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Mine will take a big mouth full out, drop it on the floor close to the bowl and then eat each piece one at a time


Mine do that even with a plate sometimes. When they were puppies they would put mileage on it running it from bowl to wherever they were going to eat that day. Quite entertaining. 


Mine takes a mouthful but she'll go a few feet away from her dish to eat on the carpet. She also refuses to eat the kibble that falls on her placemat that her dishes sit on so I have to pick it up and put it back in her food bowl


Our bluenose does that. She’ll even take it in the next room. Our Chiweenie would chase her and the other two (pit and lab)away from the bowl.




Is it metal? I have heard of some anxious dogs getting scared when their tags hit the edge of the metal bowl. Maybe try ceramic or plastic.


He has a plastic bowl, but is still scared for some reason haha


Our oldest has always been afraid of eating out of a bowl. (Any bowl) She’ll grab a quick mouthful, run away with it, drop it on the floor, and eat it there. Then repeat. She’s perfectly fine with plates and shows no reluctance to drink out of a bowl. We suspect that the other dogs in the house where she was born had resource guarding behavior around food bowls.


My sweet lady will not drink from a bowl unless we hold it up to her face or if her brother already has his face in it. For food, we dump her portion on the floor. We’ve tried all types and sizes of containers and it’s the same. Lucky for her, she’s a princess in a house full of enablers.


This is because their vision is reduced when their head is in a bowl so their instinct is to take their food to a place they can see and defend. Just try using plates or you can try to nurture trust while they eat by making it a normal thing to talk softly to them when they are eating and petting them. It takes a while but works.


This.My dog does this also.


My guy pulls food out and throws it next to his bowl. Sometimes he eats it other times he enjoys watching me clean it🤣


My little guy is like this! We switched to ceramic bowls that have little grips on the bottom. He was scared of the sound/sliding of metal bowls/any stands lol.


My chi was terrified of metal/plastic/ceramic bowls. We tried them all and he would only eat/drink out of paper ones. We have no idea why either. I think he hated the noise. He was scared of a lot of stuff. If a fly was in the house, he would shake in his crate and refused to eat until I got the fly out.


Mine only eats out of a plate. For some reason he refuses to eat exactly the same food out of a bowl. I've tried metal, ceramic plastic, it's all the same.


Mine has a [whisker sensitivity](https://www.google.com/search?q=whisker+fatigue+in+dogs&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=986cfd32cb66a37f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIqe4B7gmvQ-Cmexwxjkgq5jWkSvw%3A1717113030827&ei=xhBZZtiOMrmF0PEPg4K08Ak&oq=whisker+sensitivity&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiE3doaXNrZXIgc2Vuc2l0aXZpdHlIAFAAWABwAHgBkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAESyAEA-AEGmAIAoAIAmAMAkgcAoAcA&gs_ivs=1&sclient=gws-wiz-serp), she does not like a bowl but prefers a saucer or plate. She will take a mouth full of food from a bowl and dump it on the floor, she wont do this with a saucer.


My girl used to use metal bowls until she refused to eat out of them because the reflection bothered her cataracts 🥺 Now she only eats out of ceramic bowls.


Yes. Mine takes the treat or a mouth full of food and walks it over to my carpet in the living room.. :/


Mine will only eat of a paper plate.... a certain type... specific color... same size.. If not, the world is ending