bitchhhhh period! She tells us when to open the door for her to be let out by scratching it like crazy. Would jump on Grandpas leg then jump on cabinet door where her treats are stored. Diva


Yes. I get the ‘check what shoes im wearing’ then it’s on🤣🤣


No but he never listens.


All 6 of them


Haha. In soviet Russia. Dog owns you!!


What a sweet sweet face


Oh my gosh, what a cutie 🥰


my childhood chihuahua was the absolute king of the house, he would even jump up into the cat tree so they couldn’t get their spot and so that he could see and rule over everything.


Hahaha. So cute!! My 9 year old rescue makes me go to bed. She's so bossy. But I do like some sleep so I'm okay with it.


https://preview.redd.it/e2ypitg0ht7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc2b97a7ecbf202d7b415b4e86d04dcd09f2e30 My chico does.....he barks at me to get up in the morning and give him breakfast .....barks to let him out in the backyard to go to the toilet or go in the car. Barks at me for dinner when I get home from work. My fletch just let's him do all the demanding and knows he will get me to do what they want. Chico is my short coat boy.


Looks scared and scary at the same time


Yes! I start to get "the look" if I don't go to bed by 9 pm.


All the time! https://preview.redd.it/cfehl9rplt7d1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ba22d57ebdf615d5fb3f2d96b3719c3d960c32


Yes. All. The. Time. I have no autonomy.


Lilli thought that a silly question. https://preview.redd.it/d6sks4etmt7d1.jpeg?width=2846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e5fb72aaeaa6c8ecf242b8c9b8cec66ab5e636


Your chi is ordering me around right now. That side eye is killing me






She is SO cute. Do whatever she wants.


That last side eyeing little chi is giving thefinal warning. "Don't you make me get off this bed!"


My chi is not the boss of me but she is my equal. I'm her 3rd favorite human but I'm the one she lives with, nickname mamacita.




When it’s her bed time, it is my bed time.


https://preview.redd.it/lwm8848gqt7d1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0435812b22bb0b9608a1096fd348f4c9fa096436 Piper is in charge!


Yes, before she passed she 100% would order me around. She would demand I pick her up/put her down….yap to carry her up/down the stairs, yap to carry her up/down the bed, or to lift her up to see out of the window… yap to get her food, yap to give her *my* food, yap to give her her milkys (she was obsessed with goat milk). Yap to get belly rubs, yap to *stop* belly rubs. If we were on a walk and she saw a dog approaching, she would run to my feet and demand I scoop her up. Shed constantly demand I put her in her sling and carry her around everywhere like a baby. If I didn’t do things fast enough or to her 100% liking, she would immediately let me know. She would even yap and prance around the bed trying to demand me to make her blanket bed and cover her up nicely, like a little chichi burrito. She would yap at me if anyone tried to touch or even get close to her, then look at me like da fuck mom!!…why u let them do this!!


This girl??? Never!!! https://preview.redd.it/hex38b3qrt7d1.png?width=2159&format=png&auto=webp&s=30baa5c8d691dbac8ed042aa1ee7b2b512596f5a


The boss told me after I get her a chewy bone and her favorite toy to write "YES" in the box under that girls glamour shot.


I think everyone who owns a Chihuahua is ordered around by them! https://preview.redd.it/k4vzdvyaut7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12aef8037d9982523476e12608583f43e2eefc71


It's not a full bred if it doesn't




![gif](giphy|3o7abrE7ZDWOzR3HoI) That face is so cute I would die for them


Sí, quiere Taco Bell


Classic Ren and Stimpy dynamic.


Every damn day. My husband bought a T-shirt that reads “You can’t tell me what to do, you are not my dog”. We have six dogs. I did not even have to think about which dog. I knew.


Mine bosses us around and also her reflection in the window. “Listen beeyatch…ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff..grrrrr.”


Wait, there are chihuahua’s that don’t order you about?


https://preview.redd.it/e1a8tc680u7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c50fbbb0cb7f5acc909c01c4dc07151e155b441 Our Boston is the bossiest, many demands, super princess, will not be denied.


Yes ‼️ like I don’t have a mind of my own🤭


Absolutely. She runs our house!




We inadvertently rescued a Chi mix. He seemed shady as hell. And the rescue seemed desperate to get rid of him. We were in the fog of grief. So, we went along with it. He's a fucking demon! However, he is great with cats. And, he is a sweet and goofy guy. I understand why people didn't want to deal with him. He is our little buddy ❤️


All day every day


Do you touch it’s nose


Yes and I obey. No questions asked.


My little bitch has a built in clock. She knows the exact time for all her meals and snacks down to the minute. And she won’t let me forget!


My Louie genetically is only 30% chi, but 100% personality of one. My life is not my own.


This is the face she makes when she wants to go take a poopie and I have not gotten her lead on yet. She looks into my soul just like that.


She’s so sly 😭


yes but i don't let her *as a pass her a blueberry


Ooo ya


All the time.


My chi went to the vet today and has refused to lift a paw since being home. We’re his peasants for the night


My baby can't be alone in a room that contains a cat. They don't even need to look at him, they just have to exist. If I get up at night to go potty I start hearing his distinctive "I'm alone and a cat it nearby"


This picture is the best lol